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Researchers have long suggested that sea life could be impacted by drugs dumped into the water by smugglers, with tonnes of cocaine found around Florida, South and Central America.

A study from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Brazil has now found evidence sharks are in fact being affected by drugs polluting the ocean.

The scientists dissected 13 wild Brazilian sharpnose sharks that were bought from small fishing vessels, as the species spend their entire lives in coastal waters and were therefore most likely to be affected by pollution.

Muscle and liver tissue were then tested using a standard technique called liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry - where molecules are separated in a liquid - to look for cocaine and benzoylecgonine, the main metabolite in the drug.

All 13 sharks were positive for the drug, with a concentration as much as 100 times higher than previously reported for other aquatic creatures, the scientists found.

It marks the first study to find the presence of cocaine in free-range sharks, and found the substance was more prevalent in muscle tissue than in the shark's livers.

However, the study said the field of research was "very limited" and the impact of cocaine or benzoylecgonine on aquatic life is not fully known.

I'm more worried about the sharks testing positive for antidepressants and microplastics
Imagine being a fish getting yakked and coming down at random intervals until you're having withdrawals not even knowing what the fuck you're addicted to and never knowing when you'll score another hit. It's like Boogie Nights even more out of control and with a hundred teeth.

People are having trouble following Harris’s campaign Twitter account on the site owned by the man who is giving Trump a 45 million dollar bribe every month


Following Kamala Harris’s announcement that she is running for president, users on Elon’s Musk Twitter found themselves banned from following the vice president’s political campaign account.

When users went to follow @KamalaHQ, the official rapid response page for Harris’s campaign, they were greeted with a message that said they had reached their “limit” and could not follow any more accounts at this time.

This message usually is deployed to prevent spam or “rate limiting,” for instance if one account is following hundreds of others. But it seems that the Harris account is the one being limited, rather than the users’.

An initial search for KamalaHQ on The New Republic’s Twitter account also found that the campaign account is limited. The campaign account showed up in repeated subsequent searches, seeming to suggest the issue is being resolved.

This all may look a little suspicious considering Elon Musk’s growing relationship with Donald Trump. Just last week, Musk promised to donate $45 million a month to help Trump get reelected.

In the past several days, Musk has continued to post right-wing and pro-Trump memes. Following Joe Biden stepping down, Musk retweeted former Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy saying, “We’re not running against a candidate. We’re running against a system.”

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>When Trump supports violence its all memes and jokes.
You yourself said they were jokes, you abject fucking retard.
>What a wild conspiracy theory.
No, that's actually real. Staff for the Biden admin. were funding bail funds during the largest race riots in US history, which included Harris, who was asking on social media for democrats to donate money to those organizations.
>This has nothing to do with what we're talking about.
Biden called him a white supremacist before the details were even known about the case. Many democrats believed that he had killed black people for that reason, instead of defending himself from a wife beater, a literal child sodomizer, and a felon in possession of a firearm.
Rittenhouse is the poster boy for the Right because he's the perfect example of leftists hurting innocent people and then trying to crucify anybody that protects themselves.
>Like when Trump doesn't deny that he tried to coup the government using a violent mob of his supporters to threaten his VP but instead says he needs criminal immunity because he was the president?
Trump was still the president when the """"insurrection"""" happened, faggot. Why would he overthrow his own administration?
Does Biden even know that he isn't running anymore? Because that's an unironic coup on the part of the democratic party.
Under your logic, it's okay to mock Trump's fake assassination then if they're joking.
i mean, its fair considering reddit is full of democrat paid propaganda
what did Elon Musk say then about free speech?
That's a Republican shithole, they both start with 're-' too.

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President Biden's endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination could defuse the age question dogging the Democrats: Harris will be 60 on Inauguration Day — 22 years younger than Biden.

Why it matters: Concerns over Biden's age and mental fitness were central to calls for his replacement as the Democratic nominee. Trump, at 78, becomes the oldest nominee in U.S. history if Harris or someone else younger than Trump succeeds Biden atop the Democratic ticket.

Reality check: Twelve U.S. presidents were 60 or older at the time of their inauguration.

Biden and Trump were the only presidents older than 70 at the start of their terms.
Catch up quick: Biden's performance during the first presidential debate against Trump on June 27 led to calls from constituents and politicians for him to step down.

Zoom out: All three branches of federal government have prompted conversations about America's gerontocracy.

