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/Y/ Drawthread #159

1) Be nice to drawfags, they draw for us for free after all. If you're looking to add criticism, please do so respectfully.
2) Specifics details & reference pics IN ONE POST are MANDATORY. Be Mindful before hitting post. Combine them in MSPaint & compress with TinyJPG. No excuses.
3) Don't expect your request to be done straight away or at all, not every request is going to get done. If you're repeating a request in a new thread, try including more refs.
4) Stick to fictional characters. Characters from live action film/television are fine, just not the actor themselves. ie MCU Captain America requests are fine, but not Chris Evans.
5) DON'T BE GREEDY- no begging specific drawfags, repeating filled requests, It's ungrateful to the drawfags filling for us for free.
6) Usual board/global rules apply - no yiff, cuntboy or other hardcore /d/, make sure theyre legal, etc. Use catbox if you're worried a request/fill is too extreme.
7) NO THREAD DERAILMENT, Dont bother arguing, report filter or hide them. if (you) want to contact the jannys:
8)NO AI deliveries (unless the requester says so) Keep ai in ai threads.
9) When the thread reaches bump limit, PLEASE wait until the current thread reaches page8 of the catalog before making a new one.
10) No art of Fillion is allowed as "deliveries."
>Collection of Deliveries:
*use your extra time to archive deliveries in the booru or r34
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:
>Drawing tips>>>/ic/1579290
Previous thread:>>3062866
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When making a new thread check the catalog >>>/y/catalog to make sure a thread for that series/content doesn't already exist
If you do make a thread post 5-6 images to get the thread going.

Real thread is herye >>3064901
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OP is a retard but that doesn't make all of this shit any less offtopic.
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Requesting Beckett Harrington from the Elementalists to be drawn like this
nah dont worry about it
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requesting lio getting caged
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Requesting Clar the male succubus either giving Mana Tank a blowjob deepthroating his cock or getting fucked by him in the full nelson position.
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Requesting Blueberry from Onirism getting fucked by an anon like in the reference.
> rule 10
Bless you OP, hope you have a marvelous day
And alone it doesn't really even do anything, there's like 10 different threads up she spams in where it's blatantly off-topic, everyone has to do their part.
Requesting Detective Zag Wylde topping human Francis from Angel Hare. The hat stays on during sex!
sex references: https://files.catbox.moe/dv2bzr.jpeg
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Fill from the spam thread
OP is a bitter troll. They knew the real drawthread is here >>3064901
Assuming a fujoshit would flick the bean to something disgusting like Fillion slop
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Requesting a big booty Amitie-kun (Blonde femboy with the beanie.) riding Sig's (Blue haired heterochrome with a demon arm) big dick and getting his buns fondled like the right ref.

Sig should have that same light smile on his face while Ami has a pleasured face
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Requesting Kieran from Fire Emblem tied to a chair and getting kissed against his will while wearing his black undershirt without armor.
God Deacon is so fucking hot.
Why are you reposting someone elses' fill? I don't give a crap about the reason, that's nigshit.
Like, Zoinks, I love seeing Shaggy shag
Requesting a chubby guy and a chubby tribal man from this artist cg titled Hikyou Shashinka standing in a full body draw wearing only tribal penis gourds with their balls exposed with the non-tribal guy also wearing his glasses and hat. All characters are portrayed as 18+.
she doesn't like it, she spams it because she knows its ugly and drives away the stuff she doesn't like
True, but i feel safer with this additional rule desu. Also, even if she is nuking with sth other than fillion, the spamfag is so fucking clockable. It's like a desperate clown forcing the audience to laugh, then shotgunning everyone and then itself.
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>STILL at it
Fuck off you roastbeef retard spammer.
isn't it such a coincidence she's always spamming when she posts disgusting gape shit >>3065128
imagine being such a loser you make it your life's goal to kill /y/ threads
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Seethe straggot
go fuck yourself
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Requesting Venti in this outfit getting fucked doggystyle with the viewer grabbing his butt.
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Requesting Bridget getting fucked against a wall with him and the guy fucking him also kissing each other
can't tell what's going on but other thread is made by the same person spamming so I'll just use this one
No one is going to use that thread of yours, faggot.
I want some sexy Fillion like artwork drawn. Huge veiny cocks. It’s spery.
Fuck off, faggot.
no it's ugly and shit gtfo
feel bad for people who actually enjoy fillion. they won't be able to post or request for years cause of this shit
Lol nobody likes that dogshit.
The only time Fillion is EVER posted is to derail threads where it's not wanted, stop pretending anyone likes that garbage. You've done it for 3 years.
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Requesting Fake-Rabi having hand holding missionary sex with heart pupils in his eyes.
this. even when newfags defend her, all fillion posts end up getting deleted along with the rest of her spam
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>>3065061 >>3065053
im still new to drawing porn but i hope you like it <3
>newfags defend her.
"It". The Fillion faggot isn't a "her", it's "It".
she's a retarded ftm bitch and should be addressed as such
Ohh, very nicely done!
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Ekko from League of Legends. I don't mind if it's solo or with a pairing (Darius, Ezreal, etc.) Just him either having a good nut bust like this: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=11218422

