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Anyone familiar with this series? It's done by yaoi artist 7menzippo, who got her pretty sizable fangirl following in Japan to enjoy some very intense yuri (and indeed they are the primary audience for it on Pixiv & DLsite, some even getting confused as to why it was placed in the "maniax" section of DLSite and not the "for women" one). The sex might not be everyone's cup of tea as a result of that context, but I think the fujoshi vibe gives it an interesting flavor.

>Why dedicate an entire thread to this?
Because believe it or not, outside of the manga itself, there's a *lot* of art to imagedump; far too much to spam a different thread with.
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But first I'll post some of my favorite pages.
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Great hand focus.
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Lots of big boob action including sucking, fondling, nipple teasing, docking etc
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...and also boob 69, multiple times.
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...as well as regular 69 and general cunnilingus
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...but the best pages are probably the "worksafe" ones because damn.
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Alright, art dump.
>>4313370 (OP)
Has this been translated by any chance?
It will be if you have a Twitter account and are willing to fav, RT & comment on this: https://x.com/7menzippo/status/1841687064120856992
Know what I’m doing now
>>4313370 (OP)
I need you to explain the NTR part in the title.
she should draw more yuri

"Straight" (not for long) neko has a boyfriend she never had sex with, tachi is a lesbian in a fake marriage with a rich dude, neither male even appears in the manga itself and both women dump their respective guy at the end & get together forever.
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She probably will, since you can see how this series gradually & now completely overtook the yaoi on her Twitter. Doesn't hurt to chip in though: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/circle/profile/=/maker_id/RG47806.html

>signature mascot squished between boobs
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>draw lesbians
>give the tachi a manface
As expected of a fujoshi.
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>look at this
>immediately think "man"
Go back to /a/, anon.
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I'm gonna opt out on posting everything from this https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01269080.html since it's recent & not ripped yet but I like the "director's commentary" where the author comments on her favorite scenes.
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Also one of her fellow fujo friends makes these things: https://x.com/nrmk_610913/status/1845730290746179782
This is awesome, thanks for this thread. I don't like yaoi but I've always been jealous of how they get much less moe art than yuri does. So seeing something like this from a yaoi artist is fantastic! I just can't find moeblobs breathing near each other all that sexy. Love the big hands and more realistic facial proportions, some of these pages look pretty ridiculous but I think that's part of the fun.
It's funny that Japanese women are way more open to lesbian sex than Japanese men
>yaoi artist
>draws amazing tits
something tells me the yaoi was just a front to gain a following and then switch to her true calling
Kind of the opposite everywhere else
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It's not exactly the standard for yuri, which tends to go more for neoteny, but I wouldn't say it's super-hard to find art with these types of body & facial proportions (and 7menzippo is hardly an anatomy expert) - I think what sets this apart is the turbo-horny busty designs are put to good use with the elegant shoujo-like expressiveness & a lack of emotional restraint.
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And I don't just mean the faces (though yeah, that's a big part of it & a lot of yuri with exaggeratedly curvaceous women tends to be inexpressive). I also mean like, "what's the point of giving the girls these sexy designs if they're not properly enjoying each other's bodies?" Look at this Titiduki doujin for example; https://exhentai.org/g/2934995/9052d2c519/?p=1 the actual sex here is a whole lot of nothing & feels like it's only there to show off the bodies to the audience. Meanwhile look at HikaSaki, they're eating each other up and enjoying every moment of it.
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Usually you won't find this type of entanglement >>4313386 or hyper-enthusiastic sex. Look at >>4313380; Saki's excited poses, the way she's extending her arm & grabbing Hikaru's hair, Hikaru's not just grabbing her boob but really digging into it. "Yaoi hands" can be executed badly but there's a reason they're a thing to begin with cuz frail little hands don't give the same overt tactile feeling. Yeah exaggerated cartoon art's gotta be a lil ridiculous to drive home the larger than life eroticism.
I think this is what I’m talking about. If it’s yuri either they’re “pure” and chaste or it’s soulless blow-up dolls. This has a really nice balance of passion and sexy
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She sometimes had Tsuna from Hitman Reborn genderbent into a (relatively small-breasted) girl (which I don't care for since I never liked het) but beyond that yeah, she jumped from a career of yaoi straight to "I love drawing these girls playing with each others' big fat sweaty tits and sucking on them and squishing them together while their legs encircle and they're sloppily making out and-"
>>4313370 (OP)
Thank you, OP, for introducing this artist to me! Really love their work, the little bit I've seen so far
A significant chunk of Rokuroichi's lewd yuri stories, including stuff like pic related, wasn't first published in her "Girl X Girl Collection" volumes but in mostly-hetero josei smut magazine "Dangerous Love M".
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Same goes for Motoyan-chan to Yurufuwa Kanojo, which was originally in "Young Love Comic aya"
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Also cheating lol
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Obvious josei smut anthology "Sensual Trigger" randomly ends with two yuri chapters.
And that's not getting into otome games with random lewd yuri scenes docking is really common in all of these
it's not gay if the clits dont touch

