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After it was announced Genocide Joe Biden would give Soros the country’s highest civilian award, MAGA figures such as Steve Bannon and Elon Musk torched the president for giving a jew like Soros the medsl. Musk stated that it was a disgrace, after G.O.A.T. Potus tRump had given the medal to such deserving jew recipients Rush Limbaugh, and Miriam Adelson.
op is a faggot
Limbaugh broadcasted all his shows high as a kite on hillbilly heroin... while saying drug dealers should be executed

A maid bought thousands of prescription pills on the black market for Mr Limbaugh, and the confirmation by the police near his Florida home that they were looking into an illegal drug ring.
In addition, Limbaugh cut a deal with prosecutors in prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his luggage.The prescription was not in his name.
Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours at the Fla. airport after returning from a vacation in the PEDO sex tourism destination, Dominican Republic.
That were not me. Stupid OP put headline as "Chuddies btfo". I don't read the body of stupid vague headlines. My head line is very informative
Why are u calling me a faggot? Are u cruising for some action? fagsЯus@protonmail.me
I'm confused. I'm a faggot in that I like cocks and have one, but are you referring to me a "lame" person, as we use to call present day "faggots"? If so, mea culpa, and I will try to do better next time.as to the medal, Biden may just be cool after all, although most likely HUNTER BIDEN DID THIS!!1
Biden is bold and honest for recognizing Soros. I hope the Ukrainians who set Hunter up in his shady business will see some windfall from Mr. Soros as a thank you from this.
Some past recipients:

Pablo Casals
Walt Disney
T.S. Elliot
Helen Keller
Edward R. Murrow
The Apollo 11 crew
Irving Berlin
Joe DiMaggio
Martin Luther King Jr.
Jonas Salk
Hyman G. Rickover
Jacques Cousteau
James Stewart Devin Nunes & his cow are on tRump's short list
Relax, don't have a (Nune's) cow. This is just a 4ch board, enjoy yourself. Why so serious. Are you a cusTOADian? I'm sorry. I will say a prayer for you: Our Hiro, who art in Nipland, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it on 4ch. Give us this day our daily headline. And forgive us our shitposting, as we forgive those who shitpost against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from shitposting. For thine is the WEBSITE, the anons and the story, for ever and ever(or until we get a life). A-them"
Republitards can't stop crying
Happy 1420 days sober Rush Limbaugh!
Good post

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