Happy Birthday to my OTP!hopefully one day the translator of the himegami no miko manga finally tls the extras he said he was gonna do
>18 years since I watched KnM and YamibouUnreal
>>4062968(Agony starts playing)
>>4062912>subject in the name field
One day they will return
>>4063420Do they even need to return?They officially got married and had sex even.
name a more passionate love confession. Who would have thought even almost 2 decades later, that yuri even now has trouble getting the "I love you" message across
>>4062968The flute? Himeko TANKED that.
>>4064731It was a tanto sheath
>>4062912>name a more passionate love confession. Who would have thought even almost 2 decades later, that yuri even now has trouble getting the "I love you" message acrossthe yuri comunity is fucked up beyond any hope.I love yuri but god damn you guys are disgusting
>>4065345WE KNOWWhy does your aspergers flare up every single time someone makes this joke?
>>4064291Out of context, that seems like a yandere speech.
>>4065636Welcome to 4chan
Oh yeah, it's the godless month, time for a rewatch and reread
>>4072167What, did the anime actually take place in October?
>rape your wife and leave>she is unable to process what happened>calms herself down by cleaning up and tidying your mansion>you come back and pretend that you did not just rape her>she buys into it>say webm>she blusheswhat is going on inside himeko's head?
>>4072169No. The anime's run started on October 1, 2004 (October pertains to Kannazuki, hence the significance).
>>4072169>>4072286It did take place in October. Himeko and Chikane's birthdays are both October 1st.
>>4072593>Himeko and Chikane's birthdays are both October 1st.Forgot about that. Thanks.
>>4072593Sun dresses? In October? Those dykes are in better shape than I am that’s for sure
>Uploaded: 2005-05-28
>>4062912was the new manga any good
>>4084727I mean, it was 100% pandering Chimeko fan service. So yes, it was fucking amazing. It was everything I've wanted for like 20 years.
>>4084846did it actually end properly
>>4085334but is it scanlated
18 years
We need more content…
>>4101565Nah it's time has come and gone. That said, some references or yuri authors that got inspired by KnM would make me pleased
>>4109276Why did you post the mechs...And no, I will never get tired of their archtypes. Chikane x Himeko was just perfect as far as character dynamic goes. I cant get enough of the hyper competent princess who's actually hopelessly in love with a kind hearted girl of lesser pedigree I might have to rewatch the show again, it's actually been a few years since my last rewatch.
>>4072180the slow close up at the end is truly the cherry on top
>>4072180>two days left in the yearMaybe I can do a rewatc marathon....tonight
>>4137704>2022even this is 18 months old...
I still think about Chimeko every week. I'm never letting them go.
>>4146748Every week is a bit much but they really established that prototypical yuri couple for me personally back in 2005 The cool but vulnerable alpha x the kind hearted and naive beta who steps up when shit hits the fan
The maid...
So which version is the canon ending? Both the manga and anime depicts two separate endings. In the manga Himeko decides to stay with Chikane in the shrine. Both are seen again years later sitting underneath a tree In the anime, Chikane gets reborn and Himeko finds her again, possibly 1-3 years later. Does the cycle still continue? or end? Since both of them reappear in a different show (Kyoshirou to Towa no Sora), possibly same timeline or different timeline (New lives or same from show)? Currently, both are now married and living together happily. Can someone explain pls
>>4064133Source pls? >>4081089Is this official?
>>4150391Theyre two separate continuitiesThe anime was started at around the same time as the manga if I recall, so it's not a situation where one source adapts the other and then changes the ending for funzies
>>4150392The new manga that recently ended
>>4150391I go with manga since the plot makes me sense for the most part. Presumably the cycle continues forever, but they'll be able to possibly retain their memories from now on? I don't actually consider their appearances in Kyoshirou, Amnesian (blegh), or even Himegami "canon" to the original plot. It's the same characters but in the original, it was established that with every life they had to battle Orochi.
>>4160570I liked the theory that in the anime, the cycle was broken.
>Oct 2, 2004 to Dec 18, 2004 Almost 20 years chiefs...
Content doko
>>4176990This is what all yuri couples strive for.
>>4187125Even with the Mecha on the front, the pairing is still important, I would love for the official box to be like that.
>>4187125What is this, toy kit for Souma's mech?
>>4187345Yeahhttps://www.mechasmile.com/news/3880/They are also making Chikane's versionhttps://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/14769/MODEROID+Take+no+Yamikazuchi+Chikane+Color.html
>>4187351It's so goofy seeing this 20 years later...
What happened with the maid? She's the protoyaya
Next KnM spinoff when...