Lesbian is top the category for women mostly though, so it's not much different.
Not saying women looking at lesbian porn is not a thing, it obviously is, but isn't that specific number just based on a single online poll on one porn site eons ago? You often tend to have dudes pretending/role-playing, especially in such contexts.
NTR is evil, even in yuri.
what if she's saving her from an abusive person?
What if it’s hot?
Maybe I've been too harsh on fujos
Bisexuals exist.
I'm cool with fujos. They were the only ones supporting Valkyrie Drive Mermaid in Japan.
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I don't get hating fujoshi as a yuri fan unless you're hyper-focusing on a subset of English-speaking yaoi fans. Even back then in Japan so many yaoi authors also did yuri, a ton of the original Yuri Hime authors were fujoshi, and to this day BL fangirls also getting into yuri is one of the biggest sources of new fans, with artists branching out to it and their audience just enjoying it like normal. Yaoi & yuri go hand-in-hand.
>unless you're hyper-focusing on a subset of English-speaking yaoi fans
That's probably it. In my defense they're Really loud and annoying
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VD fujos were great.
Yep. I don't really trust people who recoil and are outwardly disgusted by yaoi but love yuri. That's just a straight dude who fetishizes lesbians, not someone with genuine respect for the art. Not to mention all the lesbians who author/consume yaoi, most of my highschool friends were fujos. In recent years I feel like I've been seeing an uptick in female yuri fans, but they still like BL and that's fine, it just means the genres really do go hand in hand.
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I mean in all honesty a lot of fujo yuri is horny as hell & there's less concern for "purity"
>fujo yuri
That's an oxymoron.
How so?
You realize humans can enjoy more than one thing right
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In >>4313475 the author talks making sure Hikaru & Saki don't take off their highheels for the entirety of the final sex scene.
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From my observation, the only people who truly hate fujos are hetfag men who don't like it when fujos ship their favorite male heroes with other men. I hate fujos who hold double standards against yuri, but hypocrites are pretty much hated everywhere, so it's a normal thing. Fujos are much more bearable than hetfags in general, and brainrotted male yuri fans.

But I do have a rocky relationship with the market and the stereotypes. I hate how the mainstream Japanese and Chinese market are pushing BL to largely female audiences while pushing GL to largely male audiences without any desire to diversify. There's some kind of gender segregation going on. I also hate how much bigger the BL market is than GL. The market simply refuses to popularize GL and GL adjacent works, while BL novels are pretty much the most popular books in China as a whole and BL manga stores are everywhere in Japan. I think the lack of massively popular GL adjacent works is also a result of patriarchy, male characters are everywhere and have more significance than female characters in almost every shonen and seinen work. Female protagonists in mainstream anime are rarer than bigfoot, unless it's an anime for little kids like precure. Can you imagine the market pushing yuri adjacent equivalents of Golden Kamuy and JoJo?

