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Trump signs executive order intended to bar transgender athletes from girls’ and women’s sports

President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday intended to ban transgender athletes from participating in girls’ and women’s sports.

The order, titled “Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports,” gives federal agencies wide latitude to ensure entities that receive federal funding abide by Title IX in alignment with the Trump administration’s view, which interprets “sex” as the gender someone was assigned at birth.

“With this executive order, the war on women’s sports is over,” Trump said at a signing ceremony in the East Room that included lawmakers and female athletes who have come out in support of a ban, including former collegiate swimmer Riley Gaines.

White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said the order “upholds the promise of Title IX” and will require “immediate action, including enforcement actions, against schools and athletic associations” that deny women single-sex sports and single-sex locker rooms.
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>normies are tired of hearing about it
correct, which is why most normal people want you to STFU and just accept that men are not women
Trans people are in reality. Therefore they also show up in fiction. Fuck off.
Yeah you know what I really want out of a fantasy game set in a fictional universe? ... Doing pushups for misgendering someone.

Fucking shut the fuck up you worthless faggot. Why the fuck haven't you hung yourself yet?
you seem upset.
>Unless having had a penis makes you inherently better at sports
it does, it also makes you smarter, but well, brains can't do much about your paraphilia

Roll over Beethoven, tell Tchaikovsky the news
Well, she wiggles like a glow-worm, she dances like a spinning top
Yeah, she got a crazy partner, you should have seen her reel and rock
Long as she got a dime, the music will never stop.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uqm4Nus6qZI CHUCK + ELO = FIDDLE

As billionaire Elon Musk and his team of young tech engineers rip through the federal government -- forcing scores of federal employees to be put on administrative leave, pressuring more to take buyouts, and crippling agencies that support some of the poorest people in the U.S. and around the world -- he is doing it all with his signature trolling, mocking his critics and targets along the way.

Musk has been essentially live-tweeting his Department of Government Efficiency efforts targeting agencies -- posting nearly 200 times in a 24-hour period alone from Tuesday into Wednesday, according to a review by ABC News.

He has relentlessly mocked his detractors, whether they be members of Congress or affected federal workers and posting about which agencies he plans to target next.

say, ALL CAPS CURRENT CRAP COMMUNIQUE, see 1 of my rare OP posts >>1381993 Musk, international banker, troll extraordinaire, usurper of other's ideas, Autie Aryan, what can I say except....Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery the director out of fear of not getting further funding for his movies has said that the Edward Norton character Miles Bron was not based on Elon Musk. But it's the best representation of Musk that I've seen. Surrounded by yes- men, given a false sense of his own intellectual prowess, and the deluded Dunning -Kruger effect
Musk, like the Norton character is a good PR guy, that's it

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery is a funny movie, especially Norton. Great character actor. The movie has a dry wit about it. Norton directed and wrote(adapted from the novel)
Motherless Brooklyn, about a 1950s tourettes sufferer wanna be private eye, who investigates his friend's murder, and gets involved with colored folk, and gets a black gf, even though the tourettes makes him keep blurting out nigger when he sees her. I laughed my bigot scum ass off.

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one ran an image host that catered to pedophiles so definitely
They're groyper catbois, so guaranteed 4chan posters.
Accurate digits
>/pol/ has access to the nuclear codes
Any guesses what they'll do with this?
They want to privatize every other part of the government, why not this, too?
>US nuclear codes are brought to you by Boeing and Lockheed

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President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he’s given his advisers instructions to obliterate Iran if it assassinates him.

“If they did that they would be obliterated,” Trump said in an exchange with reporters while signing an executive order calling for the U.S. government to impose maximum pressure on Tehran. “I’ve left instructions if they do it, they get obliterated, there won’t be anything left.”

If Trump were assassinated, Vice President JD Vance would become president and would not necessarily be bound by any instructions left by his predecessor.

Federal authorities have been tracking Iranian threats against Trump and other administration officials for years.

Trump ordered the 2020 killing of Qassem Soleimani, who led the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force.

