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It's important to address "all the threats from all races and ethnicities", warns Assistant Chief Constable Becky Riggs, the National Police Chiefs' Council's lead for child protection and abuse investigation.

It is wrong to say group-based child abuse is predominantly committed by Pakistani men, the National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) has said.

Figures from the police database show where ethnicity is recorded, that in the first three quarters of 2024 - 85% of group-based child abusers were white, while 3.9% were of Pakistani origin

The figure increases for Pakistani offenders to 13.7% if you remove institutional groups, such as sports groups, schools and church-based group offenders, and group child abuse committed in a family setting.

The same calculation for 2023 showed 70% of offenders were white, and 6.9% were Pakistani
I do not condone violence of any kind, shape or form.
All I'm asking is this: why haven't the british overthrown their government?
Of all the justifications a person would need to revolt, you would think that the elites enabling the systemic rape of your children would be at the top of the list. But they're just.. protesting loudly.
>why haven't the british overthrown their government?
Could rightly ask the same as to why you aint yours. Aint nothin' goin' on here that aint goin' on there.
I strongly suspect it's the same answer to both.
The USA does not have state-sanctioned rape teams, anon. I don't know why you would think otherwise.
>The USA does not have state-sanctioned rape teams
I don't see any in England, either. If you have contradicting evidence, now would be the time to display it.

You do however have plenty of people in positions of 'power' with pedophilliac tendancies. Your problem is both rife, and systemic. And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg to reasons you have to overthrow your government. I will list them all if you make me, I've gathered a lotta ammo over the years, your entire ten mins of history is nothing but reasons. Literally from inception to present day.
Native brits are the ones systematically raping kids lol.
>Native brits are
Circa 61AD Boudaccia united the usually warring tribes in one last stand against the romans. They didn't come back.
Next there was a systematic erradication of the druids, who held the celtic culture, and the genetic dilution which along with the saxon invasion erradicated celtic genetic markers from the current pool.
When the romans left, the celtic tribes didn't reform. They couldn't. They had no leaders and no remaining culture. Along came the many kings of England. Which is why England has a flag, and britain doesn't.

The only people that refer to it as britain are the disasterously undereducated and those attempting to stir up patriotic emotions through the mists of history.
Because they are cowards. It's a coward nation. The brits have a centuries long history of exploiting an advantage over those who couldn't defend themselves, and taking their land. They've never actually fought in a fair fight and won. So standing up to someone is inconceivable to them.

And they aren't protesting. They grumble online at most.
Brit empire beat Germany twice, along with France, and almost beat uSA in 1776 but the territory was too big. You're that opinionated Dunning–KRUGERer, that poets here, aint you
>uSA in 1776 but the territory was too big.
That and most of the forces was off over india way, and moving them was unwanted.

But at least the whitehouse burned to the ground. They learned tho, they moved it further away and built the next one of stone instead of wood.

>Because they are cowards. It's a coward nation.
Remember when I said the excuses likely align? So that's your excuse for not overthrowing your clearly corrupt government? Cowardice?

>exploiting an advantage over those who couldn't defend themselves, and taking their land.
Oh. You'd like to talk about fairness? Okay then.

Must say, it was jolly sporting of you to throw nukes at civillian populations with none to throw back in response...

What about going up against farmers armed with outdated weapons? And ending up with more casualities and running home achieving nothing but brutalising a mostly civillian population for decades?

I can keep on with examples like this. All day. You've gone outta your way to create a decent collection. I can then spend another few day going into the nitty gritty details.

