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Found this Yuri gem on steam, wondering if anyone else has enjoyed this series
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These bitches literally expose themselves to males on stage in game. They are basically strippers pretending to be idols. It's not about the player, don't care that you are a dude. It's what actually happens in game that makes them whores.
Bisexuality has nothing to do with it either. Yuri with a het prostitute gets derided all the time here and should be banned from /u/. This is only one step behind that.
Sorry, still yuri.
Play offline if you're worried that your normie friends know you like to read stories about gay women
>shit art
It's just mid, which is in some ways worse than actually shit art because at least shit art gives you something to talk about.
no, but would love to try it out. is it ever on sale or is there a way to get a cheap key for the game?

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Hat World is an incredible freeware yuri themed doujin RPG where you choose one of six main characters and play through their unique campaigns. It has an exceptionally good turn-based battle system, some very challenging boss fights, sidescrolling platformer exploration, and great storytelling, visuals, and music all throughout.

Hat World got a high quality fan translation last year and you can download it here:

Rumors are this game is coming to Steam soon
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Only The Princess and the Rose Knight is by the same dev, the other is just another yuri RPGMaker game that was translated by the same group.
Why am I getting strong Yamibo vibes when looking at this game's screenshots...?
Oh my mistake then! Thanks for the link. Looks hella gay. This dev really has a good sense of humor.
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I've been playing this game on and off for the better part of a few days now and I adore Minmin. Wish she had more to say.

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LIly LYric cyCLE


thread died
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I would be really grateful if you could reupload these, the folders now show up as empty (probably because of some copyright strike).
May thread
Is this ever getting an anime?
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No, the franchise is officially dead, and its creator left the company that was funding it. The reason according to Fumiya was something like "it's not that Lilycle is in the red, but in this shitty post-covid economy we have to brutally optimize, so we'll consolidate around our stronger franchises" (there was a livestream on youtube where he talked about that in vague terms). He was assisting with other Particle projects in exchange for being able to do Lilycle, so he had no reason to stay anymore. Currently seems to be busy doing various contract work (the latest was a script for an Arknights drama CD), so no new yuri from Fumiya for the time being, although he's low-key working on a novel that seems Lilycle-ish in style.
I did actually get Vol. 7 along with the game disc. I'll be compiling an archive of what I have, which is (almost?) all of the main discs, plus a few digital releases to fill the gaps, some music, and a few specials, but I'll really appreciate it if someone can share the specials that were uploaded here earlier, or any other ones. Nearly all of the specials are also available digitally on Booth and DLsite in various package deals, but I'm just not yet ready to shell out 2800 per disc only to get the specials (which will amount to well over 20k yen), at least not all by myself.
I'd also love to translate the discs that are still untranslated, but I'm just not sure if I'll have the time and energy for that any time soon.
>A pale imitation of an ancient being
Which ancient being would that be?

Yuri featuring 4chan tans and other characters originating from 4chan. From board tans, to mod tans, to bury pinks, and more
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It would be a shame to let it die now when it's so close to bump limit.
Holy shit I just realized the threads 2 years old and still open LOL
>Over a year since and still not finished
I'm learning to draw myself and I sincerely hope that I don't become this bad
Is there a board-tan art booru?
We used to have one on 4chanhouse but it died around 2020 and was never brought back. I have no idea if archives exist.

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To avoid falling into the mistake of overly narrow threads like the Tifa thread, or the series that arouse little interest like Dragon Quest, here's a thread for Final Fantasy in general, that is also open to other Square Enix properties if you happen to find content for then.

Pic related is the most criminally underrated FF pair: Agrias and Ovelia from Tactics, the original knight and princess couple.
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me n who desu

Previous Thread: >>4046782
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There's no need to worry about the guy from this volume, he later helps Lingzi in her attempts to win Komari.
The hair make it look a saliva tail
I was talking about the Aruka guy that some people here thought as a potential ship for Nellia
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I was really worried that Esther would be dead for real, glad she survived. She's too sane to join Komari's harem, she should fuck her sister or something.
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Don't remember the anime going this hard!

-or being yuried by
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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games, visual novels, RPGs, etc which contain yuri.
Last Thread: >>4234928

Lists of Yuri Games:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4oc1uvr5vl96m/Yuri (Generally non-VN games)
http://store.steampowered.com/curator/6864182-Hella-Yuri/ (Anything available on Steam with lesbians in it)
https://vndb.org/g1986?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-1986 (VNs tagged Yuri Only)

Yuri Game CGs:

New here? Need a starting point? Try the /u/ recommendation survey results:

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You don't know how many I played and the question misses the point. It's almost amazing how dense you are not to understand what the conversation is about.
Wait, so you're literally saying subtext in boy/girl stories is legitimate but subtext in girl/girl stories isn't meant to be anything? My, you ARE a hetshitter. Last reply from me.
You really are the refuse of human intellect aren't you? I was talking about intentionality. Though your intention is just to purposely ignore the point and be offended by your own idiotic strawman.
I'm glad if I never have to read your mentally challenged replies again.
Sorry, how many tofu burgers with extra lettuce have you had?
Losing your mind so soon? Not even the worst troll is this bad at making a coherent jab.

Post official art (published by the artist behind a property or company). Bonus points for art from non yuri origins.
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Shame on them for not having them both dress up as grooms
Shame on them for not making both undressed.
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Still waiting for its 2nd Season
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'scuse my ignorance, but who this
I'm sorry but who? Twitter is filled with so many generic yuri accounts.
She was a prolific ygkm fanartist back in the day
The tweet is a parody of chapter 10 replacing suki with second season
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popular fanartist, she's good but really strict about not letting her art get posted elsewhere

Last thread was fun let us have another.
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Last Thread: >>3318873
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Which is the one where Nep and Nowa get married?
1) Same Person Different Entity, this is where they start as a couple.

2) The sequel 'Nine Versions of Purple' is where they get married.

3) Then the sequel afterwards 'From Here to Europa' is where Nep & Nowa live their lives as parents.
1) Same Person Different Entity, this is where they start as a couple.

2) The sequel 'Nine Versions of Purple' is where they get married.

3) Then the sequel afterwards 'From Here to Europa' is where Nep & Nowa live their lives as parents.
It's criminal how little PurpleHeartxNoire art there is. (and BlackHeartxNep for that matter).

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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.

Previous thread:>>4246420
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Previous Thread >>3767407

General guide on buying yuri manga

Buyfag guide (some relevant info, incl: customs, shipping, book and doujinshi retailers, alternate honto signup guide, etc)

How to signup for honto:

How to purchase and convert a JP kindle book

Japanese wiki listing yuri manga (not updated anymore):

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Trying to find anything decent here is such a painful process, they are drowned out by porn and pov audios
The senpai x Fuyuki one kept selling out, the other two lukewarm. Peopl have voted with their wallet.
>his is for self-insertfags
Let the cute girls pretend they're getting flirted by senpai
That's literally waifufagging and it has nothing to do with yuri.
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