A threat on Trump’s life from Iran prompted additional security in the days before a July campaign rally in Pennsylvania where Trump was shot in the ear, according to U.S. officials. But officials at the time said they did not believe Iran was connected to that assassination attempt.

The Justice Department announced in November that an Iranian plot to kill Trump before the presidential election had been thwarted.

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No one will care about his instructions
Oh come now Anon I'm pretty sure if Trump was somehow assassinated by an agent of any foreign country, there would be bipartisan 9/11 style support for going after whoever did it.
Are you forgetting that JD Vance would be the president at that point. I’m not saying I know what he’d do, but I don’t think “nobody” cares about his instructions.
All leaders are evil. All despots are evil.

The more of them gets removed from power, the better off the world and all common people will be.

It is inevitable that all leaders gets dethroned anyways, just as inevitable as the clock ticking and death to life. So stop delaying, and bring on the elimination of all LEADERS (including t-Rump), for great justice!
With all the enemies he is making, wouldn't be surprising if it does happen.

In response to a federal lawsuit, all parties have settled to continue to allow DOGE access to the Treasury Department systems, but any information they request must be given to them through a Treasury Department employee, eg "read only"

The proposed order would limit Treasury Department employees affiliated with DOGE to just two individuals with "read-only" access to the data. This comes in response to a lawsuit aiming to block DOGE's access to sensitive information.

The big picture: The suit that was brought by three federal employees unions alleges Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent allowed DOGE representatives to illegally access the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, which manages the U.S. government's accounting, central payment systems and public debt.

The order would permit Tom Krause and Marko Elez, who are described in the proposal as "special government employees" in the Treasury Department, access as needed for the performance of their duties, "provided that such access to payment records will be 'read only.'"

Per the proposal, the "Defendants will not provide access to any payment record or payment system of records maintained by or within the Bureau of the Fiscal Service."
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I don't see the part where it says they are committing identity theft. That is discussing their access to Treasury systems which is allowed by a judge.

Could you point out the part that says they are committing identity theft? I don't see it
By the United States being the a global superpower for eighty years.
All of the regime change CIA spookery parts of USAID will just get folded back into other agencies, the actual beneficial parts are what'll get cut because Trump and Elon think that the entire world owes them rent.
Get ready to learn Mandarin
>Trump and Musk have maintained that DOGE is conducting a financial audit. However, audits do not typically include (or require) direct access to the payment system.
What are we to make of this?
That Trump and Elon, known for being serial liars, are being less than honest here.

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Just as i said before trump is demanding the borderline impossible so they will meet in the middle and trump gets what he wants.

The fact that democrat voters still dont get this proves that they never had to make a deal in their lives and never haggled for anything.

And with that said i will now congratulate myself on being right again and democrat voters being wrong again.

Its almost as if the threat of resettling palestinians was a pressure tool for egypt and others to start helping.

Reuters Breaking: "Egypt says it will work with partners to reconstruct Gaza without Palestinians leaving the strip."
Biden and co broke it, trump and co rebuild it.
Maybe these asshole Egyptians should cooperate with Israel on removing the terrorists.
>Maybe these asshole Egyptians should cooperate with Israel on removing the terrorists.
Hamas aren't terrorists, they are freedom fighters
>they are freedom fighters
In WWII, Chuck Yeager fought with the Resistance against the antisemitic Nazis in France. He was a freedom fighter too.
Who were the terrorists then: the Nazis that invaded France or the Resistance aided by Yeager? If you answer is USAAF air ace Chuck Yeager and the Resistance, there's your opinion as dead as Hitler. He (thus white supremacists today, including /pol/tards) and Hamas(s) are terrorists. Checkmate, antisemites.
I'm against Israel because they are the terrorists in the region destabilizing everything. The only reason there are any attacks to begin with is because Israel just can't stop committing war crimes.

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Trump just created the US Sovereign Wealth Fund which will be used to fund things such as airports, highways, and entitlements by federal investment in US business.
Potentially it will be a major investor in TikTok, sharing in its massive profits.
President Donald Trump on Monday signed an executive order that outlines plans for a government-run sovereign wealth fund to serve as an economic development tool and perhaps be used to buy TikTok.

