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AI generated shit AND solo images?
You're a fucking disgrace!
Not to mention a fucking thumbnail as the OP. They're not sending their best.
Neat. The Neko vicepresident is voiced by Koume from Urara, I knew I recognized that voice.
how yuri is this?
It's not
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About 90%.
What did sensei mean by this?
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Sister best deer
That blonde is a slut
She is a yankee
Fitting for Shikanoko
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does it deer ship?
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Bless Anko
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Cropped version just to be safe.
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in the English dub it sounds like they are saying
Fash- a- May

it also sounds like with all fashamay English voice lines.
as if fashamay is always implying something lewd even when she fashamay not
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in the English dub she said
"but we will never be a couple, You're too good for me"
I begin to think that it might be more interesting if it was Torako's mom that get all yandere instead of her sister.
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dear eating grass
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I love how much of a siscon Anko is
Deer Brother?
Koshitan desires Nekoyamada.
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Anko is the best
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so is this yuri?
What are you expecting exactly?
It does have yuri but is not the focus
True end
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no, this is patrick
This begs the question, who are the Spongebob and Patrick of the yuri world?
Shikanoko Noko = Spongebob
Koshi Torako = mr Krabs
Koshi Anko = Sandy
Bashame Meme = Patrick
Nekoyamada Neko = Plankton
Tanukikouji Kinu = misses Puff
Tsubameya Chiharu = Squidward
Tsucchii = Gary
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it is now
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On the other hand
absolutely based what a twist incoming.
>Nokotan isn't real
>Torako isn't the popular student council president, just another lonely otaku
>Neko Yamada is the actual president and Anko's girlfriend.
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I find it impossible to ship anyone with the deer, she's just too weird.
She has her designated girlfriend, she's the short haired member of the student council.
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Koshi is for Nokotan
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Finale was fun and had some really cute parts
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They really went hard with the Koshi/Noko shipping in the finale
Torako sees Nokotan as a pet and will see Anko as a bride
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You lost Anko, stop being a sore loser and go fuck Bashame
I need art of Anko holding Nokotan and Koshitan half human half deer half human babies
I prefered the scenes from the previous episode.
Scenes like those make me get that feeling of anime animators/writers/showrunners wanting to make things yuri and finding it cute and appealing but also afraid of making the manga creator upset by showing more than the manga
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Funnily enough, episode 12 was wholly original and upped the ship tease between Noko and Torako
That explains the shoehorned prefecture mascots.
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Anko is amazing

And she's even better in the psic dub since she has the same VA as RAE TAYLOR
The consolation prizes are clear as water here.
>Neko/lesbian prostitutes
How about just a big orgy?
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>not using one of her antlers
a fake fan made this comic
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Now you can get your own Koshi and Noko and make them kiss!
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this is just yuruyuri
but with antlers
they are the same girls
Not even remotely similar.
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I mean
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Unexpected ship
That's just a basic pair-the-spares
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It had heavy subtext between Nokotan and Koshitan, Koshi's sister is very blatant about wanting to fuck Koshi and the final episode sent up the shipping between Koshitan and Nokotan through the roof.
Why do you have to be so dishonest with anon?
There was barely anything in the anime, the siscon sister was played as a joke and the mains weren't even on the level of the later seasons of yuru camp.
Making up bullshit doesn't justify this thread's existence or that you talk about this non-yuri work without any real subtext on /u/.
We have unironic hetshit threads on this board (cough Ranma cough), a gag anime with some yuri elements doesn't seem like a big deal in comparison.
There is not a single lie in that post. They are a classic genkixtsundere couple that has been a staple in yuri for over a decade.
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are you the same anon with the dry vagina who goes on all the boards on /u/ saying that all girls are hetshit?

when are you going to touch grass?

(or eat grass uwu)
Get better glasses, sister, my post literally says that it's fine for a light subtext series like this one to have it's own thread when we have unironic hetshit threads in the catalog.
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You know it's fake because Torako would never betray Anko like this
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t. Anko
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who is the girl on the right?
Jill Warrick from FFXVI, not sure whats this in reference to tho
Same seiyuu
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Anko on suicide watch
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>put antlers/horns/animal ears on a human
>call them a deer/dragon/cat/etc.
It always feels so cheap when they do this.
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I mean, is that or going full furry.

Pic unrelated
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>we have unironic hetshit threads in the catalog.
No we don't.
Is this a codeword for lesbian sex?
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Chiharu is down bad for Nokotan
Never seen an anime get forgotten so fast after airing
is this anime just a meme?
I see normies use the theme song and that's it

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