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A Houston man who was recently pardoned by President Donald Trump for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection has been arrested on an outstanding child sex crimes charge.

Andrew Taake, 36, was taken into custody on Thursday after spending more than two weeks as a fugitive, the Harris County District Attorney’s Office said. He had previously been charged with online solicitation of a minor stemming from a 2016 incident in which he allegedly sent sexually explicit messages to an undercover law enforcement officer who was posing as a 15-year-old girl.

Taake was among the roughly 1,600 people, including 120 Texans, who were charged for their roles in the U.S. Capitol riot, which ultimately resulted in five deaths, injuries to 140 police officers, at least $2.8 million in damage and roughly 1,575 federal criminal cases.

Federal prosecutors said Taake used bear spray and a metal whip to assault officers, and that he was caught after bragging about the incident to a woman he met on an online dating app. Screenshots of his messages to the woman, who later alerted law enforcement, show that he sent a selfie of himself to the woman that he said was taken “about 30 minutes” after the incident, according to court records.

In June, he was sentenced to six years in prison after pleading guilty in 2023, but was released from federal prison in Colorado following Trump’s sweeping Jan. 20 pardon of those charged for partaking in the melee.

Taake’s release was condemned by Harris County District Attorney Sean Teare, who said that his office had faxed a copy of Taake’s outstanding warrant to the Federal Bureau of Prisons five days before he was pardoned. After about two weeks on the lam, Taake was located and arrested at a residence in Leon County, Texas, the Harris County DA said Thursday.
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>you're still cheering on pedophiles for being free though.
Anon are you retarded? I'm seriously asking this.
Because trans rights are human rights.
>if I keep ignoring Trump getting freaky with little girls they'll believe me
Oh we're doing this again? Day 4?
Just another pedo felon, I mean, lifelong loyal conservative voter who did nothing wrong, kek. I bet he even goes to church every sunday to talk to his fellow pederasts

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Trumps popularity places him fourth amongst a collection of world leaders, far above countries fuck as germany, Canada, France, Spain, Norway and Sweden.
Donald Trump's Approval Rating Is Better Than Most World Leaders

Donald Trump's approval rating is better than most world leaders, according to a new poll.

The poll, conducted by Morning Consult between January 21 and 27, showed Trump beating all but four world leaders.

Why It Matters
Trump's strong approval ratings compared to other world leaders highlights his enduring political influence, both domestically and internationally.

What To Know
The poll showed that Trump's approval rating stands at 52 percent, while 38 percent disapprove of him. Ten percent of those polled answered that they don't know if they approve or disapprove of him.

Only four world leaders beat Trump in the rankings: Swiss President Karin Keller-Sutter, Argentine President Javier Milei, Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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I'm inside u
If u exterminate me, u exterminate u. U need a lefty commie demon exorcism. I'm gonna make u fap to that hot woman with the BBC , and there's nothing you can do about it. Except maybe go to a church and talk to a Catholic priest, even if you are Hindu.
Conservatives cheer on fascism, and the sky is blue
first fascist to ever reduce government
>conducted between January 27 and 28 among 1,000 registered voters,
So the poll is meaningless
>So the poll is meaningless
Trump will be meaningless two years from now when those paying even more for gas, milk & eggs since 20th January 2025 get their revenge in the midterms.
It's The Economy, Stupid.

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An anti trump protest in Los Angeles turns violent as teenagers start stabbing each other. A victim is in critical condition.
ALos Angeles protest against President Donald Trump's mass deportations has been shut down after a teenage boy was stabbed.

Aerial footage from KTLA television captured the aftermath of the confrontation, revealing a bloodied individual.

Newsweek has reached out to the LAPD via email for comment.

Why it matters
The new Trump administration has vowed to conduct the largest mass deportation operation in U.S. history.

Since returning to office, Trump has signed numerous executive orders on immigration. They include deploying the military at the border, deporting migrants directly back to their country of origin, and expanding Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) powers.

