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The Japan Maritime and Air Self-Defense Forces have completed a Tomahawk land attack missile training under the US Navy in Yokosuka.

The week-long exercise included lessons based on the US Department of Defense’s naval cruise missile curriculum, which involves coordinating shipboard weapons operations as a prerequisite to the Full Operational Capability of missile systems.

At the training, Japanese warfighters undertook classroom sessions, walkthroughs, and demonstrations of the Tomahawk missiles aboard the USS McCampbell (DDG 85) Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer.

They also received a hands-on review of the subsonic weapon’s control system consoles and corresponding equipment.

The training concluded with the participants showcasing skills in a generic strike mission simulation, the US Navy wrote.

“It was a privilege to conduct Cruise Missile Command training with our Japan Self-Defense Force counterparts over the past few days,” US Surface Combat Systems Training Command Western Pacific Officer in Charge Cmdr. Michael Arnold stated.

I think that if it goes on like this, Japan will eventually lose its sovereignty completely and turn into a US military base against China and Russia
When was it not already like that after 1945?
Now they are still trying to create a semblance of Japanese sovereignty
economic slavery er i mean ties, keep the nips on a tight lease
Canada is the US's fluffer.

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Link: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-says-russia-will-find-out-who-ordered-deadly-concert-shooting-2024-04-02/

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday called for a new approach to migration after Tajiks living in Russia were detained for a deadly attack on a concert hall outside Moscow that killed at least 144 people and wounded 551 more.
Islamic State, the militant group that once sought control over swathes of Iraq and Syria, claimed responsibility for the mass shooting. Russia has said it suspects Ukraine was linked to the attack, a claim denied by Kyiv and dismissed by Washington.
At least 12 people - including four accused gunmen - have been detained in Russia in connection with the attack. Most are Tajiks who had lived and worked in Russia.
Putin told police chiefs that the attack was aimed at sowing discord, xenophobia and Islamophobia inside Russia. But he said that migration systems needed improvement, as it was clear that work permits were sometimes being issued to people with serious criminal records.
"We need to deeply and radically update our approaches to migration policy," Putin said, adding that some people with almost no knowledge of Russian or Russian culture were being allowed to work without proper checks.
"The decisive principle should be that only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, and history can come to live and work in Russia."
Russia's room for manoeuvre on migration, though, is limited.
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>Putin told police chiefs that the attack was aimed at sowing discord, xenophobia and Islamophobia inside Russia. But he said that migration systems needed improvement, as it was clear that work permits were sometimes being issued to people with serious criminal records.

Kek. Oops. Happens in Northern Europe too.

They aren't sending their best and brightest!
persians took my house.
my house that i rented for 20 yrs was torn down and now a $3M house full of persians live there.
my ancestors were born here, and now i live in a shelter.
I use to live in Richmond hill ont, a suburb of toronto, and i was born there.

i was on the firewater for a long time and so lost my original house.
i'm quite sober now and am aware of what''s happening to first nation people like myself
Better kick that guys ass.

Show him whos home it is!
>I use to live in Richmond hill ont, a suburb of toronto, and i was born there.

I heard that West Canada is getting overrun by Jeets too. Time to evict them turds..
>"We need to deeply and radically update our approaches to migration policy," Putin said, adding that some people with almost no knowledge of Russian or Russian culture were being allowed to work without proper checks.

Time that all nations stop immigration for a while. We're all letting some shitty people in.

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Have you deepfaked any of your friends yet, Anon? You... you DO have friends to deepfake, right?
>"Jodie" found images of herself used in deepfake porn - and then faced another terrible shock. She told BBC File on 4 about the moment she realised the person responsible was one of her best friends.

>WARNING: Contains offensive language and descriptions of sexual violence

>In the spring of 2021, Jodie (not her real name) was sent a link to a porn website from an anonymous email account.

>Clicking through, she found explicit images and a video of what appeared to be her having sex with various men. Jodie's face had been digitally added onto another woman's body - known as a "deepfake".

>Someone had posted photos of Jodie's face on a porn site saying she made them feel "so horny" and asking if other users on the site could make fake pornography of her. In exchange for the fakes, the user offered to share more photos of Jodie and details about her.

