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Girls' Frontline is a gritty girls with guns mobile Tactical SLG for Android, iOS and emulator where the player takes the role of a newly recruited commander in a Private Military Company named Griffin&Kryuger, commanding a force of highly advanced android girls known as Tactical Dolls. You, the commander, are represented by a customisable male or female sprite that can interact with the girls in their dorms.

Self-insert/waifu elements aside, the all girls cast inevitably lends to a range of /u/ elements from cute interactions to unhealthy obsessions. It also has a manga featuring a female commander protagonist and a series of anime shorts, primarily Chinese dubbed with Japanese broadcast following.

Project Neural Cloud Welcome here too.

Beginner FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BMrzudfQ
Resources: https://pastebin.com/SHn3ztTt

Manga: https://mangadex.org/title/32154/girls-frontline
Materials (het-free version, courtesy of Anon): https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1qmrJA3ILKDUD_MjMEya_EEVgZf3nV8bp

List of /u/sers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1syw8ZtQG5r6vw4z-CJL9aLODxxu-S7q9HMBGheuqqHE/edit#gid=1211261030
Add your UID here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdCGLBh2gL4WY-uVXPE1FigOiLusCKiYaolwCQJ35TU_6L-Hg/viewform

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Getting intense

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1.7 waiting room.
Reverse:1999, a mobile turn-based RPG with a female MC and numerous yuri pairings to enjoy. The age of the characters may vary and the older ones tend to be just as (if not more) gay.
Although the game's primary language is english/chinese, it also has full korean and japanese versions, with the latter featuring many known and skilled seiyuus.
>Version 1.6 Trailer
>Download (PC & Mobile):
>Community Resources:
>Kornblume (THE database)

Previous thread >>4186455
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Retard gorilla edition
Previous thread: >>4209983
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Yuri better make a move on Asuka you mean.
What do you do for work that gives you that amount of free time?
I did it in a couple days

Discuss Bushiroad girls love.
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Good thing she went from Ichigo to embracing yuri
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Don't matter if it's a waltz or tango, offical or fan art, if it involves two girls hand holding, arms on the back or waist and them dancing the night away, post it!!
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Tossing more salad than a vegetarian BBQ.
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Previous thread: >>4044936


Scene0 Subs:

TV Subs:

Rebellion subs:

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>she could have altered the universe in much better ways than to bring Madoka back into the school setting
How so? Madoka is a teenage girl, and letting her enjoy her high school life seems pretty normal.
>The alternative would be that she and her devotion to Madoka are weak
It's not weak, but it is wavering because she's literally the only person who knows that Madoka exists, and then throughout the movie you're basically seeing her stuck at the moment where her mind is about to melt from despair.
>Homura's love feels selfish in Rebellion
I guess a broken clock is right twice a day because you understood literally one thing the movie was about.The difference between Homura and Madoka is that Homura's love is completely selfish and Madoka's is completely selfless. Which both result in problems as Rebellion handily showcases.

For after being a teenager spending 100ish cycles watching her friends and love die, often at one another's hands, learning that all she did was make things worse after another cycle with everyone dead, and watching Madoka just fix everything at the cost of the one thing she promised a previous version of her that she'd prevent has some fucking consequences. To say nothing of what happens when Homura got trapped by the Incubators, Witched out, and attempted suicide. The fact that she went for a cage as gilded as the one at the end of the movie for Madoka and their friends is more on the fact that Homura absolutely despises herself and thus wouldn't go for something much more intimate.

As for the second thing you go right, well half right, is that there was a bit of plan to Homura's actions. As she does end up with enough information to pull her rebellion off but went for killing herself first. Though the keystone to the potential is a manga thing about Homura's connection to Madoka via her wish.
They're not completely selfish or selfless though.

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This time starting off with sleeping with the fishes.

Previous thread: >>3977022
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Plant oneeloli

Previous thread: >>4180945
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The archive has finally been released.
What's wrong with Takina? She's shaking.
She saw a cockroach.

Muff-on-muff action.

Previous thread: >>4148636
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The Bocchi love must never end.

Previous thread: >>4197656
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Previous thread: >>4144425
One Piece thread: >>4188727
Chainsaw Man thread: >>4085971
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Welcome to the /u incest thread!
We're here for art, stories, discussions, anything you want to bring to the thread!

Previous thread:
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@IcIndecente on twitter, don't get too excited, they mostly do hetero
Ah I see. I appreciate the info. It's still a lovely comic.
I do wonder if it's still easier to find SFW content inadvertently. I didn't quite stumble on it accidentally but when I wondered if people made shipping stuff about Celestia/Luna and looked it up out of curiosity, I found sfw art and fics easily enough, while porn was relatively out of the way.

Gay Shipping
Previous: >>3815577
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Continued from >>4199643
TL archive: https://rentry.org/atwekbsa
Note: Post if there's a TL you want to work on with dead pastes/RAWs.

/u/'s scanlations:

Raw ripping service (outdated): https://mega.nz/#F!LOJz2SpL!3o_LhDgUuqKM8k35iDAubQ
RSS: https://rawanon.github.io/rss/feed
Manga downloader: Search "red squirrel manga downloader" or "hakuneko"

Tips for learning Japanese: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
KanjiTomo (kanji reader tool): http://kanjitomo.net/
SFX reference guide: http://thejadednetwork.com/sfx/

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I Love Oni Princess ch1 (Kirara Carat 2024-09)
My Vtuber Self ch37

My Vtuber Self ch38
>but Draco-san she still took
but Draco-san still took

>through nothing collabs
through nothing but collabs

Also here's a quick TL summary for the yet to be translated 1-page stuff/illustrations

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1st Class Yuri Appraiser
Rock In Soul ch3-2

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