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Art request of all sorts goes here!
Previous thread: https://archived.moe/y/thread/3055817

1. USUAL BOARD/GLOBAL RULES APPLY - no yiff, cuntboy, futa, shota (twink/short guy is fine), hardcore /d/, etc. Use Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) if you're worried a request/fill is too extreme. NO CONTENTLESS BUMP(S).
2. NO THREAD DERAILMENT (spamming, begging, trolling, arguing etc.), simply report & hide filter(s) then move on. If you want to contact the jannys:
https://www.4chan-x.net/4chan-irc.html | https://www.4chan.org/feedback
3. Only make new request when the previous is delivered. (**NO MORE THAN 1 ACTIVE REQUEST**)
4. Be polite & patient. | If you're looking to add criticism, please do so respectfully.
5. Remember to anchor your post!

>To make a new thread, wait for page 7 at bump (and/or image) limit in catalog.

https://civitai.com (*)
https://tensor.art (*)

FOR LOW-END PC: https://github.com/arenasys/qDiffusion (Install the Remote option. Prepare a few gmail accounts beforehand)


*BASIC RESOURCES (FAQ, Models, LORAs, ControlNet, Openpose editor extension, Online pose editor)

*LOCAL SETUP (Nvidia, AMD, CPU, Optimize Stable Diffusion)

*GUIDES/EXTRAS (Inpaint/Img2Img, Train LORAs, Auto-tagging)

Drawthread: >>>/y/draw
Coloring & Screenshot edit: >>>/y/edit
Furry edit & Drawthread: >>>/trash/color
Male AI art: >>>/y/ydg | >>>/trash/msdg
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>How do I request?
- Start your post with "Requesting" or "/r/".
- Provide information & reference(s) in a single post. | Describe: Appearance, outfit, action, and scenery.
*For generation request, if possible, please include: The character's(s') fandom & LORA link/URL (if they have one), alongside reference image(s) to give deliverers better insight.
*Popular characters mean LORA/polished result. Unpopular characters will most likely mean no LORA, so deliverers will give you something similiar instead. -> It's better to request an OC than, say, an unknown guy.
*For inpainting/editing requests, recommended image sizes: https://files.catbox.moe/lvnqxs.jpg | Make sure there aren't too many objects obscuring the anatomy, or it will be unworkable for deliverers.
- Screenshot edit and coloring request are (temporarily) permitted.
- Image is too big for 4chan? Use Catbox: https://catbox.moe/
*For multiple images, use Imgbox: https://imgbox.com/
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>For directors:
- If you would like to fulfill a request that has already been completed, feel free to!
- Prompt inclusion would be amazing, but it is ultimately still up to you.
- You're doing great, keep at it mate! : D
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Some highlights from previous thread
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Requesting muscular male/bara removing clothes to reveal wearing bra and g string please and thank you

artist choice for character model
Is there any chance someone could take this and remove the pants? Keep the kilt on and just having his dick swinging underneath it. Soft preferably!

If not, I'm okay with completely bare legs.
>I request
Two slave boys , naked except for collars, with their hands behind them, being herded into a horse-trailer.
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requesting nude of picrel. if possible, keep his face resemblance like the ref sheet and his prominent blue shoulder pads. you can be creative with the rest (body/pose/etc).
A blond white guy and a tan Hispanic guy jacking off together.
Anyone have returnthis's subscribestar 1$/5$ tier images?
forgot to add that if there's also more unreleased pics within the mega.nz links in the subscribestar posts I'd like to see them too
Requesting an early 1900's muscle man with a muscular and slightly chubby body, short brown hair that's parted in the middle, a thick brown mustache, shirtless, wearing a cheetah skin printed speedo with bulge, and barefoot, flexing, standing in a full body art with a smile.
dark fantasy setting, taking place in a cave or room full of potions, books, crystals... very spellroom like.
a male gothic looking mage wearing an open robe, pale skin, his body covered in cultist like tattoos, jacking off into a cauldron or some kind of ceremonial bowl?
Sorry requesting
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Can we see a shirts and skins game of soccer or rugby ?
Naturally neither team is wearing anything other than one team wearing shirts !
Thank you!
Requesting a lecture hall full of naked college boys either with or without leather collars.
Requesting a group of boys in the communal shower. One should check the others out, resulting in a boner.
Requesting Viktor Nikiforov fucking Yuri Katsuki hard
I would like some picks of two college studs one brunette, the other hispanic, wearing slave collars in and around a mansion.
Ballroom, entrance, driveway, poolside, please?
Could you make then more twink-like?
hmm the penises isn't intact...
Kindly requesting Trunks and Android 17 in a position like this picture! I’d like for trunks to be the bigger cock and 17 to be the one against the wall.
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I’m a idiot
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I tried but it gave me 17 solo at best
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Requesting Tendou naked with his bare feet facing us, jerking it and sniffing a jock strap
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requesting alec from the man who saved me in my isekai trip