Or giving/receiving head like this:

I requested Ekko/Ez a really long time ago and got it conpleted by a drawfag by the name of drawsome-d. Ever since he stopped doing artwork, it's just been Jinx/Ekko porn and people avoid taking Ekko requests due to his vague age range.

Here's the post from last thread
Why are all of these great fills being posted in the spam troll thread?!?
Tip from >>3065068
Ignore the trolls and immedtaiely report and hide the posts. I've been holding onto this for a while and I wanna wish all good anons here the best of luck
This is the troll thread, pedophile.
what's the position they're doing called?
Cowgirl position. Simple as that.
Shut up, faggot. We all know you're behind this crap. >>3065240 >>3065236
OR here this turned out really nice! Thank you for the sexy gummy prince!
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Requesting Lynn Sr. getting gang-bang by the Henchman from The Loud House No Time To Spy movie.
Gem amidst all the spam.
I bet he feels nice, juicy and squishy from the inside. No lube needed
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>Chastity cage stuff is allowed
Not OR, but this is groovy work. Lio art is top notch
offtopic, stop spamming
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Sorry anon, it's kinda rough
Fuck off, spamming faggot. People who work on this site, can you just block and banned this freak for good?
Not OR, but as the FGC says in terms of gratitude, we take those!
the way he bites the sheets is everything
This is so cute!
Kill yourself spammer
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Request Ruckus
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This is such a beautiful art, plz finish it asap!
Why do the mods never do anything about their retarded shit? I see rangebans happen for way less on other boards.
because they only care about futa and ai
Most of the art the spammer posts IS AI, nigga
yes because they like it, why do you think every lewd board is full of ai garbage
I don't waste brainpower thinking about that. I just do what >>3065246 said and do nothing else. I don't even have a request
good for you
Drew yall a Halloweenie gift!
Fuck off, faggot. Stop killing other people's requests with your ugly shit.
dios mio
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Requesting Venom-Spider-Man raping Shocker.
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Can't find the previous thread I posted this in but here you go op
wow and jannies do nothing except delete the thread but leave all the spam here and other threads up bravo
They’re pretty incompetent, the last troll thread lasted a year
Borderline obligatory with these Animated Series memes
Someone please delete this fucking post.
Original Requestor here. Would you change back Javi's original pencil dick as it was in the sketch pls?
Other than that, I like it. It looks pretty cute. Got any socials?
Rarely happens unless everyone reports all of the spam across all threads.
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Kill yourself and stop spamming.
Not even the spammer, but you seriously can't expect to own anyone when you post AI made porn of Uncle Ruckus all fucking eople.
its not any worse than the usual fillion garbage. everything they post is intentionally awful
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I've got this chubby dude I really like - I'd like to get a picture with him having his belly painted with a jack-o'-lantern and just like servicing a dude.
I really want to see him with cum all over his belly/pecs.
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/r/ing rule 63 Ava from Ava's Demon, blushing madly lying in bed, covered in lipstick marks (especially on his cute cum leaking cock). I'd like it to be the aftermath of a romantic lovemaking session, maybe with bits of rose petals around him, or candles, etc. He can have his arms tied to the bed too
Requester from last thread here,