Mahoako being this popular was purely a stroke of luck, a result of sheer brilliance and hard work from the author and the anime staff from a small low budget studio, rather than marketing. Very refreshing to see an impure hard boiled yuri being popular for once instead of the run of the mill moeblob or gentle feminine nonsexual yuri. I'm really looking forward to see fans reaction to Michiko in S2, I want to see her presence and relationship with Randa expanded by the anime. You just know she'll reel the fujos in.
Not really seeing the "yuri only being pushed to male audiences" part.
>Can you imagine the market pushing yuri adjacent equivalents of Golden Kamuy and JoJo?
Haven't read Kamuy yet (I want to) but I don't think there's much focus on actual homosexuality beyond fanservice? Jojo though, yeah there's little canon gayness in it beyond an undercurrent of homoeroticism, so actually there's plenty of female character equivalents to it.

I haven't followed the east-Asian fanbase in a while, but from what I gathered Mahoako fans are mostly male aside from a few hardcore female yuri fans, and I don't recall coming across any fujoshi. I could be wrong about this though.
I would say it also doesn't help that many women keep holding the false belief that fictional female characters are always poorly written, het or gay.

The only one it truly baffles me with is lesbians who only write BL
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There's a pretty wide variety of what could be considered "fujo yuri" beyond "self-contained yuri by yaoi authors with a yaoi/fujoshi vibe" like genderbends of yaoi pairs (extremely common), yuri of female characters in fujoshi anime (rarer) or stuff with a focus on both yaoi & yuri (the rarest but it exists)
>Not really seeing the "yuri only being pushed to male audiences" part
I read an interview with Kirara magazine's producer where he said the readers of the magazine are mostly male and they will do their best to satisfy that demographic. Kind of a weird statement to make in my opinion, and not expressing any desire to diversify the audience is also a weird thing. If all mainstream manga magazines are like this, it's no wonder yuri isn't getting more popular.
>Haven't read Kamuy yet (I want to) but I don't think there's much focus on actual homosexuality beyond fanservice?
There's a ton of male fanservice, and some canon gay pairings too.
>Jojo though, yeah there's little canon gayness in it beyond an undercurrent of homoeroticism, so actually there's plenty of female character equivalents to it.
I used Jojo golden Kamuy as examples because they are popular male cast BL adjacent works that are enjoyed by both male and female audiences. Aside from old magical girl shows, I don't think any female equivalent show has ever reached their popularity. And I also find it a bit silly how the only successful female cast genre are about magical girls while predominantly male anime are very diverse.
>Mahoako fans are mostly male aside from a few hardcore female yuri fans, and I don't recall coming across any fujoshi
I was strictly talking about the commercial success. You're largely correct, but it's got a bigger female audience than you'd expect. Still tiny relative to the male audience though.

>The only one it truly baffles me with is lesbians who only write BL
Well I had a gay male friend who only watched yuri. I've never personally known a lesbian who cares much about yaoi or anything with no significant female characters though. My experience is anecdotal for sure, but I think people like those might be a small minority. Though I wouldn't be surprised if there are a ton of them, especially in east asia where BL is pushed hard unlike GL.
I hear that from other lesbians in the anime art scene so mine is also admittedly anecdotal

