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Previous electrolysis: >>4061340
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Hey, she's just going where the leads are! Of course, the juicier the story, the bigger the payout. All of which is to say, this would continue to give Prase the incentive to keep rubbing shoulders with the other big names in the city and foster those connections. For example, Steel might make it worth her while to put out a few headlines in her favor against Americium.
Of course and if she just happens to gain access to the upper echelons it's all the better. To deliver news of course. I suppose that could be another angle to Prase's problems either expansion in new technology or she's trying to push for national recognition since she's dominating the (tri-)state area she lives in.
As for Americium, how genuine you feel regarding the labor union? Cause it could go in the manner of the teamsters, OR, it could still be genuine but more cutthroat since the corporations are willing to mimic war-like states for laborers. Could be an interesting connection to a recently arrived Molybdenum if we wanna look at the "retired" arms trafficker angle again.
That's probably the fine line Americium has to walk. Things haven't gotten that bad - not yet at least, but it's happened before and she'd be wary of that fact. Molybdenum could even be the one reaching out to her initially with the same idea in mind, which only highlights the precarious position she's is in. Certainly, she's willing to fight for what she believes in, but (tentatively) she hopes it won't have to come to that.
In that case maybe she's preparing via drills in the countryside away from prying eyes to help her people prepare. It did also just occur to me that if Americium is human, then she's probably huge. On the level of Adamant, but more of a brickhouse. Maybe they know each other
Ada could've been a former coworker of Americium's before her current line of work, and someone who is still sympathetic to her cause. Maybe she's the one who put Molybdenum into contact with her in the first place. Working at Krypton's tends to give one a pretty decent grasp of all the dealings that go on in the city.

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Kano's birthday in two days (7/4)
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Mei died with her eyes open. They went straight from a wedding to a funeral.
Delicious choco mint.
How did they get Kiui into a dress?

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10 Years to 2034 from this very special day. Time for a dump.
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Ayanon sure us letting herself go from her Idol years.

Still gold.
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This is still happening.

Go to X location
Get special badge
There are TH subs for T7S

Some game was caught using the T7S BGM.

And Saorin is gonna be at Next Month's T7S Live. 50th soon!

Aka Feng Ling Yu Xiu aka Spirit Wind Elegance aka 风灵玉秀. It's a martial arts show about a thief with a heart of gold and her white-haired demon wife who has mommy issues. The episode where Bai Muzhen plays hide and seek with Ling Er in the mansion is one of the gayest things I've ever seen.
English subtitles for S2 Special 1 are on youtube:

Special 2 is out but we're still waiting for subs, should be soon. The scriptwriter has confirmed a third season.

S1 playlist:
The episodes for S2 are mostly hidden videos on youtube for some reason, but that season sucked so no big loss.

Torrent for S1:
Torrent for S2:
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I hope season 3 has some ep with Evil Yuxiu in full control of the body and being straightforward with Ling.
Can someone spoil the specials for me in terms of their relationship development?
??? Just watch it, it's on youtube.>>4283967
They're saying because Krillin *didn't* get a powerup to fight Frieza it doesn't make much sense for this show's equivalent to have an upgrade for the sake of "keeping up".
>billibilli sourced
>nothing explicit
Who could have guessed?

Never thought I'd like the lesbian yandere so much.
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New Chap out. It's party time.

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Okay. What do you think? Good idea? Bad idea? If it does well will they use the money for another season of the anime?
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Cover of next tankubon.
The ghosts might look better in live-action IF there's decent VFX budget.

>If it does well will they use the money for another season of the anime?
I don't think that's how production works. In any case, I didn't like the anime so I don't care.
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I'm surprised, I never imagined Mieruko was big enough to get a live-action adaptation. Odds this will end with Michiru joining the class?

>If it does well will they use the money for another season of the anime?

Different productions companies I imagine, but I certainly hope this do well enough to convince the production committee to bankroll a second season

not bad but I nee more covers with Michiru and Miko lezzing out

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Thought I would make a thread about really big lesbians, both one big girl and one small girl or 2 big girls in middle of some huge, populated area content is welcome.
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Following the example of >>3665398 a thread for erotic lesbian fighting or wrestling.
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Not really erotic wrestling, but a cute fight scene.
Cute. Though it's a bit lame when they evade everything cleanly.
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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.
*Kneeling before the Mother

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I am not sure if it was recorded anywhere, I would assume it would be all cam.
It was only shown live at Anime Expo.
author is Amai Meiden.
Were there any men?

Previous Thread: >>4046782
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Oh great another not yuri cgdct anime to clog up the board
Not only are you completely wrong about what kind of series this is, we have threads in the catalog that are over the bump limit and the last post was made weeks ago, there's nothing to clog up.
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Murciélago raws:
Korean version:
English version:

Arana raws:
English version:

Yoshimurakana’s Twitter:
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Thanks, anon. Good volume.
What is going on? Why is this manga in a Sword Art Online arc now? What happened to the original plot involving that one bath salts type drug and the armless lady?
Wait hold on, 24? The last one I downloaded (thanks to whoever uploaded it last itme) was 22...
By now you should've realized Murcielago is whatever the author wants as long it includes Kuroko fucking girls
Kuroko is 26

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Post pictures of love and sex between holy and unholy; devils/demons and angels proving yuri can overcome any difference between girls.
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It's been years since we last had a thread.
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Yurika and Kaede are dating !

Can we have a /usp/ thread?
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Yup it is
Fighting games can be a sports thing
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>Sorairo Utility
Was there much subtext in those 15 minutes?

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Less than 24 hours until the final episode. Will there be a yuri miracle?
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It's over. Accept it with dignity and move on.
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