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>In 2018, Dougherty called for a ban on “assault weapons” in New Jersey.
New Jersey has had an "assault weapon" ban since 1990, it is the second oldest state AWB in the country, only after California and predates the federal AWB
>When it comes to stricter gun control laws, Dougherty said, “We will push for this until the end.”
this is why anti gunners only act in bad faith. this massive gay retard wants to ban something that had at the time already been banned for 28 years and wants a complete gun ban. no compromise, no quarter. for every gun law they pass we pass 2 anti abortion and anti troon laws
gun ownership rights are never going to be human rights
Trans rights are human rights though.
>being absolutely obsessed with 0.6% of the population
>muh culture wars
This is why you people keep losing
>This is why you people keep losing
Trump is the only one on the campaign trail talking about trans people. All of Ted Cruz's ad campaigns in Texas are about this non-existent army of trans people playing women's sports. Trump is currently incoherently rambling to crowds that children are going to school then coming back home with sexual reassignment surgeries. Which side do you say is obsessed with 0.6% of the population again?
But you were the one that brought them up. No one believes your manufactured outrage. This is why smart people don’t vote for Trump
gun rights always have been and always will be human rights
trannies aren't people
please don't refer to trannies as "people"
Please see a psychiatrist, schizo poster.
post medical credentials, tranni boi
He loves rolling around in his delusions like a pig in shit, he'll never seek help
Oh, and he's going to accuse us of samefagging even though he obviously did just that a few posts ago. Why do i know this? Because his script is outdated and obsolete
you literally are samefagging, fagito
If you want a new script or some english lessons just ask ok shill
>mfw tranni bois are still fucking seething that I am American and they are not
you can't mfw on a text only board newfag
friendly reminder that OP is a troll from reddit and his sole purpose for posting here is to bait replies. Never address the topic of his threads, only reply to tell him to fuck off and nothing more. Stop feeding the troll.
>she doesn't know
way to out yourself, tranni boi
you were confirmed to be paid by israel and china to post anti trump stuff
you love humiliating yourself don't you
turn you monitor on, queero
it the shill is going to be this low effort after being repeatedly defeated, no more rupees for the shill
you're an actual schizo aren't you? We already know you're a proven literal redditor but you're also a literal schizo aren't you? Are you getting help?
except you haven't and are making that shit up. we did prove though, that you don't live in the US. that you only post during indian/israeli time and that you got no dick
that has been debunked by credible fact checkers
r3ddit mods are paid appropriately for the services they provide
good post
your next citation will be the bible, despite being an atheist
you're a funny guy. like a sad little clown
The side that forces their sexual preference and exclusionary popularity club down your throat with special privilege and exemption programs in finance, banking, sports, media, healthcare, military, education, everywhere

and that would be homosexuals and sexual-organ mutilators. They haven't transcended sex, so I will not refer to then as trans-anything.
Gun rights are God given rights.
Anyone against such divine commandment must be treated as a demon and burned alive.
Point out the word 'Gun' verbatim in the Bible, chapter and verse, >>1355176.
We'll wait.
Jesus wore a dress, was born of a Nazarene Jewess, was referred to by his disciples as 'Rabbi'. INRI. He was as much a Red Sea Pedestrian as Brian. He was a Jew who said 'Love your fellow man'. He was against violence. Guns never existed then. Jehovah is the Jews' deity. The 10 Commandments, which said 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' isn't part of the US Constitution. Point out in the US Constitution where it says the word 'Commandment', 'Jesus' or 'God'.
We'll wait.
You'll have admitted your opinions are wrong when you can't. Your opinions are wrong by not pointing out those words.
>He was against violence.
Except when it involved whipping the jews.
>a jew whipping a jew
The duality of the hypocrite which said dead Jew on a stick (with 'INRI' on it) hated
I'm fairly certain Jesus denounce Judaism and formed a new covenant with God.
Jesus was a Jew. The Christains' god is Jewish: that dead Jew on a stick with 'INRI' on it. Your J-boy is as much a Red Sea Pedestrian as Brian.
Jews worship a god stupid enough to be deceived by jewish tricks.
just follow your leader already
Who is my leader?
There were three major sects of judaism around the time of Jesus: Pharisees, sadjucees, and essenes. Jesus was an essene. All of them were second temple worshiping israelites.
The pharisees kept the law of Moses but abused their positions to gather wealth and power. They are the ones Jesus shittalked.
Before his crucifixion, Jesus told his followers to leave Israel because the 'abomination of desolation' was coming. The jews rebelled against the romans 100 yrs later and Hadrian killed literally every single jew in Israel. He then burned the temple down and destroyed the jewish religion.
What we know today as judaism was salvaged from the oral tradition of the pharisees hundreds of years later.
It would seem the jews have been a problem once or twice in history.
Why do you think it us that they aren't maligned like Nazis and Confederates?
you are a sad tranny, trying to defend troons even though they aren't people.
good post
the christian bible isn't a legal document, the bill of rights is. the declaration of independence makes it clear the rights listed in the later documents come from god.
they are though, just like me or you
that's what makes you so upset. you have something in common with those you despise
they literally are not human. that is why hating them is fine
why do you think people you hate are not human? that's not normal or healthy
they aren't people
To be fair some are fully demoralized people.
Others are literally demonically possessed.
And I'm an Atheist, but it's become obvious over the past decade demonic possession is a real phenomenon that's only been documented and explored by religions in the past.
Seek mental help before you hurt someone you love.
they aren't humans because they are demonic ghouls who rape and eat children
good post
>the declaration of independence makes it clear the rights listed in the later documents come from god
The Declaration of Independence isn't a legal document, unlike the US Constitution. Now point out where the words 'Commandment', 'Jesus' or 'God' appear in that latter legal document. We'll wait.
normative nonsense
>and >>1355470 thinks it knows more about the law than the SCOTUS
Show us your Bar Examination certificate or have your opinions proved more than wrong, >>1355470.
>no, the documents written by the founding fathers at the same time they wrote the constitution have no meaning reeeeee
crazy nonAmericans believe this
>the declaration of independence is a legal document just like the constitution reeeeee
crazy nonAmericans believe this. and you cannot spell believe without the word lie
you do realize the scotus cites the federalist papers even though they aren't legal documents, tranni boi
the declaration of independence was also cited by the scotus in United States v. Gibbons (1824) and Loving v. Virginia (1967)
but I am sure they don't teach US history in the country you are from
> if >>1355571 knew more about the law than the SCOTUS, the tranny that is >>1355571 would be part of the SCOTUS
but I am sure they don't teach US history in the country you are from, >>1355571
that poster is literally either a bot or an indian man using chatGPT and google translate to generate posts
yeah, it has to be
bot post
>so >>1355697 agrees that >>1355571 is a bot or an indian man using chatGPT and google translate to generate posts
Thanks, bot poster that is >>1355697

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