>Speaking for the first time about her experience, Jodie, who is now in her mid-20s, says, "I was screaming and crying and violently scrolling through my phone to work out what I was reading and what I was looking at."

>She adds: "I knew that this could genuinely ruin my life."

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"He [Woolf] was very aware of the issues that faced women, especially on the internet," says Jodie.

"I really felt that he was an advocate."

However, when she saw the deepfake porn photos, there was a picture of her in profile with the image of King's College, Cambridge, behind her.

She clearly remembered it being taken - and that Woolf had also been in the photo. He was also the only other person she had shared the image with.

It was Woolf who had been offering to share more original pictures of Jodie in exchange for them being turned into deepfakes.

"He knew the impact that it was having on my life so profoundly," says Jodie. "And yet he still did it."
'Utterly ashamed'

In August 2021, Woolf, 26, was convicted of taking images of 15 women, including Jodie, from social media and uploading them to pornographic websites.

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In October 2023, sharing deepfake porn became a criminal offence as part of the Online Safety Bill.

There are tens of thousands of deepfake videos online. Recent research found that 98% are pornographic.

However, Jodie feels very angry that the new law does not criminalise a person who asks others to create deepfakes, which is what Alex Woolf did.It is also not illegal to create a deepfake.

"This is affecting thousands of women and we need to have the proper laws and tools in place to stop people from doing this," she says.
>In October 2023, sharing deepfake porn became a criminal offence as part of the Online Safety Bill.
>"This is affecting thousands of women and we need to have the proper laws and tools in place to stop people from doing this,"
In the UK right? I'm in favor of protecting people's reputation but I'm generally against regulating press freedom, especially where it concerns the internet (a global platform, larger than any governing body)
I don't see a clear solution that meets both needs but I'm down to be called a faggot or a political extremist about it
>Have you deepfaked any of your friends yet,
This is why I don't have any 'friends'.

>little teen Jody
I would never do this to a little teen, or a big one neither.
I've only tried this on my grandmother.
>It was not the first time Jodie had been targeted.
Jody is hot

stfu weirdo


SO much money spent on military...
pajeets vs pakis
>global warming
>50°+c temps
>pajeets move north to escape deadly heat
>pakis nuke pajeets with dirty nukes
>dirty radioactive cloud heads east over europe
>heads east over europe
>heads west

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Biden's FBI is attacking free speech. They recently harassed a lady over a Facebook posting referring to Israel as "Israhell"
Agent says FBI interrogates Americans about social media posts ‘every day, all day long'

FBI agents recently told an Oklahoma woman, confronted at her door, that the bureau sends agents to question Americans about their social media posts “all day long” in an “effort to keep everybody safe.”

Stillwater resident Rolla Abdeljawad took a video of her conversation, later posted on X by her attorney Hassan Shibly, with the agents, who arrived at her home last week.

The video shows them telling her that Facebook submitted screenshots of her posts to the agency.

Ms. Abdeljawad told them she didn’t want to speak to them without her lawyer and demanded they show their FBI credentials, but they refused.

She later wrote on Facebook that she confirmed with local police that the men who appeared at her home were indeed FBI agents, reported Fox News.

“Facebook gave us a couple of screenshots of your account,” one agent said in the video.

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Pics? That a pdf virus faggot.
go back
Defending jew rapists is not surprising coming from the racist DemoKKKrat party.
>Hello sarr! Do not redeem gift card, sarr!
That's a PDF you retard

And judging by it's content it was probably posted by you or one of your friends.
Vote for Trump so you can hate him even more.

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President Biden publicly celebrated both dates. Conservatives responded furiously.


The “culture wars” have reached Easter.

President Joe Biden on Friday issued a proclamation recognizing March 31 as Transgender Day of Visibility, just as he has commemorated the day every year since he has been in office.

As Easter Sunday falls on March 31 this year, conservatives responded furiously, accusing the president, who is Catholic, of attempting to stifle Christian values by highlighting the event during an important religious holiday.

The controversy, which has galvanized conservatives and which transgender advocates say is manufactured, is the latest in a series of social conflicts that has enveloped the political process and current electoral cycle.

