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What are the most affordable sites to buy doujin from?
they mean physical copies retard
why the fuck would you ever want physical copies of yaoi doujin?
why wouldn't you want a phisical copy of a doujin?
otaku republic is okay but it’s still not the best
what is the best?
mandarake again especially for a newbie
>they have an English site
>super fast shipping via DHL or packet
>although shipping is somewhat expensive no matter the site
>some doujin is only 200 yen
>so you can actually buy multiple doujin for cheap depending on the artist and popularity of their work
as someone who started collecting and scanning with limited knowledge its a good site. I recommend their actual website because they upsell hard on their eBay site. a doujin you could buy for less than $10 on their site is sold on eBay for over $40 to $50.
Jp or eng?
idk but drop the sauce
tora no ana
"Zurp is undergoing a transition right now and is no longer online."
I see.
Smallbrain, could not figure this shit out.
get the fuck out of this board and let the faggots talk
That's not a yaoi website
finally found the sauce https://skeb.jp/@puni_101010/works/71

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