The 118th Congress, one of the oldest in U.S. history, drove debates last year about term limits and fitness for office.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) stepped aside in 2022, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced he'd retire as the head of Senate Republicans following the 2024 election.
On the Supreme Court, 74% of Americans favor a maximum age limit for justices, according to Pew polling from last year.

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Now if only you stated facts, because you didn't.
Opinion disregarded.
He's right though.
>Facts aren't facts because.... I said so!
This is your argument.
It's true. There's barely any true leftists or socialists in the democratic party. This is why your accusations are always brushed off. The right has continued to push further and further right while dems remain slightly right of center. Dems message simply speak to more people by virtue of the right isolating themselves. and we constantly win everything because of that. We have the Jews and their influence as well which I am very thankful for.


A Lot Has Changed for Women Since 2016. What Does That Mean for Kamala Harris?

Voters eager to elect the first female president pointed to anger over a loss of abortion rights, but also acknowledged a fear that sexism would remain difficult for Ms. Harris to overcome.
In the eight years since Hillary Clinton failed to win the American presidency, the work force for the first time grew to include more college-educated women than college-educated men. The #MeToo movement exposed sexual harassment and toppled powerful men. The Supreme Court overturned the federal right to abortion.

Will any — or all — of it make a difference for Vice President Kamala Harris?

Ms. Harris seems almost certain to become the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee after President Biden’s decision not to seek re-election. As such, she faces, fairly or not, some of the same electability questions that Mrs. Clinton confronted in a nation that, unlike many of its peers around the globe, has yet to pick a woman as its leader.

A presidential contest pitting Ms. Harris against former President Donald J. Trump would represent a rematch of sorts: Mr. Trump would again have to run against a woman who held a top administration position and served in the Senate. He defeated Mrs. Clinton in 2016 in spite of her winning the popular vote by a wide margin.

But the dynamics would be unquestionably different. Ms. Harris has neither the political legacy nor the baggage of Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Trump, having served a turbulent term in office, is now a known quantity. Ms. Harris is Black and of South Asian descent.
Still voting Trump
Hilary lost, friend.

President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he will end his presidential re-election campaign, bringing an abrupt and humbling conclusion to his half-century-long political career and scrambling the race for the White House just months before Election Day.

Biden, 81, could not reverse growing sentiment within his party that he was too frail to serve and destined to lose to Donald Trump in November.

His withdrawal caps a singular national political career, bookended by Richard Nixon’s fall and Trump’s rise. He mounted four presidential bids. He spent 36 years in the US Senate representing tiny Delaware. He rose to the chairmanships of the powerful judiciary and foreign relations committees. And he served eight years as Barack Obama’s vice president.

Biden’s decision to exit the race less than a month before his party’s convention and a few months before voters head to the polls is unprecedented in the modern political era. The last sitting president to abandon a reelection bid was Lyndon Johnson, whose expansion of the Vietnam War in the 1960s split the Democratic Party. But Johnson’s announcement came in March 1968 — eight months before that election.

“We’re in uncharted waters,” said Barbara Perry, a presidential studies professor at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center. “No president has dropped out or died this close to the convention.”

Replacing Biden atop the Democratic ticket is likely to set off internal Democratic tremors as ambitious officials maneuver to become his successor. Factions have already formed around sitting Vice President Kamala Harris and prominent governors, including Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer and California’s Gavin Newsom.

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Poll was posted 7-22, cope
>obvious by the fact you hate trump
Pretty sure there are plenty of Americans that hate him too. Besides, I do agree with at least a handful of things he says, I just hate how he says them
>don't think harris is a retard
fair enough. I had next to no idea to who she was until recently
>GOP destroys popular dems all the time
Because they cheat, like they did in 2000, 2004, and 2016, and tried to do in 2012 and 2020.
I feel genuinely bad about your level of delusion. People like you should receive disability payments
posted, yes. You realize polls take more than a day to research and develop, right?

U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned Tuesday amid widespread outrage over her agency’s failure to prevent the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania campaign rally earlier this month.

Cheatle’s resignation, which was first reported by NBC News citing sources, came a day after she was blasted by members of a House committee at a hearing on the Secret Service’s actions leading up to Trump’s July 13 rally in Butler Township.

Cheatle rejected calls at that hearing to resign, saying she was the best-qualified person to head the Secret Service, which is responsible for protecting the president, vice president, their family members and leading presidential candidates.

The director angered members of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee by refusing to answer many questions about the Secret Service’s actions surrounding Trump’s rally, where the Republican presidential nominee narrowly avoided being killed by 20-year-old gunman Thomas Crooks. One man died in the shooting, while two others were critically injured.

