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A thread about the breakout hit gun-slinging cupid yuri
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I wish I could look half as cool wearing heart-shaped shades.
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Just die without finding love and you too can be reborn as a cupid with sick fashion
The artstyle reminds me of Alien Nine so much. I was so happy I thought the mangaka made another manga, but turns out it's a different person. Still liked it though.
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Funny how the series went from zero fanart to having enough to fill a thread with in the span of a few days. 99% of it western, but there's a lot of great stuff regardlessly.
I love Ena's look all straight-laced and stuff but with those goofy-ass heart glasses
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yuri navi wrote about it today so maybe it'll start picking up in JP circles too.
If Activision/EA wanted to make money, they'd make a game adaptation where instead of shooting terrorists you shoot random lesbians to hook them up
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The whole situation surrounding this manga is incredibly fascinating. The author turning out to be American is some top-tier irony on top of being a rare oddity.
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Looking forward to the inevitable plot point where the cupids somehow manage to fall in love with each other
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it's funny because in this thread from a few days ago there were actually quite a few Japanese readers who thought the art looked like it was done by a foreigner.

Honestly the biggest tell should have her doing a comic about Hololive EN girls.
So since the author is American, does that mean people who get mad when non Japanese yuri gets posted aren't allowed to complain anymore?
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That feels like it should be endgame stuff since it would break the rules.
It's serialized in a Japanese magazine, so it counts weather those people like it or not
They really like talking about the loose women of the 1920s, huh?
Is there any flapper yuri or is this an untapped market?
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>Is there any flapper yuri or is this an untapped market?
There's probably hundreds of manga out there written by foreigners/non-Japanese residents who don't say anything about it and no one blinks an eye because they don't know yet (much like this manga before the interview came out). I don't think this case has anything to do with whether or not Western-published media should be allowed on /u/.
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>that was the only piece powerful enough to affect Shimamura
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You're a cupid now.
isn't this bisexual/het love triangle shit?
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Every couple the cupids have paired off so far have been yuri
Deep cut deserved better
what about the generic self-insert looking guy?
is he gone after chapter 0?
I don't like boys in my yuri
I don't think there are any named male characters at all
I will believe you for now and give it a second chance
Did you really drop it over the loser guy in the love triangle between one-shot characters in the first chapter? Report back once you reach the current point, you'll understand why western yuri fans are championing it.
no Shimamura needs a love ICBM
Being Aki is suffering
Its been yuri sofar, but not by the premise. It could have a non-yuri pairings in the future.
I wouldn't be surprised by more bislut brainworms cropping up in the future.
The guy in the love triangle was named though.
It's not guaranteed to be yuri, but it's two for two so far
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the fandom is gonna mald when eventually a love triangle got resolved to het instead of yuri by the cupids
Obviously. They didn't keep bringing up the possibility for nothing. Its clear the author doesn't see it as "girls loving girls". Its girls could love any number of people of any gender and the cupids settle it down to one among the most compatible ones. Its not a yuri story premise from the start. Its even a step down from "its okay if its you" stories.
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>work gets popular
>time to doompost
we really are /v/'s neighbor
Thats a problem people already pointed out when the chapters were released, long before the author doomposted on twitter. Let alone before it became "popular".
I came back to say I was right
too many boys
too much bisexual/het baiting
this shit should have been axed
Why even bother? Why not just stop consuming yuri altogether? Why does board even exist if apparently all high potential /u/ is doomed to hetfaggotry and bisluts?

I reject your doomposting and raise you just pretending the men don't exist
>consuming yuri
No one who whines like that actually consumes yuri, they're all trolls who come here solely to deny yuri while acting concerned with fake good faith.
It's not a coincidence that we get a surge of posts like these at the same time there's a surge of posts in the general and game threads trying to deny yuri in series like Hina Logi. These people are all from /a/.
basically this.
It reminds me of when in a general thread I gave the true bases of yuri in Hina Logi, which go beyond the kiss (which is the only thing that some recognize) and basically nobody answered me.

The sad thing is that stupid people actually believe what they say and don't question anything.
I was just looking for something new to read
why are you people so mad?
if you just told me to fuck off after I posted >>4299440 I wouldn't be here again
It's because you're poisoning discussion by asserting something this board rejects (hetshipping) that hasn't been confirmed yet in the source material.