Sure, you didn't take any land with it - but that's because you can't. That would involve winning.
>You've gone outta your way to create a decent collection.
And you've only ten min of history, so kudos there.
maybe not rape, but in 2020 we had state-sanctioned arson, assault, and murder teams.
I mean.... we had state-sanctioned """"peaceful protest""""" teams.
>Aint nothin' goin' on here that aint goin' on there.
Show me a large concentration of Middle Eastern gangs in America that are going around pimping out 12 year old white girls. You can't. A lynch mob full of gun owners would've genocided the entire population out of America.
True, but we did have self-defense cases of resisting them, even if everyone of them was charged with a crime and the majority found guilty.
>You can't.
A casual poke did turn up empty. Is that because it doesn't exist, or is it because most of my results are clobbered by an algorithm? I'm sure I've read articles on this before... and maybe it's because none of your stats have a 'middle eastern' section for the racial profile? In the FBI's stats I only see: White Black or African American American
Indian or Alaska Native Asian NativeHawaiian
or Other Pacific Islander

But, like here, the stats do strongly suggest that most of the problem is caused by the 'locals' as opposed to the 'imports'.

Tw@GPT straight up 'noped' it, refusing to answer: find me a link to muslim rape gangs in the USA

GPT-4o mini
I can't assist with that.

Even reducing it to 'child grooming gangs' - removing any ethnic or religous qualifiers, returned: I can't assist with that.

The best response it gave: Statistics specifically detailing the religious or ethnic backgrounds of perpetrators of child sexual abuse, including those identified as Muslim, are not typically collected or reported in a comprehensive manner. Most crime statistics in the United States do not categorize offenders by religion, and data on sexual violence is generally reported without such demographic breakdowns.

Remember, we're talking about a country where a child kidnap victim can stay locked in the basement for use as a secksual toy that long that when they escape a decade or two later they don't know what a mobile phone is. You might not even find out about it until a long time after.

I can however assure you, there isn't a problem here you don't experience. These are 'people' scale problems, not 'ethnic' or 'religion' scale problems.
>In the FBI's stats I only see: White Black or African American American
>Indian or Alaska Native Asian NativeHawaiian
>or Other Pacific Islander
For Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) individuals, the U.S. government has historically classified them as “white” for legal and statistical purposes. This classification includes people with origins in the Middle East and North Africa, such as those from Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, and others. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, individuals of Middle Eastern and North African descent are classified as “white” unless they choose to identify as “Middle Eastern or North African” in the census, which became an option in 2020.
blah blah blah all this text to say nothing but what I already covered: you can't.
>A casual poke did turn up empty. Is that because it doesn't exist
Yes. There are no Muslim rape gangs pimping out 10,000 white 12 year old girls in the US. If there was even a hint of that, a suspicion, you'd have pissed-off rednecks cutting down brown people with AR-15s. For all the shit that eurofags give us about our gun crime and mass shootings, they can't deny that the problems they have with "Asian" immigration are impossible in the US. Any fathers of these victims would've gone on a shooting rampage.
>Any fathers of these victims would've gone on a shooting rampage.
Okay then. So as you don't have no muslamic rape gangs, the excuse you have for these fathers not doing the same for the child grooming gangs you have got is?
>the excuse you have for these fathers not doing the same for the child grooming gangs you have
We don't have. Once again, you fucking retard, show me where IN THE US ... MUSLIM rape gangs are going around pimping THOUSANDS of WHITE UNDERAGE GIRLS.


nah we just have the catholic church. The only org where members can get caught as sex offenders and there's a full official process to shift them to another county or state where they haven't been caught as sex offenders with.
The state punishes people who find out and try to stop sex trafficking. Unironically.
Google the the Franklin cover-up. tl;dr
>rich republicans use adoption agencies to pick up minors for parties
>minors are abused for X amount of time until they are considered too old
>get dumped in mental asylums, doped up on psych meds and nobody believes anything they say
Rape victims came forward and the courts threw them in jail.
>The Franklin child prostitution ring allegations began in June 1988 in Omaha, Nebraska, when multiple prominent Nebraska political and business figures were accused of involvement in a child sex trafficking ring. The allegations attracted significant public and political interest until late 1990, when separate state and federal grand juries concluded that the allegations were unfounded and the ring was a "carefully crafted hoax."[1][2]
>It's just republican pizzagate
I've learned net zero information today.
Have your tried asking an adult to help you with the longer words, as reading comprehension is something you clearly struggle with.

