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How do we feel about them? I love Griffith
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>I love Griffith
Some kind of way
Makishima <3
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Hate to break it to you but that is not Griffith. They are a character from Final Fantasy 14 named Themis. Though he is shipped with another character named Erichthonios. That might interest some people.
who said elidibus was griffith
Never seen a single good one.
Stop looking in the mirror.
why are you mass bumping the most random threads
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Stop replying to bait and post cute white hair boys.
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Nagi from BL.
Who on left ?
Yuri Lowell I think
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ukitake is sexo
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All these are from me. I really like gray hair characters, they have a special air of innocence, wiseness, tenderness. With light skin and thick bodies they really have a unique charm.

Btw, I don't like geiffith, I just think the image is really hot because of the pose and Guts.
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Nobody likes Griffith he's a psychopathic asshole. He's still fuckable, though.
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Thank you, Ever Crisis, for giving us young Sephiroth.
who dis
Neir from you guessed it neir. happy treading
my cock is hard

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