House leadership voiced their outrage, as did the Trump campaign, demanding an apology from the White House. The White House pushed back, saying that “as a Christian who celebrates Easter with family, President Biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every American.”

The Transgender Day of Visibility, observed on March 31 each year, was started by advocates 15 years ago as a way to celebrate transgender people and raise awareness of the discrimination they face.

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Salt Lake City is like the second biggest concentration of lgbtxyz outside of The Bay Area. Their all expats from out of state. That is not by accident. For them it's a turn on. Western religious values replacement is some kind of fetish for them. Like the more 'pure' and uncorrupted they percieve something the more they get off on inserting themselves into it. And yeah than analogy means exactly what it sounds like.
The Jew who created Easter?
That is indeed how calendars work. And it's moreso your religion's fault if anything for having a holiday whose day varies year-to-year.
>Western religious values replacement is some kind of fetish for them.

They want the feminists and the lgbt to be their new religions.
>They want the feminists and the lgbt to be their new religions

It already is. Unironically.

They demand that their "cross" be displayed in public places throughout the nation and the western world and if you refuse prepare to be called a heretic.

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DEI Baltimore mayor fights back against C.H.U.D attacks on bridge accident:“duly elected incumbent.”

Mayor Brandon Scott has come to expect overt and not-so-overt racism.

The latest example came in the aftermath of Tuesday morning’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse. Within hours, Scott said he started to notice social media posts labeling him as a “DEI Mayor.”

Scott immediately bristled at the dog whistle.

“We know what these folks really want to say when they say DEI mayor,” he told The Banner. “Whether it is DEI or clown. They really want to say the N-word. But there is nothing they can do and say to me that is worse than the treatment of my ancestors. I am proud of who I am and where I come from.”

DEI — shorthand for diversity, equity and inclusion — has become a weaponized term used by the conservative right. Some use the term on its face value to attack diversity efforts. But others use it more nefariously to mean “Didn’t Earn It.”

Scott is far from a “DEI mayor.” He wasn’t appointed; he was elected by voters in a city with one of the largest Black populations in the country.

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keep your lies shorter next time
You do realize the ship crashed because propulsion failure?
The crew sent an SOS out and that saved lives.
DEI is causing the competency crisis. I know there is no way in hell I'd go to a doctor who was black or a woman because they 100% can't read and are an affermative action hire


>Sick burn Dudess

This was an even sicker burn than mine!
I laughed thinking about how true it probably was.
Why are we like this?
Are we sociopaths, picking on those with inferior intellects from ours?
Or is it just natural selection, with us trying to purge the species of bad DNA?
I hope the anime fan don't David Carradine itsself, and his parents find him in his Nezuko Kamado costume with his nylon tights wrapped around his neck, penis in his hand.
It was an accident and I would never recommend anyone try auto erotic asphyxiation, as it's way too dangerous.

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maybe propulsion wouldnt fail if you stopped shitting in the fuel tank and maybe you would see failure coming if you werent so busy having sex with cows?


Trump Media stock plunges as 2023 Truth Social loss put at $58 million

Former president Donald Trump’s social media company said Monday it lost more than $58 million last year, sending its stock plunging roughly 25 percent only days after a highflying public debut valued it at more than $8 billion.

Trump Media & Technology Group, which owns Truth Social, said in a new Securities and Exchange Commission filing Monday that the company generated just over $4 million in revenue last year, including less than $1 million in the last quarter of 2023.

The nosediving share price of the company — which uses the stock ticker DJT, for Trump’s initials — shaved off a quarter of its market value in a single day. It also slashed the value of Trump’s 57 percent ownership in the company by roughly $1 billion, to $3.6 billion.

The new financial figures throw into stark relief the gap between Trump Media’s highly hyped investor-driven valuation on the public stock market and the reality of its business performance.

It also raises questions about the possibility that Trump could use the company as a financial lifeline. Trump cannot sell his shares or use them as collateral for a loan for six months due to a provision in the company’s merger agreement, known as a lockup.
The company’s board could vote to waive that requirement but has yet to do so, the filings state. Cashing out early could sink the stock price further by flooding the market with shares and undermining investor confidence in Trump’s commitment to the brand, financial analysts said.