I didn't say 'mulsim rape gangs' I said 'child grooming gangs' - of which you provably do have. Statistically, some o them has to be muslamic. But I was ignoring that qualifier as you are adamant you don't have them.

So again, forward your excuses as to why these fathers hasn't wiped out the grooming gangs you have provably got.

If you can't take care of them, how can you expect me to believe you can do similar for muslamics? So you better be strong with this evidence if you want to be taken seriously.

And agian, my casual search for links to news articles was swamped by other results due to algorithmic filterings. It's not like I wasted my time exhausting every possible offering it turned up, I tried a few search terms and a few options. I've certainly read about grooming gangs on your shores and I'm certain more than once it's involved muslims.
The Catholic Church, which I'm not a Catholic btw, wasn't openly targeting a different race and religious background, with the sort of religious blessing from their own community to keep doing it to "infidels". If it was widely known and tolerated by the Catholic leadership, mobs would've torn Catholics apart, churches would've burned down, etc. The key difference between the Catholic church and Muslim rape gangs is one occurred on individual levels with their leadership recognizing this is a bad thing and trying to keep it quiet to not harm their reputation, and the other is openly doing this, systemically, with threats of violence and murder to victims and anyone that might intervene, and the leadership is encouraging - or at the very least indifferent - this behavior.

So this dogshit comparison to Muslim mass rapes to the Catholic church is exactly the kind of bullshit deflection I'd expect from dickheads who want to downplay what these Arabs are doing.
>If it was widely known and tolerated by the Catholic leadership
It is though. Again anon, they literally have portions of the budget dedicated to sex abuse cases. At least one branch had to make so many payouts because so many priests got caught touching kids the whole thing went BANKRUPT. The leadership absolutely knows and assists in covering it up.
>using wikipedia
Read the book Franklin Scandal by Nick Bryant. Or watch a youtube video if you're too zoomer brained.
Or, here. Just watch this.
>inb4 I'm not watching it
>inb4 it didn't happen
>inb4 not a valid source
Heard the same shit with epstein.
>Have your tried asking an adult to help you with the longer words, as reading comprehension is something you clearly struggle with.
Right back at you. I specifically asked for Muslim rape gangs and you're trying to slide it to 'child grooming gangs'. I'm talking about a group of outsiders that are immigrating to the US, raping and whoring out our underage girls by the thousands, and then having our own police cover it up because they don't want to be seen as racist.

The closest thing we might have to "child grooming gangs" you're trying to slide to is illegal immigration with sex-trafficked immigrants. I GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE that if a story leaked out how Mexican cartels were pimping out thousands of white girls at the border, you'd see a military response. Trump would be president for the rest of his fucking life as the number of vigilante groups ALREADY patrolling the border on their own would increase 10,000 fold. You would see so many dead Mexicans the UN would call it a war crime.
Anon if it failed both state and federal investigation, it probably was full of shit. It went before multiple juries and didn't hold up.
I don't care at all about anything that comes from them. I want their bodies mutilated. I want their skulls broken. I want their blood spilled in the ground.
Yeah I can't think of any situation where both the state and federal governments failed their jobs and/or fell to corruption either
You fucking retard
Yeah but one of the main accused parties wound up sentenced to 15 years for tax fraud anyways. If they can rig two juries why not rig that one so he doesn't snitch in prison?
One of the victims testimony was determined to be unreliable because she had a different color of vibrator used on her. Totally normal and not at all corrupt behavior.
>tax fraud
Anon, who the fuck gets put in solitary confinement for tax fraud.
>Right back at you. I specifically asked for Muslim rape gangs and you're trying to slide it to 'child grooming gangs'.
And yet again - why this needs repeating is a sure fire sign of your inability to take in information, and consider it critically - My search wasn't exhaustive. It was generally clobbered algorithmically, returning results that did not conform to the search terms mostly. This does not prove it does not exist, but that I cannot be bothered with wasting my time doing your research. Statistically, it's existence is a non-zero. The fact my search turned up nothing on the first few pages only means the results filtered to me for these terms are untrustworthy.