As for gay men only watching yuri, I can't blame them for that, considering a lot of yaoi is just women exploring their heterosexuality. At least a lot of yuri is about and written by gay women or men who really understand the genre (see the otherside picnic interview)
>I read an interview with Kirara magazine's producer where he said the readers of the magazine are mostly male and they will do their best to satisfy that demographic.
Well, Kirara is overwhelmingly "cute girls doing cute things" male otaku moe; not the best example. Something like Path To Nowhere meanwhile clearly goes for "yuri waifu" appeal & Towa Tsugai is explicitly targeted to female yuri fans.
>and some canon gay pairings too
Didn't know, again I wanna read it.
>because they are popular male cast BL adjacent works that are enjoyed by both male and female audiences. Aside from old magical girl shows, I don't think any female equivalent show has ever reached their popularity
Okay that... is a valid point, it's mostly more niche otaku stuff that has primarily female casts & yuri-ish vibes while Jojo is hyper-normie & read by straight dudes who just think the homoeroticism is charming in a Village People-like way (tons of female fans too though, last I checked about 50/50). Madoka reached a fairly high level of popularity but that one probably only still feels "recent" to me (and maybe Kill la Kill?)
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>I was strictly talking about the commercial success. You're largely correct, but it's got a bigger female audience than you'd expect. Still tiny relative to the male audience though.
I think part of this is the aesthetics & especially fashion designs lacking a certain elegance; I read a lot of silly criticism of MahoAko but the most valid one was that "those outfits scream 'designed by a dude' to their core". Another is likely the lack of immediately fangirl-friendly shipping dynamics like MireiMamo.

Actually, another example of both is Valkyrie Drive itself, where women flocked to Mermaid but only dudes cared about Bhikkhuni.
Stuff by and for gay men is overwhelmingly virtually plotless porn, is the thing.
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Like, MireiMamo is the kinda pair that'll draw in artists who normally only draw yaoi and nothing else.
To be fair MireiMamo was 99% of yaoi couples but genderbent so it's obvious they'd be attracted to it
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You know another pair that also feels extremely yaoi to me? Ryuuko x Satsuki.

more of the good kind of yaoi hands
Bara you mean? If so I have no idea cause hairy men do nothing for me

No wonder the author of virgin empire decided to do yuri then, if their landscape is that dire
Kishi Torajirou has fairly typical bisexual dude taste; I'm talking about exclusively gay men.
That's even more dire, I thought he was gay gay

Another L for gay male oriented yaoi

That being said I'll try lesbian written yaoi over most straight women's and gay men (in your words)

To keep it mildly on topic is there any full fags who write yuri? There has to be one
I'm not 100% sure but I don't think you can draw the kinda stuff he does without being sexually attracted to it.
I would assume so if gold star lesbos can write about frotting without being attracted to it, then gold star gays can write about scissoring

I think
>Kirara is overwhelmingly "cute girls doing cute things" male otaku moe; not the best example
Nah, chibi is popular, I don't think that's the problem. The "doing cute things" part gets boring fast though. The writing needs more substance.

Did Valkyrie Drive really have a bigger female audience than Mahoako? I do agree that Mahoako's costume are very sexualized, but it's a BDSM series so what did you expect. I'd love to see some GL anime like Golden Kamuy, realistic and gritty despite being fanservice packed.
>Stuff by and for gay men is overwhelmingly virtually plotless porn
I doubt that's the reason. Most gay men just aren't into the cute things mainstream weebs love.

