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Post official art (published by the artist behind a property or company). Bonus points for art from non yuri origins.
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Shame on them for not making one with both dressed as brides.
Shame on them for not having them both dress up as grooms
Shame on them for not making both undressed.
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Yuri featuring 4chan tans and other characters originating from 4chan. From board tans, to mod tans, to bury pinks, and more
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It would be a shame to let it die now when it's so close to bump limit.
Holy shit I just realized the threads 2 years old and still open LOL
>Over a year since and still not finished
I'm learning to draw myself and I sincerely hope that I don't become this bad
Is there a board-tan art booru?
We used to have one on 4chanhouse but it died around 2020 and was never brought back. I have no idea if archives exist.

-or being yuried by
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any thoughts /u/?
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I bet you that she's gonna be the most boring, inoffensive person you're gonna find. They won't be doing a repeat of Chloe, who actually had major flaws to her.
Holy mental illness.
I can't believe they actually killed Pricefield, giving it a worse fate than Amberprice.
>emotionally abusive and manipulative
>conditions max to be obsessed with her
>basically tells max to "suck it up lol" when her time powers start showing side effects that potentially hint at brain damage
>shoots a dog
>can die a total of six times, each of which is her own fault except maybe the alternate timeline where she asks max to euthanize her.
>10/10 character
You know, if she was an antagonist with an appropriate bad ending, she'd be perfectly fine as she is, but we're supposed to like her?

Previous Thread: >>4046782
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Read it and was funnier and gayer that I thought (it was the first Komari LN I've read and that was only because I was curious about all the wedding thing) also I now understand why some people think that some male characters can have a chance with some of the girls, Karla aside the author it's kind of clumsy in their attempts to make us empathize with the villains/antagonists so if they survive it looks like they can be redeemed into potential love interests, besides that I really like it and maybe I will read the rest.
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There's no need to worry about the guy from this volume, he later helps Lingzi in her attempts to win Komari.
The hair make it look a saliva tail
I was talking about the Aruka guy that some people here thought as a potential ship for Nellia
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I was really worried that Esther would be dead for real, glad she survived. She's too sane to join Komari's harem, she should fuck her sister or something.

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Female character x female self-insert/reader art by women
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You sound like a man, you wouldn't get it.
When I see people like you I'm grateful I wasn't born with shit taste.
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Following the example of >>3665398 a thread for erotic lesbian fighting or wrestling.
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Why is it always Tifa...
Because Tifa is my fav lady and my kink is seeing her getting beaten. Currently working on an animation of my own.
added you
MILFs beating the shit out of each other.

All about breast milk and yuri.
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Post pictures of love and sex between holy and unholy; devils/demons and angels proving yuri can overcome any difference between girls.
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Hat World is an incredible freeware yuri themed doujin RPG where you choose one of six main characters and play through their unique campaigns. It has an exceptionally good turn-based battle system, some very challenging boss fights, sidescrolling platformer exploration, and great storytelling, visuals, and music all throughout.

Hat World got a high quality fan translation last year and you can download it here:

Rumors are this game is coming to Steam soon
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Ah yes Prim, the person you need the doublejump ability to get to. Guess why I went here first.
Sorry I fucked up. Played a year ago or so. I messed the names and thought you are talking about Kelly. Agains Jannis use grand magic, blocking gems, preferably partywide ones(and i mean on everyone), have someone with water to occasionally resurect others, use combos,kill her before she kills you. I don't think she uses magic so jammers are useless.
I have level one stuff lol. I won, anyway, it just took ages. There's fortunately plenty of mana to be had per turn.
I've been flicking through the JP wiki, and it's talking about mastery level with regards to magic. Does it just mean the mastery of the weapon you're holding?

Magic has their own mastery level in regards of their elements, the more you use an element the more you level it up and the more damage it does. Weapon mastery level have no effect on magic, but some maces usually have effects that boost magic damage. If you're building a pure magic character you don't need to put the weapon skill at all.

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>All artists welcome!
>Try to keep references to one image.
>Try to avoid unnecessary off-topic posts, so as to not hit the bump limit too fast.
>Be patient - requests take time per artist, and our board is slow! Delivery time may vary and artists will not necessarily tackle requests in the order they are posted.
>You may also post /u/-related drawfag pictures from other boards, provided they are credited accordingly (or at least state which board it came from).
>Feel free to post /u/-related original content - gay OCs, non-requested fanart and sketches made for fun are all welcome!
>Try to actually draw stuff occasionally.
>Have fun!

