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The questions over why Trump is covering up his medical records about the 'shooting' and what exactly he's hiding grows.


The doctor treating Donald Trump’s gunshot wound is so “concerned” about the former president’s health that he’s been offering his services to the former president daily–apparently without a valid medical license, according to TMZ. Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Trump’s former White House physician, appears to have lost his medical license in the state of Virginia after it expired in May, 2020. Jackson still retains a certification from the American Board of Emergency Medicine until 2025, which allows him to provide emergency medical services only, TMZ noted, citing a 2023 article from The Dallas Morning News. In Florida, TMZ added, Jackson’s license is listed as “Military Active,” meaning he is only able to administer medical treatment at army facilities.
According to a memo Jackson released Saturday morning, he started administering care to Trump after the former president saw an emergency doctor, raising questions about whether the care he is continuing to give Trump still counts as emergency services. “I have been with President Trump since that time, and I have evaluated and treated his wound daily,” Jackson wrote. “He is doing well.” Jackson accompanied Trump to his rally in Michigan on Saturday, and will remain by his side for the remainder of the weekend.
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>muh license
>muh certified x
>muh experts
Shut the fuck up tranny faggot. The guy is a former doctor and Trump trusts him. Take your meds and shove your schizo babble up your triple vaccinated axe wound.
Wow, you BTFO of the /pol/ppets, all they can do is seethe.
>muh bot!
Could a bot call you a faggot?
You tell me, bot.
You already call everyone a tranny why not also a faggot? Still a damn bot.

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At least 1 injured in 2-vehicle crash Sunday

A two-vehicle crash in Miamisburg injured at least one person early Sunday.

Crews responded to reports of an injury crash at Miamisburg Centerville Road near SR-725 at I-75 around 12:31 a.m., according to the Montgomery County Regional Dispatch.

NEW: U.S. highway in Clark County open again after 3-vehicle, multiple-injury crash


By WHIO Staff
July 21, 2024 at 11:37 am EDT

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>seething tranny who is too retarded to pass a driving test is still seething and trains still take 4 to 6 times as long to get anywhere as driving
>t. literally mindbroken
Insults? More like facts.
>t. hypocrisy exposed
Facts? Rightard is a:
Proven facts, not insults
>billionaires exist
>BUT NOOOO it's the middle class that needs to do sacrifices!!!!
very nice touch to add "some real news" to this bullshit psyop btw
pretty much this. I don't like socialism because its literally just corruption. I wish there was an antisemitic version of capitalism, because fuck telling me I can't drive when fucking taylor swift takes 800 private jet flights per year

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A 12-year-old girl in Tennessee has been charged with murder, accused of smothering her 8-year-old cousin as the younger girl slept. A relative said they had been arguing over an iPhone.

A security camera recorded the killing, inside the bedroom they shared on July 15 in Humboldt, Tennessee, the county prosecutor said.

The recording shows the older child using bedding to suffocate her cousin as the younger girl slept in the top bunk, Gibson District Attorney Frederick Agee's statement said. After the child died, “the juvenile cleaned up the victim and repositioned her body,” Agee said.

A relative told WREG-TV in Memphis that the girls had been arguing over an iPhone after coming from out of town to stay with their grandmother.

The girl was charged with first-degree murder and tampering with evidence after authorities obtained the video on Wednesday.

“I consider this to be one of the most disturbing violent acts committed by either an adult or juvenile that my office has prosecuted,” Agee wrote in the statement.

He said he would petition a judge to prosecute the girl, who turns 13 later this month, in adult court, which would allow for “a lengthier sentence, whether that will be through incarceration or supervision with court-ordered conditions.”

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Humboldt, TN is a majority black town.
Less weird if there is legitimate danger due to living in a bad neighborhood.
>Majority black
Republican home schooling everyone
It's a roughly 700-person difference
Less than 50%, by definition, isn't a majority. Learn what words mean.

