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A thread focused on posting anonymous (or faceless) figures in drawings.

GreenAnon Edition

Preferred anonies in thread:
Faceless/Featureless characters, silhouettes, Y/N, stickman, OC (if you have one),...

Report any trolling and floods in thread. You can coom in the thread, by the way.

Return to the legacy:
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Thread bakie here. I'm gonna post mine because I'm bored.
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bumpy bump
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hot stuff
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hope he doesn't find this
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holy shit, finally a place to fuel my stickman addiction. I was searching /trash/ for so long and didn't even think to look in here.

I do assume that actual stickmen characters are fine if they're low-detail enough though... What's the threshold?
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time to spam mo4 ig
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I recommend you guys check out Marikin Online 4 art on twitter if you like stickmen. Japanese RPG with a mostly stickman cast and a really dedicated community of Asian fanartists who draw 75% gay shit for some reason but not complaining.
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Thread bakie here, once again.
It's nice that you found a board to spill out your addiction. This place needs more sauce, desu.

Stickmen like MO4 are acceptable. The characters need to have their features minimal enough (in everyone's view) to consider it as "Anonymous". Eyes are the key to this. Depending on the art style and character design, it's encouraged to post stickmen with cutesy eyes or just... none.
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I gotcha. Kinda.
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woah nice art dude, well made.
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desu mo4 is the only truly good stickman community. The others ones are either an ouroboros of drama or full of really creepy people. I like how chill mo4's is.
Thank you, desu.
Xitter hated me when I posted there so I gave /y/ a chance. Still embarrassed over how I gave that Anon a loose tie on his wrists.

If the anon enjoyers here want more art of him, let me know. I'll bake more of his monster dick.
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Can I get some artist recommendations been kinda into this lately...
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Hi, thread bakie here.

As much as I want to give lots of recommendations, the least that's still active until now are stickman artists. The majority don't really prioritize Anons to the top because it's not necessary for them and they only use Anons to draw characters being fucked or fucking them. It makes the process of finding one harder.

There's OWA. You can give him art requests related to anonymous figures.
As of now, you should spend some time finding in R34 and Xitter.
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I decided to try opening up an exclusively stickman (and similar) thread on /trash/ to allow for posting of like less anon-y stickmen /smpl/. Sorry if this takes away traffic from here, but it should also move this thread more to its intended purpose.
>Sorry if this takes away traffic from here
No problem at all! I will include your thread in the next bake if that's okay.
yeah no problem thanks!
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May i ask for the thread's link?
Tried searching it mannually on /trash/ but no lucks.
I kinda stopped bothering after 2 thread attempts since in total, I got about 4 comments that weren't from me in about 1.5 days' worth of maintaining the thread, none of which were actually posting their own art. I think I'll just stick to here. Kinda wondering if this should become a stickmen + agt thread to give a refuge to both, especially with relatively similar tastes, like how gmad has robots, aliens, demons, all of which are like completely different.
also to clarify, you checked when I was asleep and the first thread had died, but before I posted the second thread, but second threat already died because I was busy for a couple of hours and couldn't post there so yeah.
(pic unrelated) I kinda like to headcanon a version of anon where instead like every single anon in r34 art that looks the same is actually the same person, and he's just a porn actor. It's more a meme thing but it's also kinda cute idk.
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Oof, sorry to hear that.

For the thread's theme expansion, A friend of mine made this thread so I'll have to ask if it's ok to include more varieties upon the next thread.
anon, i think i already made that headcanon into an actual character...
Just asked again, and stickman with features are fine. Anything that represents anonymity is good.
cool happy to hear!

oh nice!!
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egh why can't people look like this...
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not porn but this image is great
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I don't think this image is actually intended to be horny but damn I want to be him. (The actual dog stays a good boy though and doesn't do anything weird, I am not into that type of shit.)
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Also, I assume it's fine for me to really space out the images I post despite having a lot saved just to 1. avoid running out and 2. since they are 99% stickmen, to give more space to pure anons.
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This is the only hot thing from FNAF
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oops wrong fucking image i didn't look before posting, just ignore this.
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Do you sometimes look at images of obviously intended to be girl OCs but just imagine it as like a crossdressing guy to turn it based.
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maybe this is a weird thing to be into but this is fucking hot.
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also no
Not sure if this thread will be any help but I'm looking for this video I saw like once on twitter/x and am wondering if any of you know what I'm talking about and can direct me to it.

