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Previous thread >>4318100

Watch more Hasu no Sora, you plebs
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New ship
Wienfag btfo
Cute couple
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Hardly ANY of the screenshots of the latest episode have been yuri
What the fuck are you even doin?
It's just some troll from /a/. He spams the exact same screenshots on /a/ threads.
and /vg/ threads
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Marge seems to have a thing for little sisters.
Ships ranking on Pixiv
Happy Birthday Mia
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Who is the cow on the right?
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Aria got culturally enriched...
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Not yuri
Not yuri
They're really pushing for MargaritaxTomari.
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Ships ranking on Pixiv
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To celebrate the 1st Anni, Ijigen Fes will be broadcasted on Animax this Sunday and the next.
Happy Birthday Kanata
Cucked by her older sister
How's the sex?
Kanon senpai is unstoppable
Payback for this>>4340030
So we're not really sharing sisters here...
This line felt kinda gay.
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Holy hell, Date Sayuri is a midget just like Kanon. She looks like a child when she stands next to Keke.
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Ships ranking on Pixiv
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Happy Birthday Megumi
I almost forgot about love live niji. But still remember shioriko x poumu. Why there is almost no fanart of this pairing now?
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the childhood friend won
I'm not very familiar with hasunosora but the girl on the middle (hime i guess) is often depicted as a himejoshi in fanarts, is she really like that?
ive only watched the hasu episodes on jewtube and more than a himejoshi shes a gaymer
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Can that really be considered yuri?
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Well, you know. We shiopomufags don't mind if shioriko can't win. Secret love, one-sided, being used as a substitute or rebound are better.
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Shioriko won Lanzhu. Better prize anyways.

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