Here’s How Kamala Harris Performs In Polls Against Trump—As Biden Reportedly Weighs Leaving The Race


Vice President Kamala Harris is the most likely replacement for President Joe Biden if he drops his 2024 presidential bid—which some top Democrats think could happen as soon as this weekend—and she is performing about the same as Biden in head-to-head polls with Trump.

YouGov Biden would lose to Trump 41% to 43%, while Harris would perform slightly worse, losing to Trump 39% to 44%.

Reuters found both Biden and Harris are virtually statistically tied with Trump, but 69% of respondents see Biden as too old

Five Thirty Eight found Found Biden’s odds of winning swing states and the Electoral College against Trump are better than Harris’—48% to 31%.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (who is not among the Democrats commonly floated as potential Biden replacements) would beat Trump by a slightly wider margin, 43% to 41%, according to the Bendixen & Amandi poll. When the poll tested Biden replacements with potential running mates, a ticket with Clinton at the top and Harris as the vice presidential nominee outperformed all other hypothetical Biden-replacement scenarios, showing them beating Trump 43% to 40%. Former First Lady Michelle Obama (another long-shot replacement prospect) would also far outperform Harris, Biden and other potential replacements against Trump, according to the Reuters/Ipsos poll that showed her leading Trump 50% to 39%.
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Isn't this what the election predictor outlined as "the" nightmare scenario for democrats? Dropping Biden for Harris is a total disaster. She has no business even being considered by the DNC as a potential candidate.
>Just dox yourself!!!
I'm pass you stupid faggot.
Where do you people get this shit from? (inb4 NYpost)
>Where do you people get this shit from?
The polls?

It was an interview on CNN I thought you "people" watch it all the time.


Why are you such a goldfish? Enjoy your early- onset alzheimer's.

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If it's a black church is was set on fire by a black guy.
It's it's a white church it was set on fire by a jew.
If they're Baptists, God is smiting them.
>the gateway pundit
such reliable liars that you know it isn't arson if they say it is
>On June 14, 2010, the statue was struck by lightning and consumed in the resulting blaze
More God terrorism
It's the only form of terrorism in America. Left wing politicians and news anchors and actors and etc. have been inciting it for years.
>Hurricane Katrina
>So many Christian churches in Louisiana destroyed
>The 'sinful' part of New Orleans: the French Quarter escapes with barely a scratch
More God terrorism

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International Brotherhood of Teamsters VP at large John Palmer announced he is mounting a challenge to current President Sean O’Brien after he gave a speech at the Republican National Convention.

“This administration rode into power on a wave of excitement generated by our members’ desires and frustration. We were promised a more engaged leadership and a more militant union. What we have received so far is a PR blast furnace of misinformation and betrayal,” Palmer wrote in the letter, first reported by In These Times’ Kim Kelly.

Of the many speeches given at the RNC this week, one of the first ones was delivered by O’Brien. Palmer laid out several reasons why O’Brien has shown he is not fit for his leadership position, including fear of retaliation among members and failing to support members in contracts.

“This has all culminated in his presence at the anti-union, anti-worker Republican national convention, kissing the ring of a man that scabbed a picket line, failing to pay workers, discriminating against people of color as a landlord, falsely accusing five black men in New York of murder, orchestrating an insurrection against the United States, dodging the draft, and appointing Union busters from the Jones Day law firm to create the most anti-union Labor Board in history,” Palmer wrote.

Palmer argued it's “naïve to believe” that people who attended the RNC will support unions in “any way, shape, form, or manner.” “We have successfully estranged ourselves from the rest of the labor movement through the actions of one man. Should we really go out and seek more enemies right now?” his letter said.

AFL-CIO and SEIU statements:
>a more militant union
Unions support Labour: the party of the working class. They and their members helped ensure the election of a Labour Prime Minister with a massive landslide against the Conservatives: the party of the middle-upper class.
For the working class in US it must be Backwards Day 24/7

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WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he will end his presidential re-election campaign, bringing an abrupt and humbling conclusion to his half-century-long political career and scrambling the race for the White House just four months before Election Day.

Biden, 81, could not reverse growing sentiment within his party that he was too frail to serve and destined to lose to Donald Trump in November.