O/u/r booru:

Color/Edit thread: >>4136056
Previous thread: >>3947793
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I hope this is good enough to post here.
In any case, I'd apprechiate some criticism on what I can improve.
>Page 10
Get in, loser, we're going to a new thread
I'm not the one to ask about criticism, but it's certainly good enough to post here, hope you stick around
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To create more flow in your poses I really recommend studying the line of action. It can convey more passion in their movement when their bodies flow together and generally just make figures feel more alive. Line of action is one of the single most important concepts for drawing convincing poses. The limbs in your image could also benefit from perspective/foreshortening study, it's true that the limbs in the background will appear smaller than those in the foreground, but the curves and direction you've applied to the arm/hand in the background imply that it's moving towards the foreground so it ends up looking like it's on the same plane as the foreground limb. Some of this is beyond what I can demonstrate visually, so I really just recommend looking up tutorials for these concepts. In the image I'm attaching I mostly made notes pertaining to facial proportions and a few other things.
>it's certainly good enough to post here, hope you stick around
Thanks Anon, I hope I'll be able to draw stuff people can enjoy in a few years.
Thanks for the detailed critique, the image helped a lot.
I'll be off then studying line of action for a bit.

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Continued from >>4229679
Translation Thread >>4199643
Buythread >>3944605
Raw Thread >>4230584

https://mangadex.org/chapter/19cadba5-b63f-4539-8078-cd1afe39746b (Love Live flowers ch3)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/b141ccf2-e69f-4919-b10f-853d7231c6c4 (Will You End This Love? ch16)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/a976a88d-9bf4-4908-b119-9612a2166cda (Idol x Idol Story ch43)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/14d63372-b492-49c5-89eb-02650f9ad2e8 (K-On Shuffle ch48)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/bb9620cd-6e16-4e81-9faa-56f1607aad12 (OL at Her Limit ch11-1)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/dfdf9bcb-8a2e-4c4f-8290-a34c832c6f94 (Gal to Iinchou ch10)

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Only Show Yourself to Me ch4
Why don't just make her a regular friend? This oshi autism is very unrelatable.
New thread >>4247491
Is Power about to get raped by a bunch of girls?
Zoomer Machikado Mazoku.

Previous thread >>4188804
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I fucking hate this bitch
Is it too soon for a new thread?
New thread

Previous Thread: >>4135792

List of EN FGO /u/sers

FGO's /u/ Graveyard

Latest Shimosa (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798378237911
Shimosa manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/34870

Latest Salem (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798424059049
Salem manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/38955

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Gudako yuri for the last 3 years is either Morgan or Castoria. I don't think outside Jalter has any yuri ship with Gudako gone this strong for so long. Even the other dominate Gudako ships with Eresh, Mo-san, and Carmilla died down.
The less is said about the Arc banner for me, the better. My GSSR ended with a third copy of Avenger Ushi and I don't plan on doing that destiny thing. Now I have about 700sq left for summer. Let's see how that'll go. I'll probably skip Ibuki because, as great as she is most likely, I'm also sitting on a NP5 Morgan for my farming needs. So I'll probably do a split between Lady Avalon and Summer Skadi.
Can we get a new thread? This one's only a few bumps away from getting archived.
Even procrastinating for almost 2 years, I still managed to get 70~80% of the male Servants I locked in the 2nd Archive to Last Ascension, granting me a little less than 500 SQs, for a grant total of 925 SQs, and aside from that, there's a few I still have to get to Last Ascension, not to mention all the Rank Up Quests and Interludes I still have to do.
On a less fun note, my after almost 7 years playing this game, I finally experienced the bones shortage people used to complain back in the day...

Now my Anniversary restults:
For the GSSR I went with Berserker 2 Banner (Morgan, Summer!Musashi and Arjuna Alter), got Arjuna Alter (which I personally consider a great result, even if there was no bad one to be had)
For the Destiny Order thingy, my line-up was
>Musashi for Saber
>Ishtar for Archer
>Shishou for Lancer
>Skadi for Caster
>Bakin for Rider
>X for Assassin
>Ecchan for Zerker
>Contrarian!Yoshitsune for Extra I
>Melt for Extra II

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As to not get lost in my Wall of Text,
Here's the next thread:

. . . and seems like we hit image limit.

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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.

Previous thread: >>4235529
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