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File: GdFHBFfWcAAjcEA.jpg (1.96 MB, 1358x2194)
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A thread for symmetrical docking, or just big boobies in general.

Previous thread: >>4309468
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Shapeshifting powers come in handy when it comes to boob size.
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freaky ass artstyle.
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Uncompressed: https://files.catbox.moe/bri8oq.png
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One Piece is one of the best importers of kyonyuu yuri in the world.
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I love big boob yuri but sadly it attracts so much inexpressive art that doesn't appeal to me at all.
Not even talking about having high technical standards or anything; Mira draws "well enough" for me so that should tell you something. I just mean stuff like >>4361584 >>4356003 >>4387293 that feels like the drawing is purely a robotic means to an end.
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