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The Bocchi love must never end.

Previous thread: >>4197656
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Arctic Summer World PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DqQOFrkVxs

Previous Thread: >>4197543

List of EN FGO /u/sers

FGO's /u/ Graveyard

Latest Shimosa (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798378237911
Shimosa manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/34870

Latest Salem (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798424059049
Salem manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/38955

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Not really. Nothing until Teno next year, then Draco, then Saber Medusa. That's all I'm willing to roll for until next summer.
Well manages to snag everyone from the summer versions, but I sure didn't expect a NP4 Summer Wu and Gareth out of the deal. I usually have trouble getting summer 4*s. Just kinda wish I'd gotten Ibuki to npw, but oh well.
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Spent about 1100 SQ or so on the Summer banners and got:

N1 Lady Avalon
NP2 Gareth
NP1 Erice
NP2 Summer Ibuki
NP1 Summer Skadi
NP4 Summer Wu
NP1 Mordred

and a few male spooks that aren't worth mentioning here. Now have 747 SQ and 88 tickets left to be put toward a yet unknown goal.

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Previous thread: 4239677
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I seriously debated long and hard with myself to reply to this post. On one side I seriously don't want to further drift off on the topic of this thread but on the other side I just can't ignore it any longer. In advance, I'm terribly sorry for everyone involved that I'm shamefully falling for the bait but I can't t ignore it anymore.

You! First of all, yes you are right. I ignored your statement before. And I am sorry for that. My mind wouldn't let me read past the 'penetrative penis' part. I took issue with that and responded without reading all of your post. This was my mistake.

Second, considering your next responses I think I can understand your point of view a bit more but it's still a bit hazy. Care to elaborate and help me? You are suggesting a strap-on or tentacle can be considered a substitute for penis because of the POV or how it is drawn? Is this right? Hopefully I understood that right.
If ths is right please consider: Ropes.
A rope is a tool to bind and possibly suspend.
Furthermore consider: Vibrators.
A vibrators is a tool to penetrate and stimulate the a female through vibrations.
How about we combine them?
Wiggly ropes! Eh? Doesn't that sound delightful? Can you still picture anything masculine in this scenario? I sure hope not.
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An excerpt of upcoming material.
>Nemo shoved her hands into her long skirt's pockets.

>“I know we are in no position to make demands so I ask this mostly to know who is now in charge of us. Magia Baiser, what are you? Like actually? Either Venalita lied to us, or there was bad intel or... what?”

>“As far as I am aware I am just a villainess appointed to lead a squad for Enormeta. At least that's what Vena told me. Dark portals, demon creation powers, and so on. You all felt the fire I made was light magic?”

>“Without a doubt. We fought enough light magic users to know which is which. You spoke to, oh what's her name, Vatz? Right? How does that work?”

>Leopard spoke up from where she took a seat on a low section of stage support strut.

>“Baiser-chan's been lip-sucking one of them instead of me!”

>Which for a moment broke Baiser's poker face.

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it's kind of wild that kaoruko has planted her mouth on and tasted her crush's vagina and yet they aren't even a couple yet
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Girls do that all the time desu. Normal gal pal behaviour.

Previous thread >>4032518
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1.7 waiting room.
Reverse:1999, a mobile turn-based RPG with a female MC and numerous yuri pairings to enjoy. The age of the characters may vary and the older ones tend to be just as (if not more) gay.
Although the game's primary language is english/chinese, it also has full korean and japanese versions, with the latter featuring many known and skilled seiyuus.
>Version 1.6 Trailer
>Download (PC & Mobile):
>Community Resources:
>Kornblume (THE database)

Previous thread >>4186455
159 replies and 112 images omitted. Click here to view.
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This is some nice presentation.
That said, I don't remember any non chink porn mtl'd game with that many typos and awful world choices in first ten minutes. Does it improve?
First two chapters are pretty bad but it goes up in quality by 3/4 (the other two launch chapters) but it's still a little shaky. 5/5.5 are actually fine and 6 is dare I say, a very good translation job.
I don't really read the events but afaik the first two get the worse translation (Rimet and Green Lake) and everything after is varying degrees of fine.

Never thought I'd like the lesbian yandere so much.
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Michiru, the new girl introduced at the end of Volume 6 is a full blown lesbo with a psychotic crush on Miko
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Damn, I didn't know we had a whole thread about them!