>>4062912https://youtu.be/okHjMPQlWmU?feature=sharedThis is the ‘character commentary’ found in the Geneon limited edition. It’s a 30 minute slideshow using scenes from the show and the characters talking about various stuff.The problem is that there’s only the English dub of it, so Chikane and Himeko sound like Rukia and Orihime from Bleach. Most of it is shit but the last 9 minutes has a nice Himeko and Chikane scene.This is only on the Geneon limited edition; when Sentai Filmworks got the license, they didn’t even bother putting on their DVD editions. I don’t even think KnM is on HiDive anymore. I uploaded whole episodes to YouTube and didn’t get a copyright flag.
>>4203268>DubI want to listen to it but...damn, it's gonna take some time to get used toThe funny thing is I became a lot more welcoming to dubs since watching the show back in the days but this still feels hella weird
>>4208430What makes it worse is that Sheh keeps inhaling to do Himeko's high voice and does it CONSTANTLY. I don't know if she got a different microphone from everyone else but it's so noticeable.
>>4215323When I first heard the dub, I thought Sheh did well to sound like Noriko Shitaya. Though it was almost a decade since I last saw the anime. My memory could be spotty.
>>4220828"Noriko Shitaya's Himeko", I mean.
>>4220830>>4220828>>4215323Are all the VAs, both JP and EN, even around these days. I feel like I havent done the whole "Im gonna watch this show tbecause a seiyuu" thing in forever
>>4221404Kawasumi and Shitaya voice Artoria and Sakura respectively in Fate, and Kawasumi also voices Kei in GuP, but apart from that they only seem to get secondary roles (Kawasumi voiced Terakomori's mum last year).
>>4221404When I first got into anime, it was a guilty pleasure of mine to go for an anime for who's in it (Lyrical Nanoha). To answer your question, it's mostly role reprisals (like what >>4221424 said) or secondary roles.
>>4221752SeriouslyI feel like following seiyuu used to be a bigger thing….like I legit picked up shows just because it had Kobayashi Yu’s husky dyke voice beforeOr maybe it still is and I just grew out of it
>>4221404Sheh and Ruff are still around
>>4203268Dub sounds okay in this.
is the anime worth watching? i was not aware of its existence until now
>>4236080>i was not aware of its existence until nowShame on you, go watch it right now.
>>4236080the yuri is magnifiquethe other elements, not as much
>>4236080Yes, it's the Titanic of yuri.
>>4236080Kannazuki no Miko is the first anime that helped elevate yuri animes to a celebrated status.
>>4236337 >>4236660>>4236681>>4236697well i just finished watching it was very interesting but it seemed that souma was a better fit for himeko than chikane?
>>4237089But that's the thing anon, Souma was the stereotypical ideal shounen hero, and he was in love with Himeko and did everything right by her; in any other anime, and especially in a mecha anime, he would've automatically got the girl as a prize in the end.But in actuality, going to great lengths for a girl doesn't mean she owes you pussy, at most she owes you gratitude.Himeko was in love with Chikane, so she chose her over the perfect boy, despite the latter being a girl and trying really hard to make herself hated; she demolished all het tropes in one fell swoop.
>>4237121This.I wish authors of yuri manga who depict men as abominable and the MC finding refuge in a nice girl took notes, yuri born out of disillusionment in men is weak, a girl can just be in love with a girl, and she won't pick even a literal prince charming over her, despite all of her peers and taught common sense pressuring her into it.
>>4237121>demolished all het tropesI love how the anime made it seem like it was going for the climactic final duel between Souma and his rival, with Chikane being just some side character who gets in the way of the hero wooing the princess, but then she suddenly takes off on her own, defeats all remaining villains and takes her place as final boss like it's no one's business.She basically went:>we're done with the shounen shit now Fucking legend.
>>4237127The funny thing is how the manga had Chikane on the side of evil (at least the family) from the beginning, but honestly the manga feels mediocre compared to the anime.
>>4237121despite all the animes flaws i was honestly touched by the ending but i dont get the stinger though was chikane reborn somewhere else just not in the village where it all started?
Kannazuki was way more bold and less cowardly than shows airing 20 years laterGotta respect it for sticking to it's guns instead of choosing the kind of safer ending that is more common even now
>>4237760Absolutely agreed, this cannot be overstated.While I will always praise GWitch for actually delivering against all odds, I can't help but feel that the yuri in Kannazuki was so much more impactful, because it was beautifully unrestrained.And that's comparing it to the only maintext yuri anime original we got in the last decade, imagine comparing it to the hordes of modern shows that even when employing yuri subtext with the subtlety of a sledgehammer, they'll still refrain from going all the way.Kannazuki no Miko was way, waaay ahead of its time, and it still is.
>>4237760But wasn't KnM a manga adaptation? It's not fair to compare adaptations with originals.
>>4237863As far as I understand, it was made in parallel with the manga, just like many anime originals like YoruKura get a contemporary manga/LN adaptation that more or less follows the same storyline, but with some differences.
>>4237864The manga was serialized from March 2004 to April 2005, while the anime aired from October to December 2004.So the anime wasn't exactly a straight adaptation, but the one credited as the original source is the yuri manga, so it's probably not fair to compare it to anime that wasn't marketed as yuri from the start.
