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File: 73473750_p0.jpg (873 KB, 1090x883)
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Anime-styled catboy yaoi thread

>All bodytypes (bear, twink, etc) are welcome

>NO heavily-stylized (WoW, pixar, chibis, etc), or comic/cartoony/western art
>NO proportionally oversized cocks, no adult baby or watersports, no smell or filth fetishes, no beastiality or vore
>NO AI art

>All global rules and board rules still apply, however; please don't argue or announce reports. Silently report, hide, and ignore any rulebreaking, trolling, or derailing.
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cat boys cat boys
whatchu gonna do
whatchu gonna do
when they cum for u
do they purr when they cum
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Good thread
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File: Chifuyu @okitune2730.jpg (1.17 MB, 1170x1302)
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File: Scaramouche @chobonu.jpg (147 KB, 1259x2048)
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