Previous thread: >>4156446
Happy Birthday to my OTP!hopefully one day the translator of the himegami no miko manga finally tls the extras he said he was gonna do
>Oh yeah, "Kyōshirō to Towa no Sora" was a thing
>>4238476Still waiting for that missing chapter of Shiznat Holmes, Mr. Penguin
>>4376281I do wonder if the great fanfic authors of the past are with us today.....Like I wonder what the Inter Nos writer is up to
All artists welcome!>Try to keep references to one image.>Try to avoid unnecessary off-topic posts, so as to not hit the bump limit too fast.>Be patient - requests take time per artist, and our board is slow! Delivery time may vary and artists will not necessarily tackle requests in the order they are posted.>You may also post /u/-related drawfag pictures from other boards, provided they are credited accordingly (or at least state which board it came from).>Feel free to post /u/-related original content - gay OCs, non-requested fanart and sketches made for fun are all welcome!>Try to actually draw stuff occasionally.>Have fun!O/u/r booru: thread: >>4247360
>>4388849'Tis but a a quantum of levity, anon.
>>4383081The ones on the left and bottom row are me, I haven't really been active around here mostly because I've gotten an SFW fixation in recent months that isn't really compatible with what I do on /u/. The incest thread has a catbox album of my art though>>4366033small delivery while i'm here
nsfw doodle of my OTP in human form
>>4389450>>4389454Very nice. It's always a treat to see your art.
>>4389450Very cute Glorp!Very gleeby-deeby cute! Yuri!Thank you!!
Yuri Kiss Thread>>3793861
is deepthroating a tongue a real thing?
>>4371225Only for those with long tongues.
>News and announcements:YuYuYu celebrates its 10th anniversaryYuYuYu Stage Play new YuYuYui 4koma is being serialised online on the Dengeki Gs site.Fuyou Yuuna Becomes a Storyteller is complete and fully translated.Visual audio drama official copy: download: drama TL: (embed)The Rookie Heroes' Menu Vol 1 and 2 are translated and typeset.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Full video of the exhibition
>>4388344Fat wakabutt.
>>4388384unfair that hinata keeps that huge cake all for herself.
Thread to discuss yuri voice works especially Japanese dlsite releasesThis month release new work got announced today$utm_campaign=autopost_on_announce&utm_content=RJ01336375
>>4376038That’s not how these work, you are never the third person in these.
>>4377952There are some in 3-person PoV, where you just listen to the interaction.Like the Asumi-chan one.
>>4377745It’s really unfortunate to what happened to the circle with later releasesThis work is indeed so good, highly recommended
>>4377745Name?>>4378512What happened?
Hate pov yuri
Post ProjMoon yuri. Limbus, Lobocorp, and Ruina.
A thread about celebrating the miracle of life.
>>4386776Cute lesbians with cute bellies. They're all carrying girls also.
A thread to discuss any personal yuri creations you're currently working on or have ideas for, and to get feedback and advice from other anons. Tell us what you're making!This includes but is not limited to:>yuri stories (note that fanfiction has it's own dedicated thread)>yuri video games>yuri comics>yuri card games>yuri 3D modeling and/or printing>yuri graffiti>yuri food>using deep learning to construct two sentient female AI and setting them up on a blind dateNote that all the normal board rules still apply, e.g. no hetshit, etc.
I'm too much of a pussy to kill off any character. I can't handle leaving their partners broken.
>>4388217Same. I wanna make a world that is kinda bleak and war driven, but I don't wanna kill the girls. Makes seem a bit less serious if all I do is kill men that I don't care about
>>4388791The majority of people involved in wars (even the active combatants) don't die.
>>4388828I wanted something bad to happen to my protagonist, who's a gigantic lesbian. Like, a reckless action she did got a girl killed type of stuff. For example, she would let a criminal get away because she was being discriminated against by men. But that same woman later detonates a bomb that kills a close ally companion. Something that sticks with her and makes her question if she was doing the right thing.
>>4388989Sounds dumb desu.
This thread is for:*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles. Canon and non-canon both welcome.*News reports about things relevant to our interest*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.*Yuri ClubPrevious: >>4384137
>>4391038It is how they met if they were jks in japan.
>>4391043how will suleta beat up the bullies without gundam...
>>4391045I'm more interested to see if they will still be engaged at the end if the first chapter
>>4391045I thought she had super strength of some kind. Doesn't explain why she got hurt when she caught a stray from a normal, unaugmented girl, but still.
We're back bitches. Thread for Tamsyn Muir's The Locked Tomb series: Gideon the Ninth, Harrow the Ninth and Nona the Ninth. Post fanart and memes and discuss the books. Fingers crossed for Alecto sometime this year!Prior thread: >>4139322
>>4387033Why didn't Cytherea just kill everyone while they slept with her huge bone construct? Is she stupid or something?
Oh, to be stranded on a spacecraft with Ianthe.
>>4388929We need that Ianthe the Third prequel.
>>4357066On wich book do i start this series ?
>>4388961Gideon the Ninth is the first one.
Yuri scenarios with at least one girl who is straight (or was until a few minutes ago).Lit recs also welcome.
>>4302023Is that Bayonetta?
>>4249194God bless you
>>4341773There needs to be more yuri cucking the guy stuff like this.
Starting out with Sal Jiang since she loves this stuff.
>>4369955Good taste anon
Have you gone back to a yuri series that didn't sit well with you, but on secound viewing it suddenly clicked?Pic related
>>4371167this doesnt need its own thread
I watched Strawberry Panic when I was first getting into Yuri and thought it was terrible. After beginning one with Yuri and watching it again, I think it's one of my favorites. The difference is that I learned to see how much of a parody it is and not take it too seriously. Also, Shizuma is life.