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>Trump: Hulk Hogan, Kane, Undertaker
>Harris: Batista

Sounds about right.
Paste the article newfag
Gimme a hell yeah!
Depends is right
>Drooling retards choose trump
What else is new?
not in the rules, tranni boi
ventura is a retard who blames having to retire from the WWF on agent orange, but supports the party who used agent orange
Clickfarm elsewhere faggot
kek why the fuck did this of all things get deleted?
keep seething, tranni boi
Double-nigger tourist
turn your monitor on
>Sent from my iPhone
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
>why the fuck did this of all things get deleted
rekt by a janny. the arnold palmer cock threads 404'ed simultaneously. lol.
>mfw a broke tranny calls 2 millionaires, one of whom is a mayor, drooling retards while living in his mom's basement near me
Kammy got the cool star one. The rock wants to endorse her, but he'd a pussy
how is this news. some dope going on some other dopes podcast to talk the same bullshit isnt news. nothing notable happened. yall are just desperate to suckle that dick
>The rock wants to endorse her, but he'd a pussy
He knows it's bad for business.
friendly reminder that not only is OP a literal unironic redditor, he is also either schizo or has some other severe mental health issue.
and still wrong 99.997% of the time, including this

Being (moderately)rich makes you smart? How do you feel about liberal Hollywood stars?
Cage match: dRumpf poster tranny redditor vs. no text poster tranny redditor.
Someone's gonna get their nuts ripped off!
So if they're both trannies does the winner get his nuts ripped off or the loser?
nah, batista is an anti gun little faggot
its an endorsement for the presidential election retard. makes sense you don't get it because your post was 2:15pm indian time, 11:45am jewish time
this post was made at 3:47pm indian time, 1:17pm jewish time
smarter than you, tranni boi. you live in your mom's basement and have no dick
Yeah, coworkers and fellow hall of famers tend to support other coworkers and fellow hall of famers.
no paste = no read
If you can't even bother to paste it yourself, clearly nobody cares, not even (You).
imagine being from a country outside the US and not being able to read American news sites
Then I would just imagine using a vpn or proxy if I actually cared to read them.
nah, we saw before you can't get through the great firewall of china
Which would mean they couldn't even access 4chan which means they couldn't read the >>>/news/, so it wouldn't even matter if something was pasted in a >>>/news/ thread or not.
Not true. Mossad just needs to unfuck the VPN.
Then if the VPN can get through the great firewall, there is no reason to paste the text.
nah, china lets you access 4chan through the firewall to shill, but bans you from American news sites

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