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WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Aides to Elon Musk charged with running the U.S. government human resources agency have locked career civil servants out of computer systems that contain the personal data of millions of federal employees, according to two agency officials.
Since taking office 11 days ago, President Donald Trump has embarked on a massive government makeover, firing and sidelining hundreds of civil servants in his first steps toward downsizing the bureaucracy and installing more loyalists.
Musk, the billionaire Tesla (TSLA.O), opens new tab CEO and X owner tasked by Trump to slash the size of the 2.2 million-strong civilian government workforce, has moved swiftly to install allies at the agency known as the Office of Personnel Management.
The two officials, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation, said some senior career employees at OPM have had their access revoked to some of the department's data systems..
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Billionaires the smartest, most intelligent, and most successful members of our species. They have to be to survive the rutheless world of bussiness. They represent the apex of humanity, and I'd trust them to run things over any unelected bureaucrat retard, and most elected bureaucrat retards (in other words, politicians). They are building a world that, although not all that comfortable for the failures of our society, is more rewarding and fair to those who succeed and actually matter. There will be no second place prizes and no free lunches in this world. It will be glorious.
i'll take that as a yes. try not to drown, not like we'd lose much
Based AF.
That's a pretty strange way of admitting you're incredibly retarded can't do anything without the help of the Glorious Leader.
Expected from a corpo fascist shill, really
Hilarious how the people who always cry "defend the state! bureaucracts are evil and don't have our interests at heart!" Etc etc are now crying because the state is being cleansed of vampires who leech tax payer funds.
Or do leftists suddenly want bigger government? Didn't know they were such authoritarians lmao.

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This might actually be the most retarded thing he's ever done.

SACRAMENTO, California — President Donald Trump declared victory on Friday in his long-running water war with California, boasting he sent billions of gallons south — but local officials say they narrowly prevented him from possibly flooding farms.

“Today, 1.6 billion gallons and, in 3 days, it will be 5.2 billion gallons. Everybody should be happy about this long fought Victory! I only wish they listened to me six years ago — There would have been no fire!” he said in a post on his social media site.

Local officials had to talk the Army Corps of Engineers down after it abruptly alerted them Thursday afternoon it was about to increase flows from two reservoirs to maximum capacity — a move the agency said was in response to Trump directing the federal government to “maximize” water supplies.

Before the Corps ratcheted down its plan, local authorities scrambled to move equipment and warn farms about possible flooding, said Victor Hernandez, who oversees water management on one of the rivers, the Kaweah in Tulare County. He said the Corps gave him one hour notice on Thursday.

“I’ve been here 25 years, and I’ve never been given notice that quick,” Hernandez said. “That was alarming and scary.”

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I bet you don't live in California. Meanwhile, there's so many Republican voters Trump's just alienated.
More Revenge Voters in the midterms. Just two years. Tick-tock, tick-tock, Trumpo.
That was me, not him.
He wants to be in the chain of replies without saying NTA then he can take your position. I don't have the time or patience to differentiate between so many retards without an ID. You all say the same stupid shit.
maybe 4chan isn't the best site for you
I mean yeah you'll hear no argument from me about that, but after... Holy shit it's been 18 years here... Fuck.

Don't forget: you're here forever.


Pentagon agency bans Black History Month in compliance with Trump’s anti-DEI push

Just days before the start of Black History Month, employees from the Pentagon’s intelligence agency received a memo notifying them that all activities related to the annual commemoration were now banned.

