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Nearly evaporated: >>4265312
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Hack and slash is an easy choice for Shakudo. Actually, rhythm games would equally suit Neon or Pluto. Puzzle games for Uranium, definitely. Copper could fit a traditional fantasy RPG. Mercury...platformers?
Mercury's an interesting one. Platformer could fit but I imagine it'd be like old school mega man and crash bandicoot. Things that have hidden technical depth. Maybe not the best examples but Crash is at least in the genre. Anton Blast, Hollow knight's path of pain or maybe Pizza tower for more modern examples.
I think a surprising one would be a fighting game centered around Titanium. Partially because most would-be sports games are manager games, and the sudden realization that she probably does know some martial arts due to Ada. Que secret unlockable fighters Uranium and Thori.
A 4x type of game featuring the megacorps+Lithium and Lead as post-release additions
Any sort of frantic party game would be a good fit for her, really. Anything that throws new things at you constantly.

>Not a railroad sim

Oh, I know.
Iron, solitaire.
I'm sure Iron knows how to speed run that game with the best of 'em. I did have a thought for Iron beyond the 4x game which are rogue-likes and rogue-lites.
All the same for her day in and day out, over and over, huh? Fitting. Zinc could be some sort of physics based game about building.

I think there's something between these two. Are they...you know.... do they.....you get it, right?

Under the quiet sky, a girl with long, dark hair sits by the campfire, her face softened by the flickering light. Beside her, a taller girl with a ponytail stands, her gaze meeting the first girl's with an unspoken understanding. Neither speaks, but both feel the pull between them, a connection neither can ignore. Their hands brush, hearts race, yet the words remain unspoken, leaving only the warmth of the moment.

In the stillness, they know without saying—a love that lingers in the air, shared but hidden. The tension softens as they sit side by side, one with a gentle, reserved smile, the other a quiet strength. Their bond grows stronger, even without confession, a secret love they both silently know.
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>Are they...you know.... do they.....you get it, right?
Why do so many yuri story pitches read like they were written by someone suffering from selective aphasia?
>dat kissu
>dat animation
Holy fucking KINO. Almost thought it was animated by the official anime studio
>Almost thought it was animated by the official anime studio
The low frame rate makes it immediately obvious it isn't.
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The release of the new Monster Hunter made me remember this.

A thread to discuss any personal yuri creations you're currently working on or have ideas for, and to get feedback and advice from other anons. Tell us what you're making!

This includes but is not limited to:
>yuri stories (note that fanfiction has it's own dedicated thread)
>yuri video games
>yuri comics
>yuri card games
>yuri 3D modeling and/or printing
>yuri graffiti
>yuri food
>using deep learning to construct two sentient female AI and setting them up on a blind date

Note that all the normal board rules still apply, e.g. no hetshit, etc.
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That one Innocent Key album.
I think it depends on how far you want to lean into the alien/sci-fi theme as opposed to it being a more laidback setting where one of the character just happens to be an alien. Which one has more appeal? I like the scientist, but this isn't a question that can be reasonably answered unless you have a team of market researchers at your disposal. You should choose the one you're personally more interested in writing.
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Posted about it last thread, but we're still working on our exhibitionist yuri vn. We should have it released by the end of the year.
They can't both have glasses, that's against the rules.
Fair, you have a point about market research. Personally I wasn't too picky because I like both ideas and I could go into either. I didn't want to make a poly pairing or a harem so I didn't just go with both from the get go but I'll have to think about it after all!

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All artists welcome!
>Try to keep references to one image.
>Try to avoid unnecessary off-topic posts, so as to not hit the bump limit too fast.
>Be patient - requests take time per artist, and our board is slow! Delivery time may vary and artists will not necessarily tackle requests in the order they are posted.
>You may also post /u/-related drawfag pictures from other boards, provided they are credited accordingly (or at least state which board it came from).
>Feel free to post /u/-related original content - gay OCs, non-requested fanart and sketches made for fun are all welcome!
>Try to actually draw stuff occasionally.
>Have fun!

O/u/r booru:

Previous thread: >>4247360
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Requesting Kei from Akira grinding an onahole against her clit while looking at a polaroid of Kaori.
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Requesting Nanami from Revolutionary Girl Utena tribbing with her own reflection.
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I'm playing Sword of Convallaria gacha game and discovered these two characters - Rawiyah and Sofiay. New story update focused on their youth. They both were in military and shared the same dorminatory, their friendship was very touchy. So I request their adult versions flirt with each other, reminding them of how intimate they were. Preferably with Rawiyah (upper left) teasing Safiyah, forcing her into a kiss so she could drop her serious and cold fassade and make her remember how intimate they were with each other at the nights in their youth.
It's a kinda hard request, but my yuri-goggles are too strong right now to think straight.
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Requesting teenaged Luan Loud miming cunnilingus.
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Requesting POV scissoring with Azula.