On Tuesday, Cheatle in a letter wrote to Secret Service staff, “In light of recent events, it is with a heavy heart that, I have made the difficult decision to step down as your Director.”

“The Secret Service’s solemn mission is to protect our nation’s leaders and financial infrastructure. On July 13th, we fell short on that mission,” said Cheatle, who served in the agency for nearly 30 years.

“The scrutiny over the last week has been intense and will continue to remain as our operational tempo increases,” she wrote. “As your Director, I take full responsibility for the security lapse.”

President Joe Biden, in a statement, thanked Cheatle for “her decades of public service,” and said, “As a leader, it takes honor, courage, and incredible integrity to take full responsibility for an organization tasked with one of the most challenging jobs in public service.”

Biden also said he plans to appoint a new Secret Service director “soon,”

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee, in a statement on her resignation, said it would not stop the panel’s demand for “more accountability” from the Secret Service.

“The Secret Service has a no-fail mission yet it failed historically on Director Cheatle’s watch,” said Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., the chairman who had demanded her resignation, along with the panel’s ranking Democrat, Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, and other committee members.

“At yesterday’s Oversight Committee hearing, Director Cheatle instilled no confidence that she has the ability to ensure the Secret Service can meet its protective mission,” Comer said.

“While Director Cheatle’s resignation is a step toward accountability, we need a full review of how these security failures happened so that we can prevent them going forward.”

The criticism of Cheatle centers on the Secret Service’s failure to secure a roof that Crooks used as a sniper’s post to shoot at Trump and rally attendees, among other lapses.

The building whose roof Crooks positioned himself on is about 150 yards from the stage where Trump was speaking, and had a clear line of sight and fire to that stage.

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Secret Service agents also allowed Trump to take the stage and begin speaking after receiving a report from local police that a suspicious person had been seen at the event. That person ended up being Crooks, who was killed by a Secret Service sniper after he fired multiple rounds at Trump, and after the sniper had already seen Crooks on the roof.

Cheatle was widely mocked after the shooting for rationalizing the decision to not put a law enforcement sniper on the roof that Crooks climbed up to while being seen by rally attendees who warned police about what he was doing.

Cheatle in an ABC News interview noted that the roof was sloped at its highest point.

“There’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,” she told ABC News. “And so, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.”

This weekend, the Secret Service admitted that on the heels of the shooting it had incorrectly stated that the agency had not rejected requests from Trump’s campaign for enhanced security for him.

The shooting, the most serious assassination attempt against a U.S. president in more than 40 years, came after the Secret Service was informed of intelligence that Trump was the target of an Iranian assassination plot. Crooks has not been linked to Iran.

The Secret Service in recent years has been the target of criticism for a series of scandals and missteps.
She did her job taking the fall for the faked assassination attempt, Trump will reward her if she wins.
She received a bipartisan grilling by Congress yesterday to be fair. Both dems and chuds were pounding the tables in anger while asking her questions for the cameras.
Are you this delusional or just a bot?

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I've been told that despite the Republican registration that donating 15$ to progressives made Crooks a Democrat, so is Trump 500x more of a Democrat?
I need help understanding retardicunt shill logic. Help me out, /pol/fags.


‘A wise investment’: Trump’s $6,000 gift to Kamala Harris comes back to bite him

Records show Donald and Ivanka Trump made donations to vice-president’s California attorney general re-election bid

US election – live updates

Ed Pilkington
Mon 22 Jul 2024 09.06 EDT
Last modified on Mon 22 Jul 2024 12.15 EDT

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>Democrats rigged the election by being more populous than Republicunts and casting more votes for their candidate!
Its not rigging, its due to Republicunts being a minority party that keeps making themselves more and more unappealing
you mean the Boogaloo Riots?
>the election was rigged because trump said so
i remember when hillary said the same thing
reeeeeeee russia
reeeeeeee Mueller Report is an inside republican job how dare he not find anything
yea libshit you're a terrorist minority party filled with pampered privilaged piss babies who don't need to a job because of mommy and papa's inheritance
He donated to ActBlue when he registered to vote. He didn't seek them out, it was probably automatic.

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The questions over why Trump is covering up his medical records about the 'shooting' and what exactly he's hiding grows.


