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post 'em
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It's like I'm really on Facebook
OP managed to find the stinkiest memes possible, I'm actually impressed
Gotta get the catalog down as fast as possible.
I feel like Moca would fall asleep during sex.
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me whenever any yuri manga feels the need to show just how scummy all men are instead of just having a cute story between 2 girls
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she sacrificed her legs as a token of love, and the sea gifted them a child
That is not the way I intended it to be interpreted when I made those images all those years ago, but I like your thinking.
teach me the lore senpai
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fishes find legs
go on journey to find leg home
send legs home to ancient primordial ocean
some time later find mysterious fish in forest
fish has same legs
realize it is their daughter from an alternate timeline fleeing from a doomed future whos body was separated in two during the dimension hop who needed the healing power of the ocean to reform
they are now happy family
Ma'am this is the meme thread not the horror one
>oh the peeping tom is a woman, let's carry on then
What the fuck
Nobody would do this
Yes if she wants to fuck the peeping tammy
nobody would do the majority of things that happen in fiction
what the fuck was the context for this
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>5. Nausicaa
>"Come on Mr. Miyazaki, seriously no sequel?"
Tell us you don't know shit about manga without telling us you don't know shit aboutmanga
They could just read the Nausicaa manga for more Nausicaa, although it's mainly Nausicaa suffering
Truly beautiful Anon
I've had this happen to me once before. There was a glitch where it'd occasionally swap the images of 2 posts
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can confirm
>Not WataOshi thread but uses WataOshi as thumbnail
Op shall pay for the sin.
Never knew I actually needed a pic of a rule 63-ed Light Yagami saying "everything according to keikaku" before that.
isn't the whole thing with genies that they grant your wish in a way you didn't think of, not granting the opposite
trips of truth
only the actually competent evil genies
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This one hurts
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The Splash Star girls in Otona Precure LMAO
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thanks, doc
Thanks doc
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Where is this from?
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Edelgard von Hresvelg fandom in a nutshell.
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Why so many pics deleted? I saw no dudes in them. Did whoever posted them something stupid to make himself banned, or there was something wrong in the pics??
>manga is parodying Eugenio Ampudia
gonna need source of that
Looking up To Magical Girls
she did nothing wrong
justifying evil actions as good is different than loving an evil girl
I think a mod is just against the artist. I posted the first one of this artist and it got deleted, all the other ones are being posted by someone else and are still being deleted.
>Looking up To Magical Girls
chapter 21, page 24, and indeed the manga says something else and someone made a meme parodying Ampudia
>I saw no dudes in them
Ponytail one is a dude.
Danke, Doktor
Yeah, no.
That's obviously just a joke.
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In a statement just released by the prosecutor, Mr. Manfred von Karma, he condemns the defense's careless mistreatment of facts and accuses Ms. Fey of trying to build a fake narrative of consent.
Citing newly released footage, he pointed out: "She is crying and her eyes show she is clearly dead inside. This is the definition of rape!"
If you mean >>4169746 that's oh most definitely a girl. Source is Sekai de Ichiban Oppai ga Suki!
Emo-chan is neither of those characters.
>consistently the same stud + ring + top of ear piercings
>exact same thick spiked band on one hand double bracelets on the other
>same denim shorts
>always wearing a choker
>shorter version of the exact same hair style
It's all one (tranny) character he draws all the time. The comics just use a chibi version of it. The same one that he draws with the pink-haired girl, the artist has always been open about it being a trans character, even back when it was just "the one in the electric wizard shirt"
Just because he's shortened both characters' hair over time doesn't make them new characters. Even putting aside that it's trannyshit, the fuck does this have to do with memes?
That's just a cuck
not getting cucked if you're not in a relationship with them
This shitty thread was a mistake. Negative value to the board. Half the posts have to be constantlay deleted because they are breaking the rules or are just absolute hot garbage and the other half that stays is just as pointless and low tier. What did you honestly expect to happen when you try to copycat a fucking reddit style thread on /u/?
We would have been better off with a thread that is literally just screenshots of random funny moments in yuri anime rather than this refuse of society dump.
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cool story, bro
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use this one from now on
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>the tail of the speech bubble is slightly cut off
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i don't like sex
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Saved. Such a simple edit. Wouldn't you have a screencap of the thread where >>4178506 was suggested?
This is an old meme, these two are fucking like rabbits now.
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At least contribute Nee-san
Don't bother, it's the usual bumpspammer who bumps a bunch of threads at once with one-word threads every now and then.
Report him as spamming whenever you see a wave of posts like that.
File deleted.
I'm OP. I bumped for memes. Leave me alone.
I'm sorry that you had to get bullied, darling. Want me to protect you? Maybe hold your hand? Please say yes
yes :)
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Would someone happen to have the rest of this?
I have it. Just need to find it.
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nta, but I just chocked on a tomato and still feel it in my nose. I shouldn't eat and be in this thread at the same time.
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My high school friends would quote that frosted butts line pretty often