>I'm talking about a group of outsiders that are immigrating to the US, raping and whoring out our underage girls by the thousands.
RIght. Now, prove to me why you haven't dealt with the provable problem you do have, or you cannot forwards the concept that you'd behave differently with the muslamics. If you cannot do the locals, who were there before, then what makes you think you can do the imports?

>and then having our own police cover it up because they don't want to be seen as racist.
Prove that happened. I can prove they was told to not hit it from an angle of ethnicity, not that they was disallowed to prosecute when clear evidence exists. As demonstrated by the incident musk references where the perpetrators was sentenced.

>The closest thing we might have to "child grooming gangs" you're trying to slide to is illegal immigration with sex-trafficked immigrants.
Okay then. You must of heard about epstein's island? Or let me guess, that wasn't a 'child grooming gang' but an 'organised child prostition ring'? Groups of pedo are regular being discovered, and subsequently covered up. It's problem that exists at all tiers of your society, and all types of ethnicity. And these vigilantes you seem to think are somewhat competent have done nothing - why?
Good post.
>The Derby child sex abuse ring was a group of men who sexually abused up to a hundred girls in Derby, England.
>Derby, England.
Is England in the US?
>My search wasn't exhaustive.
Then make an exhaustive search and try to come up with something.
Because it DOESN'T EXIST.

We don't have this problem of Muslim rape gangs in the US, we've never had this problem and we never WILL have this problem.

>Now, prove to me why you haven't dealt with the provable problem you do have
Our problems are not the same. We deal with child rapists on an individual basis because that's the only problem we have - individual cases. There is no instance of an outside group coming to the US to rape our children by the thousands. We are not the same.

>Prove that happened. I can prove they was told to not hit it from an angle of ethnicity
I don't even need to waste my fucking time, your own sentence here proves you wrong.

>Okay then. You must of heard about epstein's island?
Yeah and what happened to him again? Oh right, he's dead.

>And these vigilantes you seem to think are somewhat competent have done nothing - why?
Going back to the point you tried to make with Epstein, as soon as it became public knowledge someone had to die. Tell you what, point to a group that is openly raping kids in the United States and getting away with it. Bonus points if it's brown immigrants doing the raping.
>Then make an exhaustive search and try to come up with something.
Why should I waste my time doing your research? Not seeing something isn't proof it doesn't exist. Just proof it's not where you're lookin.
Tho: https://www.justice.gov/d9/2023-06/child_sex_trafficking_in_the_united_states_2.pdf
does state 'The average age of the traffickers in federal prosecutions was 28.5 years old. Roughly three-quarters of them were male. Nearly all were U.S. citizens.'
Nearly all means some wasn't. It doesn't cite sources, but does admit to gang-based sex trafficking. "The April 2018 seizure and shutdown of Backpage.com
and subsequent prosecution of Backpage and several high-ranking employees by the U.S. Department of Justice" is pretty conclusive proof of long term collusion.
Domain Name: backpage.com
Creation Date: 1999-01-19T00:00:00.000-04:00
So that was about for a decade before someone did something about it. Why wasn't it these vigilantes that did something?

As for pointing at an in-situ event, you find out about these things after, unless you're a part of it, as a rule.

>Our problems are not the same.
Keep telling yourself that.
>We deal with child rapists on an individual basis because that's the only problem we have - individual cases
Apart from the provable existence of groups. At every tier of your society, with pretty much every demographic accounted for.
>There is no instance of an outside group coming to the US to rape our children by the thousands.
I doubt any of 'em go anywhere specifically for the child abuse. But for an example of 'the browns' preing on your children: AlMaghrib Institute.
In texas of all places, which seems pretty gung-ho. Why wasn't these vigilantes doing their do here?