topping and pulling hair from a random dude outside in the woods
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I would put him face down
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this, please
Requesting the generic RPG job classes
- Warrior/Fighter
- Mage/Wizard
- Healer/Cleric
- Archer/Ranger
- Rogue/Thief
- Monk/Martial Artist
- Knight/Paladin
- Summoner
- Bard
being raped by the generic races like
- Humans
- Elves
- Dwarves
- Orcs
- Halflings/Hobbits/Gnomes
- Dragons/Dragonkin
- Beastfolk
- Undead
- Demons/Demonkin
- Angels/Celestials
- Elementals
- Goblins/Kobolds
- Giants/Ogres
- Fairies/Pixies
- Merfolks/Aquatic Races
where the background is in the forest, dungeons/castles, or even water :DD
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Worked out OK, no major issues
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Lot of issues. One of those seemingly simply requests that the checkpoint has no idea how to handle. It has no idea what a "horse trailer" is. Was never trained on having 2 slaves without a master (or immanent rape). Putting the word "horse" and "boy" together in the prompt automatically turned the entire thing into bestiality. Posting 2 pictures that came out decent within the requested theme.
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Not enough training data exists for this guy. I suggest you train your own Lora, or pay someone to make one.


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Funny enough, prompting "cheetah skin speedo" turned his legs into cheetah legs.
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Shockingly, this prompt came out pretty easy right from the start. In fact, I may steal the idea and created a 20 image Civitai post based on it.
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It understands group photos, but not sports shows, sexy or not
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Another easy to understand concept, that the matrix was never trained on.
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Pretty easy to prompt, no real issues
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Another concept the matrix has a hard time understanding. It expects you to want a portrait, or sex. The idea of two naked people coexisting in a space with no fucking at all is a hard to grasp concept.
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I took a shot as well. It understood somewhat, but really wanted one of the characters to be a girl.
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So this guy https://civitai.com/user/CardinalOfSin does a lot of stuff like that.
do I need to sign up an account to view the sex photo?
Requesting 3 twink friends after a party night having drunk too much and making a nude selfie in the bath mirror. (If possible make the one with biggest dick smirk proudly.)
Requesting a handsome brown haired muscular white slave master fucking his black slave in the master's bedroom in Mississippi.
So hot
requesting more

Ayeee! OR here, happy to hear it was easy to work with, thank you for the pics!
>Lot of issues.
Thancks four trying.
I do like what you posted.
Do you look for ward to challenges?

Hope that you do not get discouraged.
Cute college boys who could not pay their loans back.
Calling ticketmaster for their next game now...
Oh, look , their master is walking up behind them now....
Not that anon but a different anon here, liking this.
Can I please request a sexy she-male orc posing 1970s centerfold style with her schlong on glorious display?

Also requesting sexy elves in space if I can.
Requesting naked men wearing nothing but hats , boots, and chaps, working around a ranch.
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I am going to upload all the new gens to google drive soonish and also combine ther pervious months with folders for each character. preview of some of the link stuff.
Requesting a cute Christmas elf boy with pointed ears, short brown hair, and red eyes, nude with an uncut erect cock giving a handjob to a chubby snowman with a humanoid erect cock.
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It wouldn't do the selfie part right. It understood the concept, but the mirror would throw everything off. People in frame would not be reflected, or the mirror would be more like a window, with strangers inside. Also, not sure the "drunk" prompt added much
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Had to resort to Regional Prompter in order to get the Black man on the bottom. It is really thirsty for people to be fucked by blacks, not the other way around. Also, not sure how to prompt "southern charm" into a generation.
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I played around with the details more, trying to get things like floating potion bottles out of the cauldron, and also the mages foot. I mean, I would drink semen potion, but not foot potion.
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It can be frustrating, but can help you learn how to prompt better. It can be very strange and opaque what the AI feels about prompts.
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It will do a magazine cover quite well, centerfold prompt gave me nothing. Maybe I should have tried "poster" prompt?
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Elf is another prompt that leads to young girl looking characters
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It has trouble doing non-sex pictures with sexual (like nude) elements. It wants to force at least a sexual pose.
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It would not do any sort of humanoid snowman at all. Couldn't even get one 3 snowballs high.
Requesting a scene of a paladin-lookin dude restrained by tentacles, and being either jerked off or fingered by a smug looking mage twink w/ chin or shoulder length black hair. Some nipple play(pinching or flicking or rubbing) by the mage if possible
Requesting Brian Thompson fuck Luigi Mangione silly in Brian's bed.
Before I get to the request I want to say many thanks for your time and efforts.
I have saved several of your gens.