Thanks for the trip down memory line Onee-san
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Twitter in a nutshell
Cake farts?
Anyone have the one that says something like “girls should be with girls and boys should be with boys?”
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A classic.
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For some reason I thought you were mis quoting this macro
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are /u/ and /y/ allies? I can't say I care whether or not guys date guys but if it keeps them away from the women
We're sister and brother.
My best friends in highschool were gay guys and fellow lesbians. I had one straight friend.
>are /u/ and /y/ allies?
not according to Masaya Fujimori

Can't post pics because dudes in them, but there's the Izetta anime where the Good Guys (Tm) are basically the /u/ army and the Not!Nazis are the /y/ army.
It was hilarious to watch.
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I picked that one original from /u/. Can't even make stupid jokes anymore.
That’s the one, thanks.
have you seen the recent art she put out? nodoka is giving kasumi a run for her money
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I find it's a case of either extremes
Either they get on really well or despise the very earth each other walks on
Might just be 4chan tho
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For the record the source is '[Matsutou Tomoki] Ryoujoku Rettou', which has no real translation.
Wdym? This *is* the real translation
thanks for this, was looking for it.
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>dat height gap
Delish but please, take care of your body.
That manga is gold.
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We're so grateful we're not at /d/ or for the punchline she would have talked about male adult chickens
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so we have it ITT
C'mon, the one who keeps reporting that one as trans! The author has TWO characters with that look - one who is a MTF trans and has a single pink-haired GF, and another one, "Emo Girl", who is NOT a MTF trans (there are comics of her as a little girl) and has multiple, both blonde and black-haired GFs.
Get real, folks.

Comic where boith characters appear together for added amusement value:
The guy is obviously doing it in bad faith, there's no arguing with him because he only wants to make a nuisance of himself.
I can actually understand the confusion betwen the two characters before the author posted the comic I linked, but afterwards...
...afterwards the situation has actually become an actual /u/ meme all on itself.
>retard is so busy running tranny defense force that he somehow misses that the picture in question involves a regular male boyfriend.
Anon, why would you lie on the internet?
She was deleted for having shitty taste in anime.
ah, an Anon of culture.
If only that explanation were true...
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I keked
/tg/ tries to be kinky.
yoi should check their first Halloween arc
I feel called out. Every single fanfic I write gets stuck in this way for a week or two.
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some people claim /y/ stole the letter for representing the board and is the reason we should hate them but /u/ has more puns with it
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It should have been Walnut
Anyone got the gay boats one?
>do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down.jpg
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So, I checked and I can offer this and
File deleted.
And for whatever reason this. Don't ask, I don't remember why but it it was yuri in context.
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And this as a bonus.
Quite, I realized afterwards I was thinking of the one with Tony Abbot and the boat gacha girls. I wanna say Kan Colle
Thank you aneue
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But did she say no?
That's the important question here.

cant upload directly
Like 60% of this thread isn't fucking memes.
F/u/nny pictures thread
eh, they're cute enough
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A personal favorite of mine
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Found the other one in my folder. I know, it's not the one that was previously even requested but I just wanted to complete the set.
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It feels so weird seeing Revue on the "dead" side of a meme like this after so long
All things must pass, everything that has a shape will be destroyed eventually.
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Does anyone have "cranking my hog" meme video with Yang Xialong? That was the only actually funny video in tiktok.
You have to be 18 to post here.
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How everyone here feel about my deer friend nokotan anime?
I'm a fawn of it
Yukari Yakumo style, also known as old woman style
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>not lezmaxxing or lezcel
Why would you want to be a lezcel?

Don't want to be pussymaxxxing?
It wouldn't be funny without the sound
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but yuri is mostly drama and other non-sex stuff
This makes me mad. Artist girl shouldn't be upset slut girl gets more likes than her, she should be happy anybody cares at all. If you're drawing stuff for free then it should be for fun, if I drew a picture and got 15 likes I'd be like "holy shit 15 people like my stuff, I'm so happy!" I wouldn't be upset that I didn't get more.
It's especially funny given the art in the original meme is just kitsch Ghibli fanart too
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oh my, sasameki koto, that's one I havent thought about in a while
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Anyone have the "they were both tops" one?
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This one??
Stay in your thread, AI scum.
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Wait a minute I remember that sentence.
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name 7
Madoka calling Homura her best friend isn't the same as friendzoning her.
Isn't your lover often your best friend?
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>Isn't your lover often your best friend?
Or your sister / cousin / aunt / mom / grandmom.
Your stalker / monster / enemy / comrade in arms.
Your pet / object turned human.
Random stranger from a different apartment / land / world / dimension / timeline.
It's not often the case, but being friends can help the outcome. However, remaining just as "the friend" is problematic.
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Is vtubers flirting with each other as fanservice a legit thing?
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There were some incest twins or some shit being shilled on /trash/ for a while
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only in hololive
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Shoutout fake femcels
Gotta be my favorite charade fr
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>read a random old oneshot
>this comes up
Does anyone have the audio for that one adashima LN audiobook thing, where the japanese girl reading it gets to the part where adachi breaks down on the phone and gets really into?