>>4237760>>4237846yea fuck subtext and fuck investors, I'm here to watch yuri romance>>4237748Chikane was reincarnated as a new person. Technically speaking, the himeko at the end should be a different himeko than what the story showed prior, since for chikane to have reincarnated, it would have been from a new life; it wouldn't make sense for the same himeko to grow up and meet a fully formed, fully reincarnated chikane as her life force just recently sealed the orochi. Of course this could all be a metaphor for himeko to know that no matter what life throws at her, someone out there loves her and wants her to be happy and is waiting for that same love back - that she is needed in this world and there is value in her being alive (remember her awful childhood, chikane's sacrifice, etc.)
>>4237121>>4237127I dont think KnM necessarily set out to demolish any tropes. It was perfect because it was yuri and told its story straight up: a romance set against an overarching plot of defeating orochi. The romantic rival that seems "right" in every way actually not getting with the protagonist is also bit of a romance trope in itself, as many of those types of stories tend to have a theme of getting out of your comfort zone and/or taking a chance.
>>4238032>the himeko at the end should be a different himekoI was under the impression that it's always the same two people reincarnating in a neverending cycle, this is the first time I see a mention of a different person.I mean, it it wasn't the same Himeko, it wouldn't be Himeko, it would be someone else entirely?It's not like a Himeko body is preserved for new souls to live in it.
>>4238206>The romantic rival that seems "right" in every way actually not getting with the protagonist is also bit of a romance trope in itselfI'm aware of it, but the anime didn't simply retread this particular trope, they set up the story as a typical shounen anime about a brave boy saving the world; up until the final third, the hero is the one who did all the fighting, solved all the problems, rescued the princess multiple times, even dated her.It's a mecha anime and he was the only good guy driving a mecha.And among others, we all know "the hero gets the girl", that's one of the most historic het tropes of fiction, and they obviously played this expectation up to eleven.Himeko being such a passive MC only reinforced this idea.Chikane on the other hand was just this petty, jealous presence that got in the way of the hero because of her connection to the princess, her role was the same as a possessive father in a boy x girl romance, only in this case it was a possessive friend in love with the girl, the third wheel who's expected to give up by the end.The moment Chikane took things in her own hands however, all expectation that were so thoroughly built up were subverted in rapid succession, only then it became all about Himeko and Chikane, with the hero being the unimportant third wheel.If you look at any yuri manga with a love rival, the story is usually still about the main couple from the start, at most the love rival is almost as prominent as the love interest, but he/she rarely outshines her for most of the work.
just read this and wow what an ending https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4314922/1/My-Assassin-My-Lover
>>4237748I actually prefer the manga ending where Himeko chooses to stay in the shrine with Chikane and are reborn as twin sisters.
>>4238391You should read stuff by DezoPenguin instead. He's a fantastic writer.https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5748883/13/The-Omake-of-the-Godless-Month
>>4238322>I was under the impression that it's always the same two people reincarnating in a neverending cycleYea that's what I said. Himeko's and Chikane's soul will constantly reincarnate, however what I was saying is that once one of them sacrifices their soul to temporarily seal the orochi, the one who wasn't sacrificed will have to die for both of them to reincarnate again.
>>4203268Those assholes at Youtube nuked my channel.Here's the new link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG5esIlQ4Eo
>>4238930And Youtube nuked this account as well. FFS.
>>4239806Okay, let's try Rumble. https://rumble.com/embed/v515jeh/?pub=3qqu5v
I love them so muchcan't believe it took me until now to watch this, and himegami is so sweet
>male MC ended up as a female anagonist in the last loop.Refinement Culture, you see it quite a lot these days.
>>4242311Oomiwa Souma has a charm that Oogami didn't.
>>4237748I always interpreted it as Chikane was immediately reborn when time reset and reunited with an older Himeko as a teen.
>>4243390>Tanaka-kunMy slumber continues..>Tanako-chanI rise from my bed.
>>4062912>hopefully one day the translator of the himegami no miko manga finally tls the extras he said he was gonna doDid you get your wish, OP?
>>4242311>>4244586She barely did anything in the manga anyway, as amusing as it is to see Souma like this.Personally I never even disliked him, he was functionally just a side character in KnM.
>>4062912https://mangadex.org/chapter/c63b49b0-582f-4762-93e6-ea1c2f17365e/4Finally translated
>>4258467Side co/u/ple
>>4258484Aw shit, here we go again
>>4258471>>4258485This was lovely but what in the world does this mean. Have they announced anything yet?
>60~ days until 20 years
>>4062912Would this be a bad time to post my terrible fanfiction one shots?https://pastebin.com/RPtdsp8ihttps://pastebin.com/BubK3ZFc
>>4263709Post it on ao3
>>4263709Nice job anon, you need to preserve your writing on more permanent place though, my writing once gets deleted by pastebin
>>4062912I watched it for the first time yesterday (finally). I can't believe how beautiful this was. After years of flutening jokes that moment still hit incredibly hard and hurt so good.Is it worth it to watch/read the other 3(?) stories featuring their reincarnations, or did they drop the ball with those? Looks like Himegami at least is good.