According to a memo obtained by NBC News, the Defense Intelligence Agency ordered a pause of all activities and events related to 11 “special observances” in compliance with President Donald Trump’s ban on DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) programs in the federal workplace.
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sorry for muh tardy repluh
>I honestly support this. I don't really get why we should have holidays or special months targeting racial or sexual orientation groups.
>Goodbye Christmas. I'm guessing you da one Dat put whitey in his place say, ALL CAPS COLORED CHAOS CO-COORDINATING CHUM, this is why I take vacations away from this place. I meme, holy bloody baby Jesus, mother Mary on the rag(lil baby Jesus popped out during Mary's period, as she was a virgin). The sheer imbecility of these white gnat braned Nats. They have WHITE Christmas, white Jesus, a white father in the sky, Columbus day, Washington's bd, memorial day ( a lot of whiteys buried at Arlington). Halloween where they get to wear black face, Thanksgiving where whitey gives thanks for all the injuns he killed so he could grow the foods he be eatin'.And Donna git me started on when thar racist state holidays like Confederate memorial day. And then the fucking white gnats gibs dem self a new holiday JAN 6!!!@1. Forgive me for slipping back into muh native hood lingo, ALL CAPPER COLORED, it just i get so angry at whitey sometimes, even whrn he don't mean to be racist, his ignorance makes him so.
The White House celebrated Black History month yesterday. Just in case you mongoloids missed it.
Oh hey, just found this.
Trump WH told the public what the east coast drone sightings were after Biden was confused about it for 6 months straight
>Mysterious drones seen across New Jersey and the East Coast last year were authorized to be flown by the Federal Aviation Administration, the White House said Tuesday, echoing an earlier claim by President Donald Trump, who said the drones aren’t “the enemy” amid speculation about their origin.
>The drones seen over New Jersey were authorized to be flown by the FAA for “research and various other reasons,” White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said Tuesday, citing unspecified “research and study.”
See, the problem is, if it's this mundane an explanation, the fact no one in the Biden admin gave it means it's probably a lie.
Yeah, Trump totally wouldn't lie to us.

David Hogg wins election as vice chair of DNC
Mabinty Quarshie
February 1, 2025 10:48 pm



NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland — Parkland, Florida, high school shooting survivor David Hogg won his bid to become one of three vice chairs during the Democratic National Committee election on Saturday.
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This kid is the poster child for why the Democrats can't win an election that isn't rigged.

>Dad is FBI bigwig.

>Stands on the bodies of classmates killed in a regrettable school shooting.

>Can't get laid in college without being in a poly relationship.

>Only career option is as a political hack.

>Gets hired after landslide defeat even with the inevitable millions of illegal votes cast in favor of the democrats.

Not a great strategy for the DNC to double down on why people hate them.
is it going to talk about how he ran into a hail of gunfire to save burning kittens, too?
>It's hilarious that the right wing blames Democrats for anything wrong, when Democrats haven't used any of their power since LBJ enacted Medicare and FDR enacted Social Security.
That's actually the fucking problem.
The democrats are so useless and inefficient that when they have had power: it immediately gets hijacked by corporate piggies dragging the reins away from the people who actually build up the party and make it into what it is.

Workers Unions
Nature conservationists

How many of their policies were enacted under Biden? Zero, none. It all got weaker, even. As he became a mirror of a Republican from 15 years ago. Kamala was going to make it WORSE, and punctuated that by burning a billion dollars in an attempt to sell a turd instead of just admitting this isn't the policy the Democrats want.

So here we are, second term of Orange Man, and Democrats are now leaning on e-celebs for clout acting like it's not their fault they have burned every one of their good candidates and policies.
>How many of their policies were enacted under Biden? Zero, none. It all got weaker, even
What do you expect? The person leading the democrat party was an old man with dementia and democrats lied to themselves about that very fact for 4 years straight acting like every video proving it was doctored

"Local hero" must mean smooth-brained faggot in normal speak. Half these NPCs are too young to appreciate two decades of corrupt realpolitiks and the other half are just too fucking old.

Hoggy Pillow here is as transparent as cellophane to anyone with fully developed, non-dimentia riddled grey matter. Just the latest mutt standard for masturbatory self-preoccupation.

Leave it behind, build something better and don't drag everyone else down into another docile, materialist, and glowingly retarded boomer 2.0 generation. Fucking plebs.

