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Just as the title suggests, a femboy thread! Does still have to be yaoi though, considering the board :3
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check out twitter plz: cold_seoul
they look like they're from 3d animated movies by two different studios
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>AI art
god fucking DAMN IT
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huh just hide those posts
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You'll never fucking guess who these characters are supposed to be (not my art just found it on AO3 and was slightly speechless)
who are they
google only brings up sebastian vettel and michael schumacher
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>tfw no
find one
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love them babies
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any female & it's traits regardless of percentage are disgusting. Not for /y/, retard
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hi !
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Uh oh vagina-haver meltie
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I Need a femboy bf lol
Best femboy in demon slayer
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I love this manhwa, dark fall. I like how this femboy leon, ruler of this world, is betrayed by his men and they stole his powers and each one turned him into their personal bitch.
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ew why does he have c cup tits
ai sloppa with tits
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>I'm afraid to imagine what his body will be like in the future...!
Always that one nigga gotta be the bonerkill..
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The important thing is to use him as a cum dump before that.
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I want to fuck him so hard
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Stop spamming/flooding off-topic garbage.
She's fingering herself alongside the trans janny.
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When will this meme die?
whenever you stop being retarded and calling anime twinks shotas
This the type of nigga to scream MOOOODS when he sees a lil zoomer femboi get his bussy ate on /gif/ lmao
Twinks are hot feminine men not ugly children
retarded tourist
why are they always so shiny
that's what happens when you shave and moisturise your skin real good
western art idk
coconut shea butter
Twinks look like teenagers. That's like their entire point.

Also, a wise man once said:

If his stick can spit, he's old enough for the dick.
Would this thread or this board overal accept porn from the Boku No Pico series, or would this be seen as shota and therefore deleted?
Post it and find out :)
Well? We're waiting.
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Fuck that's hot.
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I love seeing how intimidating was Leon before his powers disappeared and then they turned him into a cumdump. I like this scene Deus fucks Leon for hours until he forces him to cum without hands for the first time.
Game of Thrones?
are they fucking in front of the bottom's dad or something?
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bro has a 12 pack
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This outfit is referencing some character, blue haired dude with what looked like a noose mark, and I cannot for the life of me remember the character or the artist's name.
When you commit 41% and stop bringing twitter morals to 4chan LOL
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sexo threado
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