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Parental Incest

Continuing from >>3003538
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Why is incest so disgusting in practice but so hot in theory? Post more old grizzled dads.
Because the rules/norms of sexual fantasy and the rules/norms of sexual reality are two completely different things
A lot of things are hot in fantasy but disgusting in real life desu
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Would prefer Jecht bottoming instead but whatever
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This is a long shot, but it's driving me crazy that I can't find it. I remember a story posted somewhere, AO3, HF, or Literotica. The story was about a dad and his son. The part of the story that stuck out to me was the mention of that the MC, who was the son, remembered subconscious memories of when he used to shower with his dad as a little kid, and how big his dick was. It was only a small part of the story, but it stuck with me, and now I can't find the story again.
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