>Yeah and what happened to him again? Oh right, he's dead.
Yeah, them vigilantes got him real good. In his solitary cell.

>as soon as it became public knowledge someone had to die. Tell you what, point to a group that is openly raping kids in the United States and getting away with it
That's kinda the point, isn't it? None of it's open. Not even the things you point at 'over here'. It's all behind closed doors that no cunt finds out about until long after. Unless they're involved.
But that said, I'm quite confident you've heard at least semi-plausible rumours of it's occurance throughout your society. Why hasn't these vigilantes done something?
Oh. And savethechildren.org says: " The United States is one of the most active sex trafficking countries in the world, where exploitation of trafficking victims occurs in cities, suburban and rural areas."

So... Where these vigilantes at? Why is it still happening?
>Why should I waste my time doing your research?
I accept your concession: You cannot find a similar example of immigrants coming to America to do the same shit they did to britbongers in the UK. Thank you.

>>Our problems are not the same.
>Keep telling yourself that.
They're not. If we had Muslim rape gangs in the US the same way brits have Muslim rape gangs currently, we would've killed them all. Which is why you can't find an example anywhere in the US of this happening.

We have more balls than you.

>Apart from the provable existence of groups.
That are dealt with as soon as they're discovered.
>But for an example of 'the browns' preing on your children: AlMaghrib Institute.
Yeah I'm not seeing the part where this group raped thousands of white children in Texas. Can you show me where that happened?
>Yeah, them vigilantes got him real good. In his solitary cell.
My point remains, we're not a safe place for pedos to exist. Now England on the other hand...
he only thinks it's bad if muslims do it, i guess?
>That's kinda the point, isn't it? None of it's open.
One of the most active sex trafficking countries in the world, yet we don't have any of the Muslim rape gangs operating in the US the way they do in England. Hmm... I wonder what's stopping them?
Biden administration "lost" 300,000 immigrant children that were illegally crossing the border. People have been saying this for years, but the media won't cover it at all and anyone who brings it up immediately gets met with some retarded liberal with TDS ad homming them
We know where they are. They went into Christian adoption agencies, which then funneled into gay households.
back to facebook gramps
oh and stop samefagging. see, when i double post i admit it
>You cannot find
Again - this is getting real tiring having to repeat this. Go and fetch an adult. - *I* did not find it with a cursory search. This is not conclusively proof it does not exist, just proof of algorithmical bias delivering results that don't match my search terms. And again, this is unlikley the reason they come, just something they're doing whilst there.

>we would've killed them all.
So why do such things still exist in your country, or does that only apply to muslamics? and despite being "under-reported" you still have some o the most prolific numbers. Why isn't these vigilantes done something. You consistently fail to explain.
>We have more balls than you.
Evidence suggests otherwise. If you had ½ the balls you claim to, you wouldn't be 'one of the most active sex trafficking countries in the world'

>Yeah I'm not seeing the part where this group raped thousands
Just the first thing I hit for 'groups'. That 'thousands' figure was over the span of 40 or so years. If you think your predatory groups couldn't hit those numbers over a similar timeframe you really are deluded.

Count how many of them happened in murrica.

>yet we don't have any of the Muslim rape gangs operating in the US the way they do in England
Prove that. Prove to me you have no-one, nowhere doing that. I don't find easily when I search for things like when them occupy kids tried filming police abuse only to find out they iphones told 'em 'no'. I remember it happening tho.

>My point remains, we're not a safe place for pedos to exist. Now England on the other hand...
So explain how once that was discovered, they was arrested and prosecuted? Explain all the other detections and prosecutions.
Then explain how if you're not a safe place, you have some of the highest stats for it. And again, you've continually failed to explain why these all-powerful vigilantes hasn't stopped it yet.
>Again - this is getting real tiring having to repeat this.
Likewise. You can keep bringing up algorithms and search terms all you want, still doesn't change that you CANNOT find an example.

>So why do such things still exist in your country
We kill pedos all the time in this country. Hell there's one story of a father who beat a man to death for touching his kid. They're not even safe in prison.

