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no bitching about pairings or character
no art that looks western cartoon style
bara and feminine are OK
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great pics i haven't seen before, thanks for the share anon
Picsrel makes me think there was a fan VN
Wasn’t there? I remember reading one years ago.
It’s called Captive Prince
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good thread
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this is how he dies
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L definitely had sex with Watari
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old man on twink is goated
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With L topping, of course.
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"... Okay, was anybody going to tell me that the death note yaoi thread was up for almost a month or was I supposed to find out myself?"
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that artist draws light nicely
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yeah, it fucking sucks that the artist deleted their twitter acc
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fr bro, L got some good jumping on those old bones
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reading this series as a young teen was the reason I developed a noncon fetish
I hate this phenomena where every female artist eventually has a crisis and nukes their entire art history to rebrand to SFW or a new series or whatever. Lost so much yaoi from pixiv and tumblr because of it and now if you don't have 500gbs of art saved you have to expect to lose a ton of shit.
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>nukes their entire art history to rebrand to SFW
yeah it sucks that you no longer can be unashamedly horny on main and maintain sfw acc because some puritical fucks can try to fucking clock you because of their problem with porn
>or a new series
this is a thing? I always thought that you just start with side acc and the problem is solved lol
>Lost so much yaoi from pixiv and tumblr because of it
I understand tumblr because of the 2018 purge but I cannot wrap my head around why superb japanese artist delete their work from pixiv since it's more chill there
based indeed
also love this artist recent lawlight's artwork
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fucking whore wished to be taken out this easy
I want to do bad things to him.
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>Tfw no L to cockwarm you for hours everyday
the pain is real
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raep L
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the fact that there's close to none of content with L giving a footjob it's sickening
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raep Light
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pleasantly shocked that there’s still so much porn of this old show
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Same, Lawliet is so fucking sexy.
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>no Matsuda
May I get some sauce pls? Saucenao and partners came blank.
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dunno if teaming him with Light is to your liking, anon
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Any Mello stuff that is recent?
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can offer my kidney for some Near/Light stuff
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AFILADOVNO's lawlight art is fucking superb
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diabolicdominik on twitter

can i get sauce pls?
Thank ye. And I believe the pic you asked for has Misa cropped out on the other side, it was in one of the rule34 sites.
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forever mad that L and Light didn't hatefuck on those stairs
Same, Anon.
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This is all I got
I entered this thread expecting the same old crappy art with shit anatomy from 15 years ago and ended up wanting to fuck L in the ass
Wow nice
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>and ended up wanting to fuck L in the ass
Same, anon
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man, uke!L just hits fucking different
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this should be the first image but fucked up the order
I just want to fuck L's ass once I need to get it out of my system.
been looking for this artist, does anyone know/remember their name?
also, does anyone have the art of Matsuda tied to a urinal?
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the need to give this anorexic twink something delectable to slurp down is fucking strong anons
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pretty hot
best one
Where are you guys even finding new art for this ancient-ass manga
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dusting off this thread :3
Do you guys have any more of Near or Mello?
No Mikami x Light?
Too niche
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nsfw mikalight is hard to find, but I'll post what I have
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I'm not a footfag, but i like this
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keep lying to yourself, anon
this is how the bathtime went when they were chained together :3
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man, I'll never get tired of noncon content with them. with all that unresolved tension Ohba really should let them fuck
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I fantasise a lot about being in this position with guys I like. It seems so sexy but I don't see a lot of pics of it. If I could pick I'd rather have L on the seat (don't suppose anyone has this?) but it's hot as fuck either way. Thanks Anon.
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Yo man what are you doing pulling up here without sauce
Many thanks Anon! Going to have to take a good look around in there if the ones you posted are anything to go by.
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Where can I find erotic fanfics that aren’t shit?
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Sadly yes, MikaLight art is hard to come by. There was once a oneshot doujin with a Japanese title in it (never translated it into English) that I found linked on Tumblr years ago which was hot af. Think it was Light coming home one night and he gets pulled down into bed by Mikami, they make out, strip down and then Mikami fingers Light before fucking him. Probably gone now…


Archive of Our Own (AO3) has a lot of good ones. Some on FanFiction.Net (FF.Net) as well but good ones are harder to find there than on AO3. That’s pretty much it as far as I know.
Please does anyone have the rest of their Ryuk/Light? They've been locked since December and changed their name twice. I just wanna see the forced kiss one more time
I want him to keep that straight blank ass face no matter what you do to him.
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I'm offended that this ancient image hasn't been posted yet
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*pspspspspsps* (trying to attract some 腐-anons into this dying thread]

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