Those new powers allow ICE to target migrants at sensitive locations, like schools and churches, for arrests and potential deportations.

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How many of them were actually confirmed to be BLM members, and how many of them were arrested for actually doing shit or just being in the vicinity of people doing shit?
leftist are all hypocrites, they're food not friends you worthless trash.
funny how you give so many excuses for BLM but have a different standards for everyone else. what's that oh right hypocrite
if he changes the subject to deflect you're not supposed to take the bait
Good post
This entire board has become a chud circlejerk and you're worried about bait.

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The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), the primary U.S. nonprofit fighting child sexual exploitation, said Friday that it is removing all references to transgender people from its public materials.

The move is in accordance with an executive order President Trump signed last week, which bars federal funding that goes to “gender ideology” and makes it the official policy of the federal government not to recognize their gender identity.

“Earlier this week, like many federally funded non-profits, NCMEC was directed by DOJ to comply with Executive Order 14168,” a NCMEC spokesperson said in an emailed statement. “We are responding to this direction in a balanced way reviewing our publicly facing materials to ensure compliance while not impacting our 40-year mission of child protection.”

As a nonprofit, NCMEC relies heavily on grant money from the Department of Justice. It is the nation’s largest private sector organization to search for missing and exploited children, and it coordinates with law enforcement and tech companies to identify and remove child sexual abuse material.

Derrick Driscoll, NCMEC’s chief operating officer, told NBC News in a phone interview that the organization’s primary operations would not change, but the executive order compelled it to remove materials that mentioned transgender adults and children. He declined to speak about specific reports.

“The direction from DOJ, our grantor, was specifically to review our public-facing platforms and materials for compliance,” he said. “Our ability to locate and recover missing children and to protect victims of child sexual exploitation remains unchanged and will remain unchanged.”

News of the shift at NCMEC was first reported by independent reporter Marisa Kabas.

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>child rapist ideology protects kids
fuck off
>Remember that altruism is the root of all sin.
Could you explain why the person trying to stop child rape was friends with Jeffrey Epstein? Seems a bit weird
Conservatives rape kids
I guess they should have gave my kid free money if they wanted my support for this.

I don't care because my child didn't get anything for free.

Unfortunately, retarded MAGA shills will lap this up, because they love being lied to.


Speaker Mike Johnson told reporters Friday morning that Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries “seemed to be trying to set up some sort of a government shutdown.”

“We have been negotiating in good faith, trying to get a top-line number. But so far as I know, they’ve been unresponsive the past two days or so,” Johnson said.

The speaker weighed in as anxieties are spiking about the coming March 14 deadline for extending government funding. Democrats have grown wary about cutting a deal with Republicans as President Donald Trump and his ally Elon Musk move swiftly to unilaterally cut agency funding

Top appropriators have been negotiating in recent weeks about a top-line spending number — a necessary first step toward passing funding for the remainder of fiscal 2025. The chair of the House Appropriations Committee, in fact, said Friday — contra Johnson — that those talks are ongoing.

“That’s not true, he doesn’t know that," Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) said when asked about Johnson's comment. "I mean, we heard [from Democrats] yesterday."

The top Democrat on the panel, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (R-Conn.), said much the same Friday: "The speaker is mistaken. No one has walked away from the table. We sent them an offer yesterday. He should give Chairman Cole a call for a status update."

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it's not actually a coup you guys, go back to your video games
Anon that was the actual report on spending they found. It's just a case of getting a subscription for like, a million federal workers.
ahh yes because getting a subscription to politico is mandatory for federal workers to do their job. got anything else?
>nooooooo you can't be informed and a government worker at the same time!!!!
Republicans remain in eighth circle of hell.


The cost of clean power technologies such as wind, solar and battery technologies are expected to fall further by 2-11% in 2025, breaking last year’s record. According to a latest report by research provider BloombergNEF (BNEF), new wind and solar farms are already undercutting new coal and gas plants on production cost in almost every market globally. Meanwhile, China’s clean technology manufacturing overcapacity has led to rising protectionism in the form of import tariffs by countries to avoid cheap imports upending their own energy markets.

