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what are fetishes that you like that you only like in illustrations? for me it’s chastity
also, discuss fetishes
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>what are fetishes that you like that you only like in illustrations?
Cum eating.
i like vore
The snuff kind?
>want to eat cum
>no longer want to eat cum
worst fetish
Cutting/guro. Hot on pics but irl it’s disgusting.
no the soft size difference kind
Recently I began to love the taste. Different guys taste different tho maybe it's just him.
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In case you missed it, there's already a chastity thread, anon.
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disgusting irl
Now that I think about it, most of my kinks are things I wouldn’t try in real life. Rape, pain, gangbang, size difference, xeno, distension, facefucking, noncon drug use, incest.

But IRL, I don’t like pain so anything too rough is a no go.
Public sex is hot in theory and in manga, but it's such a bothersome thing IRL for the non-participants.

Not to mention exhibitionists IRL aren't as hot as manga guys, so there isn't much too look at.
desu anything gay for me is only in porn. i don't do any of this stuff irl. i am repulsed by men. would never touch one. but i've watched so much porn that i am bored of looking at women. irl i only dare and have sex with women.

to answer your question: chastity, anal, bondage, sucking dick, crossdressing, feet, brainwashing, robotization, sex slavery, pet play... thats pretty much it i think.
Based. I'm a barafag and I wouldn't touch any irl man, 3d is always pd.
When I was pretty young I found my dad's porn several times. He was very sloppy about it. And he often had bdsm stuff. And one time I found a magazine called "Shemale Jail." I'm pretty sure that's why I am like this. I don't know if he's gay or bisexual or what. It ever came up so I assume he is just a pervert. I found something similar recently on dvd. I don't remember what it was called. He's old, he just left it out on his dresser.

I had the internet from a pretty young age, like 11 or 12 maybe. I remember beating off to this hentai called "cool devices" which was straight. There was a girl in an armbinder which I had never seen before. From that point on porn was all100% bondage for me.

One time I was downloading a bunch of random porn on kazaa or limewire or whatever it was and there was a picture of a guy tied up and being lowered down, implying that this phallic object below him was going to get pushed into his ass.

It's that feeling of novelty that I'm addicted to. Something that I hadn't considered before. A new way to violate a person. And on top of that, I always beat off to women being tied up, but i wasn't imagining myself fucking them. well by switching to gay stuff or tranny stuff, now I can fantasize that that's me getting tied up and fucked. When I found out about prostate orgasms, I got obsessed with the idea and a chastity fetish came with it.

And there's something very erotic about gross things that I know are wrong. Like sweaty skin, hairless body to body contact sticking together and slapping, licking an armpit or a foot.

I wish I could stop being like this but it feels good. I'm definitely deeply addicted.
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Stuff like gyaku ryona, rape (mild) guro, violent sex, etc. Don’t have anything against irl dudes, I just think male suffering is hot
Did your dad ever go out and fuck men at the bathhouse? Any male prostitutes?
>all masc
no thanks
not that i am aware of.
Doctors. It's so hot in pictures but man is the mediacl field a clusterfuck of disgusting matters
Guy wedgie stuff is nice
>mashle porn
>rape enjoyer
based post
Probably glory hole, hot in art but irl...
IMAGINE all the stds
spanking, definitely

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