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File: AA1ssZXd[1].jpg (34 KB, 750x422)
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$25 sin tax per gun to go directly into the pockets of michael bloomberg in exchange for all the bribes he has given.
$250 fine for not having "gun liability insurance" which doesn't exist because insurance doesn't insure intentional criminal acts.
>Active and retired police officers - along with people who have concealed carry licenses - are exempt from the liability and fee requirements.
we need to tax abortion and homosexuality as much as dems try to tax guns
he's spamming threads again
imagine getting news and information from MSN.com
Don't respond to schizo gun nut threads. Seriously. It only encourages him.
why do you samefag, troon?
why do you sign your posts?
you really are a bot with no original thoughts. weird how 95% of the memes on this board are just you faggots repeating my insults
>if you make fun of me using my own insults... you are... A BOT!!!
It's funny how sad you are.
friendly reminder that not only is OP a literal unironic redditor, he is also either schizo or has some other severe mental health issue.
post medical credentials, tranni boi. you were confirmed to not be American and to have no dick
its funny how you can't think of your own insults because you are a gay retard
he's back on the board. must have woken up from his drug-induced haze
you sure are one seething little faggot
you sure are one deranged schizophrenic
third monday, he got his n33tbux to buy more crack and celebrate
post medical credentials, tranni boi
what is it like being on welfare and smoking crack?
Bill Clinton ended welfare, so I wouldn't know what it was like to live as a black person before the 90s.
you sure are one mentally unstable seething russian
nope. I am American, unlike you, obongo, walz and harris and post medical credentials, troon
keep being mad and gay though. I will continue posting and making threads since it upsets you
>post medical credentials
>I am American
Post your birth certificate. If you can't, then others are medically qualified to determine your
mental handicap.
>dox yourself or you are retarded.
is this what medical care is like in your country? wow, must be shit not being American.

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