It's been years since we last had a thread.
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aikatsu move from 2023 , it writes around their marriage by not showing anything, considering there is no prejudice in the AIKATSU universe, i think they did well

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Previous Thread: >>4264338


Scene0 Subs:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XNHBuL1MDM&list=PLU5hfVe9AYwxmdM29z_2GZH_KkPXRjIPr [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdnNxKxcbNM&list=PLU5hfVe9AYwz56LNH5xiSXSbiMq1yz1BI [Embed]

TV Subs:

Rebellion subs:

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armpit licking /u/
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Post recommendations, covers, and screenshots of lesbian JAV.
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Please tell me there's at least one jav thing where the girl getting molested by lesbians on a train or anywhere is actually super down for it as if she's been waiting her whole life for this moment.
What do they even do after they retire? What kind of job can you get if JAV is the only thing on your resume when you're 30+?
That depend on the circunstances. Most JAV performers marry and become housewives. There's a tradition in Japan on geishas marrying with rich men. It's not uncommon to marry a foreigner and leave Japan, for example Yui Hatano married a Chinese wealthy man. If they manage their money, they can open a business. For example Sora Shiina opened a clothes brand after her retirement and she still continue fucking JAV perfomers off-camera. If everything fail, they can always return to JAV because the MILF genre is more popular than ever
>MILF genre
>in lesbian JAV
Huh. Also, I guess becoming an idol isn't an option.
It sucks how doing saucy onlyfans teasing pays out more than hardcore stuff, because Anri/Hitomi lesbian scenes would go absolutely insane.

Previous thread: >>4156446
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you have just been satisfied by your lover.
she holds you and says "i love you" as you both fall asleep in each other's arms
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Previous thread: >>4015393
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Okay that's legit creative as hell.
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Let's cope our way to a 6th ending
Previous thread: >>4180059
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What reason did the Reds have for being homophobic?
Believe it or not, no matter what, it was incredibly common to be homophobic across basically all ideologies and religions no matter how progressive or revolutionary they appeared
They can give any reason they want, but it always comes down to repopulation and nepotism assurance.
Why a reflection of Russia? East Germany legalized Homosexuality in the 1960s.
On paper, sure. But homosexuality was still heavily stigmatised. It was a favoured tactic of the Stasi to use it as blackmail to "recruit" new informants.

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Previous Thread >>3944605

General guide on buying yuri manga

Buyfag guide (some relevant info, incl: customs, shipping, book and doujinshi retailers, alternate honto signup guide, etc)

How to signup for honto (not shipping internationally anymore):

How to purchase and convert a JP kindle book

Japanese wiki listing yuri manga:

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Which series is that? The text is just blurry enough for me to not make out anything useful.

And get Nagashiro Rouge's while you're at it:
Would never have guessed this was stardust telepath. Had to look up what this was from because I didn't immediately recognize the characters and it is so different from the norm.
I'm thinking about pre-ordering the Crymachina artbook. Does cdjapan wait until all items are ready before shipping? I want to get a couple other things but I don't want to pay for shipping twice.
>Does cdjapan wait until all items are ready before shipping?

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Previous thread: >>4063321

Anon’s folder with RAWs and translated chapters: https://mega.nz/folder/BOxGnYhQ#mT8TH7X9vYItwV3pHA1fKA
Translated chapters uploaded to https://dynasty-scans.com/series/virgins_empire
and https://mangadex.org/title/d4d43c50-ce1a-4751-b474-e239cf862f2a/otome-no-teikoku
Mangadex is a bit behind atm
10th Anniversary ASMR video by Kishi: https://youtu.be/2jVkMeWTLqw
Three voiced chapters with English subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKgyTEebxtfzep0Ty-BvkzdNqf0Wn00ob

Kishi's Twitter: https://twitter.com/kishitorajiro
Kishi's AlterEgo Twitter: https://twitter.com/k_toraziro
Twitter for Otome: https://twitter.com/jplus_otome
Kishi's Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/users/14974201
(Please note that Kishi doesn't exclusively do Yuri, so you may not necessarily like what he posts)
Read originals online at https://shonenjumpplus.com/series

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Yes Gyaru/Megane and the PE teacher were great.
Ring Mini
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Hot Mahi on Mahi action.
Incredibly wise Mahis.
We finally got an update to one of the pure yuri stories on PixivFanbox. It's a gif of the two girls wearing face masks. Hopefully more will be added soon.

Previous thread >>3940005
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I like this one
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Anne and Marcy need to be happier about the whole situation.

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