Lesbian who write yaoi are rarer than bigfoot. Most lesbians really can't feel invested writing male characters. You'll find lesbian leaning bi authors at best. The BL genre is doomed to pander to straight women, so you won't see much difference anyway even when the author is male.
>Did Valkyrie Drive really have a bigger female audience than Mahoako?
Again, not 100% sure, but based on my experience with observing Japanese fanbases? Absolutely.
>I do agree that Mahoako's costume are very sexualized
It's not the level of skimpiness that matters, it's whether there's more aesthetic appeal beyond skimpiness & whether said aesthetics appeals to fangirl tastes. Mirei & Mamori look way more stylish & elegant than Rinka & Ranka, for example, even if both pairings are drawn to look sexy.
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I gave Titiduki as an example of "generic male-drawn yuri" (and that particular doujin isn't great), but I now realize Lilies Are in Full Bloom is actually one of the top-ranking R-18 yuri uploads among female users on Pixiv. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90991565
I don't get the fixation with yuri written by women. Some people assume that a woman or a lesbian writer would have a more authentic life experience, which will translate into better and more believable writing, but that's not necessarily the case. In actual fact, I came across both good and badly written yuri by either sex. Good writing has a lot to do with talent, creativity, and empathy - not just personal experience.
a part of it I feel is also just celeb worship like when people jizz themselves over VAs when all that matters is if they competently do their jobs. If they're good, IDGAS if it's Aoi Yuki or Bubba
meant to add on with yuri specifically, said celebrity worship extends to their "males can't exist" mindset
>>4313370 (OP)
if there was a translation I'd read it
That's probably because it's the only auntie-niece yuri that's out there rn
They dead ass called neko and tachi? Incredible
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On one hand I do want it translated and I still encourage people to tell the author they want it >>4313391 but on the other hand 90% of it is graphic lesbian sex and there's not much to translate beyond moans, "your pussy is delicious" and "I want to put BOTH of your boobs into my mouth". You can get the basic gist from running the images through Google Translate.
If the draw is NTR though I feel like the dialogue is important for a kink like that
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It's not super-important because the fujos wanted the author to keep the role of the men as minor as possible to the point where they're virtually invisible & she complied. It doesn't really hone in much on the "NTR" aspect, it's more just meant to add some spice to it that they're both cheating.
Only if they end up marrying a woman
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I think you're right but I also disagree. Yeah, empathy can make up for lack of "lived experiences" if you're just writing a normal story. A better argument would be that experience helps when drawing graphic sex, because men understand male arousal better & women understand female arousal better. Even then, when a male otaku draws a super-girly shota or Gerudo Link getting railed in the ass with the same mindset he draws his waifus with, that's hardly "drawing based on lived experiences"; if anything, those attractions develop through being exceptionally nerdy.

Thing is, though, female otaku are the same. When a fujoshi genderbends Yami Yugi into a girl & has her smoosh her breasts into genderbent Seto Kaiba's, I don't think that's "telling stories based on lived experiences". I wouldn't be surprised at all if 7menzippo never had sex with a woman in her entire life.
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"So then why do you disagree you silly goose" well first of all I like the very different aesthetics & vibes that come with the fujoshi territory as I said, but also I like that it's NOT based on personal experience. I like that this fujo who branched out to yuri approached fictional lesbianism with the same longing horny idealized veneration as fictional male gay relationships, so the perfectly hot uke & seme become a perfectly cute vulnerable neko who's play-doh in the hands of the effortlessly cool & handsome tachi, the story letting them promptly act upon their immediate love & lust (except for the perfectly timed dramatic intermissions), while they're always wearing perfectly fashionable elegant form-fitting sexy clothes to make them perfectly horny for each other's perfectly shapely bodies so they can interlock their perfectly slender legs as they make out then feast on each other's perfectly shaped big breasts etc etc

And she did such a good job at it, her fujo fanbase on Pixiv & DLSite that normally goes nowhere near yuri went "Holy fuck this is hot. Holy FUCK."
I treat male and female written yuris just the same. However, women drawing women is just cuter and gayer. Simple as.
I wish this place was still edgy like it used to be and not just a second Tumblr.
Do you want me to say a slur?
>anon going into in-depth analysis on their opinion
>and this is bad because i said so
i hope you die in your sleep tonight
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I've made long wanky posts on /u/ before Tumblr was even a thing. Someone actually made an MSPaint drawing making fun of it when I briefly namefagged as "Green" in 2008 (as part of a silly short-lived board fad). I'm not a tourist I'm just legitimately retarded.
Look this shit is much better than tumblr simply by gatekeeping

But just to keep property values low, you're a huge faggot
Not sure if you happen to be the op of this thread too, but this is definitely one of the most interesting things I've seen in a while. It actually makes me want more fujos to branch out and see the light cause you're so right
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Yeah it's me. Wish more people knew about it outside of her existing fanbase.
Well all 15 users of this board are fully aware of it now

Honestly even if its mostly porn, I hope it gets translated cause this art is stellar
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The author intends to do a longer series that's still erotic but not outright porn so her yuri can get more mainstream attention (as she does want to keep doing yuri). Honestly I wholeheartedly support it; "erotic but not pornographic" works with this type of atmosphere & art are even rarer.
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I dont say this often, but holy shit that's hot
I don't know how corrupted the numbers are, but this result keeps creeping up in every survey of porn that's conducted. Lesbian is either the number-one favorite of women or close to it, including results from Japan, where lesbian porn is way less popular generally.