Meanwhile they're safe to operate in the streets of bongistan.

> If you had ½ the balls you claim to
If you had half the balls we do you'd have armed vigilantes patrolling Rotherham on their own. Oh wait, you're not allowed to have weapons. lmao

>Just the first thing I hit for 'groups'.
So a random thing you searched that has fuck all to do with this topic? No wonder you can't find any examples and are blaming the search engine.

>Count how many of them happened in murrica.
Still not seeing Muslim rape gangs in America on this list. But I did find the one about Rotherham that I linked earlier lol.

>Prove that.
lol I love how your argument is such shit that you need me to prove a negative. Meanwhile I can (and did) positively prove your shit island is infected with Muslim rape gangs.

>So explain how once that was discovered, they was arrested and prosecuted?
Except they weren't. You didn't do anything until the 2010s.
>From January 2011 onwards Andrew Norfolk of The Times pressed the issue, reporting in 2012 that the abuse in the town was widespread and that the police and council had known about it for over ten years.

i still have no idea why you only care about a specific group of pedophiles instead of all pedophiles. well, i do understand why
>still doesn't change that you CANNOT find an example.
And that doesn't change the fact that because I cannot find it, not trying particularly hard to do so, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There's plenty of things I can't find but know exist.

>We kill pedos all the time in this country.
Same. Barely makes the headlines.
>They're not even safe in prison.
It's that dangerous for 'em in our prisons, they seperate 'em from the general population. They get their own wing generally. That still doesn't keep them safe.

>Meanwhile they're safe to operate in the streets of bongistan.
Prove it. All the evidence I see points to the second there's public exposure they need locking up for their own protection.
>If you had half the balls we do you'd have armed vigilantes patrolling Rotherham on their own.
After they've all been arrested? sounds productive.
>Oh wait, you're not allowed to have weapons. lmao
And yet. I have them. I wonder how that happened.

>So a random thing you searched that has fuck all to do with this topic
Yeah. "USA child grooming gangs" is a search term that has nothing to do with the /topic in hand.

>Still not seeing Muslim rape gangs in America on this list.
No. But there is plenty of police coverups - which was the point in it's postage. I'm pretty sure we've covered the former point you make previously, multiple times.

>Meanwhile I can (and did) positively prove your shit island is infected with Muslim rape gangs.
"infected" is a pretty strong descriptor. It exists. We're not the only place it exists, and as this is a 'people' scale problem and you have people, the suggestions that you have none is laughable. You just haven't seen it yet is all. All this shit tends to happen behind closed doors and in secrecy, not publicly in the street. It's only found out about publicly after the fact. Usually after arrests have been made.
>You didn't do anything until the 2010s.
8 years - or three years, depending on report taken - after the first 'credible' report. A casual glance at this suggests the police wasn't given an easy task to collect evidence to support the claims. From what I can see, without looking hard, prosecution for staturary rape is about the peak possible - until they acquired the evidence to move stronger, circa 2010. I cannot explain why the staturary rape angle wasn't persued, and earlier.

>the police and council had known about it for over ten years.
And embaressingly enough, that's not even our peak failure.
Literally my first post in this thread faggot, but I'll set up shop now because I see you're in another thread being a retarded tranny and spreading more disinformation
Need to just be throwing people like you out of helicopters until we have a civilized society again
ur dumb as fuck.
>And that doesn't change the fact that because I cannot find it, not trying particularly hard to do so, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
If Muslim rape gangs were operating in America, pimping out thousands of white girls and dousing them with gasoline to scare them into compliance, we would've heard about it already. Just a rumor of this alone would be enough for Trump to parrot it every five seconds. Fox News would have stories for months. You seriously underestimate how many racist white boomers with guns (myself included) we have here - who are looking for an excuse.