"While it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term," Biden wrote in a letter posted on X. "I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision."

Biden thanked Vice President Kamala Harris for "being an extraordinary partner" but did not endorse her to be his replacement as the Democratic Party presidential nominee in his letter.
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Apples and Oranges, Trump's unpredictability doesn't usually extend to the rest of the GOP and the Conservatives in bongland are a bunch of retards that only have themselves to blame.
>take the guns first, due process second
Republicans who don't comply with Trump don't have a future in the party
red flag laws?

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By Rich Stanton published 12 hours ago
URL at the bottom of post.

"Disney has suffered a massive leak of employee and company information, after hackers claimed one of its software managers was the victim of a Trojan horse malware attack. A whopping 1.1 tebibytes of data has been leaked online, including personal information and details of unannounced products, including videogames. And the hackers say they're furries, and cite the shutdown of Club Penguin in March 2017 as justification."

"The so-called hacktivist group is called Nullbulge and let me do you a favour: don't Google that word. It's one of those fanart terms referring to a prominent groinal bulge that usually has a giant lock illustration on it..."

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>t. accusations are admissions thus proven pedo
>And the hackers say they're furries, and cite the shutdown of Club Penguin in March 2017 as justification
Kek'ed at the entire thing, too.
accusing others without court-admissible forensic evidence is retard special school farter logic
>it's because Club Penguin shut down
I fucking kneel.

Did the shooter pre-position the ladder and if so, how did he get away with it?

July 18, 2024

Trump rally shooter's duffel bag and range finder first sparked suspicions, sources say
Investigators are trying to determine a motive for Thomas Matthew Crooks.

New details have emerged about the suspected shooter at former President Donald Trump's rally over the weekend, including what first brought Thomas Matthew Crooks under suspicion.

Multiple law enforcement sources confirmed to ABC News that suspicions about the suspect were first aroused at the site by other attendees when they spotted him with a range finder and duffel bag.

Attendees then notified law enforcement, according to sources.

The suspect, who was 20, had two cell phones -- one on him and a second one found at his home, sources said.

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Please let this be the actual GOP messaging so the American people can laugh at it.
>wouldn't it also mask his search history that has recently been leaked?
You can't completely erase your digital footprint. You can only minimize the attack surface of your presence so it makes it difficult, not impossible, to find out who you are.
Ultimately, if you're connected to the internet you can be found. But all of the things I listed make it extremely difficult for anybody who doesn't have the time and resources to waste finding you.
If you piss off the wrong people, e.g the federal government, they will dig up every single factoid about your life and the lives of everybody you know up using tools that you can't even imagine.
Just because he was registered as a republican doesn't mean he is one. People can register with one political party with the intent to not support it and vote for the opposition instead. Being registered with a certain party doesn't mean that you're committing to only vote for that party's candidates.
nice democrap bot, you'll be im prison soon enough, jail big fat dick stuffed prison onahole. fleshlight cunt. haha. you terrorist
>someone tries to kill the president
>better abolish the secret service
your retarded


>Illinois deputy charged with murder shot woman in face after ordering her to move pot of water
A sheriff’s deputy charged with murder in the death of a Black woman shot her in the face during a tense moment over a pot of water in her home.

>SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — An Illinois sheriff’s deputy charged with murder in the death of a Black woman shot her in the face during a tense moment over a pot of water in her home and then discouraged his partner from trying to save her, authorities said Thursday.

>The details were in a court document filed in support of keeping fired Sangamon County Deputy Sean Grayson in custody without bond. County Circuit Judge Ryan M. Cadagin agreed, denying Grayson pretrial release at a hearing Thursday in Springfield.

>In a courtroom guarded by a dozen sheriff’s deputies with three more patrolling the hall, Cadagin described the actions the former deputy is accused of as “such a departure from the expectations of a civil society.”

>Sonya Massey, 36, was killed at her home in Illinois’ capital city, about 200 miles (322 kilometers) south of Chicago, after deputies responded to her 911 call about a possible prowler early on July 6.