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Donald Elon Incompetence

Email Empowerment
Turns out that putting underqualified kids in charge of the federal government's HR agency wasn't the smartest move. Last night, an exploit in the Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) new home-cooked email server seems to have made it possible for anyone with an email address to blast messages to vast numbers of federal employees.
As a result, over 13,000 employees with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration found their inboxes bombarded with spam and messages from vulgar trolls. Some users signed the NOAA up for newsletters from entities like the Church of Scientology, or the Perfect Jean — "Welcome to Jean Perfection," a screenshot reads. One particularly vulgar email offered pointers on Trump's alleged performance at a sexual act. An "Important Weather Alert" warned that the next four years have a 99 percent chance of fecal showers. "Aren't you tired of working for a complete c***?" asked one sender. A missive from a sender identified as "Craig" simply reads "yo."

Ken Klippenstein, the national security reporter who revealed the breach, once again took the opportunity to plug his infamous newsletter with the subject line: "urgent, time sensitive."
If you feel this paints a pretty grim picture of the state of our government agencies, you're not alone. "Goes to show you how fast this [new comms system] was cobbled together," one NOAA employee told Ken Klippenstein. "No security or screening on this address."
Spam of God
The whole thing apparently stems from an overhaul at the OPM led by oligarch-in-chief Elon Musk. On Tuesday, Wired reported that Musk had been given free reign to replace the agency's high-level staff with lackeys from his previous ventures.
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Go back
undermining federal government is good for america
TDS much?
>We’re not a weird cult!
>Letting unelected, unreviewed, unconfirmed figures have full access to the US treasury is good for america
At this point leave a big sign outside your house saying "free $ inside" while leaving your door not just unlocked, but wide open.


>Along with a new year comes a new political direction for the country and a warning to the city's Democratic old guard that "the times, they are changin'."
>Toy has lived in San Francisco's Chinatown for 45 years and she was happy to see so many people visiting her neighborhood. But she was also happy to see so many of her neighbors coming out to vote in the November presidential election.
>"They were in their 80's, 90's–old ladies, old men–they all came out to vote," she said. "Because the way it is happening in America, it is going downhill. For example, with the crime rate going up."
>Toy is a proud supporter of President Trump and it looks like she has a lot of company in the Asian community. The city's Republican Party is reporting a huge swell in GOP registrations of people from Asian countries since the pandemic.
>"What I see is that regular citizens, such as I, we are all fed up with the corruption here in San Francisco and also in California. We are all fed up," she said. "I'm not surprised that they're doing that," said Nancy Yu Law, about the voting shift. "All my friends have changed this year, so I'm not surprised."
>As progressives, Democrats like to see themselves as the party of change. This is one change they may not have seen coming.
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All the more reason to not vote for Trump.
Didn't work with Biden.
kekeke this idiot thinks asians are from south america
No he's not
I was born here
He's some nepo fuck from south Africa. He should go back to his own country
And now you understand it won't work with either and neither of those senile old fags cares about America or Americans
Which is why no one should vote for Republicans or Democrats


PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Multiple casualties have been reported after a small plane crashed in a residential neighborhood of Northeast Philadelphia.

It happened near Cottman Avenue and Roosevelt Boulevard just after 6 p.m. Friday.

According to the FAA, a Learjet 55 departed from Northeast Philadelphia Airport en route to Springfield-Branson National Airport in Missouri when it went down.

Police say the plane was on a medical assignment.

There were reportedly six people on board, according to Secretary of Transportation Sean Duffy.

The FAA had initially reported there were two people on board. The agency did not have any update on their condition.

"It was just horrific. I was just driving down the street, coming to Wendy's and I just saw a plane basically hit the building and it exploded. The sky light up and I pulled over and basically it was just real bad around here," said one witness, who described the incident as "Earthquakish.

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This would never have happened if aircraft used white boxes. Or something. I don't know, I'm not Republican.
They won't exist for much longer anyways. The firings and voluntary exits are continuing.
Forgot to mention: this is an excerpt from the directions given at a 2013 NBCFAE meeting

This is in addition to the NBCFAE's Washington Suburban chapter president giving applicants answers to the new "Biographical Questionnaire", which replaced the original skills-based assessments. He also "provided NBCFAE members with "buzz words" in January 2014 that would automatically push their resumes to the tops of HR files."

In response to the original "Brigida v. Buttigieg" case calling the FAA "racist" for their hiring practices.
Oh man. Ngl, I am so happy that were voted out of all positions of power and Trump is working to clean up their mess they left behind
tRump blows stuff up real good

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kinda surprised no ones made a thread about this one yet.


