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/y/ - Yaoi

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What five animals are these from left to right?
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Cody is cute
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You can still fuck twinks though.
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god i wishbthat was me
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Dirty Deeds Edition
Previous: >>2886421

Something something add Pizano#6160 for access to the Discord (They probably won't let you in)
185 replies and 156 images omitted. Click here to view.

As a goth male myself, I need to find me a goth alt-twink to annihilate.

I mostly have femboys, but I'll take anything for more goth boys and men
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hey emo boy hey hey hey emo boy
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old one: >>3036521
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wouldn't Logan's foreskin regrow?
looks pulled down not mutilated
Source on this?
Love me some pixelated cock

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/fujo/ - A general Boys Love thread #146

Valentine lovers edition

>Previous thread

>Who are we
/fujo/ is a general for fujoshis to talk about their ships, share fanart, and also discuss original BL

>Sites recommended by fujoshi

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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here~ the file was too big for 4chan.
Also have some daftpunk shipping
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Haven't been here for ages, is this the replacement for the old discussion threads? What's happened in the last year or so? Anyone else hype for the anime of Hiromasa Okujima's vampire manga?
Warhammer 40k. I have so many and they are all terrible people and also obscure.
Never mind, found the current one. Hope you all get your home on /trash/ back, sucks to hear about the spammer. Glad you've found a home here in the mean time. Peace

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Delinquents and genies fighting and fucking, Bucchigiri?!
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what are fetishes that you like that you only like in illustrations? for me it’s chastity
also, discuss fetishes
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>mashle porn
>rape enjoyer
based post
Probably glory hole, hot in art but irl...
IMAGINE all the stds
spanking, definitely

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Are webms allowed or is it just images?
can someone help me with the names/platform these creators post to? I love this stuff
usually Rule 34 is your place to go, like trist_ava
Fugtrup too

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Post healthy bara not full of fat blobs. Hairy men are allowed.
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ITT: Niggers with shit taste
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Go to /b/ if you want to be a racist little spergette.
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Anything is cool, western/eastern & bara/femboy idc post what you got :)
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When you realize that it'll just be denizens of california it's not the yaoi haven you thought it would be
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are you taking comms...
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Men with dirty cock
No tr@pshit or bishitnen allow
No fxking hairless women porn

Brothers to thread are
Bara >>3042861
Uncut >>3044502
Hairy Holes >>3047516
Masculine Fart >>3031548
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Where's the dick cheese you useless dumb bitch? Fuck off.
please make the world a better place and kill yourself
i can't tell if you're trying to roleplay or what
what's the purpose of bumping the thread if you actually hate it
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Sandalfag edition
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does whoever drew this do mxf hentai usually? all the fetishes and facial expressions look so out of place for yaoi
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guys with piercings, particularly around the dick or nipples
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just found that in my old folders, as i recall the artist made some really good homoerotic boyos with piercings
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aonowaisyatsu on twitter, the good stuff seems to be buried pretty deep back in time though
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