We aren't mad at you, but this is /u/, and complaining about things that would make the subject of this thread fall outside /u/'s threshold of acceptability when it hasn't happened yet is retarted.
My bad, I overestimated your ability to handle the existence of male characters in the background while yuri is happening. You can fuck off now, as you wish.
>why consume yuri when slop that isn't yuri exists
What makes someone retarded enough to u ironically post this? Especially now, where there is more firmly as yuri marketed and declared stories, with solidly yuri premises on the market than most people can read? No one has any need to read something in the vague hope it stays yuri, when its from the start not presented as a yuri premise to begin with.
Come back when the author says its a yuri manga and stays one, rather rhan limply baiting with "it has yuri in it" and begging people to write about how it hopefully stays yuri like the yuri navi article.
The center of gay culture in the 1920s was Germany, so it gets depressing to think about.
don't worry I'm not coming back
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Don't fight, cupids
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can someone translate the moonspeak?
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>manga is failing due to publisher not promoting it
>Tell mangaka it's gonna get cancelled if volume 1 doesn't meet certain sale numbers
>Mangaka turns to Twitter and screams into the void
>Void actually answers and starts buying the manga
>People start wondering why publisher wasn't promoting manga in the first place
>Turns out mangaka is a foreigner and was getting the classic japanese treatment
Japanese work culture strikes again.
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>try to let a manga get quietly axed because the author is an icky foreigner
>it backfires spectacularly and causes droves of foreign yuri fans to buy up as much stock as possible making it sell out across numerous storefronts
>sales are now too good to justify canning it
>japanese boomer aneurysm.jpg
all of the author's previous doujinshi have been yuri, it's going to be yuri through and through.
I mean, her interview says she was contacted by the editor first. The editor was surprised to learn she's american but offered her the opportunity anyways.

Why is no one pointing out that this woman has written the manuscript in english and its being translated into japanese and scanlators are translating it back to english? Its translation inception.
The publisher's behavior does seem rather odd, going through the trouble of contacting and serializing a western artist only to basically throw her to the wolves without backup. I'm not saying she should be given preferential treatment due to being a foreigner, but it seems like a lot of extra work to set up constant translation for communication, editing and publishing if they weren't going to believe in her work. I guess they were just hoping it would blow up through word of mouth and in a way it did, but ironically with a western audience that only exists thanks to English scans. The funniest part is that people just casually reply to the author's tweets by attaching panels from the scans, which makes me wonder how close the retranslated dialogue is to what she'd originally written.
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Plot twist the author is responsible for the scanlation
...... that actually makes sense. It's almost stupidly brilliant.
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What so odd? Most publishers are opening contests recently to scout for gaijin talents. It’s just the usual case of the work not selling/underperforming.
That is encouraging to hear.
The publisher's behavior is pretty standard, all things considered. Flapper isn't a well-renowned magazine and they only generally only give love to the manga that are adaptations of anime/LNs. With how quitely the zodiac yuri Canno was serializing there got canned despite it having some fans and her having a lot of followers, I don't think the treatment Love Bullet got was much worse or better than the usual Flapper newcomer. It's just that there's no brand recognition to being serialized in Flapper and it's in a weird spot where it's sort of trying to run some yuri but they don't have any standout/long-running yuri titles yet so they're not known for having some yuri like Dengeki is now.
It's published in a Japanese magazine so it's true yuri.
>got canned
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Today is Kanna's birthday.
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hollywood action adaptation when?
>Koharu is played by a black actress
>Kanna is now fat and has vitiligo
No thanks.
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Happy birthday to the girl who's probably many centuries old
If the author is American as alleged, where are all the hamburgers and cowboy hats?
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Kenichi Smith, please
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>cheery green-eyed character clearly hiding something big
Welcome back, daiba nana
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It all makes sense now.
Isn't this that mountain that SCP-096 used to live on?
Lesbian sex when? Even Bloom Into You got one.
It will happen when Koharu has a misfiring accident with an Uzi and pumps two girls full of love bullets, making them extremely horny.
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Imagine all the pigeon droppings on their uniforms.
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What if Yuu recoiled from Touko suddenly kissing her and got struck by the train in chapter 2 of Yagakimi?
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The cupids will get bored at some point and try having sex together "just for fun"
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The most bizarre crossover I've seen yet
Which is this?
How else are they supposed to get their hair so white?
You can't get more American than militarized cupids. All cupids are bastards.
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Shuake (the persona 5 yaoi pairing) but genderbent
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Can't wait for the series to become so popular we start getting spinoffs with cupids in different countries.
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I believe in the Koharu/Kanna endgame
So, is this cupid system a cosmological scam?
1) Cupids are born when someone dies while never being in romantic love.
2) Only source of romantic love are cupids
3) In order to produce cupids you need to choose not to shoot someone.

They deliberately fucking up someone's romantic life in order to get free labour force.