Dozens of people are feared dead after a passenger plane traveling from Kansas collided with a military helicopter near Reagan Airport in Arlington, Virginia, and plunged into the Potomac River.

DC Mayor Muriel Bowser confirmed early Thursday that “both aircraft are in the water,” and that 64 people were aboard the American Airlines plane and three were in the military helicopter.

President Donald Trump said early Thursday morning that the midair collision between a US Army helicopter and American Airlines passenger plane was a “bad situation that looks like it should have been prevented.”

heres the FAA statement on their website about the incident.

A PSA Airlines Bombardier CRJ700 regional jet collided in midair with a Sikorsky H-60 helicopter while on approach to Runway 33 at Reagan Washington National Airport around 9 p.m. local time. PSA was operating as Flight 5342 for American Airlines. It departed from Wichita, Kansas. The FAA and NTSB will investigate. The NTSB will lead the investigation.

sources say its 18 fatalities so far as of this post. any thoughts?
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>Plane collides with aircraft tug at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport; tug driver critically injured
>Houston Flight Evacuated Before Takeoff Because of Engine Fire, Video Shows
>A video on social media showed smoke and flames coming from one of the engines of a United Airlines flight headed for LaGuardia Airport in New York.
>Chuck Yeager had no problem with working alongside test pilot Jacqueline Cochran. Later encouraged young people to enter the field of Aeronautics: including women
>One of Bundeswehr Luftwaffe's most experienced pilots is Ulrike Fitze. Has flown what was East Germany's MiG-29s, then Eurofighter Typhoons, now Lockheed F-35s
Even the RAF's Douglas Bader continued flying Hawker Hurricanes against the Luftwaffe in WWII when he didn't have legs, so there's Trump's anti-DEI opinions destroyed.
Btw she only logged 400 hours. She is 600 hours under anyone else in her paygrade. She was promoted because she was a biden aide. So Nepotism is the more likely answer to why she was promoted. She had good grades in military school being top 20%.
But no one in her position has that few of hours flying a helicopter.
But her being a woman is something desired for dei employers so we can't dismiss that fact.
>Japan Airlines Plane Clips Delta Plane at Seattle-Tacoma Airport

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Trump made Colombian president fold like a lawn chair.
Gustavo Petro is ordering all Colombian illegal immigrants to return back to the country. He is offering to pay cash to illegal aliens if they return home immediately .
Colombian president asks undocumented Colombians in the United States to return
Colombian air force planes carrying deportees from the U.S. have arrived in Bogota this week.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro on Friday urged undocumented Colombians in the United States to quit their jobs “immediately” and return to Colombia.

He added in a post on X that the Department of Social Prosperity would offer credits to returnees who enroll in its programs

Colombian air force planes carrying deportees from the U.S. have arrived in Bogota this week.

Petro over the weekend averted an economic disaster after diplomats from his government and the U.S. reached a deal on deportation flights in a dispute that had led both countries to threaten tariffs and the U.S. to impose visa measures.
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Wow. Way to go and 60% yourself. What mental illnesses have you been diagnosed with? Im intrigued to know what makes someone act like this
you sure are forcing this meme, milhouse
It forces itself when people act like 1379342
Good thread here: >>>/wsg/5800884
>yeah i'll totally tell all the columbian immigrants to come back to columbia
>and i'll totally end that deal with China that was already over
Do you also think that wrestling is real?

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An opinion poll indicated that 85% of Greenlanders do not wish their Arctic island - a semi-autonomous Danish territory - to become a part of the United States, with nearly half saying they see interest by U.S. President Donald Trump as a threat.
Trump said earlier this month that Greenland was vital to U.S. security and Denmark should give up control of the strategically important island.
The survey by pollster Verian, commissioned by the Danish newspaper Berlingske and Greenlandic daily Sermitsiaq, showed only 6% of Greenlanders are in favour of their island becoming part of the U.S., with 9% undecided.

