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Looks like there's no active LWA threads in the catalogue-changing that
First for the most underrated couple.
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I love Diakko and all but I wish there was more of Akko with these 2. Unfortunately all the bully fetishists went to Deltarune
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it's heartening to see that the fanart never really died all these years later
This reminds me that I have not updated Submissive Kagari in years.
Life caught up I guess. Also I delved into Touhou and Spy x Family.
>Futa outta nowhere
A onee-gga can't trust her own shadow these days baka, frfr
>Spy x Family
is there even any yuri in spy family?
Becky and Anya should've been for each other but from what I understand Becky is an overly horny hetfag
Yeah, but he's a guy.
Oh, you mean lesbians. No. You can try to ship Fiona and Yor though.
This one too. Jasminka is underrated in general.
Imagine Akko smushed between their asses
>That blissed out Conz look
God bless
When will they bring LWA back, /u/?
The director is dead so never.
Yoshinari isn't dead.
That fucker is alive and working on anything that isn't LWA.
What was the job of that person who died?
Who the fuck are you?
>Akko becomes a complete masochist at school
>The rest of the school accepts it for different reasons; some like taking their anger out on her, some are into the dom role, and others simply want to help her
>Students in the former category usually drag Akko away for stress relief and usually like to slap her face as hard as they can or sock her right in the gut
>Dom students (especially Hannah and Barbara) take pleasure in doing dirty things to Akko
>Hannah and Barbara often stuff their dirty socks in her face
>Avery especially likes to force Akko on all fours and sit on her back
>Others, like Sarah and Elfriede, make Akko grovel at their feet and kiss their shoes
>The other students, the ones who like helping Akko, are surprisingly civil. In fact, they often sort out what to do, when to do it, and even use a safe word if things go too far
>It was a curious sight when Mary threw Akko over her knee at the cafeteria and began spanking her raw with a wooden paddle while Akko kept screaming “mommy”
not anytime soon
they will be making new cyberpunk anime
please return to your offsite realm intruder we are talking about gay witches
I feel like I missed out on the prime of this show and pairing

Should have watched it with everyone else…
Yeah, the threads back then were fun.
But don't let it stop you form reading fanfiction!
You didn't really miss out on anything, given that most of Akko and Diana's development was contained in a single episode. The OVAs did a much better job for their potential chemistry.
>sometimes Akko and Lotte are alone while Sucy is out of the room
>Lotte usually reads a Nightfall novel
>sometimes she sits on the top bunk and hangs her legs over the edge
>Akko relaxes on the bottom bunk
>she can’t take her eyes off of Lotte’s feet
>Lotte’s cute feet
>dainty, smooth, her toes flexing randomly
>if only she had the courage to be open about her fetish with her friends
>for now all she can do is look longingly at the Finn’s cute feet
Is there list of recommendations.
Do Jap, Finn, and Tagalog feet smell differently?
Akko probably has firm sweaty feet what with all the activities she does
Lotte is reverse Akko so she has nice soft feet she cares for
Sucy probably got them cold slender feet that smell like death and have long (but thankfully clean) toenails
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Is there moar?
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Yes, but that's an edit.
I miss this drawanon
Fucking never.
Trigger has done nothing but hetshit since Promare. Getting too famous drew the attention of Japan's politicians and oldfart investors and they're clearly opposed to anything yuri. They went as far as to taint Gridman. Fucking disgusting. I hope the studio burns down before they keep sullying their legacy.

And no, dunmeshi doesn't count, it's just an adaptation.
>dunmeshi doesn't count, it's just an adaptation.
They sure made that bath scene extra gay, though.
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Diana using Akko's 2 INT to trick her into having sex should be more common
Akko's feet yessssss
Milk high in fat
>make image sharing site
>cap the max for image sharing
Fucking retarded.
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That's rich coming from someone who posts mobile screenshots.
I'm assuming that's why we got the screenshot instead of the full image
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So you really are retarded.
Excuse you, Im not that anon. I just know how to reverse image search.
Then why the hell didn't you post the picture instead of a link?
I don't want to. Why don't you?
I just did. And if you didn't want to post it, then why post the link?
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sis really got worked up over a fucking crop for nearly two days
I wish there were more of these images of Beatrix trying to "seduce" Akko for Diana, it's a really fun and horny dynamic
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I remember an anon wrote a quickie where Sucy shrank Akko and began deepthroating her body, sadly it was on a 24 hour expiry and I never got around to saving it, but lord it unlocked one hell of a niche fetish in me. Not technically vore, but deepthroating a shrunken girl like a dildo.
Not enough red team OT3.
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Diakko fusion
You're the reason other people think yurisisters are psychotic, sis.
The first Red Team OT3 doujin being futa probably scared people off.
Could be worse, they could be like A-1 and retroactively remove their yuri

I'd rather them not touch it than remove those elements
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I like to imagine this is a body swap but the only way to tell is the eyes.

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