>After they've all been arrested?
Oh so the streets of bongistan are safe now? Why am I still hearing grumblings of sex trafficking then? Oh that's right, because it's still going on. Over 7,000 cases in 2023 alone. Do you have ANY idea (you don't) how many Muslims would be targeted in the US if a tenth of that number was reported in the US? Do you have fucking any idea how many would-be active shooters we have here that would die, literally, for the chance to shoot up a mosque?

>And yet. I have them.
HAHAHA Oh boy do go on. Tell me about the pepper spray and rape whistle you got a loicense for.

>Yeah. "USA child grooming gangs"
And that's the search term that pulled up the Al Maghrib Institute? That isn't child grooming?

That's what I thought. I don't know why you're still arguing with me on this.

>"infected" is a pretty strong descriptor.
And accurate.
>We're not the only place it exists
America is not one of those places. Nor will it ever be.

>8 years - or three years, depending on report taken - after the first 'credible' report.
The fact that you've known about this for decades and fuck all has been done about this is embarrassing. I feel nothing but disgust for the fathers that let this happen. The brothers that didn't grow up with permanent hatred. The neighbors that let it slide so they wouldn't be accused of racism.
>You seriously underestimate how many racist white boomers with guns (myself included) we have here - who are looking for an excuse.
Not at all. I've encountered plenty, I know they exist, and in number. All that just says to me a good incentive to hide. Places like fox wouldn't touch it without solid evience because of the backlash from 'attacking minorities'. You have muslamic populations enough to consider mosques, you've more than likely got a problem, somewhere. To think otherwise is very narrow minded, even for a racist.

>Oh so the streets of bongistan are safe now?
I didn't say that. I just said there's not much point going there. Unless you think the police failed to mop that up proper, and it's still occuring.
>Oh that's right, because it's still going on. Over 7,000 cases in 2023 alone
Where you gettin' that 7k from? Closest I can see with a casual poke is: "The figures, provided by 45 UK police forces, show 7,062 Sexual Communication with a Child offences were recorded in 2023/24" which isn't quite the same as 'trafficking'. According to sky news: "Less than 5% of total recorded child sexual abuse crimes were categorised as group-based in 2022 or 2023. In 2023 there were 4,228 such crimes recorded." "group-based" apparently counts "two or more" perpetrators. "About three-quarters of group-based crimes involved two perpetrators." "About two-thirds of cases were related to "contact" abuse - for example rape, sexual assault and sexual activity involving a child"
So, for 'real numbers' we're lookin' at 5% o 4.3k for 'groups': or 215ish cases. With about 161 of those involving only two perpetrators. that leaves 54 cases for 'real groups'. I don't see solid stats for muslamics - but again this doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. But with the greater percentile - over 70% from recollect - being by "the whites" that's about 16 cases for all other demographics. Of which statistically some must be muslamic.
>Do you have fucking any idea how many would-be active shooters we have here that would die, literally, for the chance to shoot up a mosque?
Well. The mosque is there. Can't be that racist or that'd be enough of an excuse. Or could it be they isn't as willing to die for it as you claim?

> Tell me about the pepper spray and rape whistle you got a loicense for.
Don't need license for them. I'm not about to list off all the things I "shouldn't" have but do. Or even the things that are legal and within arms reach...

>And that's the search term that pulled up the Al Maghrib Institute? That isn't child grooming?
So what would you call the imnam systematically targetting mulitple children for sexual exploitation? And had he continued for the next few decades, what you think they count would be? Remember, he *only* got caught 'cause his wife snitched.

>I don't know why you're still arguing with me on this
Trying to get you to pull your head outta your arse enough to see sense.

>America is not one of those places. Nor will it ever be.
Still lacking proof. I understand, you don't want it to be true - no-one sane would - but burying head in sand aint the way forwards.