The poll showed that 45% viewed Trump's interest in Greenland as a threat, with 43% saying they see it as an opportunity, leaving 13% undecided.
Greenland enjoys many of the same welfare benefits as Denmark such as universal healthcare and free education.
Only 8% of those polled said they would be willing to change their Danish citizenship to American, 55% said they would prefer to be Danish citizens, and 37% were undecided.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said on Tuesday she had given full backing to the principle of maintaining respect for international borders, following meetings with French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and NATO chief Secretary-General Mark Rutte.
"I am pleased if the survey is an expression that many Greenlanders would like to see a continued close cooperation with Denmark. Probably in a different form than what we know today, because everything changes over time," she told Berlingske in response to the poll.

Denmark said on Monday it would spend 14.6 billion crowns ($2.04 billion) on boosting its military presence in the Arctic.
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>ivy league
That's actually a group comprised of 8 of the worlds top universities
I'm going to enjoy watching you starve and freeze to death on your way to conquer greenland and canada lol.
You're a country of inapt retards that got boosted into relevance by being a war profiteer.
Yes you're also the country with one of the lowest average IQ among first world countries while having a significantly higher then average cost spent on education per capita.
>believing an opinion poll
US has the means to be entirely self sufficient. You can't starve us of anything
Most countries can be self sufficient if they wanted to, but I wouldn't expect US out of all countries to be self sufficient when they're too cheap to pay its own labourers well and have to rely on undocumented migrants to harvest their own food right now lol

Doot do do do do doot doot
Living in the U.S.A.
Stand back, dietician
Stand back, television
Stand back, politician
Stand back, mortician
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyV41-tFPcQ Somebody give me a cheeseburger

DC plane crash victims: What we know about those on AA Flight 5342, Army Black Hawk
Dozens of people are dead after a regional jet collided with an Army Black Hawk helicopter Wednesday night over Washington, D.C., officials said, the nation's first major commercial airline crash since 2009. The aircraft went down in the frigid Potomac River, breaking into multiple pieces. The flight -- which had departed from Wichita, Kansas -- was approaching Reagan National Airport at the time of the collision, officials said.
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>including a goddamn gorilla
Yea. MoFo, justice for harambe, poor guy was just mindin' his beeswax in the jungle when whitey Yanks apednapped him and put in a prison just like da rest a us bros. Den den kills him because he tries Tha plays wid a lil white boi.


>>Hegseth is a DEI hire AKA Dumb Enough Idiot. N'YUCK N'YUCK

D.umb E.nuff I.diot, yup, you sounds like a white boi, anons., but u gots da soul of a brutha.
Trump Froze Critical Air Traffic Jobs Days Before Deadly DC Crash. https://www.livemint.com/news/us-news/american-airlines-crash-news-donald-trump-freezes-hiring-of-critical-air-traffic-controllers-potomac-river-black-hawk-11738212465996.html BURN BABY BURN!1
>Trump Froze Critical Air Traffic Jobs Days Before Deadly DC Crash.
Are you implying that they had a job posting for an air traffic controller that would have been filled with a new employee starting within 24 hours and that new employee would have prevented this?
Kek. You people do some weird ass mental gymnastics
>Are you implying that they had a job posting for an air traffic controller that would have been filled with a new employee starting within 24 hours and that new employee would have prevented this?
I have know idea what you mean by this. I don't speak autie
>the dudes flying the blackhawk
Well, actually...

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top kek, learn to code, trannies
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I understand why OP was banned indefinitely from /v/ now
or being an allcaps sperg
>make fun of one scene that gets passed around
>u know errythang about it!
. . .
stop signing your posts
>same sex eroticism in just a trailer for a game. similar for trailer for another game by the same company
A certain game company worth $3 billion is doing nothing about that, yet more people play that game. Game company's coffers fill up.
Go Woke, Get Rich.