It is an animated video.
Basically this guy is talking to his friend on video call and realizes he's kind of fruity. His gay thought manifests itself and he has to chase it down an ever increasingly horny mindscape. Like there is a satyr, a giant, buff dudes playing vollyball, monkeys. A pride parade at one point. They're all sort of faceless anonymous dudes with buff bods.
Can you help me?
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I still can't believe this artist deleted their Twitter/X account all because rude people bitch at them.
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I could use this for my next pose for a request.
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Springtrap's situation is interesting.
I think i'm on thin ice with this post (He is technically a human in a costume so... It def didn't violate the rule but still)
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new fotm male character just dropped
Back in 2021
Another from 2021, the drama was fun back then
Hehe alt
>drama turned into homoerotica
wow that drawfag is based. love it.
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Is this by that one girl that was making an anon guy dating visual novel thing? The style looks familiar.
I'm not sure, I just saved the picture because i think it's neat.

The Top's name is Peter i believe (from the game "Your Boyfriend")
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This was already uploaded.>>3042321
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woops, didn't see that...
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Thread bakie here.
It has been like 3 months since the creation and I'm impressed over how clean and active it is. Thanks.

Although this is meant for the next bake, but for anyone with access to Stable Diffusion, I allow AI slop to be posted in here... as long as it's not those butthole gaping or whatever. Have fun.
LORA: https://civitai.com/models/459625/mr-anonymous
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From /airt/
That'll be it from me
ok i lied, this one is the last
what's with the tripfaggotry
To prevent the impersonation from that one schizo. I don't take tripfagging as a superior thing to do, but I like giving my identity as a (part-time) drawfag. Just don't bother about it. You'll live.
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New thread: >>3051411
Why? This is still going.
Can you newfags stop doing this? The bump limit is 300. Fuck off back to /cm/ or wherever you came from.
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>related threads that clogs up the search feature in the catalog
>linking to female porn boards
>'pride' edition
>restating board rules in the op
Lurk moar
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Not sure why OP decided to open a new thread when this one isn't full yet but really, if you guys want that thread dead you should've just said nothing and continue posting here instead of giving it attentions
Ironic that there were barely any activities per day in this thread like most, and yet out of nowhere a slight inconvenience happened then you all flock here. Maybe this will die the same way the last one did, who knows

>Just continue posting here and ignore the new thread if you hate it, don't stir drama here
Haven’t been around in weeks.
What’s with the sudden influx in retarded namefaggots trying to overtake porn threads as generals here anyway?
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from /draw/
tell the artist i said I came to this picture
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from the drawthread with love
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Surprised that AI has improved so much yet genning a guy with a lack of facial features is still such a chore...
you need to train it on something
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These aren't anonymous guys, you dumb fuck.
guess im fw tumblr now lol
thats the fucking guy from regretevator hell yeah always wanted to fuck a ball
it's a known spammer, simply hide the posts, report off-topics and hope for the best.

been happening on a LOT of other threads too...
Good job finding the shittiest tripcode ever
its aite girl daddy aizu be here 4u
u say that but u so damn wet 4 dis anon dick. daddy aizu providing 4u
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Did 4chan allow minor in?
God, this level of cringe shouldn't be possible for a human adult.
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Can you tripfags (assuming you're even more than one retard) keep your projections to yourself and stop helping him clog up the thread even worse with your esl bitchfits? I'm trying to fap to anon porn and you hairtrigger tards can't stop replying to obvious shitposts with bonerkilling talk about tranny genitals and 0 content to drown it all out.
How about you reddit transplant rejects either stop replying to it or neck yourselves? Cease being newfags that give the oldest trolling imaginable more ammunition. Why is it so hard to listen to >>3054506?
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Again, you're not fucking funny. I hope someone blocks your dumb ass for good.
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>trying to fap to anon porn
Wow, I'm SOO sorry. Maybe hide the posts, get a userscript and use gallery mode? At least I didn't post PF shit like that retard. Not to mention that this thread is lacking NEW content and it could've been better if there's CONTRIBUTION . Of course, I do blame myself for not doing that, but I have my reasons.
>can't stop replying to obvious shitposts
Eh, I already know they're shitposters and this unmoderated shit has been going on for like months or less. You made me sound like I shill this tripcode every fucking day and think I'm superior for it. If you want me to stop tripfaggotry indefinitely, SURE.

Peace out. Post more anon art.
>she's STILL sperging out
post more anon art
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This isn't anon porn, this stuff from a shitty artist. >>3047644

Can anyone tell me who this artist is?
Patrica Fillio

Do you happen to have the name of this artist?
That's a lie.

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>>3054844 #

Stop posting off-topic shit, faggot.
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Fuck off, faggot.
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