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Russia's check bounced
goddamn, i was looking at puts last week, but they were very expensive(for obvious reasons), while I wasnt sure how long they could keep the grift afloat to set a strike date
Reality is not a matter of opinion. It's not shades of gray. It's either right, or wrong information.
Jeff Yass & TikTok are behind investment in Truth Social
And he has to wait 6 months before he can dump his shares. Lol lmao even.

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I blame the trans basketball kids.

Study: Mississippi among least affordable states in US
by: Garret Grove
Posted: Mar 31, 2024 / 07:08 AM CDT

JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV) – A new study shows that Mississippi’s distinction as being a cheap place to live may not be accurate.

USA Today recently calculated the cost of living across all 50 states. It found that Mississippi’s overall cost was $37,949 on average. Though that is the lowest cost in the U.S., the state also has the lowest median household income nationally at $52,719. Therefore, resident’s cost of living takes about 72% of their paycheck, the eighth highest percentage nationally. This, among other factors, led to the state’s cost of living rank being the ninth highest nationally.

Median household income was just one factor analyzed to determine a state’s overall cost of living. USA TODAY also used economic data associated with the following metrics:
Federal income tax and FICA contributions for a single filer
State income tax

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And the fact that half the state population is Pieces of Crap (POC) on welfare.
what would compel a homeless person to remain in mississippi?
there's also the fact that CA has a higher cost of living, but the average income is skewed high due to a number of incredibly high earners, which balances out the affordability metric
But CA was dead last in this same crapfest of a "study".

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Looting and theft is just genetically part of the democrat phenotype.
White House reporters are looting Air Force One — wine glasses, gold-rimmed plates: Report
Reporters are supposed to be honest to the core, presenting the news in an unbiased and unvarnished way.

But maybe that was in the old days. Now, members of the media might just be common thieves, at least according to one new report.

Journalists in the White House press corps on Air Force One during President Biden’s time in office are stealing everything that’s not bolted down, Politico reports. The items reportedly stolen include wine glasses, tumblers, gold-rimmed plates, and embroidered pillowcases, the West Wing Playbook reported over the weekend.

“For years, scores of journalists — and others — have quietly stuffed everything from engraved whiskey tumblers to wine glasses to pretty much anything with the Air Force One insignia on it into their bag before stepping off the plane,” West Wing Playbook reported.

“On my first flight, the person next to me was like, ‘You should take that glass,’” one current White House reporter told Playbook. “They were like: ‘Everyone does it.’”

“When we raised the subject with current and former White House correspondents, stories spilled forth. There’s one about the senator in the front of the plane who — as a chatty aide told reporters — was taking everything not bolted down. Several colleagues of one former White House correspondent for a major newspaper described them hosting a dinner party where all the food was served on gold-rimmed Air Force One plates, evidently taken bit by bit over the course of some time. Reporters recalled coming down the back stairs after returning to Joint Base Andrews in the evening with the sounds of clinking glassware or porcelain plates in their backpacks.”
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>billionaire former POTUS
Is this supposed to be an insult? LOL
Why is water blue
You fucked up the colloquialism dumbass. Are you the person slinging Indian slurs around with this atrocious understanding of english
People use both wet and blue.
Native English speakers should know this, unless if you live in a tent.
no wonder you're shilling on the worst board shithead. learn from your mistakes

The owner of a popular gay bar was arrested and will face trial with two of his employees amid the latest crackdown on LGBT rights in Russia.


The owner of an LGBTQ+ club in the Russian city of Orenburg was arrested for "extremism," the OVD-Info rights group said Sunday.

He was detained three days ago at a Moscow airport and has been remanded in custody with two of his employees.

Prosecutors accuse him of conspiring with supporters of the "international LGBT movement," as Russia authorities describes it.

Police arrested the art director and administrator of the Pose club earlier this month in a raid on the club during a drag show.

If found guilty, they face up to ten years in jail.

It is the first criminal case of its kind since Russia added the "international LGBT movement" to a list of extremist and terrorist organizations.

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>especially Shotacon lovers like him.
I have never looked at ''shotacon'', I don't even know what it is, you faggot.
As a Canadian, I can attest to this.
This post made me realize LGBTQs are literally parasites leeching off of heterosexual society and they have the nerve to complain about their circumstances.
Disgusting beasts.
>This post made me realize LGBTQs are literally parasites leeching off of heterosexual society and they have the nerve to complain about their circumstances. Disgusting beasts.