>>4278746Himegami feels like it was deliberately sanitized to be more palatable to a modern yuri audience, for better or for worse. The characters feel completely different, and I'm not just talking about female Souma, Himeko is actually a conniving bitch and Chikane has the uselessbian angle strongly played up. It does end up equalizing the power dynamics after all, though one can hardly find fault with the ending.
you can't blame himeko for not being able to deny this
>>4282632I wish lesbian shrine maidens were real
>all these games/anime getting remakesIt's time...
>>4299639what'd you change
>>4062912Is this yuri?
>>4299692it has a male in it
>>4299639No.If they made it nowadays it would be restrained and politically corrected.
>>4299676Better robot fightsMake it clear whether the anime version used a flute, tanto sheath or something elseMore of the nun
>>4300546Also explain what the hell the plot is about and why it involves giant robots.
>>4300550I think the premise is simple.But why the gods gave humanity freaking robots to battle seal Oroci is the only weird part...although I'm not sure what would be a better alternative combat system that would have allowed Himeko as as Support that was powering up the main fighter
>>4062912I'm Early, but I figured what the hell. Happy 20th Anniversary!https://archiveofourown.org/works/59322721https://youtu.be/sHHFV9PyJDc
>>4062912another year!another happy birthday~Chikane and Himeko you will always be OTPoh yeah before I forge: Happy 20th Anniversary!time to listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQGi5MNEDcc
>>4300563the robots represents the souls of orochi and the sword god, but the yea they obviously have it represented that way because of rule of cool.>>4300546along with what you said, I want them to make it a bigger deal that you can be both a disciple to orochi and ame no murakamo. Technically Souma set the example in episode one, but having more foreshadowing with chikane would be nice. Maybe add in homophobia or explain through her parents or heritage why she has to keep a high standard of her image. Basically something more substantial that prevents her from just asking himeko out. I know that's extremely dramatized but I'd like more flavor than a friend being too scared to ruin the current relationship sort of thing.Also the rest of the orochi disciples could use work, as well as the side characters.
happy birthday!
>>4062912Happy birthday
>>4301396It's pretty clear from the nun that she considers her own homosexuality disgusting. Of course Himeko couldn't possibly be wrong for being a homosexual; that's a separate matter.
>>4301396>Basically something more substantial that prevents her from just asking himeko outIt seemed always very clear to le that Chikane considered her feelings for Himeko dirty and borderline criminal. Thats why the kiss was such a big deal to her, the fact it made her "force herself" on Himeko was proof to her of her feelings of lust being bad.She spends the entire story trying to push away Himeko to Souma, in the belief she is protecting Himeko from herself (ignorant of the fact Himeko only goes out with Souma in the first place to honor Chikane's perceived wishes).No yuri anime has done its angst so well. I love you Kannazuki no Miko. Happy Anniversary.
>>4301533>>4301561you both have a point. But all the more reason to expand on what chikane is thinking and show examples on how a worse case scenario looks like to her. Literally everyone thinks so highly of her, that her coming out would probably have negative repercussions at that time period, but chikane's faults are only addressed in a roundabout way in the end. Then again that is the point, as himeko only comes to realize that chikane is someone like her with doubts and weaknesses only in the end. Having a lesbian side couple or orochi who was gay and shunned for it beforehand would be too on the nose.
>>4301396I was joking about the list but I actually don’t think the anime needed more time spent on sexuality.Chikane is a high society lady and most anime veterans understand the cliche that come with it, and remember she even taunted Souma by saying her mansion was one that no men was allowed in besides her father Her struggle with her attraction to Himeko was also alresdy a very prominent part of the story, and the show gave plenty of highlights to the fact that she was allowed to be close with Himeko because she was a girl yet couldn’t cross the line that separated friend and lover for the same reason
>>4301600>and show examples on how a worse case scenario looks like to herI'd say we very much saw what that looked like to her, her assault on Himeko.While issues about homosexuality are probably not irrelevant in Chikane's mindset, the fact she is 'lusting' for her is what truly terrifies her and makes her think she is a danger to Himeko. I don't think societal reaction really figured into her thought process as much as a personal sense of taboo and propriety telling her she could never be with Himeko in a 'proper' way.I think the story does all that was necessary to lay out the nature of Chikane's struggle, personally.
>>4301637I think the lust aspect was actually pretty downplayed until the assault A more explicit example of Lust and being ashamed of that would be something like YamiBou, where Hazuki literally tried to listen in on Hatsumi pee
>>4301644>I think the lust aspect was actually pretty downplayed until the assaultI have to disagree with that, because it was more simmering in the background since the first kiss. But it only becomes 'obvious' in that moment I guess, for what its worth. Its more that we just dig deeper into Chikane's issues over time, as she unravels further and further. Your example simply doesn't fit Chikane's character, since she is holding herself tightly back.
