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/Y/ Drawthread #161

1) Be nice to drawfags, they draw for us for free after all. If youre looking to add criticism, please do so respectfully.
2) Specifics details & reference pics IN ONE POST are MANDATORY. Be Mindful before hitting post. Combine them in MSPaint & compress with TinyJPG. No excuses.
3) Dont expect your request to be done straight away or at all, not every request is going to get done. If you're repeating a request in a new thread, try including more refs.
4) Stick to fictional characters. Characters from live action film/television are fine, just not the actor themselves. ie MCU Captain America requests are fine, but not Chris Evans.
5) DON'T BE GREEDY- no begging specific drawfags, repeating filled requests, It's ungrateful to the drawfags filling for us for free.
6) Usual board/global rules apply - no yiff, cuntboy or other hardcore /d/, make sure theyre legal, etc. Use catbox if youre worried a request/fill is too extreme.
7) NO THREAD DERAILMENT, Dont bother arguing, report filter or hide them. if (you) want to contact the jannys:
8)NO AI deliveries (unless the requester says so) Keep ai in ai threads.
9) When the thread reaches bump limit, PLEASE wait until the current thread reaches page8 of the catalog before making a new one.
>Collection of Deliveries:
*use your extra time to archive deliveries in the booru or r34
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:
>Drawing tips>>/ic/1579290
Previous thread:>>3065028
>in case there is too much spam (you) can seek refuge here https://discord.gg/hwcKhb5rqW
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Anchor for requests
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Anchor for fills
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More Fillion plz.
Requesting any lewds to Dilip from Ethelbert the Tiger
Truth be told i would've just nabbed >>3065435 if that same drawfag wasn't already the OP so i just went eenie meenie miney mo
da op is seksi
its sexki
>removing rule 10
Why is she like this?
She’s trolling and likes killing threads because she’s jealous we get fills.
Good job for her, because now Fillion spam is technically on topic again. RIP drawthreads ffs.
That’s why someone should’ve made it before her arbitrary page 8 rule, she sits all night waiting when it’s close.
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Requesting Basil imgur.com/a/g7wVW1g waiting for a cumshot like in image related
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Requesting Clar the male succubus either giving Mana Tank a blowjob deepthroating his cock or getting fucked by him in the full nelson position.
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Requesting Thistle from Dungeon Meshi giving Laois a blowjob.
It is, you can tell because she spams when she does it.>>3068821
i drew it and itz smal
not da original reqester but grate artwerk!
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I'd still like to get a picture of the jock and the nerd frotting/grinding on one another. Maybe making out as well if that isn't too much trouble.
Requesting Ryuji Hirasaka from Night Shift Nurses naked with an erect cock in any gay scene with a male patient.
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Requesting a big booty Amitie-kun (Blonde femboy with the beanie.) riding Sig's (Blue haired heterochrome with a demon arm) big dick and getting his buns fondled like the right ref.

Sig should have that same light smile on his face while Ami has a pleasured face
Requesting maid Bridget giving a blowjob, would really like it too for him to be deepthroating it as well. I'm not a fan of the blowjobs where they barely have the tip in or they're just licking the penis.
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Requesting Venti in this outfit getting spit roasted.
90% of blacks voted for Harris
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just drew dis 4 u
1) Be nice to drawfags, they draw for us for free after all. If youre looking to add criticism, please do so respectfully.
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/r/ing rule 63 Ava from Ava's Demon, blushing madly lying in bed, covered in lipstick marks (especially on his cute cum leaking cock). I'd like it to be the aftermath of a romantic lovemaking session, maybe with bits of rose petals around him, or candles, etc. He can have his arms tied to the bed too
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Requesting my cyborg siege giant smacking a normal sized soldier with his cock.
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Requesting Cam Cumbefredde from Monster Allergy in the same pose as the refernce but with his legs spreaded and chair on his chest
here's a quick attempt
not OR- i like the hair highlighting and shading
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requesting Seishiro Nagi from Blue Lock post breeding, dressed the same as the reference but without the shorts. cum leaking from his ass with his legs and feet in frame. or really anything Nagi, as long as his feet are in it. thanks drawfriends
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drew tiny dix fo anon
Nobody asked for this crap
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It's November and Thanksgiving is right around the corner.
As such, I'd like to get a picture of the most pilgrim-y Pilgrim and an Native American fucking.
>literally "Fuck me" eyes
The drawer knew.
Requesting a pic of Android 17 with a big fat badonkadonk and him loving the feel of being fucked by a floating dick.
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Not done but how does it look so far ano
Although I would prefer being able to see some more of his booty, this is looking nice so far.
I like this artist. Can I see more?
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requesting Shuumei Sasaki Jerking off, dick size around 5-7 inches