Trade barriers could temporarily stall cost declines, but BNEF still expects the levelized cost of electricity for clean technologies to fall 22-49% by 2035.
BNEF’s Levelized Cost of Electricity report indicates that the global benchmark cost for battery storage projects fell by a third in 2024 to $104 per megawatt-hour (MWh), as a glut in supply due to slower electric vehicle sales led to cheaper prices for battery packs. Meanwhile, the cost of a typical fixed-axis solar farm fell by 21% globally last year. Modules were sold at or below the cost of production, with no signs of the overcapacity in the solar supply chain easing in 2025. Batteries will cross the $100/MWh watershed in 2025, while global benchmarks for wind and solar generation are also set to fall 4% and 2%, respectively.
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Consider this, Elongated Muskrat: what's to stop ol' Xi and the CCP from nationalizing, thus taking into absolute state control, your Tesla Gigafactory in China? All the new EVs being produced there that are infinitely more reliable than Tesla's.
You could always fund the building of one in USA to replace that if you love that country so much, certainly as much as white Americans in need of jobs. Amirite, Musky?
>I don't care about the future, just what makes the rest of my life more comfortable
is it the oil keeping you comfortable anon, or is it the telling yourself you don't care about the future?
>that are infinitely more reliable than Tesla's.
>DankPods buys 2017 Nissan Leaf from Japan. Unlike all his other ICE cars, nothing goes wrong with this
>Trump with iPhone made in China
>Musk with Teslas powered by batteries made in China
>the above & >>1382540 thinking Apple & Tesla products are somehow better than Huawei & BYD Auto
Why the fuck do you like oil so much?

Marko Elez, a 25-year-old who is part of of Elon Musk buttboys deployed by the Department of Government Efficiency to scrutinize federal spending, resigned after The Wall Street Journal asked the White House about his connection to a bigot scum deletd x account.
“Just for the record, I was racist before it was cool,” the account posted in July, according to the Journal’s review of archived posts.

You could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity,” the account wrote on X in September. “Normalize Indian hate,” the account wrote the same month, in reference to a post noting the prevalence of people from India in Silicon Valley.

The account, @nullllptr—a misspelling of a keyword in the C++ programming language—was deleted in December, but hundreds of brash, sometimes-sophomoric posts have been archived.
The user appeared to have a special dislike for Indian software engineers. “99% of Indian H1Bs will be replaced by slightly smarter LLMs, they’re going back don’t worry guys,” the user posted in December, referring to large language models such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT.
In June, the user weighed in on the conflict in the Middle East, offering some sympathy for Israel but also posting, “I would not mind at all if Gaza and Israel were both wiped off the face of the Earth.”
The deleted @nullllptr account previously went by the username @marko_elez, a review of archived posts shows. The user behind the @nullllptr also described themselves as an employee at SpaceX and Starlink.

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They started doing that last year. If you complain or keep doing it you will get a three day ban out of it.
JD Vance has been defending him on Twitter which is hilarious. We finally found a politician that has less of a spine than Ted Cruz.
Hey can we do the 19 year old who literally got fired from his last job for leaking data next?
>We finally found a politician that has less of a spine than Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz isn't especially special among Republicans as far as lacking a spine goes at this point. They're all psychopaths and/or worms.

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President Trump signs an executive order freezing aid to South Africa in response to the racist controversial land seizure law and the persecution of ethnic White minority as well as opening the USA to resettlement of South African Whites who are having their land stolen and being discriminated against.

Trump is the real deal.

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and you sound subhuman
Sure I am, I hope retards like you get violently raped by the illegals too for now siding with them.
I don’t know, that guy sounds pretty salty at Americans for electing Trump and him pulling the plug on Africa. Sounds like he is personally affected by it or something. I wouldn't call that infighting.
Good thing I’m for deporting the illegals then. I’ll keep my bootyhole virginity, thanks.
soon you'll be the illegals. Mexico will invade and use americans as livestock starting with the texans and their oh so beloved cotton.
No thanks', white South Africans turn down Trump's immigration offer. If you haven't got any problems here, why would you want to go," said Neville van der Merwe, a 78-year-old pensioner in Bothasig near Cape Town.