I couldve sworn it was in one of the older meme threads, but couldnt find the post in the archives
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This one?
Thats it, thanks!
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Eh, I'd prefer a "fuck men" anime over a female-focused anime that shoves random male characters in to appease insecure Japanese guys in the audience.
>t: I'd prefer eating shit out of a bowl than a public toilet
Is "fuck men" really much of a thing? In Western media sure, but I can't think of much yuri that goes in that direction. At least off the top of my head
I'm sure there's some South Korean anime that will
NTA but it's worse, at least in action yuri. If you're not a villain is more likely that you will become canon fodder or even a plot device (like the guy that became a literal object in Onee-sama to Kyokin or the guy that had his corpse used as materials to revive a girl in Shokei Shoujo) Remember that the opposite of love isn't hate but indifference and in yuri nobody cares about the guys.
> Remember that the opposite of love isn't hate but indifference and in yuri nobody cares about the guys.

How do you guys deal with that sort of feeling? Part of me falls in love with Yuri, because these beautiful, light-filled characters being loving and defending each other makes me happy. But part of me also gets that feeling of being excluded by being male. It’s made worse when I see how much online discussion of Yuri is dominated by IRL gay women.

Does anyone else feel bothered by that sort of feeling? Is there some trick to dealing with it?
>Is there some trick to dealing with it?
Not self-inserting into fiction. You're a viewer, not a character.
"Fuck men" yuri is great because it filters out all the /a/ hetshitters while real himedanshis can just roll with the punches
as >>4326831 said, not self inserting. Because I don't self insert, I figure I might as well find both parties cute instead of just one. Also both are allowed to be characters instead of one being forced to be as boring and generic as possible so the maximum amount of people can self insert
This however I won't go for. I don't read yuri for some hate boner against men. I'd rather they just be left out altogether or at most be left to minor, non-romantic roles. If I wanted to read about how men are the devil, I'd open Twitter
It never bothered me, I'm actually a gay man so I know that when it comes up they aren't talking about me in particular

But I've been reading this shit since middle school and it's helped me come out, and it's kinda funny that most of my online friends are either bi women or lesbian whom I also talk about yuri with (they aren't on here as far as I know)

Long live yuri!
File deleted.
Agreed, not caring and rolling with the “fuck men” / “who cares about men” aspect is part of the escapism for me. I kinda want maleness to be as far away as possible from my Yuri. Along with real life in general - so I honestly don’t care much about whoever else is into it


>real himedanshis can just roll with the punches

Whose brilliant idea was it to try insulting us with such a cute title? Himedanshi supremacy forever
Also, female/transformers liking Yuri is fine unless they start treating it like hetshitters treat anime, where it has to be dragged down to serve as their dumb self-insert escapism. In which case they’re just as cringe.
The himejoshi/himedanshi thing was promoted by the Yuri Hime magazine.
Huh, I always assumed it was implicitly negative, meant to mock male yuri fans. And “himejoshi” was came up with later, since “Princess Girl” doesn’t exactly mocking or self-deprecating
You're probably thinking of yuributa.
Dyke the halls with lots of yuri
>fa la la la la, la la la la
Pretty women are my folly
>fa la la la la, la la la la
Fill the cup, and drain the bladder
>fa la la, la la la, la la la
Pussy’s on the Christmas platter
>fa la la la la, la la, la, la

See the flowing bitc before us
>fa la la la, la la la
Strike the cun through her forest
>fa la la la, la la la
Follow me in merry measure
>fa la la, la la la, la la la
While we give her lots of pleasure
>fa la la la la, la la, la, la

Oh, how soft my fair one’s bosom
>fa la la la la, la la la la
Oh, how sweet the grove is in blossom
>fa la la la la, la la la la
Oh, how blessed are the blisses
>fa la la, la la la, la la la
Words of love, and mutual kisses
>fa la la la la, la la, la, la
Does anyone have that manga panel that's like "she's actually a lesbian and a huge slut!"? I've been looking for it forever.
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>Veni, Vidi, Veni
Damn, that made me chuckle.
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I don't know I just think that when a guy is involved in yuri he only has two paths:
1. Begin a ruthless villain
2. A silly comic relief aka best character
And nothing else
destroy it all and love me in hell was good, i cant wait for the next chapter, big cliffhanger lol
Bot post
there are some who end up being the boyfriend/interest of some side character, which just makes people stop caring about said side character
I like it when there's dads and brothers
Just from a general character stand point, it's good to have family members imo. And then happy approving dads are fun and disapproving ones are another obstacle for love to overcome.
Yeah that one feels meh. Give me some girls kissing and if you are adding boys make them silly
Yeah that! When the dad overreacts and celebrates her daughter's relationship or want her to be marry or an annoying brother who messes around with her but somehow help the protagonist
you forget the tru bro type that actually ships the MC with MC's love interest and helps them get together. Like in "The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All"
Yeah, I thought about that character when I described it as "silly comic relief" but is more exactly what you said.
Best bros in yuri by far
>literally the whole army in Izetta

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