The doctor treating Donald Trump’s gunshot wound is so “concerned” about the former president’s health that he’s been offering his services to the former president daily–apparently without a valid medical license, according to TMZ. Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Trump’s former White House physician, appears to have lost his medical license in the state of Virginia after it expired in May, 2020. Jackson still retains a certification from the American Board of Emergency Medicine until 2025, which allows him to provide emergency medical services only, TMZ noted, citing a 2023 article from The Dallas Morning News. In Florida, TMZ added, Jackson’s license is listed as “Military Active,” meaning he is only able to administer medical treatment at army facilities.
According to a memo Jackson released Saturday morning, he started administering care to Trump after the former president saw an emergency doctor, raising questions about whether the care he is continuing to give Trump still counts as emergency services. “I have been with President Trump since that time, and I have evaluated and treated his wound daily,” Jackson wrote. “He is doing well.” Jackson accompanied Trump to his rally in Michigan on Saturday, and will remain by his side for the remainder of the weekend.
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>muh license
>muh certified x
>muh experts
Shut the fuck up tranny faggot. The guy is a former doctor and Trump trusts him. Take your meds and shove your schizo babble up your triple vaccinated axe wound.
Wow, you BTFO of the /pol/ppets, all they can do is seethe.
>muh bot!
Could a bot call you a faggot?
You tell me, bot.
You already call everyone a tranny why not also a faggot? Still a damn bot.

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At least 1 injured in 2-vehicle crash Sunday

A two-vehicle crash in Miamisburg injured at least one person early Sunday.

Crews responded to reports of an injury crash at Miamisburg Centerville Road near SR-725 at I-75 around 12:31 a.m., according to the Montgomery County Regional Dispatch.

NEW: U.S. highway in Clark County open again after 3-vehicle, multiple-injury crash


By WHIO Staff
July 21, 2024 at 11:37 am EDT

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>seething tranny who is too retarded to pass a driving test is still seething and trains still take 4 to 6 times as long to get anywhere as driving
>t. literally mindbroken
Insults? More like facts.
>t. hypocrisy exposed
Facts? Rightard is a:
Proven facts, not insults
>billionaires exist
>BUT NOOOO it's the middle class that needs to do sacrifices!!!!
very nice touch to add "some real news" to this bullshit psyop btw
pretty much this. I don't like socialism because its literally just corruption. I wish there was an antisemitic version of capitalism, because fuck telling me I can't drive when fucking taylor swift takes 800 private jet flights per year

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A 12-year-old girl in Tennessee has been charged with murder, accused of smothering her 8-year-old cousin as the younger girl slept. A relative said they had been arguing over an iPhone.

A security camera recorded the killing, inside the bedroom they shared on July 15 in Humboldt, Tennessee, the county prosecutor said.

The recording shows the older child using bedding to suffocate her cousin as the younger girl slept in the top bunk, Gibson District Attorney Frederick Agee's statement said. After the child died, “the juvenile cleaned up the victim and repositioned her body,” Agee said.

A relative told WREG-TV in Memphis that the girls had been arguing over an iPhone after coming from out of town to stay with their grandmother.

The girl was charged with first-degree murder and tampering with evidence after authorities obtained the video on Wednesday.

“I consider this to be one of the most disturbing violent acts committed by either an adult or juvenile that my office has prosecuted,” Agee wrote in the statement.

He said he would petition a judge to prosecute the girl, who turns 13 later this month, in adult court, which would allow for “a lengthier sentence, whether that will be through incarceration or supervision with court-ordered conditions.”

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Humboldt, TN is a majority black town.
Less weird if there is legitimate danger due to living in a bad neighborhood.
>Majority black
Republican home schooling everyone
It's a roughly 700-person difference
Less than 50%, by definition, isn't a majority. Learn what words mean.

Here’s How Kamala Harris Performs In Polls Against Trump—As Biden Reportedly Weighs Leaving The Race


Vice President Kamala Harris is the most likely replacement for President Joe Biden if he drops his 2024 presidential bid—which some top Democrats think could happen as soon as this weekend—and she is performing about the same as Biden in head-to-head polls with Trump.

YouGov Biden would lose to Trump 41% to 43%, while Harris would perform slightly worse, losing to Trump 39% to 44%.

Reuters found both Biden and Harris are virtually statistically tied with Trump, but 69% of respondents see Biden as too old

Five Thirty Eight found Found Biden’s odds of winning swing states and the Electoral College against Trump are better than Harris’—48% to 31%.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (who is not among the Democrats commonly floated as potential Biden replacements) would beat Trump by a slightly wider margin, 43% to 41%, according to the Bendixen & Amandi poll. When the poll tested Biden replacements with potential running mates, a ticket with Clinton at the top and Harris as the vice presidential nominee outperformed all other hypothetical Biden-replacement scenarios, showing them beating Trump 43% to 40%. Former First Lady Michelle Obama (another long-shot replacement prospect) would also far outperform Harris, Biden and other potential replacements against Trump, according to the Reuters/Ipsos poll that showed her leading Trump 50% to 39%.
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Isn't this what the election predictor outlined as "the" nightmare scenario for democrats? Dropping Biden for Harris is a total disaster. She has no business even being considered by the DNC as a potential candidate.
>Just dox yourself!!!
I'm pass you stupid faggot.
Where do you people get this shit from? (inb4 NYpost)
>Where do you people get this shit from?
The polls?

