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Previous thread >>3940005
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Be gay, link climb edition
Previous thread: 4060716
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Have a cavity search.
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The ancestral forbidden fruit of shipping the princess with the villainess.
With the caveat that they aren't from the same fairy tale. Also, cute yaoi hands.

Go for the soft underbelly!
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Bringing it back with some licking
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Relevant content over in the drawthread >>4252781
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When two girls really love each other they have a baby
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Those don't look remotely like Shizuru and Natsuki.
They don't look much like Yuzu and Mei either, the coloring is right by they have that manwah style pointy face.
Probably just to show them as older, this thread is all about girls that are parents after all. They aged them up
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The dilemma of science babies.

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Female character x female self-insert/reader art by women
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hey that's pretty good. this artist do any more?
Not really, she rarely draws yuri.
23 yuri pics to be exact.
Dang, thanks though. kind of why I asked since I figured if I went to the artist page I’d be disappointed with what I found

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Thought I would make a thread about really big lesbians, both one big girl and one small girl or 2 big girls in middle of some huge, populated area content is welcome.
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Kano's birthday in two days (7/4)
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All about breast milk and yuri.
166 replies and 154 images omitted. Click here to view.
Since it involves lactation, I offer to this thread Mira's Seinaru Chichi no Elf Hime:

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Previous Thread

>The main places to read fics

>An old archive of fics compiled and shared by a kind anon (note that this is not a curated collection, just a very extensive archive)

Post links to fics and discuss them and fanfiction in general. Link fics you like, your own stuff, it's all good as long as it's yuri.
34 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
what are some decent crossover fics? i know of that fairy tail and bleach one but i can't think of any others
Clarify what you mean by a crossover fic and anything specific you're looking for in one. As crossover stuff can cover quite the spread of integration of each work; from barely more than taken powers/concepts/characters to full fusion verses.

Anyways, I'd recommend looking at fics tagged with the Wondercroft ship. For it's a really good pairing

If there are certain aspects you want to focus on, such as plot, characterization, or spelling and grammar, it may be helpful to specify too
I have a pastebin but it’s auto saved to private

Fixed it.

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June 25th is Yuri Day in Japan, how are you celebrating?
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June 26th, yuri is over
Very in character.

Then we keep the love alive
Until next year
Stop bumping your thread

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149 replies and 107 images omitted. Click here to view.
Canonically happened after that one cover page.
I don't like the idea of giving her manly features. I think the irony that a super feminine girl acts like a guy is funnier and sexier than an already androgynous looking woman

Armpits, pubes, etc
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Unfathomably based thread
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>australopithecus tier hairy
This doesn't happen.
there's zero hair outside of the genitals and pits, that's the unrealistic part

All kinds of lesbian machines. Koukaku no Pandora, Nier Automata, Megaman, Transformers, Medabots, whatever.

Signalis has its own thread.
217 replies and 192 images omitted. Click here to view.

Nyanyame nyanyajyuunyanya-do no nyarabi de nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyanynaku nyarabete nyaganyagame.
300 replies and 296 images omitted. Click here to view.
With all of the many horses posted in this thread for some reason, at least the last image was of a catgirl

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