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Parental Incest

Continuing from >>3003538
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Why is incest so disgusting in practice but so hot in theory? Post more old grizzled dads.
Because the rules/norms of sexual fantasy and the rules/norms of sexual reality are two completely different things
A lot of things are hot in fantasy but disgusting in real life desu
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Would prefer Jecht bottoming instead but whatever
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This is a long shot, but it's driving me crazy that I can't find it. I remember a story posted somewhere, AO3, HF, or Literotica. The story was about a dad and his son. The part of the story that stuck out to me was the mention of that the MC, who was the son, remembered subconscious memories of when he used to shower with his dad as a little kid, and how big his dick was. It was only a small part of the story, but it stuck with me, and now I can't find the story again.
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lot of coal in this thread desu
post some gems then baka anon
only because you came in burning it
shart yourself
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Because in real life your parents and siblings are morons and assholes and also barely holding their lives together and certainly dont have time for an in-house affair. In theory it's hot because freedom and convenience.
Lol. Anything that voice actor says is pure gold.
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He... had his son when he was 11???
Bitches be crazy predators and shotas be sex monsters.
niiice :)
Dierdre is a crazy forest witch of course he did
bumping in hopes that someone finds that story, sounds incredibly hot
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idk how that’s hot, im literally in that position and it feels uncomfortable at best
I wonder if my dad knew I was gay by how I stared at his dick. Dads can be creepy and do things that may be hot in theory but suck in practice
it would only ever be hot as a fantasy like an ao3 story, irl is terrible
really sorry you're going through that, hope you get out of it
Hot, tell us more.
Zamn....so hot. This made me remember when my mom went on a trip to China and I was alone with my dad for 2 weeks. Dad and me took a bath together. I saw his flaccid cock for the first time I think. I peed in a bath too
How old were you
5 or 6
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Can we have more pics of father and son being fucked side by side?
father's day bump
God I wish I was fucked by Minato
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Does anyone have art of Sasuke and his dad?
Good evening, I am looking for a story that I saw years ago on a site which unfortunately no longer exists, I no longer have the name of the story but I know that the artist is Cry Angel Shinaboo. The story itself is that of a Native American father who initiates his son into a coming-of-age ritual (there is a wooden dildo at the beginning then just sex between father and son) at the end , the boy is covered in sperm and his father allows him to return to play with the other children. (P.S: This was tagged at the time as Tarzan but there is no connection between the Disney character and the story itself)
Thank in advance.
I looked far and wide and the only things I can find from that artist are disney related shota and beast porn, you might want to try asking /r/.
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I suddenly remembered a Death Note pic of the detective dad looking at Light's bookshelf and finding dad/son incest and sexy cop uniform doujins and getting flustered, and in the next panel Light asks him if he's alright and wants a massage.

Does anyone have any Light/his dad doujins recommendations are appreciated. Especially bottom dad.
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Not enough of these GOATs.
I want Gohan to blast out Goku's rectal walls and cum in him super Saiyan while he bleeds out from the massive gigacock ripping up his tender insides. Yum.
Okay, Bejita, but Goku prefers Gohan.
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hot sho
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What characters are these? I wanna say some kind of arcade game.
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Not enough incest yaoi with the son as the top..
Why does spy look like medic
It's a little too far. Could someone please report for shota?
I'm not logged in and these report captchas are ridiculous. I literally tried for 34minutes and there's no audio option.
>namefag tranny asking others to report
kindly stick a chainsaw up your vag tourist
How the fuck do these actual NPCs get filtered by captchas?? Niggers?
who the fuck knows, i wish they'd die and stop flooding from reddit or twitter
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This thread needs more Boruto!!
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wow this couldn't be any more jpg fried
iphone posting faggot
In your trans holes
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