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Previous >>4321031
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Marina's shoujo manga is great.
They should release a whole volume of it.
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Maybe she got her art style from the in-game yuri manga.
Or she's secretly its author
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Why is Carmine so fucking thirsty?
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You can't hide your failures.
He can since the archive is taking 5 minutes per page load
>didn't want to get the Byleth statue because it's disproportionately larger than the Edelgard figma
>Byleth's pop up parade figure is actually proportional to Edelgard's pop up parade figure so now I gotta get both
>Dorothea on the way soon so maybe Petra eventually
>might as well get Bernie and Lysithea while I'm shopping

Didn't think it'd snowball so fast.
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Anything nice in the new Splatoon art book?
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this is very nice. more yuri with Edelgard please
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>wearing your clothes into the water
>letting your socks get wet
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Besides the concept art in general and the different outfit concepts for the Grand Festival, lot of different concepts of what would've become Side Order. One had Cuttlefish(in his normal rehydrated form) riding piggyback and shooting at things and Pearl in a wheelchair(and then they just combined the concepts into Pearl being transformed into a drone and acting as the backup gunner while traveling with Acht).

We'll probably get meatier bonafides as it gets into the hands of more people.
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Is brown girl a character or someone's OC?
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So every version of Side Order had to incapacitate Pearl in some way in order to limit her power.
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>[Recently hypnotized, so her consciousness is hazy]
>(I wonder why these two are in my room)
>I told you, kissing on the mouth is a no-go!
>What? Can't I do it just this one time?
>N O!!
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>That tickles!
>(She smells nice)

>You have a small butt, don't you? (Cute)
>Don't squeeze it...
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Isabelle yuri is cute
I wanna avoid reposts. Some of this artist's stuff was posted before but not this, so- https://x.com/Lennytims/media
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Handsome butch girl + tiny loli is great.
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2024 Year in Review is up.

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