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ITT we post pictures of faggots who have gotten themselves into a tight situation. No bara please.
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Thank you for your contribution.
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image dump over
(every day i wake up thankful to god that i get to live on the same earth as boys and bondage at the same time)
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That VN was way tamer than I thought it'd be with how people talk about it.
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Never knew about Room No. 9 until now. It's some sort of torture porn isn't it?
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It's a better SAW game than the ones Konami shat out back in the day, all it needs is some intervals with some borderline retarded detectives trying to find the main characters.
There's not really much torture just light cutting, some toggleable sc@ scene, and weird 'im not gay I swear' emotional internal meltdowns.
i have a lot more like this on my twitter if interested. its basically all ai.
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I don't know what you're talking about, shit's fucked man. Room No. 9 has proven to be the most soul-crushing bögporr i have ever experienced so far.
Have you never read any other yaoi vn? Even entry-level stuff like Togainu no Chi has worse rape/gore/mindbreak scenes.
Yes, Room No. 9 is the first yaoi VN I've ever played. After posting >>3048194 i got curious and bought the game. I have no doubt most of you reading this have seen things that were much worse.
[spoiler]It was really painful to see Daichi defile Seiji and take sadistic pleasure in it, and it was heartbreaking when he pierced Seiji's nipples and turned him into a glorified sex slave. I'll have to try and get the good ending next time[spoiler]
I don't think there really is a 'good' ending for No9, or at least not a feel-good one, so don't get your hopes up too high.
>when he pierced Seiji's nipples and turned him into a glorified sex slave
thanks for selling me on this game
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a-are you a woman? how old are you?
This is fucking awesome
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I'm an 18-year-old male, sir, why do you ask?
bro, dont waste your time on this site
Do you gen them locally or on some website?
18-23 is the only acceptable time to waste time on 4chan wdym
This. Life starts after 23, when you get a job. Everything before then is just an excuse to bide your time until you can move out of your parents house.
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