Now as for the requests,
-Male orc standing in front of a space ship , smiling
-a man , naked other than boots and a leather harness, standing beside a wagon [as in a horse drawn wagon but no horse in sight]
- a nude ballet dancer if possible w a ribbon emerging from a butt-plug or anal beads
This inspires me to ask if you have ever watched Mighty Orbots on You tube?

I was hoping for a pic of a mature male space elf type , inspired by Rondu but with out facial hair.
Maybe one pic of him in a space patrol uniform and one nude in a hot springs?
Thanks, but I made a few snowman ones myself
I know that lora! I had try to do one but I often get a failure results without being a two panel

It is a pain that on Tensor they is not many loras compared to Civi giving how more accurate it give results.
OR here again, looking great! thank you!
If it's ok, mind if I make a pic request of the wizard having a beard? or some sort of facial hair?
Requesting Steve Claus from Arthur Christmas nude posing (maybe leave some of his attire on so that he's identifiable) or him as a top fucking anon's POV (missionary)
>It wants to force at least a sexual pose.
Now that sounds like some body I used to know.
I frequently publish lora's for characters and art styles on tensor. My username on there is YaoiKing if you want to check my stuff out.
direct link for people wondering

(pic unrelated, random gen trying out illustrious)
requesting something like picrel. bottom's POV.
I have seeing you on Tensor, but sadly neither of what you upload is what I'm looking.
I'm looking more in to the bara ones that are on Civi and that are not on Tensor.
For example, the Warcraft I did found on Civi with another 52 in a collection


Or the style of Rokudenashi


For anyone interesting on Tensor this user have upload a lot of Bara Loras from art style to characters:

I just uploaded a bara orc model and have one other bara model, I will be doing more in the future and I was planning on doing a rokudenashi on
It will be far more easy just reprint instead of making a whole new model from scratch
Requesting a muscular man with thick thighs and a big ass being completely nude and embarrassed in public as there are multiple people staring him down.

Trying out grok. my current fantasy is racist aryan powerbottom daddies raping my cock with their big butts as they call me a spic. can someone make something similar like this but rear view with their visible bare asses
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forgot pic
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God damn, that actually looks really good.
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Worked out well, actually
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Didn't really understand being near a space ship
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It REALLY doesn't understand carriages
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Don't think it quite understands ballet
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More mature space elf
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No idea what Mighty Orbots is
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That's really hot.
OR here.
don't know why the system would cut his face out of frame there, still hot though!
Thank you!
Requesting a muscular man that's completely naked and covered in bleeding wounds, lying on the ground and crying in pain as there is a fully clothed man that's pressing his foot against his face.
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Would love to see a twink from >>3071625
in the same position as the attached pic OR I'd be happy with the prompt for that and for >>3071422.
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Requesting: Nsfw (clothed guy, can be whatever you want) in this or a similiar art style.

I found it in an older thread, can't really find a way to recreate it though...
Requesting a Jewish boy stuffing driedels up his ass for Hanukkah.
Requesting two chubby gay men as Baby New Years, one with short brown hair wearing glasses, and one with a bald heard, with both wearing white old fashioned adult diapers with bulging erections, barefoot and shirtless, both standing, hugging and kissing each other.

Two guys either frotting each others cocks or jerking each other off?

both are princes, wearing crowns, some make up, no pants, elaborate/flamboyant shirts/tops

one dressed in all black, the other all white?

kind of a white swan/black swan fairytale ballet theme.
anyone have a list of characters, artist, or stuff you'd like for a lora for pony on tensor. I am going to start training new ones soon
Nice! thank you!
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Requesting this pic colored https://files.catbox.moe/vbkdxq.png
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the witty phantom from yugioh
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A hot muscular Latino (Mexican/Puerto Rican) guy standing naked in his house with a huge soft dick.
I just love Latinos, Sonic.
Anchoring for ya

in a locker room or swimming pool area.

an older dilf like swim coach, muscles, grey or white hair, facial hair, whistle around his neck, varsity team jacket, sandals.

riding the cock of one of his team member's while the rest of the team mates are standing around him jacking themselves off?

or if easier, he's on his knees jacking off while the team bukkakes him?
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I think I am getting the hang of animated gens finally
which model/service you used? NAI?
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It was some time ago so I only remember the model being one of the first noob mixes.
ok tysm
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slurp slurp slurp
This is kind of a stretch for this thread but I can't see anywhere else appropriate to ask on the board or 4chan in general - and I tried asking on /g/ and got no help - but does anyone know of or is capable of producing a /y/ character card of Leon Kennedy for use in SillyTavern? I tries checking for anything good on Chub but all there is are a ton of low quality female PoV fujobait cards. For those not in the know, SillyTavern is a frontend which uses LLMs like GPT or Claude to generate text roleplay/smut, and it's kind of like Koikatsu where you can make and use PNGs with embedded data for character cards, containing all their parameters and info.
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Apologies if not right place but can wizards please AI this pic so he's nude and fucking a goat? lol
Also remove text if possible.