It was an interview on CNN I thought you "people" watch it all the time.


Why are you such a goldfish? Enjoy your early- onset alzheimer's.

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If it's a black church is was set on fire by a black guy.
It's it's a white church it was set on fire by a jew.
If they're Baptists, God is smiting them.
>the gateway pundit
such reliable liars that you know it isn't arson if they say it is
>On June 14, 2010, the statue was struck by lightning and consumed in the resulting blaze
More God terrorism
It's the only form of terrorism in America. Left wing politicians and news anchors and actors and etc. have been inciting it for years.
>Hurricane Katrina
>So many Christian churches in Louisiana destroyed
>The 'sinful' part of New Orleans: the French Quarter escapes with barely a scratch
More God terrorism

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International Brotherhood of Teamsters VP at large John Palmer announced he is mounting a challenge to current President Sean O’Brien after he gave a speech at the Republican National Convention.

“This administration rode into power on a wave of excitement generated by our members’ desires and frustration. We were promised a more engaged leadership and a more militant union. What we have received so far is a PR blast furnace of misinformation and betrayal,” Palmer wrote in the letter, first reported by In These Times’ Kim Kelly.

Of the many speeches given at the RNC this week, one of the first ones was delivered by O’Brien. Palmer laid out several reasons why O’Brien has shown he is not fit for his leadership position, including fear of retaliation among members and failing to support members in contracts.

“This has all culminated in his presence at the anti-union, anti-worker Republican national convention, kissing the ring of a man that scabbed a picket line, failing to pay workers, discriminating against people of color as a landlord, falsely accusing five black men in New York of murder, orchestrating an insurrection against the United States, dodging the draft, and appointing Union busters from the Jones Day law firm to create the most anti-union Labor Board in history,” Palmer wrote.

Palmer argued it's “naïve to believe” that people who attended the RNC will support unions in “any way, shape, form, or manner.” “We have successfully estranged ourselves from the rest of the labor movement through the actions of one man. Should we really go out and seek more enemies right now?” his letter said.

AFL-CIO and SEIU statements:
>a more militant union
Unions support Labour: the party of the working class. They and their members helped ensure the election of a Labour Prime Minister with a massive landslide against the Conservatives: the party of the middle-upper class.
For the working class in US it must be Backwards Day 24/7

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WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he will end his presidential re-election campaign, bringing an abrupt and humbling conclusion to his half-century-long political career and scrambling the race for the White House just four months before Election Day.

Biden, 81, could not reverse growing sentiment within his party that he was too frail to serve and destined to lose to Donald Trump in November.

"While it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term," Biden wrote in a letter posted on X. "I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision."

Biden thanked Vice President Kamala Harris for "being an extraordinary partner" but did not endorse her to be his replacement as the Democratic Party presidential nominee in his letter.
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Apples and Oranges, Trump's unpredictability doesn't usually extend to the rest of the GOP and the Conservatives in bongland are a bunch of retards that only have themselves to blame.
>take the guns first, due process second
Republicans who don't comply with Trump don't have a future in the party
red flag laws?

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By Rich Stanton published 12 hours ago
URL at the bottom of post.

"Disney has suffered a massive leak of employee and company information, after hackers claimed one of its software managers was the victim of a Trojan horse malware attack. A whopping 1.1 tebibytes of data has been leaked online, including personal information and details of unannounced products, including videogames. And the hackers say they're furries, and cite the shutdown of Club Penguin in March 2017 as justification."

"The so-called hacktivist group is called Nullbulge and let me do you a favour: don't Google that word. It's one of those fanart terms referring to a prominent groinal bulge that usually has a giant lock illustration on it..."

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>t. accusations are admissions thus proven pedo
>And the hackers say they're furries, and cite the shutdown of Club Penguin in March 2017 as justification
Kek'ed at the entire thing, too.
accusing others without court-admissible forensic evidence is retard special school farter logic
>it's because Club Penguin shut down
I fucking kneel.

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