Thank you very much for another hot smut of Deacon! I guess you also saw me requesting on the wrong thread (the spammed one) but I'm very graceful that both artists filled my request. Thanks again for your work as well as OP's pic artist!
No worries. It was probably the Fillion spamming retard reposting it pretending anyone was using that thread. She was going insane telling everyone this was the spam thread but that all got deleted too.
First filler here. I drop by and take a request as a daily drawing exercise. Even though it's free, I would enjoy what I'm doing and yours happen to crank my tractor. So yeah, quality of the request matter to me.
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Requesting Thistle from Dungeon Meshi giving Laois a blowjob.
Second filler here. I don't usually do requests unless the request turns me on haha. The first fill really got me heated desu
Hot asf.
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Is this a bit better anon or no? Also I currently do not have any socials
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Requesting one of my husbandos drinking a beer mug full of cum.
This is just as awful and disgusting as all that Fillion shit the faggot been spamming and uploading.
Nobody cares, go spam some more and throw a tantrum about people requesting shit you don't like. Sad little bitch.
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Just drew this for y’all.
Fuck off spammer tranny, offtopic.
I think it is fine dude.
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Requesting a picture of this pink haired twink in an Ash Williams costume (just put him in like a blue shirt, some weird harness/suspenders, and smear some fake blood stains here-and-there) getting fucked by some dudes at a halloween party.
I'd like it if those dudes were in undead costumes.
Like a vampire costume, those skeleton suits, or wearing some zombie makeup. Things like that.
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Requesting a genderbent of the two characters in picrel. Can be whatever erotic /sexual position so feel free to go wild, lol. For context, the one one the left is a masochist, while the one on the right has some "sadist pirate" thing going on.
Delete this already.
Fuck off
Faggot. No one wants you here.
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Requesting a pic of Sledge (Slut Edge) getting fucked by the oc.
Sledge is clearly embarrassed, getting fucked by a smaller/weaker guy, telling him to get off; but his dick is rock-hard and dripping pre.
No real images, pozziga.
No women, straggot.
i wonder if gay people even exist
A bit better, dude. Although Javi's balls are still a bit too big, and quite frankly, IDK what's going on with Lythero's ass. Still pretty good tho. (O.R.)
his balls are proportionate to the dick size
share more of ur art
Stop, faggot. You're killing this thread with your lame Fillion garbage.
shut the fuck up bitch, i love it
You fucked up my request by spamming it with this shit, faggot. >>3065307
not me + your request is shit bitch
Does anyone want to request characters from Naruto series? I would gladly fill those requests.
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draw this please
Final Valley Naruto kissing FV Sasuke like this with Naruto pressing his erection against Sasuke's tummy?
Or any random Akatsuki characters doing the same without the lost arm(s).
No thanks.
Imagine arguing with people who don't draw at all. Kek couldn't be me.
Me neither. I'm just waiting. As I said before...

Ignore, hide and report.
I've always been a fan of Zabuza - can I get a picture of him jerking off?
Requesting Tobirama riding a girthy dildo. Bonus if an embarrassed Hashirama catches him.
Okay thanks for the critique I'll use this as an opportunity to practice my anatomy
Thought I was the only one who noticed but yeah she replies to herself 90% of the time.
So between the constant Fillion spam and the new individual quote thread spam, is it safe to assume this board is completely deserted?...
Orochimaru tonguing anon's anus forcefully
Orochimaru tonguing anon's anus AND it's PoV
Stop talking to yourself, Fillion faggot. You killed /y/. You're not a woman, you're just a freak.
take your meds retarded spammer faggot
Stop giving the seething ftm tranny the attention she craves.
well if there are fills on discord and fujochan post em here
Stop talking to yourself, faggot.
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Process. Hope I can finish it. Also more descriptive requests are welcome
nevermind on orochimaru i thought you would be a better artist
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Requesting the main character of Masuraou actually getting fucked by the based hard gay gentleman after getting knocked out. I love "what if" bad endings.
OR here, this slaps ass.
Kys and stop spamming under the guise of fighting the spam, nobody cares that your request didn't get filled you stupid faggot.
Then delete all the Fillion trash on here and get the faggot who been uploading them banned.
Go ask the admins in IRC. At least the quote posting helps because it tells people what to report, you spamming 'faggot faggot faggot' does absolutely bumfuck nothing.
Very nice!
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Requesting Cam Cumbefredde from Monster Allergy in the same pose as the refernce but with his legs spreaded and chair on his chest
looks good ignore this shitter >>3066054
no it doesn't lmao
How noone manage to do this by now is beyond me. It's like you people enjoy arguing with an insane person whose made your board completely unusable.
why haven't you?
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Stop talking to yourself. You're the only one who uploaded this garbage, faggot.
stop ban evading you obnoxious spamming retard
You are so mad sexy Dillion art is posted, small dick wrestler pozziga.
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Don’t know if there are any drawfags in the thread.
But I would like to get a picture of this big beefy dude dressed up in a police costume, preferably a brown one as those look nicer, getting manhandled by some guys in prisoner costumes.
Orange jumpsuit or striped pajamas I don’t really care, I just want to see him getting his beefy pecs played with as he is getting fucked. Or him getting fisted if you are okay with that.
Requesting Brandon fuck Riven like this and be titfucked.
Requesting Yamato sensei be drawn like this with bandages for Halloween.
Dick too small though, make it 2x bigger.
>shitposter can't even spell his name right
hppy pride drawfriends
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Hope this is something like what you had in mind