"There hasn't been any really bad taking over our land, the people are carrying on like normal and you know, what are you going to do over there?" https://www.yahoo.com/news/no-thanks-white-south-africans-134532996.html

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During Robert F Kennedy Jr’s Senate confirmation hearing on 30 January, Angela Alsobrooks, a Democratic senator from Maryland, pressed the nominee on his past claims that Black people have a stronger immune system than white people and thereby, should receive vaccines on a different schedule than them. “What different vaccine schedule would you say I should have received?” Alsobrooks, who is Black, asked the health secretary nominee. Kennedy then referenced a “series of studies” showing that “to particular antigens, Blacks have a much stronger reaction”.

The exchange is cause for alarm for many, as it signified how close a man who holds medically racist beliefs was to becoming the country’s leading health official. Dr Richard Kennedy – an author of the study referenced at the hearing, who is not related to Kennedy – told NPR that while it’s true the immune response to vaccination can vary by race, sex and “potentially dozens of other factors”, the data does not support a change in vaccine schedule based on race.

Alsobrooks went on to characterize the nominee’s incorrect interpretation of medical research as “dangerous”, noting the potential for the misinformation to have far-reaching and tangible effects on people’s lives. Shannon Cavanagh, the department chair of sociology at University of Texas, Austin, agreed with this sentiment, telling the Guardian that ideas like Kennedy’s could be used to rationalize the lack of care for an under-served population. She noted that even though false claims that Black people possess a stronger immune system or higher pain tolerance persist, the demographic actually suffers from higher maternal mortality rates and lower life expectancy than other groups.
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i guess bots are ok on this board now

>Longevity enthusiasts are buzzing after reports surfaced that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. may be a fan of methylene blue.

>President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services was recently filmed adding mysterious blue droplets to his glass mid-flight. Though he wasn’t seen drinking it, the clip — shared on X by the account American AF — quickly went viral, racking up over 20.4 million views.

>Naturally, internet sleuths are on the case. Kennedy hasn’t confirmed what the liquid was, but many are speculating that it’s methylene blue, which one user called “one of the best-kept secrets in biohacking.”

>Kennedy’s team did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.

>Methylene blue, considered the first fully synthetic drug used in medicine, was originally developed as a textile dye. Its potential medical benefits began to catch the eye of researchers in the 1890s, particularly as a malaria treatment.

>Today, the substance — which can be injected or consumed orally — is approved for treating methemoglobinemia, a rare condition where blood loses its ability to carry oxygen throughout the body.

>In recent years, celebrities, wellness influencers and biohackers have touted methylene blue for several off-label uses, claiming it can boost energy levels and metabolism, enhance cognitive function and combat aging — though evidence remains limited.

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theres no lions in Detroit or Atlanta though. soon they'll only exist in zoos anyway
ur a nut
They were chosen specifically to impede and destroy the services they 'represent'. You've got a tankie cunt in charge of intelligence and a genuine fucking lunatic in charge of healthcare.

Not sure what they plan to do with the female astronaut who is currently in space or the woman who is currently the head of NASA. They didn't really think this through at all.


NASA, which is currently led by a woman, doesn't want its websites to mention women in leadership. The space agency is being quite thorough in its compliance with President Donald Trump's executive order against programs promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA). Per a Jan. 22 directive obtained by 404 Media, space agency employees were recently told to purge public sites of mentions of DEI, Indigenous people, environmental justice, and women in leadership.
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>Not sure what they plan to do with the female astronaut who is currently in space
Will she be the first to actually die in space? I can't imagine Trump cares that both astronauts are still stuck up there as every space agency just twiddles their fingers over it.
Well, he put musk on it apparently. Which, knowing his track record, means help will probably come in five years and explode halfway though reentry.
California is mismanaged as fuck tho
>California is mismanaged as fuck tho
You in the wrong thread anon?
>Will she be the first to actually die in space?
Russians did that before armstrong put on his suit.
On the 'DEI' side, she did seem slightly un-nerved, but continued performing and did a stalwart job of describing how the air is igniting around the craft on re-entry just before it disintergrated. Probably saved the next one.

