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Thought I would make a thread about really big lesbians, both one big girl and one small girl or 2 big girls in middle of some huge, populated area content is welcome.
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Girls licking each other's pussies at the same time.
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Warm, salty, and golden.
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I wish more Yuri did this. Ultra cute and feminine wife and loving family.
Why don't Yuri have more kids between the girls.
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This manga ended way too soon
Is this manga was make today, surely both older girl will be caĺled mom
Cute l with a little flag ontop!
I personally prefer adoption over science babies. Is there any yuri manga with wholesome adoption stories?
Nanoha Strikers

Girls can... fall in love, with other girls?
Isn't that gay?
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It is a mystery
Idiot, Sanya and Eila invented yuri in 2008
Lain programmed it into reality when she ascended.
I thought Maria-sama invented yuri.
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My boss said it's all good.

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Thread for Tamsyn Muir's Locked Tomb series, Gideon the Ninth, Harrow the Ninth, Nona the Ninth. Post fanart and discuss the books
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>2022, soon to be 3 years since this NTN fanart
either she's fussing really hard over the right way to end it, or ATN will be split again (I hope )
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>split again
Don't you dare. I need to know that my woman is okay as soon as possible
Yeah she got left off on a frankly frightening note. Maybe she’ll spend much of ATN insane. At least Corona has experience dealing with maddened necros.

Previous: >>3456716
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Please let it be the high school season.
Please be the wedding season.
what is this in the end?
are they just broadcasting the original season on youtube?
I don't have a nip VPN to check and it's region-locked

Previous thread: >>4059497
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Do anyone have the fanart of Honami getting kissed by three of her friends at the same time?
Mizuki is a boy.

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this is just yuruyuri
but with antlers
they are the same girls
Not even remotely similar.
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I mean

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News and announcements:
YuYuYui PS4 and Nintendo Switch version volumes 5-8 will be released on March 21st, 2024. Akamine Yuuna no Shou will be released in volume 8 and there will be 6 months worth of new events. Collab events are included in the game. Volume 5-8 have a new OP song and movie (translated and soft subbed in YouTube link).

A new YuYuYui 4koma is being serialised online on the Dengeki Gs site.

Fuyou Yuuna Becomes a Storyteller is complete and fully translated.
Visual audio drama official copy: https://www.dlsite.com/home/work/=/product_id/RJ01094468.html
Unofficial download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KHf0P68cYMc4bfRJGQIax2itXZnw7sPE
Reading drama TL:

The Rookie Heroes' Menu Vol 1 and 2 are translated and typeset.

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I finally had time to watch the play today and holy shit I was impressed. I loved all the creative ways they adapted things.
I didn't expect the dancers but it really worked.
I really loved that scene. The screaming was on point. And the sange depiction was clever.
But the highlight was Fuu's breakdown scene. It was quite interesting how they showed it with the rotating stage. Plus the acting was pretty good.
I was not expecting to enjoy it as much as I did.
Did anon upload the raws yet to the rentry?
You guys are seriously convincing me to watch a stage play adaptation of an anime, which on paper sounds like an absolutely horrendous cringe festival, but you have nothing but praise for it so i'll give it a go.
Do it faggot.
I don't think so, but you can easily find them in the archives. translator anon usually marks the titles with #(number) so you can search for that >>4310844

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Hat World is an incredible freeware yuri themed doujin RPG where you choose one of six main characters and play through their unique campaigns. It has an exceptionally good turn-based battle system, some very challenging boss fights, sidescrolling platformer exploration, and great storytelling, visuals, and music all throughout.

Hat World got a high quality fan translation last year and you can download it here:

Rumors are this game is coming to Steam soon
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I've been playing this game on and off for the better part of a few days now and I adore Minmin. Wish she had more to say.
Any news on the steam release? Every time this thread gets updated I hope it is for good news.
Does Prim start off as a default sidekick for any of the main 6? I started with Lavie and I'm realizing that between the charge move, doublejump move, and access to Toy World, it's quite hard to recruit her.
No, most routes require you to access the special area to recruit her, and in some routes you can't recruit her until certain story events. Everything carries over though, so once you beat a route you'll be able to recruit Prim as soon as you're able on subsequent routes.

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Continued from >>4293609
Translation Thread >>4258504
Buythread >>4260433
RAW Thread >>4270551

https://mangadex.org/chapter/d2e9ec0b-bc83-4e41-9d3e-6f49596200de (Hogushite, Yui-san ch39)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/2eb601ee-8231-4647-8734-9da0d4f2e2dd (Yearning For a Night Full of Love ch1)
https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/convenient_semi_friend_ch21 (pic related)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/5eb8b293-8727-4855-955f-bb83fe9c6948 (Chuutohanpa ch33)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/2fa536e1-677a-47b6-b60c-6011fd8d9172 (Yuyushiki ch64)

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>Parasol Sharing
>Windyfall usually does a good job with their translations
I'm 99% sure Windyfall translations are literally just edited MTL, and not very well edited at that (e.g. they completely butchered the ice bar joke in this one). Every time I see people praise them, I want to grab some obscure yuri oneshot, completely make up the translation and see if anybody catches on.
I sure you could even translate whole series like Watanugi and no one would see the difference no matter how ridiculous.
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Haha yeah imagine someone doing a memescan of WataNugi.
wish someone did a normal scan of watanugi
Story About Buying My Classmate Once A Week
[Part 91] I Want to Learn More About Miyagi (II)

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Previous: >>4092153
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mad because you're a virgin, aren't you?
>what us herpes
I am sure they make regular test
My fucking sides
Kissing girls would give you cooties

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Post ProjMoon yuri. Limbus, Lobocorp, and Ruina.
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I didn't get time to play it yet thanks to work but if its based on Don Quixote shouldn't there at least be some Dulcinia counterpart? if they're still female then Don could be at least a lesbian vampire
>is a vampire
>not gay
knew limbus was garbage
No idea how canon this is, but the idea of yuri vampire ntr is appealing
I'll complain too, just in case you thought it was only one person.

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Previous Thread

>The main places to read fics

>An old archive of fics compiled and shared by a kind anon (note that this is not a curated collection, just a very extensive archive)

Post links to fics and discuss them and fanfiction in general. Link fics you like, your own stuff, it's all good as long as it's yuri.
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>that one author who deleted a fic I wanted to read and it was so long ago the internet archive didn't catch it
Just found out authors get an email every time you edit a comment. Sometimes I write a long rambling comment and then cut it in half because I can't construct my thoughts properly most of the time. But turns out they read it all anyway. That is so embarrassing
Just planned out my fic 7 chapters in advance. Really hope I can keep my motivation for writing it going so I can eventually get to writing the sex while I do all this setup.
They read all the emails and they laugh at your mistakes.
Cute verbose anon

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