>>4301649I just don’t think every display of attraction after EP1 is necessarily lust driven.
>>4301653Thats not at all what I said either?
Happy birthday! Hoping that we get some sort of new project somewhere somehow
>>4301842>been 19 years since I watched KnM>19 years before I watched KnM was the 80'sWhere did all the times go anons...
>>4278746himegami is worth readingkyoshiro to towa no sora doesnt have them as the MCs but their scenes are pretty nice, if you are gonna watch it dont forget to watch the specials as well, they got more chikane and himeko fanservice, btw setsuna is a lovely girlamnesia isnt recommended
>>4301901Did Amnesia even finish? I vaguely remember something about fakes and gods and other silly shit
>>4301632>>4301637Ah you are both right. Thank you for clarifying something I should've known. This made me think how it's so interesting comparing everyone else living with past trauma, Chikane was currently living it in the anime run. I just wanted to expand on it but it seems its pretty air tight already. I think even showing the details of the orochi's disciples backstories more closely would be a waste since the message of the show is that somewhere out there there is love for you, so it shouldn't matter how hard you have it. I was thinking then having an expanding scene on souma's brother being cast out of society. Him being the leader of the orochi because of the world absolutely shitting on him just for protecting his brother could be a nice parallel to chikane's love for himeko. I always liked souma and tsubasa's first reunion and how tsubasa was "pissed" at souma, giving up his life for him only for him to seemingly throw it away for someone else. The line of tsubasa saying "do you know what its like eating food off the floor" is so good, it'd be nice to see a scene about it.
>>4301920It ended in Japan.. but because the ending was so bad, the scanlation/translation group dropped the series
>>4301955You know I just tried to remember Souma and his brothers backstory and I got absolutely nothing. The only thing I remember about his brother was at the end he gave Souma’s robot wings to help him fly
I don't know anything about the orochi or mech battles or whatever because when I watched it I fast forwarded everything until Chikane was back on screen.
>>4301996>but because the ending was so badWhat happened?
>>4062912To celebrate the 20th birthday I sat down and watched the anime for the first time and man do I regret not watching it earlier. This is the best yuri ever, I don't understand why it isn't always at the top of every yuri list.The final episode with Himeko and Chikane pouring out their feelings for each other was just immaculate. "Aishiteru" has never hit as hard as when those two said it, because it felt like they actually meant it from the bottom of their hearts. I read above that there's a manga called Himegami no Miko which I will definitely read, but man I hope we get more yuri anime in the future which can do what Kannazuki no Miko did.
>>4302809its because normie yurifags don't like the rape
>>4302809It also has a banger OP and ED, which is really rare imo for yuri anime even to this day
>>4302850https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQyfiPUF0C8Chikane's theme is incredibly memorable too. Melancholic, somber, introspective, yearning, delicate, it's fucking beautiful. Himeko's theme is also good and obviously pairs well with hers, feels like I'm at a serene church garden overlooking a nice meadow with a lake and mountains in the distance. >>4302809It cannot be overstated that KnM pushed itself to be more than just yuri, it's just a really good romance story. Considering the time it released too really makes me respect it a lot. I personally haven't found any other yuri that matches it. Some do come close.
>>4302850Resublimity and Agony are so good that I actually didnt put them in my iPod/Phone so I can save them for special occassions so I dont get burned out>>4302887Exactly. In many ways it's actually a very normal anime story with a romance against the backdrop of an overarching plot of defeating an ancivient evil.
>>4302887if it wasnt yuri we wouldnt be talking about it now would we?
>>4302809Currently rewatching the anime. Got past episode 6 (rewatching it in English dub because I liked the dub when I first watched it).I'm also re-reading the manga (so that I can use the English dub voices while reading it). I really forgot how different the manga and anime were even though they came out at the same time (October 1, 2004). How was that possible?
>>4302887>KnM pushed itself to be more than just yuri,No, rather it pushed itself to be yuri. The rest of the plot only exists to tell Himeko and Chikane's romance story. Its not like its a fully fledged story that happens to have some yuri in it. If it wasn't yuri, it wouldn't have been as good or as memorable either. For one because similar star-crossed lovers are dime a dozen with het stories and the specifics of their romance could only be told with girls.
>>4303229>even though they came out at the same time (October 1, 2004). How was that possible?Because they came out at the same time, the manga wasn't finished yet when the anime was produced. The manga ending is better
>>4303233>Because they came out at the same time, the manga wasn't finished yet when the anime was produced.And I assume Kaishaku knew this might happen, hence why they provided notes to Studio TNK to make their own ending if in the event of delays?
