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/y/ - Yaoi

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Yaoi focused on smaller peenus or penis size difference, but on a more realistic scale.
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how are any of these small

even this is just a little below average
Idk I assume they mean average
They kind of look smaller-ish to me.
Except >>3063419 that's a big cock.

But I guess it's more about size difference than anything.
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If these are small wtf am I.. it’s so over..
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to be fair /y/ usually thinks normal sized cocks are 3 feet long
Trolling outside of /b/ is not allowed.
You need to be skullraped with a hot rusty pipe and your vagina sealed shut with barbed wire.
seething ai shart gapetroon
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my dicklet mogs all of these
Drawn porn works on a different scale, anything smaller than your forearm is small.
It really doesn't, but op said smaller but still realistic not cursed at birth
having a small penis isn't a curse, it's a blessing, and most of the penises itt just seem like normal penises and very little art generally shows guys with actual small dicks
t. smallish penis haver (thumb size at the absolute biggest, normally less than an inch)
It's a curse when you're that small, how do you even top?
I don't, that's the blessing
Offtopic spam.
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Kill yourself retard
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Remove yourself from the genepool, gapefag.
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>t. smallish penis haver (thumb size at the absolute biggest, normally less than an inch)
>I don't, that's the blessing
sweating rn
i like topping but power to you guys
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Non-photorealistic drawn porn short-circuits the firmware in your brain that decides whether some shit is beautiful/attractive/cute/whatever based on proportionality. Just like how people in real life would instantly and overwhelmingly register anime eyes as horrifying massive bug-eyed saucers, a yaoi dick the size of your forearm would probably be grotesque. Don't worry about it!
Off topic.
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cute phimosis
>But I guess it's more about size difference than anything.
So is this the sort of thing you're looking for?
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Damn right.
Fuck off, spammer retard, your 3 day ban's not even up.
no, hung men are sperier
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