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Russian Wagner transport plane shot down in Sudan by RSF. All Russians on board w were killed.


UAE Il-76 transport aircraft carrying Russians was shot down by the RSF

Russian Embassy has confirmed the reports.






Russians have been shot down multiple times over both Sudans for years now.

A Russian pilot was killed by JEM rebels over Omdurman in Sudan in 2008.



South Sudanese shot down a UN helicopter in 2012, killing all 4 Russian peacekeepers on board.


South Sudanese shot down a UN helicopter with Russian peacekeepers killing all three Russian peackeepers in 2014.


> CIA agents kill innocent civilians once again
>Russian Wagner transport plane shot down in Sudan by RSF
ftfy Russian bot
CIA supplied weapons did this
>RSF did this
ftfy Russian bot
Don't you love when the russia shills out themselves
Russia is losing the war. They have loved hundreds of thousands more soldiers than Ukraine has. Vladimir Putin is the single greatest destroyer of Russian lives to ever live.
>Russia is losing the war.
They're not winning as fast as they'd like to but they're also not losing, unfortunately.
>They're not winning but they're also losing, fortunately
ftfy Russian bot
^lying tranny above me is lying. Also Russia is winning indeed. Russia is always winning just for being against globohomo
^lying troon above me is lying. Also Russia is losing indeed. Russia is always losing just for Putin being a pedo
the troon above me loves pedos
wouldn't be surprised if it was GUR actually, wouldn't be the first time. It's an easy way for them to inflict disproportionate casualties
This, both sides have massive problems, but at least Russia has allies who are willing to support it to the best of their abilities, while we in the west are sitting on out hands doing fuck all and people like >>1355473 don't even seem to realize.
>against globohomo
are you high? Homogenizing the cultures under its influence is like their whole deal
>This, both sides have massive problems, but at least Russia has allies who are willing to support it to the best of their abilities, while we in the west are sitting on out hands doing fuck all
Pretty sure the US gave Ukraine billions. After that, why should a country that can't defend itself exist? And where are the eurotrash whores? Why aren't they storming Russia?
Europussies will just stand by and let Putin fuck them.
>EU authorizing weapons to be used by Ukraine
>What's happening in Kursk
Putin the pussy's just standing by and letting more than just Ukraine humiliate Russia.
>Putin fuck them
>here, >>1355613's intrusive thoughts are emerging
Both US and EU give less to Ukraine than they could if they wanted to and heavily limit how Ukraine is using it.
Russia's Kharkiv offensive was able to build up troops at leisure because Ukraine couldn't use western long range monitions on Russian soil
Ukraine's southern offensive in 2023 was in part stopped by helicopters that stood on airfields in range of the ATACMS missiles that only arrived and hit those airfields after the offensive had been stopped
Ukraine still can't hit the Kerch bridge with western munitions (or in the case of Germany isn't even getting those munitions) despite the bridge not being nearly as important to Russian logistics anymore thanks to the new railway they built through southern Ukraine
Just to name a few examples.
Meanwhile Iran is happily supplying Russia with drones and missiles, North Korea is sending troops and China is slowly but surely testing our red lines while we are to scared to do anything about it
>What's happening in Kursk
Ukraine would have no reason to attack Kursk if we had adequately supplied them to take back their country.
Not to mention that analysts from both sides agree that Russia is seeming to win back the initiative in that area of the front too now
tl;dr: >>1355627 is a Russian bot
Or you wouldn't care about all those dead Ivans Putin doesn't care about in what is now Vlad's own Vietnam. I don't care about those dead Ivans nor Putin. Why should I?
There's a very good reason why US Vietnam veterans are welcome in Vietnam with no ill will. And why a certain US company is investing heavily in that country. NVidia is now a member of the ultra-exclusive Trillion Dollar Company Club. They can do more than just the financial math.
Can you, >>1355627?
>wanting the west to support Ukraine properly makes you a Russian bot.
Бce яcнo, тoвapищ.
Thanks for admitting you're a Russian bot or you wouldn't care about all those dead Ivans nor Putin that also doesn't care about all those dead Ivans in what is now his own Vietnam.
>you wouldn't care about all those dead Ivans nor Putin that also doesn't care about all those dead Ivans in what is now his own Vietnam
How does that relate to anything I've said? Do you lack basic reading comprehension? Are you pretending to be retarded? Is this a poor attempt at false flagging?
You got me a little confused I'll give you that much
>>1355643 a little confused
Or you can not care about dead Ivans and Putin. Continuing to do anything else but not care about them proves you're a Russian bot.
You're either pro- or anti-Putin. I'm anti-Putin. So what's your excuse?
If you want to have a conversation, quote the part in any of my posts that makes you think I would be pro-Putin. If not shut up or keep throwing your copy paste posts at me
>Or you wouldn't care about all those dead Ivans
Racism isn't tolerated here.
Racism against Ukrainians isn't tolerated here
No one is attempting to malign Ukrainians though, racist.
You can't be racist against white people.
Putin is or he'd leave Ukraine alone
Globohomo bots.
>complains about globohomo
>using globohomo phone
>wearing globohomo clothes
>ate globohomo food for breakfast
Shut the fuck up, Cletus
The Russian self-outing shill bot that is >>1356115 supports pedo Putin
Accusations are Admissions.

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