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Girls licking each other's pussies at the same time.
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Another doggone thread
Previous: >>4147294
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>I might just end up watching the whole season anyway.

Frankly, it's the best thing you can do, to get a better perspective of the series in general and watch the whole series, you can't trust everyone's opinions, Suit is treated like garbage for not being HC and the same idiots glorify Hetcharge at the same time (guess which one almost killed the franchise)
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Previous: >>3456716
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happy 20 years
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a television version of the film that is technically an adaptation of the original television broadcast?
>20 years
So both Nanoha and Kannazuki started airing in 2004, yuri history was made that year.

Previous thread >>4032518
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Dis is 4 u
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Sexy muscles!
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I've been going through bakaupdates to filter out yuri manga with muscular women.
Nothing amazing but maybe someone would know a better resource.

Filter: https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?category=Muscular+Female%2Fs&genre=Yuri&perpage=50
Hagure's the only one I can recommend. The rest I either can't find(That first one, Destro) or are raws of like two chapters(Akhilleus). I have found some of the korean stuff(Barrel, All Nice) on batoto but the sex is like one chapter(chapter 2 in both) and the stories are extremely messy(I wouldn't recommend barrel if you want smut).
>he rest I either can't find(That first one, Destro)
There's a torrent on Nyaa for volumes 1-4
Doesn't look like there was another sex scene in a while, maybe I should see if someone's still ripping Sunday GX

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Hi, 21F game programmer here. Im looking to make a 3D yuri themed game as I feel most yuri games are VNs. First post here so not sure what to expect but I appreciate any somewhat SFW game ideas / concepts!
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Those lesbian enemies can also engage in NTR, flirting, and sexual harassment, in addition to just attacking.
oh, was not aware of these games so went down a rabbit hole researching those games. Deffo a bit aged now but some cool concepts.
I'd rather have a classic Persona game where you can romance female demons during battle.
Aika Zero esque POV game with a love side story
a roguelike card battler where on a loss you can sacrifice the least-sympathetic/least-useful character to extend your run

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Na Nare Hana Nare and Mayonaka Punch are two original PA Works CGDCT anime that airing this season. All other PA Works anime are welcome here as long as it's yuri-related
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It's funny how even this much of a height gap isn't accurate.
womanlet issues
confirmed they are sister series
Why don't they simply turn Megumi into a vampire to cure her illness?

armpit licking /u/
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How ba-a-a-ad can I be?
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thread for more than two girls having fun together. The more the merrier!
Bonus Points if one of them is getting manhandled by all the other ones
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I don't think posting an image of girls licking up the semen from pussy that a dude emptied his load into counts, anon.
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Post any Baldur's Gate Yuri here.

Last thread
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Shar's all about pain, so I guess this suits her. A giant finger is bound to hurt a lot. SH has heals though.

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Gay perverted girls who get turned on from exposing themselves or getting sexually humiliated in public.
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This doujin is god tier.
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Discuss the lovely book and the amazing movie. It's the only Ghibli film that made me cry twice.

Previous threads:


Read the book (in epub)


And post pics and feelings and tell us if you are fine on the outside, sis...
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Damn, that cover's a vibe.
I re-read the marnie posts in that blog every so often, when I'm in a marnie mood. I have it bookmarked actually. And I hope I get to see more of it! And any new discoveries you might make :D
When will we get something similar to this bittersweet kino? The Summer You Were There got the bitter covered but not the sweet.
i just finished watching the movie and why did anna imagine marnie in the first place? i dont get it
Welcome to the club, we've been discussing what the fuck was up with Marnie's hallucination/ghost/tulpa/whatever for years.

Doylist answer: What Marnie is or represents isn't important, only the role she plays is.

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Anyone? Akane is bisexual anyway so this should be fine, right?
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there is something about old-style animation that is more appealing then modern CGI anime
It's still a dude. Nobody cares about your femboy femdom fantasies.
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Previous thread: >>4102961
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Watching your gf have sex with other girls.
231 replies and 112 images omitted. Click here to view.

That entire series is like this

But the mom turned lady killer is the best character arc in it by far
watching a mother x daughter couple fug your gf = perfection
What series is this?
Tae & Jimiko

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