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Atsushi Nishigori original anime project
Studio: CloverWorks
Airing 2025
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Out of curiosity, was there a particular scene that made you feel unwell?
>someone on /a/ deciphered the small text that appears in the trailer and it points towards the movie being made up of three separate stories.

>Seems more like it's three different stories
Sorry, hadn't noticed it was already reposted.
episode 1, the entire episode.
It wasn't reposted, it was posted here first, while /a/ was busy struggling to understand the trailer.

Previous Thread >>4165578
This thread is a combo thread for Stable Diffusion images and AI text generation with LLMs.
For western styles, realistic styles, and DALL-E, see >>>/aco/

Stable Diffusion:

> Where do I start?

> Local UIs
Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion WebUI: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI, node-based UI for advanced workflows: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

> Paid

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more kino:
It's a "retarded dall-e spammer kills another thread" episode
Cry about it.

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babu babu edition
Previous thread: >>4221277
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dammit anon, you made me think there was another update
How comfy was the rock you were sleeping under anon? But still, the "news" it's always welcome
Oh... yes, the rock was comfy....
All of the young girls love Alice
'Tender young Alice' they say
Come over and tease me
Come over and please me
Alice, its my turn today...

All kinds of lesbian machines. Koukaku no Pandora, Nier Automata, Megaman, Transformers, Medabots, whatever.

Signalis has its own thread.
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Wish the commander had invited her in.

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Sexy muscles!
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There must be something in the picture clearly showing that the subject is fantasizing about another girl, obviously.
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post 'em
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She was deleted for having shitty taste in anime.
ah, an Anon of culture.
If only that explanation were true...
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Go for the soft underbelly!
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Last thread >>3834654

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Less than 24 hours until the final episode. Will there be a yuri miracle?
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They're burning themselves down well enough, don't see why put in the extra effort.
So, why did Mayu give Kumikek her silver euphonium?
Is Mayu also gay for Kumiko?
Please leave
>Both of the big bait shows crashed and burned in the end, completely ignoring anything yuri related they so desperately baited during the episodes
There wasn't any show that baited. Seiyuu Radio is a slow burn and the yuri happens way later in the novels. This is just accurate, but the set up was great.
Jellyfish was never meant to be a yuri show, so it's not like it baited.

And as everyone with a fucking brain knew Hibike was bait until the end.
> the yuri
What exactly happens in which volume?

Tossing more salad than a vegetarian BBQ.
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>and the boys
Kill yourself
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>localizes 2 of the least horny games in the series
>1 of them still gets exiled from steam
it's not fair i wanna play my cute 2000s visual novels for gods sake why do things have to be like this
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So what's the story behind the studio shutting down?
no one knows, at best there's hints of disputes over who owns the main SH series between the two founders
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Try >>>/r/
what the fuck thanks sis

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Murciélago raws:
Korean version:
English version:

Arana raws:
English version:

Yoshimurakana’s Twitter:
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What even happened
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Vol. 1 The old guy introduces himself as Hyoue Satori, and he tells the group of criminals that his daughter, his son-in-law and his granddaughter were murdered.

Vol. 9 Right after the end of chapter 57, they show a case file about the murder of the Satori family. The victims were a couple and their daughter, whose body wasn't found at the scene. The daughter's name is Hakua Satori and she is described in the file as a blind girl with no arms.
Honestly I dont think that thread really does anything.
He' was basically an one off villain and her being his grandaughter that he thought had alreayd died doesnt change anything
Waiting for English volume update...

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Previous Thread: >>4116788
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When two girls really love each other they have a baby
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This tall ginger dork seems to have been conceived by the Kaguya mouse method>>4246056 based on the admittedly limited information. Ericht Samaya was the donor of at least the eggs. The stem cell line to produce the sperm could have come from either Ericht or Elnora.
Most interesting
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OC stuff
Is the blonde girl the wife? Why is she lifting her shirt in the family photo?
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Oh damn, I forgot I even put that there, it was just the only other full color image I had of all three of them at the time.
Yeah, blonde gal is the wife, she is just really short. The family photo was a yearly redraw I do of the first pic of the tall one I ever drew. She was raising her shirt and showing off her abs, so I just drew both of them pulling up their shirts in the redraw.

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