Any pose and expression is okay, just want it to look cute
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ty i spend so much time draweng thise
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Requesting Geoff fucking Brody behind a surfboard stand.
Bridget from Guilty Gear XX being sodomized with a pipe
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I think its time we got another anchor
Requesting a new anchor post with a naked Luka Redgrave from Bayonetta 3 holding Cassiopeia, the anchor shaped weapon
>(Bayonetta is only there on the left for scale)
Requesting Fillion spammer to kill xerself. I knew it was xer/they/it the moment it said "my thread" last thread. No spamming allowed, Axewound McTitchopper.
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If anyone here is willing to draw fat dudes, I've got this hippy here I want to see chunkier.
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Is this angle better or nah?
I meant more of a rear view like in the pics I provided as reference, but if it’s too much trouble, go ahead and continue with drawing it in the pose you have now.
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Requesting Blueberry from Onirism dressed as a succubus getting fucked by an anon (no green skin please) like in the reference.
>Patrick Fillion shit.
As long as that faggot here, I'm not requesting here again.
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AI sloppa, but I like the idea, but I hate the cartoony erect nipples and fleshy hole. Requesting a generic hunk doing the same thing.
*without the things I don't like in the same pose.
Correction and please.
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UUuuuuhhh I forgot to draw them making out oops
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What a cute character omg
No offense but maybe you should try reading the requests next time
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Requesting Gary Prince secretly fucking Human Marshall Lee behind his counter while taking an unsuspecting customer's order
Cute work but yeah I wanted him dressed like a succubus.
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My bad.......... Is this better?

No offense but suck my entire dick and balls
Yes indeed this is better, Blueberry is looking real good thank you very much!
Is it the lightning or did the artist Draw Shikamaru dark skinned?
It's the coloring. The artist likes to draw characters with "tanned" skins even if they're canon pale.
>UUuuuuhhh I forgot to draw them making out oops
Don't be this is cuter!
Thanks drawbro!
Wait okay so who is taking the order? Gary?
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Requesting Spiderman India hungerly swallowing up the cock and cum of Chai from Hi-Fi rush
Optionally, I'd prefer it if Chai exclaims
>"I bet you've never drank "chai" like this before"
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I tried my best anon
OR here. No sweat, I appreciate the effort and you did a fairly decent job!

The dick should've been green desu
workin on it anon, sorry if it's looks too messy rn
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Requesting John Dory from Trolls 3 and Barley Lightfoot from Onward having sex
I'm fine with either one topping
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there you go anon, i struggle a lot with anatomy (desu the octopus was a last minute decision because i can't draw feet) since it's been a long while since i draw a muscular male, but hope you like it.
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something silly with my oc
cool art, drawfrens
Requesting Carlos fucking Ralphie hard like this.
Very cute OC, I like the tuft of chest hair.
Thank you so much!
Hot guy
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Thanks, he's chill
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requesting anything lewd of Kinni from GodsTV
Since winter is coming
Requesting Jack Frost pulling Kristoffs hair while screwing him doggy style
OR here
Thanks alot anon
Your artstyle looks familar though, were you behind a twitter page from back in 2021?
Probably not? This isn't my usual style and I'm trying to get to a suitable style given the reference.
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i can't say no to beef
nice job anon
Those are some good chubby dudes. Would either of you be interested in adding mass to my >>3070094 OC?
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How much mass are we talking? Is this close to what you're looking for??
This is an appropriate level of chub.
Thank you so much for drawing him!

Of course! He's cute.
Does he smoke weed? I could draw him toking up and jerkin it too lol that might be fun

Yeah I did a better one, that was fun. I hope it's chill
That's Shota, dumbass.
Requesting Detective Zag Wylde topping human Francis from Angel Hare. The hat stays on during sex!
sex references: https://files.catbox.moe/dv2bzr.jpeg
Holy cow I wasn't expecting another picture!
This turned out fucking phenomenal dude! I'm forever grateful you took time out of you day to draw this. Also Happy Thanksgiving.

>does he smoke weed
This character exists because I recently discovered Muk Bang asmr videos and the gainer/feeder kink and want a explore that without expanding my waistline.
This dude has a youtube channel for pervy eating, such as: a cringey roleplay video where he pretends he's on a date with the viewer, and you watch him scarf down two 72 ounce steaks, a baked potato and all the side dishes. ASMR of him eating an absurd quantity of heavily spiced squid, shellfish and noodles. Chug pop and burp for 20 minutes. His onlyfans has much the same content, only after watching him eat his weight once in chicken nuggets, again in fries, down too many chocolate shakes, and four of the greasiest, sloppiest burgers; you get the added pleasure of watching him jerk off after all that(?).
The only reason he isn't pushing 8 tons is because he doesn't eat like that all the time.

Thank you both for the art.
lol they're both me babey!! You're so welcome. I've never really been into feederism myself but I love drawing OCs, and I need practice with fat dudes. Happy Thanksgiving!
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The Cold Never Bothered You Anyway
sure no problem anon, im a bit stressed for finals but after finishing that bullshit and a pending comm i'll draw your chubby hippie, he's cute.
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Requesting Vic McGillicuddy fucking Lance Loud.
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Kindly requesting Trunks and Android 17 in a position like this picture! I’d like for trunks to be the bigger cock and 17 to be the one against the wall.
seconding, if only because I like the beefy guy.
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Requesting Bogdan Boner from the Polish toon Egzorcysta (Bad Exorcist) naked getting fucked by a Devil
Holy shit this looks incredible anon, thank you
Requesting Hinata and Takumi from Maid-sama drawn like the boys on the left.
Good luck on your finals anon!

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