Alternative reading: A group of entities who found a way to cheat death are fucking up this opportunity for everyone else in order to farm second life.
Oh, and add to that that love in this setting isn't a natural thing, it's just some fucker drugging you.
Maybe try reading the manga in your native language, ESL-kun
Chinese himejoshi are starting to draw fanart for Love Bullet, good news since Japan actually gives a shit about the Chinese market.
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Amazon JP is sold out again. Since the author said these were the leftover copies from the publisher's warehouse, the print run may be completely sold out.
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>everyone around the world is supporting LB except for nips themselves
Oh well, hopefully it's enough to keep this series afloat
Not surprising, considering the huge amount of struggling yuri they support no one else does.
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>everyone around the world is supporting LB except for nips themselves
In general East Asia's been slower to get on the bandwagon for Love Bullet. Koreans are just starting to ask around for scanlations while China and Taiwan are just starting to break out the fanart. Japan's getting increasingly interested and the physical book is reportedly hard for them to find in urban areas of Japan, it's just a question of whether nips will join in fast enough to translate to enough sales for this volume/volume 2.
I don't understand the coming back to life thing.
They come back to life, but in their young body from when they died X years ago.
How can they continue their life? They have legally died and everyone has moved on and they have no legal documents.

Unless the cupids have some sort of cherubic witness protection program?
>cherubic witness protection program?
Either that or this is a hint to the whole extra life thing being a huge scam.
>cherubic witness protection program
We already saw that the Cupids can use persuasive magic through Charm, it wouldn't surprise me if the Goddess could just scramble memories to make friends/family think the returned Cupids either survived their deaths or never got in their accidents in the first place. Making that time desync cause less memory scrambling or just generally wanting to return to loved ones faster would be a good additional incentive for Cupids to not loaf around. There would also be extra angst potential for "older" Cupids like Chiyo who have outlived everyone they used to know.
Or it could be something a lot goofier where the Goddess can split herself up and moonlight as foster moms for all the Cupids who've come back to life.
If there is still demand for the physical volume 1, nips might have to wait for a reprint.
They're fucking magic, so personally I just assumed that said magic will basically rewrite the world upon revival such that the revived Cupid has always been where she is in time. Perhaps even recontextualizing existing relationships. Like, maybe Aki comes to view her relationship with Koharu as more of a "Big Sister" thing. Imagine how awkward it would be if still remembered her, now ~6 years younger than her, as the girl she was in love with at one point in time?

Or this. I've also got a whole crazy theory about Kanna specifically being much shadier than she lets on.
it'd be really fucked up if the twist is that the cupids are able to come back but with all the memories of their previous life wiped
The twist is that this series will crossover with "How to break a Triangle," revealing that the girl who disappeared was actually working as a cupid.
Damn, sounds like my college days.
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What a sweetheart
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Plot twist, someone IS inspired by Nana, but it isn't Kanna: https://x.com/inee/status/1842459184606101552

Maybe Ena? Otherwise someone who hasn't been introduced yet.
Love Bullet is my favorite Yuri manga in a really long time.
Why is this series so unpopular in Japan and needed twitter to save it? Why don't nip yuri fans like it?
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I saw a half joking theory earlier that kanna has an american idiot motif going on with her using heart shaped grenades and her birthday being october 1st (wake me up when september ends)
It could genuinely just be bad happenstance with a lack of promotion, but based on a 2chan thread i saw i suspect nips had a feeling inee was a foreigner from the way her art looked (before she admitted it in that interview) and chose to reject the manga as a way of saying they won't support foreigners because of stupid nationalism
>Why is this series so unpopular
It's worse than average in pretty much every aspect, I could smell the early axe since chapter 1.
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We told the axe to kindly fuck off this time, so hopefully that works out.
I thought you said you weren't coming back here
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>Why is this series so unpopular in Japan and needed twitter to save it?
It had no audience. No one knew it was supposed to be yuri I suspect originally it wasn't and romcoms are a unbelievably saturated market.
Its cute and all, but it has no real nieche.
The author was noticed by Comic Flapper for her textless 4-page comics on pixiv, and they're all yuri.
That may be the case, but nobody going into this had any guarantee it would be 100% yuri
People who find it on the website, who are most of the people randomly exposed to it at first, aren't gonna check that. And its not exactly unheard of for people to tone down the yuri for the serialised works to chase broader appeal.