Among the aims for the fund would be developing infrastructure such as airports and highways, and it could help the U.S. extend its influence in areas such as Panama and Greenland.

“We’re going to stand this thing up within the next 12 months. We’re going to monetize the asset side of the U.S. balance sheet for the American people,” U.S. Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent said during a media parley. “There’ll be a combination of liquid assets, assets that we have in this country as we work to bring them out for the American people.”

There were no other details for a fund Trump said during his campaign could back “great national endeavors.” He has said tariffs could help provide funding. Other nations use taxes on natural resources, financial transactions and carbon use as funding mechanisms.

A discussed deal in which the U.S. would become a partner in social media platform TikTok would be one potential use, Trump said. Trump signed an order allowing it back for a 75-day period during which it likely will have to divest itself of Chinese interests.

Nations with the funds include China, Norway and Singapore. A U.S. fund could help it compete with those countries and might make the government less dependent on issuing Treasury debt to raise money.
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yes that's what you attempted to do, but it didn't work
I guess you have never managed any real amount of money, makes sense since you are broke.
Nobody uses leverage to buy bonds either, you fucking retard, and I didn't say that, you either made it up or are financially illiterate and didn't understand what I wrote
>This isn't a debate. You're just wrong
Also, you really should educate yourself retard, before you go and prove to everyone your a retard. You could at least try to hide it better by googling first
Whoa. That's fucking creepy. How did you know about my wall? And the strings? WTF
Hopefully you don't know I kiss my photo of Trump with Epstein before I go to be every single night too.
How is this globalism???


How Trump arrived at his stunning idea to ‘take over’ the Gaza Strip

Trump administration officials are hurrying to catch up to the president’s audacious and improbable plan for the United States to take ownership of Gaza and redevelop it into a “Middle Eastern Riviera,” trying to wrap their heads around an idea that some hope might be so outlandish it forces other nations to step in with their own proposals for the Palestinian enclave.

President Donald Trump’s idea — announced Tuesday evening at a joint news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — was formulated over time, people familiar with the matter said, and appeared to originate with the president himself. It was only the latest reminder that policy ideas often start with Trump, rather than slowly build through national experts before ultimately reaching the Oval Office for discussion.

At its root, officials said, this suggestion was intended in part to spur action on an issue Trump viewed as moribund, with no other nations offering reasonable solutions for how to rebuild an area that has been obliterated by Israeli bombardment following Hamas’ October 7, 2023, terrorist attacks.
>It was only the latest reminder that policy ideas often start with Trump, rather than slowly build through national experts before ultimately reaching the Oval Office for discussion.
say, ALL CAPS CONCENTRATION CAMP 666 COMMANDANT, this is one policy idea didn't start with tRump, Miriam, and Jared got Ivanka to stop by Mara-lardo, dressed with tit's busting out, miniskirt hiked up to her cooch, and then sit in dad's lap, cooing" oooh daddy, remember those fun days!, let's build a mediterranean tRump towa on the Gaza strip, and Miriam has promised us the best Pali child andenochrome on the planet.You can live to be 150 yrs old using it, dear dada. Look at Miriam, she's really 93, and the IDF has been procuring her enough from cleaning those roaches outbox the strip and we can strip mine the parts away from the beach for all that dried baby Pali blood to extract the adenochrome" Ivanka wiggles a little, and says, ,"Whst say you, daddy?" tRump: " god damn it woman, you had me sold when I saw that pube crack, and you do know that that slut of a woman, your mother had an ashkeNAZI lover in the woodpile, and that your not my biological daughter? " Ivanka,: "So that's a big yes daddy!!@"
Adrenochrome oopsy ALL CAPS CHROMER, I was high at the time of post and always ignore my AI spelling assistant as she constantly tries to tell me tRump is spelt Trump
Dumb bitch. Anywhere, sending large amounts of US soldiers into Gaza to force Palestinians at bayonet point over the border into Syria, etc is a great idea. Then use US border agents to stop them coming back, as US border patrol has done such a good job at keeping corn meal eaters out. My AI assistant has tpld me that Adrenochrome was the subject of limited research from the 1950s through to the 1970s as a potential cause of schizophrenia