Amazon.com (AMZN.O), opens new tab is increasing its advertising on billionaire Elon Musk's social media platform X, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with the matter.
The major shift comes after the e-commerce giant withdrew much of its advertising from the platform more than a year ago due to concerns over hate speech.
In 2023, Apple (AAPL.O), opens new tab also pulled all of its advertising from X and has recently been in discussions about testing ads on the platform, the report said.
Several ad agencies, tech and media companies had also suspended advertising on X following Musk's endorsement of an antisemitic post that falsely accused members of the Jewish community of inciting hatred against white people.
Monthly U.S. ad revenue at social media platform X has declined by at least 55% year-over-year each month since Musk bought the company, formerly known as Twitter, in October 2022. He had acknowledged that an extended boycott by advertisers could bankrupt X.
Musk has become one of the most influential figures following President Donald Trump's re-election. He now leads the Department of Government Efficiency, which aims to cut $2 trillion in government spending.
I'm so glad to see that tRump has bought these 2 tech bros together so that they can finally get to Mars. I'll enjoy watching the Mars landing in my cardboard box on my 70" TV, while eating my food bank beans. Trillionaires soon!
>watching the Mars landing in my cardboard box on my 70" TV,
Sucker, I have a wooden shed with a tin roof, under an oak tree for shade in summer, and a space heater in the winter. I'm livin' the NEW American dream.

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It has been evident for some time that the Democratic Party isn’t in a great place. It’s somewhat normal for that to be the case for a party after a disappointing election. But the scale of Democrats’ problems is beginning to come into focus. And it’s both stark and sobering for the blue team.

A Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday had this stunning finding: While Americans were about evenly split in their views of the Republican Party (43 percent favorable to 45 percent unfavorable), negative views of the Democratic Party outpaced positive ones by 26 points — 31 percent favorable to 57 percent unfavorable. That’s not only a huge imbalance but also an unprecedented one. In fact, Democrats’ 57 percent unfavorable rating is their highest ever in Quinnipiac’s polling, dating back to 2008, while the GOP’s 43 percent favorable rating is its highest ever.

And while this is just one poll, it builds on evidence from other polls. Tracking polling from YouGov, for instance, shows the Democratic Party more unpopular than at any point since January 2017. Similarly, a CNN poll released last week showed that a record-low 33 percent of Americans had a favorable view of the party.

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I can tell how new you are because you think gaslighting works on this board.
You're misusing that word.
You should work in a movie theater honestly, I think you'd make a great widescreen projector
Hmpf. Were any polls taken about Biden's pardons? Wonder how popular it was for commuting convicted murderers off death row? Or letting his good ol' democrat buddies out who were convicted of stealing tax monies? Hmpf. Thousands of such cases... yet nobody asks about that. Keep flaming retard.
Who gives a shit? Oh that's right Trump needs damage control.

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Boeing is working with Trump advisor Elon Musk on ways to deliver delayed, overbudget Air Force One replacements sooner, CEO Kelly Ortberg said Tuesday.

The pair of Boeing 747s that will serve as the next Air Force One aircraft are more than $2 billion over budget and years late, which the company has attributed to design changes, labor constraints and supply chain problems. President Donald Trump struck a deal for the aircraft during his first term, after threatening to “cancel order!” before he took office in 2017, complaining about high costs.

“We’ve been engaged with Elon” on the Air Force One program to eliminate costs and deliver the aircraft earlier, Ortberg said in an interview with CNBC’s Phil Lebeau on “Squawk on the Street” on Tuesday, after Boeing released full-year results and its 2025 outlook.

It is not clear whether the aircraft will be delivered before Trump’s current term is up. An Air Force spokesperson told CNBC that an updated delivery schedule from Boeing is expected in the spring.

Trump cut a cake adorned with a model of Air Force One — in a new paint scheme — with a sword at his Jan. 20 inaugural ball.

Musk, whose company SpaceX competes with Boeing’s space unit, has worked closely with Trump in recent months. The billionaire is also heading Trump’s commission that he tasked with reducing government spending.

Musk and the White House didn’t immediately comment.

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It'll be OK
How so?
Lefties will have melties and the Neonazi socialists will literally implode.
That's an OK outcome.
Hopefully that new Boeing plane crash with Trump and his puppet masters in it.
>Hopefully that new Boeing plane crash with Trump and his puppet masters in it
And that's what will make the likes of >>1379252 and its rightist neonazi magatard ilk have melties and implode. That's a more than OK outcome.

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