What's your favorite GL manga? Tell me about it!>Shōjo Sect is about a popular high school girl who beds many women. But none of them can fill the hole left by the fleeting memory she has of a girl she met when she was a child. Will her memories become clear enough to discover the girl's identity? What effects will her loving manipulation have on her fellow classmates? Will Matsuri ever get Kirin's love? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z
>>4261116>What's your favorite GL manga?
>>4269134>the translation was unreadableWas it perchance a translation of a translation?
the first 2 volumes of doughnuts under a crescent moon
Ebisu-san and Hotei-san
Continued from >>3757965 Ongoing manga:New releases: http://michinoakio.blogspot.com/Read Saki here: https://mangadex.org/manga/160/sakiDownload Saki 0-60 here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/kk870ig01a85tx3/Saki_Chapter_0-60_%5Bnull%5D.rarDownload Saki 61-104 here: https://mega.nz/#!FiQmAAiB!cnbiS5NaLqD4a1ADx4HIkWsw7vo2NXv6k_kQA7zipy8Download/read Saki 105-current here: http://dynasty-scans.com/series/sakiDownload/read Saki Achiga-hen here: http://dynasty-scans.com/series/saki_achiga_hen_episode_of_side_aDownload/read Saki Biyori here: http://dynasty-scans.com/series/saki_biyori_bgDownload/read Saki Shinohayu here: http://dynasty-scans.com/series/saki_shinohayuDownload/read Toki (or don't) here: http://dynasty-scans.com/series/tokiYen Press Saki: the usual place Completed anime:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>4360840>start first chapter >male meets the girl first ??????????
A thread about the breakout hit gun-slinging cupid yuri
>>4330580Love Bullet actually made it into the list of nominated series: https://x.com/inee/status/1879472925558120898You can vote for it here at number 45: https://www.anime-japan.jp/activities/ajranking/vote/
Does anyone know when the publisher's account changed its banner to include Love Bullet? https://x.com/kd_globalcomic I don't remember seeing it before but it's probably been a few months since I last checked.
https://x.com/inee/status/1885755012732838272Chiyo's birthday.
Murciélago raws:https://klmanga.com/zzga-murcielago-raw.htmlEnglish version:https://mangasee123.com/manga/MurcielagoArana raws:https://mega.nz/#F!ltABSAoB!FZsNZx35fNT9RjN6JEbk0gEnglish version:https://mangadex.org/title/28308/murci-lago-ara-aYoshimurakana’s Twitter:https://twitter.com/yoshimurakanaComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
It’s so weird that in 10+ years and 25 volumes he’s never gotten a single piece of official merch, only winnable items.Even the most unknown shit gets a figure or at the very least a shitty button, I wonder if he did something to deserve that lol
>>4369520why what happened, too much of the same thing and not enough progress I'm guessing
>>4369572Probably has full control of the merch rights and doesn't wanna do it out side of stuff fans can win
>>4358250I dont want a Murcielago anime/OVA unless it's high budget
mercy mercy me
Cosplayers being hella gay.Been a while since the last one: >>3937233
She is part of the harem now
Anyone familiar with this series? It's done by yaoi artist 7menzippo, who got her pretty sizable fangirl following in Japan to enjoy some very intense yuri (and indeed they are the primary audience for it on Pixiv & DLsite, some even getting confused as to why it was placed in the "maniax" section of DLSite and not the "for women" one). The sex might not be everyone's cup of tea as a result of that context, but I think the fujoshi vibe gives it an interesting flavor.>Why dedicate an entire thread to this?Because believe it or not, outside of the manga itself, there's a *lot* of art to imagedump; far too much to spam a different thread with.
>>4350887Sounds kinda soapy and generic. What sets it apart from other stories like this?
>>4360524Hardcore banging. That's about it.
>>4360524Oh no it's melodramatic, that's so awful. Christ you see rare fujo enlightenment and you spit at it
>>4370830I actually come across a lot of fujos who enjoy genderbend yuri of their favorite yaoi pairs, but sadly it often doesn't extend to them becoming full-blown yuri fans.
Previous thread >>3940005
Will there really be a movie?
>>4367574What movie?
>>4361784I like this one
This thread is for:*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles. Canon and non-canon both welcome.*News reports about things relevant to our interest*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.*Sulking.Previous sulk: >>4367280
Starting out with Sal Jiang since she loves this stuff.
>>4336907Seems like everything from >>4071495 to >>4071502 was theirs
>>4071457>HatesexI wish this stuff was more common.
>>4071481>>4071484>>4161204Incest and toxical yuri between mom, and sisters is just a big combo i really appreciate!
