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Bringing it back with some licking
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Discuss the lovely book and the amazing movie. It's the only Ghibli film that made me cry twice.

Previous threads:


Read the book (in epub)


And post pics and feelings and tell us if you are fine on the outside, sis...
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Previous Thread >>3767407

General guide on buying yuri manga

Buyfag guide (some relevant info, incl: customs, shipping, book and doujinshi retailers, alternate honto signup guide, etc)

How to signup for honto:

How to purchase and convert a JP kindle book

Japanese wiki listing yuri manga (not updated anymore):

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That's what I was hoping to hear. Hopefully it's not a problem anymore or only happened because of bad amazon packaging.
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Pls rate my yuri haul from AX
what is this alter ego thing?

A one volume yuri manga made by a Spanish woman, it's not bad

Tokyopop has a couple yuri manga made by western Mangakas like this

Breath of flowers is okay, 1st volume is good and 2nd is mid

Haven't read Sirius yet

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After this week, beating the chud and last weeks in bath breast groping, id deserves a thread.
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I liked how the in-anime anime was basically just Granbelm.
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I find this non autistic tsundere adachi very cute

A thread about celebrating the miracle of life.
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In the Amazon there is a tribe called by the natives as " the women who do not need men"

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News and announcements:
YuYuYui PS4 and Nintendo Switch version volumes 5-8 will be released on March 21st, 2024. Akamine Yuuna no Shou will be released in volume 8 and there will be 6 months worth of new events. Collab events are included in the game. Volume 5-8 have a new OP song and movie (translated and soft subbed in YouTube link).

A new YuYuYui 4koma is being serialised online on the Dengeki Gs site.

Fuyou Yuuna Becomes a Storyteller is complete and fully translated.
Visual audio drama official copy: https://www.dlsite.com/home/work/=/product_id/RJ01094468.html
Unofficial download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KHf0P68cYMc4bfRJGQIax2itXZnw7sPE
Reading drama TL:

The Rookie Heroes' Menu Vol 1 and 2 are translated and typeset.

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Aya's cuteness is a dangerous weapon.
I wonder if there is anything about YuYuYu in the Kadokawa leak. Gotta dive around soon.
Criminally cute Tama, she needs Anzu correction.
Let us know if you find anything
That was a really nice UtanoMito date
>"Believing in and loving Utanon is definitely, definitely, definitely right!"
Mito's gotten bold
>Mii-chan's fruits. That sounds simply delicious. Aah, that made me want to harvest and eat them.
Utano, you'll give passerbys the wrong(right) idea.

Thanks for the TLs anon.

It's been a while since we've had a thread about the superpowered mahjong-playing lesbians with no panties.
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Previous thread >>4032518
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It's time for this seasonal thread to return! Post girls yuri-ing in swimsuits or bikinis, or just generally being at the beach!
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Fat tits on the beach.
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Fat asses on the beach.

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Post any Baldur's Gate Yuri here.

Last thread
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The only pairing for Shart that I really enjoy. Probably I just enjoy seeing her suffer.
how did she hurt you anon?
No. I ended up hurting her, actually. Wasn't my plan, but she started giving me death threats.

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Retard gorilla edition
Previous thread: >>4209983
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Bratty mojyo, needs anal correction
ucchibros, I'm losing hope in our girl
will she stop being a joke character?
Do things ever progress with these two? I haven't read the manga in forever but I remember loving Ucchi's crush and craving more of it really badly and being disappointed
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Not yet but I am actually 100% certain we'll eventually get a confession from Ucchi soon. As to whether it will be successful, likely not.

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Weirdo armpit fetishism.
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Who's winning the twerk off?

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Previous: >>4003779
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Yuri scenarios with at least one girl who is straight (or was until a few minutes ago).
Lit recs also welcome.
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Not the other anon.

The only one I found that keeps with the thread's theme https://archiveofourown.org/works/39751470
Multiple Ao3 recommendations with this theme

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Literotica Recommendations

All of this author's works: https://www.literotica.com/authors/christa_p/works/stories

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>but are not purely yuri stories:
why would you even post them then? And quickly looking at them, the first two ones seem to be divided between yuri and yaoi parts so they somehow get a pass but the last 3 links seem to be just a corruption story where an evil guy dicks all the girls straight. And even the third story from the group without warning has this:
>The first half is a girl's love genre because there are a lot of lilies (lesbians), but ...The direction will change from the middle, so please be careful if you are not good at it.
So fuck off or just spam more links for subpar English fiction.

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