>>4303235Anime going their original paths for unfinished manga was common, if not outright the standard back then. If anything the manga and anime are remarkably similar by 00s standards, to the point that they almost certainly did give them notes to avoid too much divergence.
>>4303233>manga ending betteroh I am laffing
>>4303239Twincest ending > losing out on years together to wait for Chikane to show up reborn
>>4303242that goes against the themes of the whole show and you know it
>>4303243It absolutely doesn't. In fact the manga is a more appropriate ending, because it doesn't fuck around with weird retro-active reincarnation and just has them refuse to die apart again and be reborn together as well. Lovers being reborn as twins is a real superstition btw.
>>4303231The way I see it, most yuri is pretty insular, that is to say it gives us what we want and what we expect. KnM challenges a lot of straightforward yuri tropes, and on top of that, teaches about love and life in general, not just the romantic relationship between Chikane and Himeko. The way Chikane tried to break down and demonize herself to both air out her feelings and identify who she really was to Himeko is an example of this. Sure she was a reincarnation of her past self who loved Himeko, but instead of caring for her own wellbeing, objectively sought out to give Himeko the maximum amount of happiness as a real test of love. Of course, this test proved nothing because as Himeko realized, if she did the same thing, Chikane would be heartbroken like how she was. Loving yourself is the best form of love you can give someone. Most yuri is self gratifying and focuses too much on the relationships themselves, which is why I heavily disagree with >>4303244. Because the twin ending implies its okay for Himeko and Chikane to do ritual suicide together every reincarnation instead of appreciating the life that made them or how it really affects how the other, who has to keep on living.
>>4303266It sounds to me like you are trying to judge it based on whats common today, rather than what was the case 20 years ago. Because >The way Chikane tried to break down and demonize herself to both air out her feelings and identify who she really was to HimekoWas THE standard yuri plot point around which a lot of yuri in that era, before and after, revolved around. The self-hating lesbian struggling with her impure feelings.>Most yuri is self gratifying and focuses too much on the relationships themselvesI have no idea how you mean this, when KNM focuses entirely on Himeko and Chikane's relationship.It seems to me that you missed the point of the story, because even the anime version has them overcome their tragic 'destiny' of being torn apart, by having them re-unite in Himeko's lifetime. Rather what should have happened by that logic, Himeko dying decades later happy to know she will be re-united with Chikane in another life.Instead she didn't move on and decided to wait her entire life for the person she doesn't remember to come back to her. Which is highly romantic and I loved, but utterly debunks the idea the story is about Himeko learning to cope with losing Chikane.The twin ending is just a more internally consistent and logical version of the anime ending. They overcame their destiny through their love and Himeko realises, there is no need for either of them to die or live alone when they could be together. Which is both a happier ending, but also makes alot more sense with how things worked and the real nature of their tragedy (one of them always having to be sacrificed).
>>4302887>It cannot be overstated that KnM pushed itself to be more than just yuri,Kannazuki no Miko was one of the earliest manga/anime that had the balls to actually commit to being yuri. And showing their lesbianism as a serious romantic choice for life.
>>4303277>The self-hating lesbian struggling with her impure feelings.Sounds like boring personal drama more than yuri to me. What, like girlfriends, sasameki koto? Its been too long, I read other yuri doujins/oneshots at the time that were not like that.>KNM focuses entirely on Himeko and Chikane's relationship.Not true. Every character is shown to have trauma and how they deal with it throughout the story. Soma with his brother, the orochi, Himeko's friend, Himeko with bad parents and her bullies. The high standards Chikane and her onlookers held herself to.>the anime version has them overcome their tragic 'destiny' of being torn apart, by having them re-unite in Himeko's lifetimeAlthough I did say having one of them sacrificed while the other has to live on felt right, I never said anything about Himeko having to suffer for it until she dies. She should be rewarded to see Chikane again for choosing to live. That might be having your cake and eat it too situation but KnM isn't a cynical story. For Chikane being alive and breaking the destiny, I always interpreted it more as a change in perspective. Instead of waiting a lifetime, maybe after a few years after the last life they materialize a new body since their souls are tied to a god, but they still forget and have to fight the orochi sooner. It could be a gift from ame-no-murakumo for Chikane not blaming her having to do this whole cycle business, and maybe to prevent one of her avatar-disciples from going rogue again. The bottom line is, the cycle of having to defeat the orochi and restarting their relationship will continue and is immutable, but as long as they get to meet each other, they'll keep falling in love over and over again. Those small chances to see each other again will always be worth it. This is still basically what the twin endings is but they don't grow up or see each other as often, which makes this the objectively less happier ending, but I feel this is more thematic.
>>4303290>Sounds like boring personal drama more than yuri to me.Ah, so you're retarded I see.