Not to mention it jives with personal experience. I know so many women who are into things like female strippers and saphhic erotica.
Also, it shows in the fact that this series was able to find its audience so quickly. A straight-up lesbian-porn series drawing from an already-majority-female audience? And this hardly being unprecedented?
Yeah, I noticed Fanza had the same results so it's probably valid. That said, gay male porn tends to be categorized separately on such websites; I wonder how high it would be for men AND women compared to the rest, if it was included in stats like this: >>4322498 →

I've also seen the argument that women who consume visual pornography don't make up the majority & are more likely to be same-sex-attracted to begin with - that said, I'm not sure how true that is (women are visibly drawn to written erotica more than men, but how much *less* do they view visual material statistically?) & how it fits into manga & things like Pixiv illustrations.

After getting the free Pixiv Premium trial I did notice that when you compare the top R-18 yuri results for women versus the top ones for men, women tend to care immensely more for stuff that tells a story; ANY kind of story, even if it's just a sex scene image-set with no buildup or anything. Meanwhile dudes are more likely to care about individual images or very small image-sets. But that again makes this stuff a special case, since it combines writing & visuals.
To be fair, it didn't sell as well as her yaoi, and there were some males buying it too (then again, the same can apply to yaoi); however, it still attracted a large amount of fujoshi & yumejoshi who normally never touch yuri. Just checking Pixiv favorites makes that quite obvious.
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Okay is she at least bi? Cause there's someone who idealizes it and someone who just instinctively gets it

And she reallyyyyy gets it
She's made a ton of tweets about wanting a girlfriend.
And based how you've described her thus far, I doubt it's business yuri

I hope she finds one
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the pictures you were commenting on here >>4325859 were actually the work of a very dedicated fan artist.

That is mad dedication

Art style is almost indistinguishable
I'd say there are various hints in the coloring, inking and shading; I'm more surprised just how much she draws & how fast, especially for such a niche series.
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Oh yeah, the author also made an exclusive Twitter account for the series. https://x.com/7oasis_info
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>>4313370 (OP)
so...are we getting a translation or what?
Would that really be necessary?
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Well now that I know the author intends to do a follow-up manga that's not fully pornographic, kinda. Unless it's a reboot. I also kind of exaggerated the lack of dialogue in that chapter 2 has a decent amount of build-up (though what I said largely applies to the others)

I know she has an official English translation in mind; I just hope that if she gets around to it, it'll be a DLSite group and not Irodori.
If it comes out like that, I'm buying it
Same here.
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So what's the actual plot of the series?
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I missed posting this, god dammit.
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This >>4313412 with a minor correction: they appear *extremely briefly*.
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I still like these stupid comics
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https://x.com/7oasis_info/status/1872485755949580726 I know the chances of a fujoshi culture yuri porno getting even slightly noticed by Yuri Navi are practically zero but I made it one of my votes anyway so there'll be at least two people who mentioned it instead of one. https://yurinavi.com/yurimanga-sosenkyo-6/
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Sounds kinda soapy and generic. What sets it apart from other stories like this?
Hardcore banging. That's about it.
Oh no it's melodramatic, that's so awful. Christ you see rare fujo enlightenment and you spit at it
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I actually come across a lot of fujos who enjoy genderbend yuri of their favorite yaoi pairs, but sadly it often doesn't extend to them becoming full-blown yuri fans.
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Not a single male review lol https://www.cmoa.jp/title/customer_review/title_id/312367/
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I'll go fix that real quick
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It's doing well on cmoa.
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Reached #1 in women's manga.

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