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Nemona is like a Red/Cynthia-tier trainer, she'd probably have planned simultaneous dates for all three somehow to say nothing of when she'd get them all back to the dorm room.
Convince her to try out a Triple Battle and she can take them all at once.

Nyanyame nyanyajyuunyanya-do no nyarabi de nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyanynaku nyarabete nyaganyagame.
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Last Thread: >>3318873
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'Same person, different entity' or 'Best Friends forever?'
Which is the one where Nep and Nowa get married?
1) Same Person Different Entity, this is where they start as a couple.

2) The sequel 'Nine Versions of Purple' is where they get married.

3) Then the sequel afterwards 'From Here to Europa' is where Nep & Nowa live their lives as parents.
1) Same Person Different Entity, this is where they start as a couple.

2) The sequel 'Nine Versions of Purple' is where they get married.

3) Then the sequel afterwards 'From Here to Europa' is where Nep & Nowa live their lives as parents.

Girls licking each other's pussies at the same time.
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Previous Thread: >>3710263

A thread for yuri from From Software games, including Demon Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring.

Other Souls-like titles, like Nioh and Code Vein, are also allowed.
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Previous thread >>3940005
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Previous thread: >>4102961
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To avoid falling into the mistake of overly narrow threads like the Tifa thread, or the series that arouse little interest like Dragon Quest, here's a thread for Final Fantasy in general, that is also open to other Square Enix properties if you happen to find content for then.

Pic related is the most criminally underrated FF pair: Agrias and Ovelia from Tactics, the original knight and princess couple.
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Na Nare Hana Nare and Mayonaka Punch are two original PA Works CGDCT anime that airing this season. All other PA Works anime are welcome here as long as it's yuri-related
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This season is starting off strong.
I was already looking forward to Mayonaka Punch because of how much I loved Sakura Quest, but I didn't expect the yuri content to be as good as it is.
Is this how girls say hello in Brazil?
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Can we have the occasional Sakuna art as well?

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Be gay, link climb edition
Previous thread: 4060716
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Previous: >>4176754
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Anyone? Akane is bisexual anyway so this should be fine, right?
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Anything Love Live is welcomed here. From Muse to Liella, etc. HBD Mari.
Previous thread: >>4203893
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Rina looks a bit different today.

Webtoon / Webcomic thread

Continued from
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Who's Gado
A guy who likes drawing sex scenes with skeletons and colors out of an Egon Schiele paint.
This might be a long shot but does anyone remember a web comic about a princess that gets possessed by a demon and the demon's infatuated with a servant girl? It ends with the girl burning the possesed princess
Does anyone has or know where to read Ring My Bell special chapters uncensored? I swear to god, I saw the uncensored panels before. That version kinda got purged out of the internet for no fucking reason.

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Previous thread: >>4044936


Scene0 Subs:

TV Subs:

Rebellion subs:

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This is weird but kinda cool. maybe I'm just starved for good monstergirl yuri.

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