>>4303243>against the themes of the whole showThe themes of the show is love being stronger tham hate/evil. Souma's love for Himeko allows him to overcome Orochi and Himeko's love for Chikane (and vice versa) ultimately allows them to do the same. Locking themselves up in the shrine together is just the logical conclusion of their love winning.Its a very straightforward, somewhat sappy, love story. Both endings are good, but I agree with the other anon that the manga one is more well thought out. The authors definitely used the time to come up with a better conclusion.
>>4303242>>4303344Absolutely not The gods (from their perspective) punishing Himeko defeats the purpose of everything Chikane sacrificed for
>>4303455>The gods (from their perspective) punishing HimekoHimeko making sure Chikane doesn't have to suffer alone and wanting to stay by her side at all cost, is the perfect realisation of the character development Himeko made from out of under Chikane and Souma's shadow. She became pro-active and choose to not just do what others tell her to, but what she wants. And with that achieved the best possible ending for them.
>>4303502>>4303502Love being stronger than hate is one thing, but selfish love? That's not what the anime taught Himeko. Look at what Chikane did, on her own, and where did that end up? Himeko grew stronger and became independent, being able to make her own decisions out of all this. If given the chance of course she'd be with Chikane no matter what, but above all else, she would never sacrifice her life or Chikane's to make that happen because it is self destructive.Breaking the destiny doesn't even really matter because it is that same destiny that represents their will too see each other again. The anime has Himeko see Chikane again in the same lifetime because she has learned to find love in her everyday life. Chikane's will to exist also let her see Himeko again and that would not have happened if she truly gave up since she became a legitimate orochi disciple. Imagine the manga going into another arc about how both Himeko and Chikane being corrupted into orochi, the answer would inevitably turn to the anime ending because no matter what, just meeting each other is a blessing.In either scenario they're going to meet again anyways, I just find the anime ending more tasteful.
>>4303819>but selfish love? That's not what the anime taught Himeko.Yeah it kinda did actually. Chikane hurt herself and ultimately Himeko immensly by not being selfish enough with her love. Because in a way its self-denial. Himeko definitely came out of this knowing that love has to be asserted and can't be held back.> she would never sacrifice her life or Chikane's to make that happen because it is self destructive.Nah. Of course she would. She wouldn't die and leave Chikane behind again, but dying together so her beloved has comfort in her last moments and won't have to suffer alone? Absolutely. Thats love. Not "selfish" or self-destructive. Thats just pure love.The only difference between anime and manga is that Himeko in the anime resigns herself to Chikane 'having' to sacrifice herself and in the manga she has won the confidence and strength to be by her side. There is literally not a single negative thing about the manga ending. While the anime ending isn't horrible, its both not particularly well constructed and has some headscratching involved how Chikane re-incarnated into the past, but also just doesn't really offer any advantage over the manga version aside from giving closure to Souma's feelings. Which frankly aren't as important as Himeko being able to give comfort to her beloved.
Having finished both the manga and anime last week (I do plan on rewatching the English dub versions of episodes 8-12), I can say for certain that the reason why the anime turned up different was most likely Studio TNK wanted to have the story have more mecha stuff and do things Kaishaku weren't doing (giving the Orochi Necks not named Souma, Tsubasa, and Chikane backstories) .Now, on the differing endings, I imagine that while Studio TNK may have devised the anime version's ending to allow Kaishaku to come with something different for their manga's ending, both do have the implication that Ame no Murakumo needing a sacrifice was a test over the relationship between the Mikos and that the reason the original Himeko and Chikane suffered after the first war with Orochi pre-21st century was presumably neither were open about their feelings for each other, which their reincarnations in the 21st century finally did so, which convinced AnM to reward them by allowing them to reunite, depending on which version of the story you're going with.Also, I learned of one difference between anime and manga: the latter has this narration that the former didn't adapt (quoting the fan translation and because the pages with this narration have Souma, Tsubasa, Girochi, and Kazuki):"The restored world knows nothing. People don't know the story about the gods and girls. Anything left is myth and folklore - and some nothingness. But as long as there is darkness in people's mind, someone will realize by looking up."Does that mean (in the manga at least) Orochi has a chance to revive again and seek out its new eight necks, dooming the reincarnated Himeko and Chikane into fighting it and one having to sacrifice the other again?
Damn, I almost forgot. Happy belated birthday Himeko and Chikane! And happy 20th anniversary! It always feels good to see new art every year of the best OTP couple in history.https://x.com/Kai_Seven_/status/1841092379438371067
To further scratch my Kannazuki no Miko itch, I decided to watch Kyoushirou To Towa No Sora to see Himeko and Chikane's reincarnations. As others have said prior it is a pretty terrible anime, like it cannot be understated how bad the story and the main leads are, but whenever the focus switched to Kaon and Himiko they elevated the show massively. The special episodes with them were especially good. I'm not going to lie, I nearly teared up when the shell necklaces showed up. They've even advanced from KnM and their necklaces form a heart now. They are truly the Eternal Love couple.
