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The Oreo thread

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V69jyFBImRw [Embed]
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My OC couple made using some neat little program that I don't have the link to but I'm sure someone on /u/ still does
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And lewd art of my OCs some kind anon once drew for me.
Is this AI?
Probably a Picrew?
Ah, ok. Didn’t know if AI was allowed here or not.
Man spotted
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clearly not
You're joking, right? Mithrun is a man
They're both genderswapped, dummy.
This was years before AI. It was a website that had some templates you could customize.
I remember it. Didn’t know it was still around.
Is AI ok to post here? I got an OC interracial couple, but I’m not sure if they’re allowed here.
There is an AI thread that you should post that in instead.
Ok, will do. I was making sure if it was all right. Thank you.
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>>4308557 (OP)
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Can we get some cozy discussion instead of just image dumps? What are your favorite kind of pairings? What about interracial do you like?
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Big fan of the contrast between the skin color. Just looks really nice to me.
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Oh same here for sure, it's always made the images have such a warm and exciting feeling to me. Also the idea the women come from very different cultural/racial backgrounds makes the paring feel exotic and cool. Sure beats generic high schoolers who grew up in the same city.
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It’s a real visual thing for me seeing these two contrasting bodies engaging in passionate kissing or love making with each other.
Asian pleb with western ojousama.
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Blessed. Asian interracial stuff is soo rare in general it seems.
I suppose it's less interesting visually but I just like ojousamas in general and them being paired with Asian plebs.
Interracial asian/white with a girl that look really like an asian ?
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my ex called me a snow bunny (im asian)
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Kinda cute. I know some people consider it cringe but I do kinda like terms like blacked and snowbunny when it comes to IR yuri.
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Interracial yuri is yuri as God intended
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I met God. She's black and dates a white girl.
is there asian x white yuri?
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There is, but given how most artists draw pale tones similarly it almost always just looks like two white girls.
Moar pls.
there should be more elf x human yuri 2bh
Ahh, always good to see an old favorite ship
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What makes me feel weird is thinking about how alot of people say white women age faster than other races. That white women get wrinkles ~10 years earlier than other girls

It gives me a weird feeling thinking that one woman will be losing her beauty and breaking down when the other partner has barely aged
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I mean, most of that is just about how some features are more visible on fair skin. It's not like black women are elves and age slower than white girls. Plus aging is fine and natural anyway.
The look suspiciously similar to MK's OC couple
The art is by MK, but the characters are Xodima's.
Futa and you know it, go to hell.
I know but it is funny how similar they are and according to one random commenter on the panda, that commission predated MK's OCs and she even did a couple of variations free of charge because she liked them so much
Absurdly off model.
has anyone ever made casca x farnese?
Only this one
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Che boluda
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Brazilian Miku x Argentinian Miku is a great way to start the year
and it represent me too
This represents me more than soccer and samba
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end of dump boludas
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It is.
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they're gonna get pregnant doing that...
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