The fact the author doesn't seem to advertise it as such, wherever I looked, doesn't help either.
>Why is this series so unpopular in Japan and needed twitter to save it?
Most manga need Twitter if it's not from a well known publication or a favorite of the higher ups, period.
>2chan thread i saw
2chan nips were throwing that around as a possible justification because the thread itself was talking about the sudden increase in international buzz after her Twitter blowup. It's not much different than them saying the same about Kagurabachi when that started blowing up in the West (calling it a foreigner's imitation of Naruto).
You're probably the same anon as the first text but it was tagged as yuri on her pixiv as early as late 2023, so it was likely the publisher's influence on the tags in the beginning. Beyond the tags it's a case of mismarketing overall, but by the way Comic Flapper tags/runs their yuri, it seems to be a common occurance with them.
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That is the cutest I've ever seen someone draw Ena
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This is one of the few new yuri series that isn't just romance, twitter oneshots, or webtoon slop so I'll be rooting for the author
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Genuinely think this manga could end up being proof that there's a bigger market for the type of "genre yurI" that anons here have been asking for. It has an uphill battle since a bunch of Japanese yurifags won't buy early yuri stock unless instant yuri gratification is confirmed in the first couple volumes so I hope it ends up gathering more of the general manga audience like it has in the West.
>when she smiles at you and you pop a winger
Cupids can't fall in love so this must be pure lust
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Isn't America legalized the same sex marriage anyway? There are also too many lesbian cartoons everywhere.
Maybe the author understands that western productions will never be real yuri and her desire to make it was so strong she managed to get serialized in a Japanese magazine.
Japan's only a decade or so away from legalizing, ESL-kun. East Asian countries aren't off the list anymore.
>Japan's only a decade or so away from legalizing
Why losing hope, anon?
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Author will be selling some merch at Comitia 150 next month: https://x.com/inee/status/1846063117379555447
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>manga book
Who's gonna take one for the team and debind/scan it? Comitia/Comiket doujin are usually limited edition and a bitch to find afterwards so I'm hoping either the scan team's got someone in Japan to go to the con or some other fan'll be willing the scanning.
someone is going to drop off a card signed by fans, so there's a small chance.
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This is the only post I will make to this board.
Kek that took me a second

Endorsement from a big mangaka. That she's a huge westaboo probably helped.
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What if there are evil anti-cupids who shoot at lesbians to make them break up with their girlfriends?
According to the Discord Shirahama followed inee back before the American reveal but I would wager that Shirahama's more than deep enough in Western twitter that all the Love Bullet tweets made it onto her feed when it started going viral.
That's actually a good question. If falling in love in this setting is determined by cupids, does the same apply to falling out of love?
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The booklet that will be sold here >>4310881 will include a Q&A, you can send questions at: https://marshmallow-qa.com/vqa8ek8gnwln3ij pertaining to the topic of "The Cupids' daily life", so no plot-related questions. English is fine.
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>Nana died without ever falling in love
A store claims the first volume is getting reprinted next month: https://x.com/ringring_do/status/1848642955680354522
Another win for us MayaKuro fans
Some are already claiming it was a mistranslation on the store's part. Kinda seems like since other stores haven't said anything similar
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I feel like Chiyo would be the one asking if Kohaku won or lost
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CDJapan is also getting it and calls it a restock: https://x.com/CDJapan/status/1849271794748014994

If it's an actual reprint I guess it will be announced by the author/publisher around the time it comes out. Either way it's good to see it continuing to be in demand.
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Didn't mean to quote.
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Aw yeah. What a turnaround!
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This is easily the most successful fan campaign to save a manga from cancellation right?
Wonder what repercussions this'll have on how mangaka and publishers engage with overseas audiences
I like Kanna's :3
>before the interview came out
What interview was that? I vaguely remember one where inee talked about the manga's process but I don't remember anything about her(?) being American.

Sink or sail I am on that ship, anon.

I like the nostalgia value in that theory. It would also be kinda funny if she did have that album as a motif and IF
>nips had a feeling inee was a foreigner from the way her art looked (before she admitted it in that interview) and chose to reject the manga as a way of saying they won't support foreigners because of stupid nationalism
was also true (I have no idea and don't know shit about the Japanese really so I wouldn't care to form an opinion on the matter).
>What interview was that?
Thanks, but not available in my shithole.
>Please be informed that from Wednesday, April 6, 2022, Yahoo! JAPAN’s services are no longer available to our users in the EEA (European Economic Area) and the United Kingdom
Fuck yeah, finally a situation where we're in the correct timeline.
I would say so, besides Kagurabachi. But that one actually had a legal simulpub and Jump manga (even those low on the magazine ranking) have literally the highest visibility of all manga. I've already seen scanlators discussing that this was a lightning in a bottle situation so it'll be hard to replicate such good results (especially in terms of creating an international fandom overnight alongside the actual sales). But on the publisher side I could see this spurring Kadokawa to make a non shit simulpub service.
>it'll be hard to replicate such good results (especially in terms of creating an international fandom overnight alongside the actual sales).
Helps that it has a novel idea with good execution and a strong personality, I doubt your regular creatively bankrupt isekai or romcom slop could pull out such a feat
I don't know how close Watamote was to getting canned before it got saved by shitposters here, probably comparable.
Let's hope the author of Love Bullet doesn't get the treatment Watamote's author did by certain fans.
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How did Bakaren die?
This makes me want to see a setting + outfit swap where the Love Bullet girls are butai shoujo and the RevStar girls are a gang of tacticool Cupids.
For now, someone made Fly Me to the Star with Koharu and Aki: https://x.com/meowmiint/status/1836952556888805776

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