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/y/ - Yaoi

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Why doesn't this thread already exist?

20 replies and 15 images omitted. Click here to view.
just realized i saved the small versions of these, so not gonna post any more
just reverse image search if you want the rest
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Last one hit bump limit
Prev >>3008047
207 replies and 152 images omitted. Click here to view.
How do you even notice these things? I just jerk off.
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>>3034023 without the pixels enjoy.
i like cocks
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How long you can clap the angel devil from csm.

In chapter 50, it cost's Aki 2-month's of his life span by touching angel devil's hand for a brief moment.

Let's assume that Aki only touches his hand for 3 second's, 3 second's of contacts cost 2 month's of the lifespans, so it will cost around a year of your total life spans just to be in psyhical contact with angel for 18 second's.

Average male life spans is around 72.75 worldwide, minus your current age.(average age of an anime fan is around 18-25 ) , which means you have around 47.75-54.75 year's of lifespan's to spare,

47.75*18 second's = 859.5 second's
859.5/60 = 14.325 minute's
54.75*18 second's = 985.5 second's
985.5/60 = 16.425 minutes

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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This artwork is crappy.
This artwork is cute.
More Yoshida please.
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Let's have a thread about the fine art of bondage and ropes
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Thanks for keeping the thread alive
I remember there was one with Aizawa raping Bakugo and Deku, I forget the artist's name. Anyone have it?
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giant man
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Post and discuss
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resin poured into a mold
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I need it.
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>anon doesn't have a shelf of proudly displayed sex figures above his doorless cabinet full of dildos
gamer shelf
Are furries even allowed in this thread?

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Anime-styled catboy yaoi thread

>All bodytypes (bear, twink, etc) are welcome

>NO heavily-stylized (WoW, pixar, chibis, etc), or comic/cartoony/western art
>NO proportionally oversized cocks, no adult baby or watersports, no smell or filth fetishes, no beastiality or vore
>NO AI art

>All global rules and board rules still apply, however; please don't argue or announce reports. Silently report, hide, and ignore any rulebreaking, trolling, or derailing.
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Yaoi of unmutilated, in tact, uncircumcised anime boy dicks

• Eastern artstyles ONLY - no cartoons, comics, or western slop.
• No Al-generated art
• No dirtiness/filth/musk
• No gapes or prolapses
• No impossible proportions (e.g. dick as big as an arm, synthol muscles, cowmoobs etc)
• No race-related fetishes
• No flame-wars or derailment
| Report any of the above spam |
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Anime jerma hits different

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Original series and thousand-year blood war.

>Rules, shamelessly stolen from other generals:
- No ugly cartoonshit western deviantart-esque art, good quality western art is fine
- No hyper, fart fetish, watersports, or musk
- AI is welcome, but don't spam a bunch at once
- No arguing or derailing for any reason, all pairings are welcome, all male characters are welcome incl. rule 63, small tops are welcome

Bonus points for Renji, Byakuya, Ulquiorra, and Kenpachi posts

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AI-generated shit sucks

Togainu no Chi, Lamento: ~Beyond the Void~, Sweet Pool, Dramatical Murder, and Slow Damage boys

No obnoxious slapfights over bara/trap/twink/whatever, all yaoi is welcome except shota.

Prev: >>3026779
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Hot AF

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Greetings from /cm/

What’s up here?
patrick fillton spam

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post those codes
first up 408114
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freaky ass ghost
2beeh its a shame the creator is a shotacon because the Bruce they drew was fucking hot

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