Filled but forgot to anchor
cry harder fillionfag
Wrong person, dumbass. I'm not this thing >>3066399
Seething transgender pig
why do we have this one mentally retarded wannabe janny that bitches about small tops, anime, femboys, whatever the fuck wrestling 'pozigas' are, hairy bara, fat guys, etc under the sun and destroys every thread over it
An anon said it's been 4 years thus far, honestly I wonder what's the end game with all that spam.
This is what happens when gookmoot allows the old retarded /d/ and /u/ mods to be admins and gives them complete control of the website.
Can you all shut up and draw something already?
practice what you preach, retard
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Requesting Tignari about to get fucked. Regular size dick and a cute shy face
Love it!
No offense man but you just fell for the most obvious b8 ever
You know the troll that's been fucking up our threads lately is the same one that keeps making pic crew requests as b8, right?
This post is shitstirring bait
Lemme guess, it's the same roastie that's been seething about 'wrestlerfags'?
Yeah, the fujo who bitches about them is the same one who makes requests about them as bait so she can have something to bitch about
I thought everyone knew this by now
Ironic since you're the one bitching about it, retarded foid
Yeah the same one here >>3066481
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i used all my brain power to genderbend sorry its not more explicit
>kept the clothes the same
fucking based
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Requesting Bounty Hunter getting pounded by an eldritch cock.
This is pretty cool anon.
I hope you stick around.
itz sperier
If you actually tipped off Fillion that someone was using his art to spam another website, he'd copyright it so it couldn't be posted to 4chan anymore. They block copywritten images with a warning followed by an automatic 3 day ban if you try to post it again on here- that'd be a funny way to shoot your mentally ill self in the foot, honestly so please go ahead.
Well done, I am sure OR will love this! I like your color choices
I am the OR for this though, and holy shit, lemme tell you : drawfag, you are my hero. This is amazing, so many details. You gave them the perfect bodies and hairstyles. Just like >>3066493 said, keeping the same clothes is 100% the cherry on top. Thank you so much, you have made my day.
You're a spammer, faggot. Stop uploading shit no one cares about.
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the yun-seong fill for anon
thanks for giving me another prompt. I'll be back next month
That's not a fill, you asshole. Stop spamming.
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love burly men in dresses
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sorry it's a bit rough but Tighnari is so cute I wanted to draw him
That looks awesome, be more confident in your art.
At least someone is drawing.

By the way, nice work.
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Could someone draw a chained and naked Kaiser after getting beaten up by his kidnappers?
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Draw S-Hawk playing with his cock and showing off his ass?
anchor your requests please
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Requesting Shad's emo dude wearing some fancy lingerie and Scream costume, flashing some beefy jocks.
Or him getting fucked by them with the costume being on the ground.

you are the best, he looks so adorable
Fuck off
Get lost, ya jerk!
Same faggot. No one likes your crap.
Offtopic spam
I wanna complain to the admins about this gay ass spammer. He's too gay even for /y/.
Then go to IRC and do it?
The best thing to do is to go to the source directly. Tell Phillion, or whatever his artist name is, that a troll is spamming his art here. The third world brownoid is going to get DMCA'D.
No they won't, it doesn't go to the user it goes to the website it's on. If he sends a takedown request to dmca@4chan.org it'd just prevent them from ever posting his art again with an autoban on the MD5s.
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I'd like to get a picture of Arthur topping an alive Lewis.
>go to IRC
nta but I've never tried to contact mods before, how do I go to irc?
https://www.4chan-x.net/4chan-irc.html it tells you how to at the top here
i'll admit that that pic is hot, but man can you post in your own thread? you're making patrick fillion look bad
is there a different thread for posting drawings made independent of requests or are they allowed here too?
it's fine here if you actually drew it and aren't trolling
Should be fine.
Just be prepared that people might bombard you with requests and what not.
Stop talking to yourself, faggot.
IRC doesn't allow thread reports go to 4chan.org/feedback
Depends on the admin you talk to, feedback doesn't give a shit and it hasn't done anything in years.
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i liked genning gaping muscular men so much i ended up drawing some of my own in my spare time.
Requesting someone draw this man a funky looking dick.
Or perhaps... dicks?
Requesting Ryuji Hirasaka from Night Shift Nurses naked with an erect cock in any gay scene with a male patient.
Ugly crap uploaded by a ugly faggot.
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Requesting oily pec massage.
read the op
Anons would if it was actually enforced.
not saying it to backseat janny, just saying if you want your request to actually get filled you should probably anchor and give better references/descriptions
anon this thread is devoid of drawfags.
Ain't no one getting their request done.
Got any more of him?
Same faggot. The way you keep talking to yourself is sad. You're the reason no one can make requests here anymore.
is on topyk
request this man getting his ass turned inside out by a bigger dick
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not funny

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