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We're not capturing panama canal,canada and mexico then
I just want to find 11780 votes, which is only 1 more than we need.
he's shitposting again
Biden is a very bad man. At least tRump gave many paper towels to the Ricians after hurricane Maria devastated the island and they had no electricity for 2 yrs. Everyone in a civilized nation knows that toilet paper & towels are life savers.
No he didn't. You also forgot to paste the article text OP.
Hunter Biden caused this
the absolute state of /news/
Very true. tRump knows this (just look at shit-hole countries like India)
This is why tRump gave the PRs paper instead of electricity for 2 years.
our government should stop pussyfooting around and just make puerto rico a state already. it's been over a hundred years since we got them and we're talking about gaining new territories when we won't give voting rights to all of our citizens yet, jesus christ, what happened to taxation without representation?
can't do that because it would add two Dem senators.
I see no issue here
They can't get more than 51 votes on anything. The dems couldn't even pass full Obamacare at the peak of their power in the last 50 years. Blue dogs always ruin everything. Just three years ago Biden couldn't even pass his own economic agenda without Joe Manchin (D-WV) ruining it.
But they can cause wars all over the globe, so that's ok. What's good for Lockheed-Martin is good for USA.
Ahh you're insane, I should have known.
Did you forget who started the "War on Terror"? Or are you a zoomer unaware that the world existed before 2008?
World did existed before 2001 as well as US's warmongers, both dems and reps. Granada, for exemple. First Gulf war. The funny thing here is that Democrats are somehow more progressive, but that in no way stops them from waging wars for the glory of American business.
>Grenada - Reagan
>First Gulf War - Daddy Bush

not sure what point you're trying to make
He's giving us a heads up that he might be a little retarded

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