>Prosecutors alleged that after Grayson allowed Massey to move a pot of water heating on the stove and she set it on a counter, Grayson then “aggressively yelled” at Massey over the pot and pulled his 9 mm pistol. Massey then put her hands in the air, declared “I’m sorry” and ducked for cover before being shot in the face. Grayson also discouraged the other deputy from getting his medical kit, prosecutors said.

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why was he in the house what was going on there
She was the one who called the cops, she thought someone had broken in. Yikes
she called a cop to try to assassinate him by scorching him with a boiling pot of water because of the all cops are evil radicalization, he caught on told her to stay the fuck down she screamed like a karen and was about to throw the water at him before he took her out.
"Defund the police" is about replacing the local police and sheriffs with Federal Agent nazis and soviets (centralized, central planning, no local accountability, etc).
Video's out and holy fuck I hope they hang the guy.

She's literally cowering on the ground when he shoots her in the face.

On Election Day do a write in for former President Jimmy Carter. He’s what true Americans are about he sever in ww2 gave so much his time after office to building homes and making the world a Better place. Plus he batting cancer. A True American

Trump threw a coup.
What in the ESL is this post?
Where's the article text?
You mean those barbed wire fences he put up after Russia hacked the election? Oh wait, that never happened.

I don't even support that democrat Trump, but you're a joke.

Disney workers in Southern California overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike after the unions representing them accused the company of unfair labor practices during ongoing contract negotiations.

The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 324, one of four unions that together represent 14,000 workers at Disneyland, Disney California Adventure, Downtown Disney and the Disney hotels, said in a statement late Friday that 99 percent of the coalition’s members who voted backed a strike. It did not reveal how many members took part in the vote.

The decision does not necessarily mean that workers will go on strike but provides the option to do so if further talks fail. UFCW Local 324 said the unions are set to meet with Disney again on Monday and Tuesday, adding that “a strike is always a last resort.”

“We greatly appreciate the important roles our cast members play in creating memorable experiences for our guests,” Disneyland said in a statement, “and we remain committed to reaching an agreement that focuses on what matters most to them while positioning Disneyland Resort for growth and job creation.”

The company added that the strike authorization “is not unusual as part of a negotiations process” and said that Disneyland Resort “continues to welcome guests.”

On Wednesday, more than 1,000 union members held a rally outside the entrance to Disneyland Resort, according to a union statement.

“We’re make the magic for guests,” Dee Dee Miranda, a candymaker at Disneyland and a member of the bargaining committee, said in the statement. “We are the ones to provide them with a once in a lifetime experience. It’s time for Disney to value what we do.”

In addition to the UFCW 324, the other three unions representing the workers are the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local 83; the Service Employees International Union-United Service Workers West and the Teamsters Local 495.

The unions, which represent workers from custodians and ride operators to candymakers and merchandise clerks, began negotiations over contract issues including wages and attendance policies in April. They say that 28 percent of Disney employees surveyed this year report food insecurity, while a third have reported experiencing housing insecurity.

The unions have since accused Disney of unlawful discipline, intimidation and surveillance of more than 675 union members they say “have been intimidated, surveilled and disciplined for wearing union buttons in support of their contract campaign” during the talks.
>a potential strike
>does not necessarily mean that workers will go on strike
Shit or get off the pot already.

Internet Dubs The Republican Convention ‘Grindr Superbowl’ After App Outages
Chloe Sargeant
JULY 19, 2024


The internet has dubbed the Republican National Convention (RNC) the ‘Grindr Superbowl’ after the app has reportedly been heavily crashing since the convention recently began in Milwaukee.

The Republican National Convention began earlier this week, with high-profile Republican politicians and conservative speakers such as former secretary of state Mike Pompeo, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, Donald Trump’s son Eric, and Fox News host Tucker Carlson.gracing the stage.

Today is the last day of the Convention. Former president Donald Trump appeared on stage today, and is expected to accept the presidential nomination for the Republican party.