Continued from >>4360954Translation Thread >>4359642Buythread >>4260433Raw thread >>4349543https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/men_men_musubi_bonus_comichttps://mangadex.org/chapter/82a977cd-d02c-4e49-8af0-725550ae84c2 (Kiss Me in the Dark ch4)https://mangadex.org/chapter/2f8c9e28-0dfb-4974-811e-cfec94bfc572 (Just the Two of Them in the Nurse's Office ch21)https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/once_again_the_noble_consort_yields_herself_to_the_enemy_ch03https://mangadex.org/chapter/0233fd1e-e031-4eee-a2eb-a667ee531e63 (Yandere Heroine ch59)https://mangadex.org/chapter/c079a046-cf21-46a1-b160-fe35aebf872f (Forced to Open a Harem ch26)https://mangadex.org/chapter/60c12070-cd1e-4a9e-8be5-1a30d5f75873 (Otherside Picnic ch77)https://mangadex.org/chapter/d153ea86-fe00-4ada-94e8-85cf49db87d1 (Plain Girl Sitting Next to Me ch53)https://mangadex.org/chapter/17c3b501-d1d9-452b-8449-fa20d0885b81/ (Gabriel Dropout ch119)https://mangadex.org/chapter/a8c53e07-b1f3-42db-bad7-a3d2f6bb691b (Seijo Sensei ch2)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>4375749The series is still ongoing. They do get together, though there is some very abusive family situation and also lin wenjing brother comes back and does cringe stuff that will make you hate him.
>>4375746Is this why chinese MTL is so precise?
>>4375756>The series is still ongoing.Says it's finished unless this is also a web novel? And thank you for the vagueness of your answers
>>4375759guess it ended since I last read it then.
>>4375570She's known about Saki from the get-go, she's now watching her sister fall hard.
Previous Thread>>4321529>Main places to read fics:https://archiveofourown.org/https://www.fanfiction.net/>An ancient archive of fics compiled and shared by a kind anon (note that this is not a curated collection, just a very large archive of works)https://mega.nz/#F!oaphAAaZ!6FnZFfH2f-Vx5d9A47pSowPost links to fics and discuss them and fanfiction in general. Link fics you like, your own stuff, it's all good as long as it's yuri.
>>4371280I will salt your fields.
>>4371235Not as soul-crushing as seeing the tag 'Girl Penis' used on their new fic.
>>43712352-3k words is at least long enough to get into. It's sub 1k fics that suck. I just filter out "drabbles" of any kind as those can barely be called fanfics
>>4371235I agree 2-3k is often annoyingly short, but fics one notch above at the 5k-7k words mark are usually fine for me. It's just the difference of one or two scenes but it means a lot.
>>4371553He's right, tron shit doesn't belong in yuri
Last Thread: >>3318873
>>4354646You better never play the first Neptunia or Producing Perfection...
>>4362994That's what I read somewhere, so I can't guarantee anything and apparently it's official, although PP is not particularly well rated and the first Neptunia is one of those games that you are almost advised to ignore.
Post recommendations, covers, and screenshots of lesbian JAV.
>>4322245The one example I can think of is Sakura Hara. She only ever did lesbian porn and was advertised as a 'real lesbian'She didn't do that many movies tho. but her participation in the bibian lesbian technique tournament thing was pretty funny, she looked like she was in heaven lol; BBAN-227 if you're interested.
>>4369130I remember that her name and Sora Shiina used to be girlfriends together until that incident that Sakura Hana retire and fans literally hated Sora Shiina for that shit alone.
>>4369253Sora Shiina and Sakura Hara never dated. I think back then Sora Shiina was dating Aya Miyazaki and after they break up, Miyazaki retired from JAV.
>>4369339Oh my mistake again, I thought it was Hara in a relationship with Shiina. Jesus, my memory is terrible.
>>4365439I know of some couples that have ph channels like YURIXANcouple, lilyxoxoles, lesbian-in-tokyo.
Discuss the lovely book and the amazing movie. It's the only Ghibli film that made me cry twice.Previous threads:>https://archived.moe/u/thread/3240926/>https://archived.moe/u/thread/3565991/Read the book (in epub)>https://files.catbox.moe/xs9ahp.epubAnd post pics and feelings and tell us if you are fine on the outside, sis...
So I stumbled on this: https://otakumode.com/news/55f14872944c0e4331e97156/Studio-Ghibli-Grand-Exhibition-Gets-Underway-in-Nagoya!In 2015 Ghibli put on a whole exhibition that featured the backgrounds of Yohei Tanada from Marnie, as well as a bunch of other awesome looking displays, including dioramas from scenes in the movie. I honestly can't believe I never found out about this until now, I wonder if much of this stuff is open to the public at the Ghibli museum now, or if it's locked away in storage.
>>4371407I mean they fully recreated Marnie's room.
>>4371415Unfortunately the only images I can find to post are for ants, but you can see the full gallery for yourself on the site.
Marnie helps the Oiwa's pick tomatoes