The same with feminism: men build towns, cities, schools, etc... while feminist women only complain and want to get everything withouth any effort. Feminists are parasites in the society.

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NEW YORK, March 31. /TASS/. A barge crashed into a bridge in the US state of Oklahoma, as a result of the incident, traffic on the highway was blocked, the local Department of Transportation reported on social network X.

According to the department, Highway US-59 was closed on the Arkansas River south of Sollisaw due to a barge collision with a bridge.
did the barge have Indian crew-persons on board?
Loads of Indians manning ships.
This ship lost propulsion. What do you want done?

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Pastor who sexually abused child for nearly 7 years receives probation

CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — William C. Robinson, a pastor working for Chi Alpha Campus Ministries in Corpus Christi, received 10 years probation after sexually abusing an underage family member.

According to his indictment, Robinson sexually abused an underage family member between July 11, 2015 and June 27, 2022. The arrest affidavit states the sexual contact with the child began when she was nine.

"The offender in this case, by his own omission and by his acts, give cause for concern for the child's safety as well as others, which warrants his apprehension," the arrest affidavit stated.

Robinson was arrested on June 11, 2022.

On March 22, Robinson appeared in the 319th District Court where he accepted a plea deal that would avoid any jail time. He pleaded guilty to one count of continuous sexual abuse of a child under 14, one count of sexual assault of a child, and three counts of indecency with a child. In exchange for his plea, Robinson received 10 years deferred adjudication. If he complies with the terms of his probation, once he serves his sentence, Robinson can have the charges removed from his record.

The judge also ordered Robinson to serve 120 hours of community service, stay away from the victim, and take parenting classes. He will have a curfew from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Plus, his internet access will be monitored.
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based argument winner
>Why do I need to address this? Yes, Democrat school teachers have sex with boys, but they generally are post-pubescent males which isn't doesn't fall under chomo.
It's still statutory rape. Why do right-wingers selectively defend statutory rape?
Based and cowardly.
Pedos get stuck with with shivs in jail. Too bad, this guy literally dodged a bullet.
There is no political affiliation with pedos. They all get tossed in an active volcano.

jews rape kids

Covert Chinese accounts are masquerading online as American supporters of former President Donald J. Trump, promoting conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions and attacking President Biden ahead of the election in November, according to researchers and government officials.

The accounts signal a potential tactical shift in how Beijing aims to influence American politics, with more of a willingness to target specific candidates and parties, including Mr. Biden.

Some of the Chinese accounts impersonate fervent Trump fans, including one on X that purported to be “a father, husband and son” who was “MAGA all the way!!” The accounts mocked Mr. Biden’s age and shared fake images of him in a prison jumpsuit, or claimed that Mr. Biden was a Satanist pedophile while promoting Mr. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.

Ms. Thomas and other researchers have linked the new activity to a long-running network of accounts connected with the Chinese government known as Spamouflage. Several of the accounts they detailed previously posted pro-Beijing content in Mandarin — only to resurface in recent months under the guise of real Americans writing in English.

In a separate project, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a research organization in Washington, identified 170 inauthentic pages and accounts on Facebook that have also pushed anti-American messages, including pointed attacks on Mr. Biden.


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i didn't know steve bannon was a democrat
China plays both sides
Only DemoKKKrats are allowed to rig elections.

Who’s apologizing?!
Chud headcanon is wild

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Currently, numerous agencies are on the scene investigating after a male suspect drove his red SUV and smashed into the front security gate at the FBI headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia this afternoon. The suspect was later arrested at the Federal Bureau of Investigation office in Chamblee according to the FBI. The man, who was taken into custody, prompted the FBI to state that they could not provide any further details about what led this person to commit the act but assured that there is no concern for public safety.

Literally nobody likes biden.
It seems like more people have attempted to ram their cars into his residence than even trump
>Biden lives at the Atlanta FBI headquarters
>Nothing happens
I sleep
Putin is getting more desperate every day
>red SUV
We must ban automatic assault transmissions

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