The site Downdetector showed that Grindr has had a high level of outage reports in major cities such as New York City, Washing DC, Chicago – and in the last week, Milwaukee.
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You retard, noone cares if the dnc or pride gives increased traffic to grindr because its expected lol
Its funny though when the GOP causes Grindr to CRASH, because they are at the forefront of anti-lgbt and anti gay legislation but also simultaneously keep getting caught fucking each other in the ass! Thats why its so funny and newsworthy, especially when an anti gay politician anywhere (but especially in the US) gets caught on grindr or literally in the middle of an orgy! In case you think im lying, here’s proof:




This took me 5 seconds to find. I could spend all day finding these. You need to get a sense of humor and introspection, but thats something right wingers severely lack.
Kinda related, but you ever noticed how anytime right-wingers bring up how leftists/trannies/Democrats are allegedly pedos, you can just mention Republican former speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, and the right-wingers will immediately shut the fuck up, because they know they have no way to defend him being a proven convicted pedo?
DNC, Pride, or the Olympics don't demonize gay people and claim that they're ruining the country.
When gay prostitutes deliberately fly out to near the RNC because local gays won't meet the demand? Hilarious

Republicans are apparently fine with gay men as long as they trap some woman in a loveless marriage, have kids they don't want, and don't talk about all the gay sex they have in private.
Well, those places aren't claiming to be a congregation of people who stand for 'family values', now, are they?

Hark all ye, olde Lorde Biden of Scranton doeth be murder'd in thy polling. Whilst he knoweth not, the morrow's tidings groweth ever grim, with rewards naught but ice crem'th locateth on thy horizon.

The 1 week polls are in after Crooks failed assassination plot. And it doesn't look too good for Biden.
The Polling That Could Convince Joe Biden to Drop Out of the Race

Joe Biden has said he would withdraw from the presidential race only if polling shows there is "no way" he can beat Donald Trump, but some political experts say recent surveys suggest he could still win.

Biden is facing growing calls from Democrats to step down from the race amid concerns about his ability to win following his debate performance against Trump last month. Sounding hoarse, Biden, 81, stumbled through several answers and appeared to lose his train of thought, doing little to quell concerns about his age and mental acuity. As of Friday, more than 30 Democratic lawmakers have said he should pass the torch to a younger candidate.

However, the president has resisted calls to step aside, arguing that he remains the candidate best suited to beat Trump, despite polls that show him trailing the former president in key battleground states. Biden's team continues to say he is staying in the race

During a press conference earlier in July, Biden was asked if he would step aside if polling showed Vice President Kamala Harris performing better than he would against Trump.

"No, unless they came back and said, 'There's no way you can win,'" he said. "No one's saying that. No poll's saying that."
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>That poll
Biden should do the needful. He must not redeem another candidacy
So Obama is telling Biden to step down. Literally how can he survive that?
Biden's going to step down.
It's joever. He is not winning this upcoming election and everyone knows it.
The fun part is when the DNC overrides the vote of their constituents again and decides who to run that isn't Biden, because all Democrats had this stupid herd mentality thinking and thought voting for a invalid was the way to go during primaries


As remarkable as the past few weeks have been in the wider political universe, they have been equally turbulent inside the tightknit Biden family, unfolding as the latest chapter in the clan’s long story of resolve amid tumult. Family members have flashed through a range of emotions, people close to them say — sadness, anger, determination — and are deeply frustrated by what they see as the betrayal and second-guessing of a man who has spent a half-century as a dedicated leader of the Democratic Party.

This picture of the Biden family in its patriarch’s hour of peril is based on interviews with multiple people with direct knowledge of the family’s thinking and private actions. They spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters related to the president’s innner
Biden's latest bouts of anger and confusion are symptoms of dementia.
His family must be sad. Except for Jill, she's always treated him like a geriatric invalid
Don’t care, I’m still Ridin’ with Biden
Obama has called for Biden to step down. It's Joever
Surely this kind of infighting will only help the Democrat's chances in November and not completely torpedo their chances of keeping the Presidency and Congress.

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