The changes in thinking induced by adrenochrome are similar to those observed in schizophrenia
Sweet bleeding tranny Jesus on the cross, rhat have our leaders wrought!? Elon, Adelson tRump, Net & ya hoo, Pelosi, J&J Niden, many Hollywooo celebs. No wonder they are all weirdos. Republicans especially are weirdos.
Wikipedia says;
, In reality, adrenochrome has been producedby organic synthesis since at least 1952. We in the know know that this is complete BS, as syth adreny is like the difference between the old methamphetamine made from the ephedra plant and the new poison made from synthetics.

I have a garden
In fact, from 1945 to 1952 for the whole country and to 1972 for Okinawa region, Japan was technically the 51st. Perhaps Trump wants to make the strip an 'Okinawa' in the Middle East.

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Elon Musk’s bureaucratic coup is underway.


Elon Musk is not the president, but it does appear that he—a foreign-born, unelected billionaire who was not confirmed by Congress—is exercising profound influence over the federal government of the United States, seizing control of information, payments systems, and personnel management. It is nothing short of an administrative coup.

As the head of an improvised team within the Trump administration with completely ambiguous power (the Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE, in reference to a meme about a Shiba Inu), Musk has managed quite a lot in the two weeks since Inauguration Day. He has barged into at least one government building and made plans to end leases or sell some of them (three leases have been terminated so far, according to Stephen Ehikian, the General Services Administration’s acting administrator). He has called in employees from Tesla and the Boring Company to oversee broad workforce cuts, including at the Office of Personnel Management (one of Musk’s appointed advisers, according to Wired, is just 21 years old, while another graduated from high school last year). During this time, OPM staffers, presumably affiliated with DOGE, reportedly set up an “on-premise” email server that may be vulnerable to hacking and able to collect data on government employees—one that a lawsuit brought by two federal workers argues violates the E-Government Act of 2002 (there has not yet been a response to the complaint). Musk’s people have also reportedly gained access to the Treasury’s payments system—used to disburse more than $5 trillion to Americans each year (a national-security risk, according to Senator Ron Wyden, a democrat from Oregon)—as well as computer systems that contain the personal data of millions of civil servants.
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I care a lot more about living in a safe country, without hobos and fentanyl zombies, and living a comfortable life of my own determination than I care about trying to harm China's GDP. Not a popular opinion, but it's how I feel.
What do you think happens in a country where the standard of living drops dramatically? Did Russians during the fall of the Soviet Union enjoy living in the collapse of their empire?
Has he sworn an oath to the Constitution? This isn't just some abstract quasireligious thing. There's legal categories for those who have and haven't.
My wildest dreams are coming true
>ending social security
>ending medicaid
>ending frivolous government spending
>spics BTFO
>ending Department of Education
All Trump needs to do now is repeal the Machine Gun ban of 1986 and I'll be the happiest man in America
no, this was scheduled. We voted for this. The Fed government is bloated, corrupt, wasteful, and filled with woke DEI shit. USAID is just the tip of the iceberg. Democrats can keep seething but the leftwing woke machine is being defunded.

Next stop is public universities. Stop stealing my taxes to promote tranny degeneracy and hatred of White males.

Canada announces a $1.3bn spending package to stop fentanyl flowing over their borders in return for trump putting a pause on tariffs. Trudeau announced Canada will be purchasing new choppers, technology and personnel to crack down on the fentanyl drug trade.
Libshits have been continually imploding nonstop for like 15 straight days now.
JUST IN: Canada’s Trudeau says Trump tariffs will be postponed by at least 30 days after he promises more cooperation on border
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>those numbers are fake
*57 minutes later*
LMAO, not even going to bother responding to the other stupidity you wrote.