I also recommend this artist:

Damn cute, even if I can't read it.
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So, I am curious what do you all think, is Michiru even aware she has those tentacles?
I just walked into this thread. Are these girls about to do it while there’s a killer on the train?
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Obviously! It's the near death experience that makes it extra spicy.
Well, actually not really, murderhobo is a ghost. Miko (black haired gal) would still be fine when hit by the spirit axe but Michiru (white hair) could face some serious problems. Why? Spiritual reasons. There are some deep-seated problems that only the hands an experienced exorcist can and should solve.

Hope you will enjoy reading it.
Vol. 6, Chap. 39, p. 28

I still have my doubts that Michiru can even see those ghosts. Something feels fishy.

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This time starting off with sleeping with the fishes.

Previous thread: >>3977022
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Don't matter if it's a waltz or tango, offical or fan art, if it involves two girls hand holding, arms on the back or waist and them dancing the night away, post it!!
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post 'em
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And this as a bonus.
Quite, I realized afterwards I was thinking of the one with Tony Abbot and the boat gacha girls. I wanna say Kan Colle
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Thank you aneue
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Is your tomato harvest coming along nicely?

Previous thread: >>4247332

Extra materials:

>Cradle Planet

>Vanadis Heart Manga

>Special Drama CD - Episode.01: What Miorine Wants
>Drama CDs part 1-2

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>On the verge of betraying Suletta, someone who cared deeply for her, Miorine could only stand there tormented by guilt.
Oh my, that's so dramatic.

Thanks TL-nee, Japanese is a really fucked language.

I confused chinese twitter schizos, but here's the context >>4261256
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Kigo Edition

Previous thread: >>4152491
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It's time for this seasonal thread to return! Post girls yuri-ing in swimsuits or bikinis, or just generally being at the beach!
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Previous Thread: >>4116788
124 replies and 112 images omitted. Click here to view.
>(I want to hear her voice...)
>Better off if you stayed in that tank, and never came back...
>Not a single one of you Paradeisos are good people especially you, heartless bastard, makes me mad just seeing you
>Who cares if you don't come back, who fucking cares about you being back or not...
They scrambled to think up a way to surpass the first anni event. I'm glad at least this was their conclusion.
Apparently female Chief has her mouth open while male Chief has his mouth closed here

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Let's cope our way to a 6th ending
Previous thread: >>4180059
60 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.
I know this looks like shilling, but trust me it ain't.
The channel and their website has more stuff.
It's for a number of purposes. Along with what >>4255379 said, there's also, in descending order;

1. Propaganda.
2. Morale.
3. A place to store a Replika's "junk" folder, in order to save headspace.
What do you make of this?
I think the story is simple, functional, and obscure. Which isn't a problem. It's not unusual for characters to be set in motion without pausing to explain their motivations to the audience, especially with a protagonist as stoic as Elster. You piece it together as you go and there are no major twists withheld this way besides maybe the nature of the promise. Or that she's a gay robot. But that's a nice twist and the other is payoff to the foreboding you've known all game.

I do have a problem with the "Are you still looking for answers where there are only questions?" philosophy that encompasses the writing. Signalis is one of those stories where you can reach a comfortable understanding so long as you aren't willing to go too deep. Past a certain point the more you push the less things add up. It doesn't feel like we're missing a few key puzzle pieces and it would all click together, it's more like realizing these pieces go to different puzzles. There's a few coincidences the plot leans on with no justification hiding even if the mysteries hint at them, like Alina Seo. The game scatters odd hints and references for you like a treasure hunt but most ultimately add little besides flavor. The kind of things you can speculate endlessly and make hours long youtube analyses for but years later the community still can't come to an agreement and settles on maybes and somehows. Which can be fun but also unsatisfying.

But that's my personal preference on writing and I won't claim to be an expert on the game. Deep down it remains a plot about a robot hunting for her wife in a miserable universe. It's more about the atmosphere and presentation than the concrete details, and the game does excel there. It's simply a short story, not a novel. In the context of anon's contention, I think this comes down to expectations over what the "best story" should be. I can completely understand why someone would want a more conventional narrative to hold that title.

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Retard gorilla edition
Previous thread: >>4209983
83 replies and 36 images omitted. Click here to view.
What do you do for work that gives you that amount of free time?
I did it in a couple days
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Sometimes, you just write a small paragraph, you read it over, you re-read it, and you realize "I did a good day's work today."

Anyway, just to tide everyone over until the next chapter of the manga, here's the next chapter of "I'm Not Popular, So I'll Go to School Naked."


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