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post guys with long hair shoulder length or more- any bodytypes and art styles
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Pure sex.
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My Beloved
I love Griffith
we know tranny, relax
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If anyone has good stuff of metalocalypse characters can they share? Particularly Nathan. Please and thanks. :)
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I want him so fucking bad
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who is he
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Would like a wider torso but his aesthetic is gorgeous.
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I hate how stigmatized long hair is for men
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Long hair isn't stigmatized, femininity is stigmatized. Nobody shits on male wrestlers or vikings for having long hair.
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Long hair is seen as feminine dumbo. You can be masc while doing 1 or 2 feminine things but every little thing is a point against you.
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Do you got more like this
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i love long hair
Me too.
is he fucking a skinned animal pelt?
I think he's using it as a towel
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blessed thread
Why does long hair make a decent looking bloke instantly 2.53x more attractive?
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It depends entirely on exact hair style and cultural norms of the moment.

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