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Last one got pushed off the board for a dupe thread.

Bara, bishies, femboys all welcome.
Keep on-topic, preferably post eastern-styled yaoi, and ignore the spammer if she tries to derail.
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is there a term for male gyaru? i need more like this
I think gyaruo technically, but I'm not sure it applies to porn.
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NTR guy
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It's just a preference and the other thread got pushed off, let Fillionbro be please.
Ok sorry.
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"This guy is a HIV+ 40yo with a prolapsed anus? Yeah, I already thought so."
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Is that Elysium
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More like this?
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wtf is wrong with his mouth?
is his face leaking?
sweat looks so gd hot on dark skin
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ur right
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Yeah I just want to rub my dick on their wet bodies
Nice n sweaty
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nice thread so far
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Fuck no
Illustrations, maybe?
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this is the best fucking thread on /y/
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The original filename was 74425259_p80 but the page is deleted, the character is Jamil from Granblue if that helps. Pic unrelated.
Based & brownpilled.
This thread needs more Patrick Fillion
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You're free to post more if you wanna.
i need a bottom that looks like this
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ask and u shall receive
for christmas i want a white boyfriend
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incredibly based
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Do you call it a chocolate chaser when a guy likes dark skin
do you know who the artist is?
found it randomly on a booru, no, unfortunately
i want a white bf so bad bros
I’ll be your white boyfriend
do you live anywhere nearby dade county and are you not obese and not circumcised?
Nah, unfortunately I’m in Missouri. I’m not obese though (I stay generally at 145-153) however I am circumcised sadly T_T
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Fantastic thread.
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agreed, love dark skin
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what are the little guys in the bottom
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sentient gingerbreadmen
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>thread on /y/ with only good posts and almost no arguing
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more small tops!
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Bleached is so good.
Ayy! Morvay enjoyer
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Fuck, I need him. Non-stop sex all night. You got the artist?
thoughts on brown guys irl?
they're cute why
Depends on what he looks like.
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Bro, that ain't tan
if you live in nigeria
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I wanna clap their asses
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omnom easter bunny chocolate
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I wonder if the speaker vibration feels stimulating
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I'm almost certain the artist is @d185w on twitter
the style looks fairly similar and they draw a lot of brown/dark skinned pretty boys
good eye, revsearch for >>3027522
leads to a r34 page which leads to that pixiv URL too so you're correct
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