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This is why I will never vote democrat
Because you're a mental midget that can't seem to paste the article text?
>alleged serial child molester
That's a pretty serious claim. You got a source to back it up?
of course they don't
they're a non-american retard who opposes gun background checks and red flag laws because they're the exact sort of scum that the laws are written for.
/news/ is where they impotently wail and rage about it
you are the one who is too retarded to click a link, tranni boi
archive ph/Tww7h
archive ph/D9zx8
archive ph/9J8Xi
archive ph/bPsYG
>of course they don't
if you don't know someone's gender you write "he or she" tranni boi. they is third person plural, not singular, retardo
>they're a non-american
unlike you, harris, walz and obongo I am an American citizen
> opposes gun background checks and red flag laws because they're the exact sort of scum that the laws are written for.
I passed a background check multiple times, own multiple guns and will never get red flagged. I still oppose those lose because they are unconstitutional tyranny used by dems to murder gun owners and grab guns from innocent people
>/news/ is where they impotently wail and rage about it
you are literally seething in everyone of my threads. also "he or she", esl
How much do they pay you?
>they mad
>he or she is so fucking retarded he or she doesn't know how to link posts
what a newfag
Walz eyes steals his autie son's Adderall. This is why he's so wide eyed.
somebody ought to feed you a shoe.
Use of "they" is proper grammar.

No one will respect you until you stop feeding clicks to news websites like a paid shill, and start posting the article. Do you understand why people want you to post the article text?
democrats give me the ick
>I am an American
Those who need to say 'I am an American' aren't Americans.
>everyone of my threads
Everyone knows it's 'every one' with a space between those two words. You are a foreign schizo that seethes at having an inferior education. Americans know English. You don't. Because you aren't. Show your birth certificate, because if you can't then everyone can prove you're a schizo because they are expert psychologists with the credentials to prove it, gun schizo.
>alleged serial child molester
How many rubles do you need to buy a loaf of bread these days Ivan?
>yells at others that they're schizo
>demands strangers show their birth certificate as proofs

Okay schizo
>>1355480 the schizo isn't American
calm down demoncrap voter
is that what they eat in your country?
>Use of "they" is proper grammar.
nah, its 3rd person plural, not singular. only literal troons use it
>and start posting the article.
the article is the blue link in the OP, retard
>Do you understand why people want you to post the article text?
because the great firewall of china prevents you from reading American links
>Everyone knows it's 'every one' with a space between those two words. You are a foreign schizo that seethes at having an inferior education. Americans know English. You don't. Because you aren't.
way to out yourself as being retarded and gay
that poster is literally either a bot or an indian man using chatGPT and google translate to generate posts
This just in...
Russian shill "OP" literally cannot learn how to post of the board he's paid to psyop!
More at 11!
>Russian shill "OP" literally cannot learn how to post of the board he's paid to psyop!
>post of the board
it's like an Indian using an online translation service made this post
Anyone who wants to ban guns must be flayed alive in public. Those animals do not understand anything else.
good posts
bot post
it's like an Indian using chatGPT and google translate made this post >>1355700
Unfortunately I'm not a robot and fortunately not Indian either.
It's good to know that typing "of" instead of "on" makes me look like a gibbering retard though.
I'll have to be more careful in the future.
Headline of the Year candidate right here, OP

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