>>4308912>Kyoushirou To Towa No Sora to see Himeko and Chikane's reincarnations.Are Kaishaku's post-Kannazuki works really set after Kannazuki? I mean, the respective character designs of Himko, Chikane, and Souma were first used in The Cross Triangle (haven't touched it because I doubt the fan translation was finished up to the final chapter). I mean, other mangaka tend to reuse character designs throughout their multiple works and it's not like they generally make their works in all one, encompassing universe?
>>4309067>>4309067In regards to The Cross Triangle, it’s a proto series with the story and characters later being reworked into KnM. In regards to the post-KnM works and whether it's an encompassing universe or not, that is a bit tricker to answer. Some of the settings certainly change, but in the case of Chikane and Himeko they seem to be the same people rather than just reusing designs. In Towa No Sora the story even makes a point of having them go by the names of Kaon and Himiko for most of it, making people think that it's a case of reused designs, only to reveal in the last episode that those are not their real names and heavily implying that they are Himeko and Chikane, which was then confirmed with the shell necklace episode. So ultimately, it seems that it's a case of Kaishaku taking advantage of their ability to reincarnate to place them in various different settings.
>>4309833The personalities between Kannazuki and Himegami are so different that I really can't consider them the same.
>>4306530The very easy implication is that ame no murakumo and orochi will constantly reincarnate just like himeko and chikane. It is simply their fate.
>>4309995Yes but I think you can buy the idea that having a piece of Orochi help destroy Orochi may have broken the cycle this time
Wait did someone...>>4306987>official artNeat
20 years about to end like this...
Since we discussed Super Robot Wars in threads for Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury, how would Kannazuki no Miko work in an SRW game?And when KnM does get in, what series would work best with KnM (SRW tradition dictates two shows that have similar themes tend to be paired together in terms of plot and how the protagonists from Series A interact with protagonists from Series B).
>>4327437Aren’t they literally in the SRW games already
>>4336759Nope. In Kannazuki no Miko's case, it should have been in an SRW 10 years ago at the least.
Recently I learned the Japanese euphemism for tribbing is "clam matching" which makes the whole seashell allegory much funnier in hindsight.
>>4342822if only we had a remake where both parties know that lesbians exists
Post your favorite Kannazuki no Miko ED pose.
>>4336793I'm like 300% sure their robot was in a 2D-game of some kind>>4343789That's a tough one, I'm gonna go with Horizon here because there was no ambiguity to their relationship. Runner up is Mio x Ritsu since that was my obsession for a time...for a long time
>>4236681>it's the Titanic of yuriA ship that sank on her maiden voyage?
>>4343789Other than the OG one, of course, i love that Chikane barely had to be changed, because Saki is such an obvious ripoff of her (which is still super cool in my book, because it's the closest i'll ever get to playing Chikane in a fighting game).It's funny that this is a yuri meme that caught on with both het and yaoi couples too, honorable mention to the ExDeath x Bartz one, that gave me a good laugh.
You know, I just realized something about the manga version of the rape: would Otoha have been complicit in Chikane raping Himeko there?Why do I think that? Bottom left is the last we see of Otoha in Chapter 6 before we have Chikane forcing herself on Himeko. Not forget to mention that after the rape, we have Himeko taken back to the Himemiya mansion in her pajamas per the next chapter. Sure Otoha would have obeyed Chikane's orders without question but I doubt she would not have heard Himeko screaming while Chikane used that sheathed tanto as an improvised dildo.
>>4344286Forgot pic. Like I said, refer to Otoha in bottom left.
does this anime have a good yuri end or tragic yuri end or het end?
>>4344317starts as bittersweet but ends well
>>4344317you do know this is the greatest yuri to have been released ever right
>>4344369Is that the official opinion of /u/?I'll watch it if it is
>>4344371Not the official opinion, but Chikane is a pretty cool rapist and the ending is pretty neato.A significant portion of the anime is the male MC doing mecha fights. It's just kind of crazy because this anime went "actually fuck that, the lesbian is going to win" way back when where we still don't really get that kind of thing today.
Anyone have the "you've got mail" clip of Chikane delivering the letter?
>>4344379>>4344378it is the official opinion and whoever says otherwise is a newfag xoomer>>4344371KnM did a checklist of things investors do not want to see nowadays, and even back then. It's a true blue trailblazer that only a few yuri have matched.Now I am hyping it up but it does have its flaws but they are insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
>>4344371YesKnM did everything right as far as yuri is concerned: actual plot, both long hair, beautiful angst, and the perfect character dynamic (cool character that's secretly insecure x shy character that eventually steps up)
>Nanoha is coming backSurely KNM too...
>>4344369Good lord how did you even save the 850x489 version
>Oh yeah, "Kyōshirō to Towa no Sora" was a thing
>>4238476Still waiting for that missing chapter of Shiznat Holmes, Mr. Penguin
>>4376281I do wonder if the great fanfic authors of the past are with us today.....Like I wonder what the Inter Nos writer is up to