I think >>>/r/ is a more fitting board for real photo, this is more of a 2D (art) board
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Requesting lineart and colors https://files.catbox.moe/u77eh7.jpg
This is what I got
I forgot to>>3069928
So there is another one
Anyone knows if there is a list of built-in characters for Illustrious XL?
Requesting the coolest twink boy in class showing his dick proudly to his classmates in the locker after PE. Please give him blonde, spiky hair.
I hope this counts, somehow I readed huge penis in your prompt
I hope they're all 18.
Back to >>>/resetera/, prude.
Unfortunately they were all 19 daddies instead of 18 twinks
I'd rather be a prude then a pedo
Well, big yes, but realistically
Quit thinking drawings are real people. how about you fight actual offenders instead?
There is a mix of those 2

They better be in college.
Actually they are expelled for fucking their coach on university grounds
OR here, wow these are great thanks!
Coach is hot! wasn't expecting the system to include the speedos, thats a nice touch!
Feel free to drop your LORA/Character suggestions (and fandom name) here! Can't promise i'll do them all but i'll see what i can do

It'll be for Pony and Illustrious/Noob-AI XL.
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forgot to post thumbnail image...
Requesting nude orc walking down the streets of a modern city.
Also requesting a separate pic of nude orc at a Pride fest.
Nice, if you don't mind, can i ask for prompt?
This is gonna be long lol. Also sorry, I posted the pic here thinking it was the other ai post.

artist:mori toshiaki, yaoi, couple, duo, 2boys, clothed, illustration, cowboy shot, comb, barber, holding razor, cutting hair, hand in another's hair, manly, facial hair, hairdressing, sitting, standing, hair focus, barber chair, urban clothes, hands_on_own_thighs, barber pole, barber shop, indoors, erection under clothes, blush, combing hair, razor, haircut, standing, official art, promotional art, slice of life, volumetric lighting,
masterpiece, best quality, good quality, newest

ai-generated, ai-assisted, stable diffusion, nai diffusion, worst quality, worst aesthetic, bad quality, normal quality, avenfirequality, oldest, old, early, very displeasing, displeasing, adversarial noise, unknown artist, banned artist, what, off-topic, artist request, text, artist name, signature, username, logo, watermark, copyright name, copyright symbol, resized, downscaled, source larger, low quality, lowres, jpeg artifacts, compression artifacts, blurry, artistic error, bad anatomy, bad hands, bad feet, disfigured, deformed, extra digits, fewer digits, missing fingers, censored, bar censor, mosaic censoring, missing, extra, fewer, bad, hyper, error, ugly, worst, tagme, unfinished, bad proportions, bad perspective, aliasing, simple background, asymmetrical, monochrome, sketch, concept art, flat color, flat colors, simple shading, jaggy lines, traditional media \(artwork\), microsoft paint \(artwork\), ms paint \(medium\), unclear, photo, icon, multiple views, sequence, comic, 2koma, 4koma, multiple images, turnaround, collage, panel skew, letterboxed, framed, border, speech bubble, 3d, lossy-lossless, scan artifacts, out of frame, cropped, [abstract], [doesnotexist], clone, clones

EulerDy Beta 25 steps 7 scale
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Anyone knows of good site(s) to generate video/do img2video on?
I'll mainly img2vid "idle animation" of my own gen, I tried Kling and Hailuoai but couldn't figure out the proper prompt for it to work... Also doesn't helps that the queue takes forever.

While i'm at it, anyone mind trying "idle animation" on this gen of mine? (generic/subtle body movement). Ty!

Is this the type of animation you are looking for? I did this touching random options in app.immersity.ai, 2d to 3d animation
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Oh that looks neat, though i was thinking more of a different type of animation, kinda like this: https://x.com/LATEa_Hyena/status/1702940385608180115

basically a repeating gif of a character, I've seen similiar theme of it (mostly female) on Kling and Hailuo but can't seem to recreate it... (that, and i couldn't find a guide on img2vid at all)
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Requesting a nude edit where he has a big flaccid cock and balls hanging out from the zipper of his shorts
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Requesting a nude edit where he wears no pants. Please give him a long, but realistic, uncut flaccid cock. Bonus points for short trimmed pubes.

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