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Why is the shitty title on the no-text /news/ thread actually more informative than the apnews headline
because the OP is a kneejerking boomer who actually lived through the 1950s and thinks Commies are still relevant? Also because he got kicked off of >>>/k/ where he belongs.
I meant the 300 new gun ranges thing. That's obviously more related to the real facts than what ap has as the headline. You don't have to remind me about the other shit he put in the thread title, it's right there.
>That's obviously more related to the real facts than what ap has as the headline.
What brain damage led you to that conclusion?
Hopefully they will liberate Norway from socialist dictatorshit.
because OP is always based and correct
the communists literally invaded ukraine and have been there for like 3 years now retardo
You're such a dummy , even calories ventriliquist couldn't help you. BTW, i bet this idiot has to dova search for what va ventriliquist is
You're such a dummy , even a ventriliquist couldn't help you. BTW, i bet this idiot has to do a search for what a ventriliquist is. I had to turn off auto correct, because the dummy anon uses it
are you retarded?
Stop linking low quality sites filled with disinformation.
>the russians aren't in ukraine
>The Russians are communists
It's not 1987 any more gramps
Wrong board
It's not happening and it's good, that it's happening

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