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A thread for symmetrical docking, or just big boobies in general.

Previous thread: >>4309468
72 replies and 71 images omitted. Click here to view.
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All artists welcome!
>Try to keep references to one image.
>Try to avoid unnecessary off-topic posts, so as to not hit the bump limit too fast.
>Be patient - requests take time per artist, and our board is slow! Delivery time may vary and artists will not necessarily tackle requests in the order they are posted.
>You may also post /u/-related drawfag pictures from other boards, provided they are credited accordingly (or at least state which board it came from).
>Feel free to post /u/-related original content - gay OCs, non-requested fanart and sketches made for fun are all welcome!
>Try to actually draw stuff occasionally.
>Have fun!

O/u/r booru:

Previous thread: >>4247360
42 replies and 28 images omitted. Click here to view.
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/r/ Team Rocket Sabrina using her psychic powers to change Green's sexuality and use her as her sexual plaything.
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Requesting Aingram And Shalice From Saijaku Muhai No Bahumut Lesbian Kissing Topless In The Pool (Wearing Both The Same Bikini Bottoms) Colored Please
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Requesting Magik from the X-Men opening a portal under her student desk so Kitty Pryde can lick her pussy while she studies in class.
Requesting Furina and Hu Tao from Genshin impact with this art as a reference.
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Requesting Kei from Akira grinding an onahole against her clit while looking at a polaroid of Kaori.

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Previous Thread: >>4200458
76 replies and 70 images omitted. Click here to view.

Status: trapped in Limbo between Heaven and Hell, as usual.

Previous thread: >>4121147
89 replies and 68 images omitted. Click here to view.
How would it have?
no want to kill when having sex
Suika wants to turn the world into LCL remember? She is a incel. But if she wasn't a incel she would not want to turn the world into LCL, and might stop hunting Mazoku all together to please Sakura.
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Shamiko finds Momo's 27k yen secret
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Previous Thread: >>4309986

List of EN FGO /u/sers

FGO's /u/ Graveyard

Latest Shimosa (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550912964642516390
Shimosa manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/34870

Latest Salem (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550912964638143315
Salem manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/38955

Riyo Special: https://youtu.be/98s0s3VWwho

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This needs to happen. She really blew up in popularity
Can't trust Lasagna for a second, but I also hope it happens.

Wonder why the artist added that curtain.
And it's the year of the snake. I won't get my hopes up but I'm crossing my fingers you'll get her. Also was there any Gorgon content during the event? It's been awhile since we've seen Gudako's snake wife
My clairvoyance is mostly blocked for story, but as far as I know, Gorgon, by virtue of being a snake, had Event Bonus, and she even got a Skill Upgrade, however, can't say anything about story relevancy, Medusa had a relevant role (since you know, the original from stay night), but if other version of her got anything, we'll have to wait and see.

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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games with gacha mechanisms.

Heaven Burns Red:>>4210210
Granblue Fantasy:>>3925924
Fate: >>4197543
MagiReco>Exe: >>4116934
Project Sekai:>>4152897
Love Live:>>4230664
Idolm@ster: >>4223757
World Dai Star:>>4013431
Assault Lily:>>4002982

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I'm getting there! After that game releases and I try it out, there's nothing I'm looking forward to. I just like gachas, gives me something bite-sized to play for the day

I'm honestly only looking forward to the 'crew roaming together' gameplay of Endfield. It'll be great if it's like Arknights though
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>It does makes me hopeful for Endfield
If you're fine with protagonist x character pairings, then Endfield definitely provides enough of that. Only time will tell if any non-protagonist ships start to form.
Yeah, im fine with feMC pairings. But as you, hoping for proper ships.
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They did recently get a manga elaborating on their past, as far back as when they were children
Don't think there's anything in the event coming up either particularly supportive or dismissive of it

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>We are so back edition.

Anime : 12 episodes
OP : nano.RIPE - Azalea : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNfXwN5JQvg
Scans on Dynasty :

Anthology booklet short stories : >https://dynasty-scans.com/series/citrus_anthology_lovely_party

Translations are done by Chaosteam (CT)

Drama CD volume 9 (enable closed captions for subtitles) :

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We'll get to see this in Citrus+2.
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I need a place to find some copium
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It's been years since we last had a thread.
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Where the ran aoi content at?

more romantic stuff pls
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the butt grab really makes this hot
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I'm looking for Sakura Trick gifs or webms in better quality.
The neck grabbing. <3

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Previous Thread >>3944605

General guide on buying yuri manga

Buyfag guide (some relevant info, incl: customs, shipping, book and doujinshi retailers, alternate honto signup guide, etc)

How to signup for honto (not shipping internationally anymore):

How to purchase and convert a JP kindle book

Japanese wiki listing yuri manga:

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212 replies and 54 images omitted. Click here to view.
Obviously no, in the same way you can't avoid to pay VAT in your country for everything you buy, unless it's second-hand stuff sold by private citizens.
Will the author see any money from a purchased Kindle ebook? I can't be arsed to have physical books shipped to europe
Why would authors agree to sell anything as ebooks if they didn't?
As usual, both Amazon and Melonbooks won't let me see shit.
Fortunately I'm waiting for my BD of Towa Tsugai II on Zenmarket this month so I can add it to the order.
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wish aizawa would get a normal stand.
swappable clothes is a pretty unique gimmick, but it feels a bit weird to display as yuri merch.
feel like if someone didn't know what it was, they'd assume its a lewd stand where you strip the girl

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Can we do a bed thread? Bonuses for western-ish art, romantic-ish art, and pre/post sex.
1 reply and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
Aaaaand 5.

I think there's something between these two. Are they...you know.... do they.....you get it, right?

Under the quiet sky, a girl with long, dark hair sits by the campfire, her face softened by the flickering light. Beside her, a taller girl with a ponytail stands, her gaze meeting the first girl's with an unspoken understanding. Neither speaks, but both feel the pull between them, a connection neither can ignore. Their hands brush, hearts race, yet the words remain unspoken, leaving only the warmth of the moment.

In the stillness, they know without saying—a love that lingers in the air, shared but hidden. The tension softens as they sit side by side, one with a gentle, reserved smile, the other a quiet strength. Their bond grows stronger, even without confession, a secret love they both silently know.
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Sensei's imotou.
>Are they...you know.... do they.....you get it, right?
Why do so many yuri story pitches read like they were written by someone suffering from selective aphasia?
>dat kissu
>dat animation
Holy fucking KINO. Almost thought it was animated by the official anime studio
>Almost thought it was animated by the official anime studio
The low frame rate makes it immediately obvious it isn't.

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They're cute and should kiss
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I felt the same way but as soon as I saw the director of flip flappers was connected with the project I was no longer skeptical personally. Kind of the perfect choice.
*should have kissed
>If so am I gonna be angry after watching it?
Why would it make you angry, anon?
They won

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LIly LYric cyCLE


thread died
52 replies and 21 images omitted. Click here to view.
Thanks for the Christmas gift.
Three Magi Day.
This March?

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