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Aka Attack on Titan.

**Don’t enter if you don’t want spoilers, the manga ended 2 years ago and it’s not 4chan’s job to baby you.**

>Post: Any male ships/characters, small tops/doms, big tops/doms, bara (e.g. Reiner), traps (e.g. pts Armin), gyakuryona, rape, pre-timeskip OR timeskip, and content with spoilers.

>Do not post: Images with women in them, foot/muskfag shit, off-topic art, flame wars/bait, beastiality, men with breasts, hyper/oversized cocks, gaping holes, guro, lactation or other strange/disgusting content.
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Primo expressions, wtf is happening with his chest though?
Rarepair Galliard x Galliard
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Love this sexy little nationalist
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Moar Floch
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God I love romantic compassionate sex with detailed expressions like those.
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I love this
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source please
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Can someone help me understand the appeal of Erwin and Levi as a ship? Erwin's early death made me not understand his personality/their dynamic but I see art of them everywhere
did you skip most of it or are you just autistic
1. Levi is extremely hot
2. Erwin is also extremely hot
Any more of Floch raping Jean? I swear this scene is practically canon.
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based service top
Levi practically worshipped him wym
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>levi topping zeke
damn eruri is so damn cute when erwin bottoms
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Agreed, wish there was more with the canon height difference.
no yaoi illustrations or doujins about the clown destroying Levi?
never saw the appeal on that ship too, maybe because Eren got my attention by being a hot dark skin twink most of season 1
Nigga was 14-15
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I like the power dynamics. Erwin looks like he should be stronger, but Levi mogs him even though he's tiny. On the other hand, Levi has the Acker-slave bond thing going on, which gives Erwin power over him again. It just does it for me.
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That's a cute dick
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terrible art
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Yea it wasn't very good ngl.
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No drama? On /y/!?
Cute asshole
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levi is HOT
Do you have more of him with older Eren
I want to fuck young eren and cum in his ass so bad
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You're not the only one who wants to fuck him, Eren is the most rapeable character in AOT.
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especially in his earlier teen years
Holy abs
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Need Reiner to attack my Titan...
Kim jong-un face
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jiku.. need jiku..
Lol your posts are terrible bro
I love this image it's like Armin was blackmailed to fuck him
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