>higher than Americans
it's not your fault that your reading comprehension is shit, Canada's education system can't compare to Americas.
The question was:
>Where does your country rank compared to US Whites?
Canada ranks well below us. Only Singapore, Taiwan, and Japan score better than US Whites.
>>those numbers are fake
they objectively are
>reeee i gave fake numbers but ignore that merica best!!!.
"us whites" lmao you're such a retard that loves faked data.
its incredible how stupid the average american is you're proving it to me right me.
I get talkng to a subhuman like you is a waste of time, but maybe you should take a course on why specifying parts of the population vs entire countries is rigging the data. 17 ountries are above you losers and if you applied the same criteria and only checked whites or asians in those countries they'd still be above you.

But what do i expect you're a subhuman loser who can't read data.
Kek. Good post.
good post

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The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is seeking to withdraw all papers involving its researchers that are being considered for publication by external scientific journals to allow for a review by the Trump administration, a federal official told Reuters.

The sweeping order came in an email from the CDC's chief science officer on Friday addressed to all division heads at the agency, the official, who has seen the email, told Reuters. The official was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

The review is aimed at removing language to comply with President Donald Trump’s executive order saying the federal government will only recognize two sexes, male and female. Officials from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services did not respond to a request for comment.

The withdrawal order, first reported by the Inside Medicine Substack, goes beyond an initial directive on Jan. 21 that federal health agencies pause their own public communications to allow for a review of those materials by Trump appointees.

Inside Medicine published a list of specific words targeted for removal in the communications review, including gender, transgender, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) and nonbinary. The federal official said that such a list went out from CDC to its divisions.

The Friday withdrawal order involves all manuscripts written or co-written by CDC scientists. If CDC scientists are co-authors on a paper that originated outside of the agency, they are asked to take their names off the paper, the official said.

Public health experts said the removal of such terms threatens their ability to address all kinds of medical needs as they affect different groups, including those with HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.
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The politicians do such a good job running the government, it's about time we put them in charge of science as well. I don't see why government censors shouldn't be micromanaging every aspect of society, really. Can you imagine a pair of plumbers working on your bathroom without the local Party representatives having approved of the words they use to practice their craft? Laughable.
Imagine a conman being a politician. Laughable.
>'The world is laughing at us'
And with no self awareness.
Senility and Retardation. Not even once.
Clutch your pearls you grandstanding little bitch. What a little fucking girl you are kek
I honestly don't feel comfortable about the federal government meddling in the affairs of scientists and scientific study. We already have to deal with religion trying to limit us from conducting our work and now we have to worry about the feds coming down on us harder than usual.

I don't even care about transgender people at this stage in the game. Though this does make me wonder if the CDC would find a loophole and just give these terms new terms that aren't banned.
>because they pussy gets hot and it needs to air out?
False. Women wearing skirts is a relic from medieval times when toilets didnt exist and people had to relieve themselves in the woods, and people depended on horse riding. Men can just whip out their dick and piss, so pants werent an issue, but women cant, so a skirt made pissing easier because we could just lift it and crouch to take a piss. Also wearing pants is more proper for horse riding, something men were expected to do at that time. In older times before society became puritan because of christianity, it was normal for both genders to wear skirt like outfits, see the scottish kilt and roman/greek trad clothing. Gender stereotypes fit the tasks and responsibilities each gender has in the current era, and they change as society and technology change.

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BRUSSELS, Feb 5 (Reuters) - Belgian police were hunting two suspects on Wednesday after a shooting near the Brussels South international railway station, the city's prosecutor's office said.
Nobody was injured in the shooting, which happened around 6.00 am (0500 GMT), at the Clemenceau metro station in central Brussels, prosecutors said, adding there were no indications of a terrorist motive in the incident.
Police initially launched a manhunt in the tunnels of the metro system, which was partially closed after two men carrying machine guns were seen fleeing into the Clemenceau station.
Broadcaster VRT said the shooting was probably drug-related and said the shooters had aimed at one person but had missed.