Russia says that didn't happen, but I've a recording of the transmission somewhere. I didn't make this and don't have a chain of custody, but it seems authentic.

Unless, ofc, you meant first US femail.

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no they planted a pager bomb a a gift to him.
paste the article text newfag
why would they willingly bomb their slave?
Congrats MAGAchuds on voting for ZOG
> why would they willingly bomb their slave?

Because to a cruel master, all slaves are easily disposable and replacable. The pager-bomb is a threat-leash to keep the slave in place.

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A California utility company has admitted guilt to causing the devastating fires in California.
Not only is there water and forestry horribly mismanaged, but this is yet another instance of one of their utility companies burning down entire towns full of people.
California literally can't even bring people electricity without murdering them.
California utility company says its equipment may have sparked a Los Angeles-area wildfire

California utility company Southern California Edison on Thursday said its equipment “may be associated with” the ignition of the Hurst Fire, which burned alongside the Eaton and Palisades fires during January’s Los Angeles firestorms.

The admission came amid a required filing with the state’s utility regulators

Last month, the company acknowledged fire agencies were investigating if its equipment may have started the Hurst Fire, which burned approximately 799 acres in Los Angeles County. The fire burned for eight days before being fully contained on January 16, but it did not destroy any structures or lead to any deaths, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, known as Cal Fire.

“Absent additional evidence, SCE believes its equipment may be associated with the ignition of the Hurst Fire,” Thursday’s filing said. SoCal Edison said it continues to cooperate with authorities as the cause of the fire remains under investigation.

The Los Angeles County’s Coordinated Joint Information Center and the Los Angeles County Fire Department both declined to comment on the filing.

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Ah yes. The famed storm 3000 mile wide storm that took out electricity across all of continental Canada. I'll take things that didn't happen for $10,000
>They still clear brush you retard.
It takes an emergency order from Newsom to clear brush you retarded fuck.
I grew up in Cali. After the camp fire pg&e started turning off electricity to about half the the state on windy days. I believe they continue, but most people have bought generators by now.

And I think they only still do it when the wind is extremely high, but for about 2 years after the camp fire all it took was a moderately windy day and everything rural roughly in the triangular area between SF, sac, and Redding would have their electricity cutoff
it was squirrels all along. squirrels cause over alf of all power outages in the US.
Every single year arsonists at caught setting fires in CA. And they are very often commie activists.
Sometimes they're just cunts tho

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Good post
Do a favor to the world and kill yourselves. You provide nothing of value: nothing beautiful, nothing true, nothing good.
you are a faggot

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OP needs to be deported back to rddit.
this is hilarious. Obama deported far more illegals than Trump did, yet "Democrats don't care about the border". This is the big lie and really the only reason Republicans ever win elections.

If Democrats cared about the border, publicly, they would never lose another election. Fact is, neither side cares as long as enough cheap labor crosses over. But Republicans have convinced the rubes that they do care.
you are coping and seething
border crossings are down by 90% since trump took office
citation needed, and a ny post article with baseless claims isn't a citation

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>No tax on tips
>No tax on overtime
>Tax cuts for 'Made in America' projects
>No tax break for rich sportsclub owners

Not even you democrat voters and shills can hate this.
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>noooo we need illegals to do slave labor in the US
>>noooo we need illegals to do slave labor in the US
>minimum wage
Doctor, the brainrot has spread too far...
if they were rational and not retarded, they wouldn't be shills.
For 2024??

If not - fuck him, I made more on OT than you faggot made all year
Shut up lazy faggot.

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