>I feel nothing but disgust for the fathers that let this happen
One would imagine they was in this care home because they lacked one - or something that at least resembled. I can tell you with authority that as a father with a daughter who has experienced sexual abuse that this does not tend to occur without consequence. I'm not stupid enough to go into details there. But if I knew I had a daughter when this was happening, the response would of been a *lot* faster.
>Places like fox wouldn't touch it without solid evience because of the backlash from 'attacking minorities'.
lmao seriously????
Yeah. I was being serious. Aint no media empire sticking they head in that noose. They have some damn solid evidence about these things or they sit down and shut the fuck up. They might go off half-cocked on some things, but there's stygmata over this one that is generally avoided. Like the jews.

But you can test it if you like. Submit a tip. We already know it'll be false 'cause you're adamant that shit can't happen there - the point is to see if they run with it. Spend a few min thinkin' you can prolly come up with something half believable.
Yes in every way except their quaint little flag. When has Britain ever bucked the will of their U.S. masters?
>Yes in every way except their quaint little flag.
Explaining why you speak a bastardisation of our language, and still call it "English".

>When has Britain ever bucked the will of their U.S. masters?
Considering the brits went extinct almost two thousand years before you had a country?
The English regular up middle finger and tell you to swivle. On international agreements, military interventions, and trade policies. There is however a 'special relationship' that's been about since WWII which grants you a touch more sway than you'd have without. And it's always a choice, and only selected if it can be demonstrated in our interest.
Holy esl
this is just sad
your life does seem pretty sad
Can I get a per capita on this?
I think the thing is that people are so reprehensibly reprehensible that they'd rather their own people gang rape children than foreigners do. Because most of it is done by their parents own kin.

It just goes to show that racism is a probably innate thing. No matter how much of a sick demonic child raping demon you are, if you have brown or black skin you are a mud person and your whole kind is Satan whereas if you are white and do the same thing there is a tacit approval of it. White people should die. Then again so should all people.
>I think the thing is that people are so reprehensibly reprehensible that they'd rather their own people gang rape children than foreigners do.
You'd have a point if the US had white Christian rape-gangs going around fucking tens of thousands of kids.
*while the police just shrugged and said meh.
they're probably only counting them as paki if they're FOB from exactly Pakistan and likely front loading 1000 years of alleged historical abuse.
>3.9% were of Pakistani origin
should be 0%.
In my humble opinion leftists politicians should be dismembered, flayed, and burned alive.
And that's why no one listens to you
>white Christians are solo predators.
Which if true still goes to my point that I've been making the whole time: we don't have religious rape-gangs roaming the streets in the US, drugging and raping tens of thousands (possibly hundreds of thousands) of minor white girls (as well as non-Muslim minorities), threatening to murder them if they don't comply, being covered up by our police so as to not be racist (telling some of the girls that it was their fault), arresting some of the parents that reported their kids were being raped (who don't have guns so they can deal with this problem themselves), while democrats and media accuse anyone bringing attention to this of being a right-wing racist - even if that person is a left-wing journalist - and then having that same whistle-blower threatened by left-wing antifa-faggots while the police do nothing - except arrest people that protest all of this.

All of this text I outlined is IMPOSSIBLE in the United States, yet it happened in the UK - and all you faggots can do is deflect away with
>b-but the US has more cases overall
No shit. The third most populous country in the world has more criminals (that we know of because UK isn't releasing all the info)? I'm shocked. All of them are at the individual level, hidden where nobody knows about it. It's a fuck-load easier to find groups of rapists wandering the streets of Manchester, but I don't see any of you cunts doing anything about it. No, you'd rather get outraged at the right for bringing attention to this issue and throw Tommy Robinson in jail.
>The same calculation for 2023 showed 70% of offenders were white
they count turks, arabs and god knows what else as white
moreover, they're counted as british if they're a british national, even if they're 100% pakistani by heritage.
Jesus, this is one of the weakest posts I ever made and thought it'd get no replies, but here it is 4 days later alive and kicking.
Greatest trick Britain ever pulled. Everyone was British and that was that. Then they saw America classify people as American if they simply thought about going there for a holiday. Now the government made it illegal to say you're not British if you're born there, or live there, or raped some kids there. And now people say foreigners are actually British.

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