Not in the headline, not in the article. Go fuck yourself.

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Pussy. I want full nuclear Armageddon
Russia needs to be dissolved into other countries. It has no real law and it's nothing more than a proxy for China to provoke Poland and neighbouring countries
So Trump's a terrorist, thus he's an enemy both foreign and domestic. Thanks for admitting that.
>Russia needs to be dissolved into other countries.

been there. we got jewkraine now.
There are actual Russians posting here so they probably don't.

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Mexico, crippled by trumps tariffs, announces that they will deploy their military to protect the Mexican/American border in return for trump dropping the tariffs
Can we even handle this much winning, bros?
Trump pauses Mexico tariffs for one month after agreement on border troops

Mexico President Claudia Sheinbaum said the United States agreed to pause for one month the implementation of President Donald Trump’s tariffs on goods from her country.
Sheinbaum said Mexico will immediately reinforce its northern border with 10,000 National Guard soldiers “to prevent drug trafficking from Mexico to the United States, particularly fentanyl.”

Mexico President Claudia Sheinbaum said Monday that the United States has agreed to pause for one month the implementation of President Donald Trump’s tariffs on goods from her country.

Sheinbaum also said in a tweet, that after speaking with Trump, Mexico “will immediately reinforce” its northern border with the U.S. with 10,000 National Guard soldiers “to prevent drug trafficking from Mexico to the United States, particularly fentanyl.”

“We had a good conversation with President Trump with great respect for our relationship and sovereignty; we reached a series of agreements,” Sheinbaum wrote in the tweet, according to a translation from Spanish.

“The United States is committed to working to prevent the trafficking of high-powered weapons to Mexico,” she wrote.
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How is Hitler not one of the greatest leaders? He revitalized his country from a depression and nearly took on the world when they attacked him. He is the model that all great leaders like Viktor Orban model themselves after.
Maybe because he was a delusional coked out retard who ended up believing his own hype and brought an end to all the great European empires because he wanted slaves/living space in neighboring lands?
>Okay, now how about Canada? Where 70% of our crude oil comes from.
What's the point of Canada? The US shouldn't be wasting time with Greenland. The US could annex Canada in the snap of a finger and literally no one could stop it from happening.
Very interesting that you're advocating for the US to do to Canada what Russia did to Ukraine.
Note to self : always spend a ton on military and cutting edge tech

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Just a little over a week into his second term, President Donald Trump took steps to maximize his power, sparking chaos and what critics contend is a constitutional crisis as he challenges the separation of powers that have defined American government for more than 200 years.

The new administration’s most provocative move came this week, as it announced it would temporarily halt federal payments to ensure they complied with Trump’s orders barring diversity programs. The technical-sounding directive had enormous immediate impact before it was blocked by a federal judge, potentially pulling trillions of dollars from police departments, domestic violence shelters, nutrition services and disaster relief programs that rely on federal grants. The administration on Wednesday rescinded the order.

Though the Republican administration denied Medicaid was affected, it acknowledged the online portal allowing states to file for reimbursement from the program was shut down for part of Tuesday in what it insisted was an error.

Legal experts noted the president is explicitly forbidden from cutting off spending for programs that Congress has approved. The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to appropriate money and requires the executive to pay it out. A 50-year-old law known as the Impoundment Control Act makes that explicit by prohibiting the president from halting payments on grants or other programs approved by Congress.

“The thing that prevents the president from being an absolute monarch is Congress controls the power of the purse strings,” said Josh Chafetz, a law professor at Georgetown University, adding that even a temporary freeze violates the law. “It’s what guarantees there’s a check on the presidency.”

Democrats and other critics said the move was blatantly unconstitutional.
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Sending in Elon and his army of Thiel's catamites to strip the federal government for parts is incredibly illegal and arguably more of a coup attempt than 1/6 was.
nope literally two conflicting reports one say he was a democrat others say maga everything in his life say he was a democrat but you needed him to be maga so you did the typical and lied
Cope harder
no it isnt illegal sorry that you are stupid and swallow lies

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