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I love these knuckleheads so much
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Will kiss the girls in it in this one?
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I'm just supremely out of it but is this the yuri? Can we find it here?
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Just watch and enjoy I think you'll like it

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How is your SuleMio shrine coming along?

Previous thread: >>4309429

Extra materials:

>Cradle Planet

>Vanadis Heart Manga

>Special Drama CD - Episode.01: What Miorine Wants
>Drama CDs part 1-2

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Thank you very much TL-nee!
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I don't know why but I suddenly remembered Suletta's lesbian aunts.
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All kinds of lesbian machines. Koukaku no Pandora, Nier Automata, Megaman, Transformers, Medabots, whatever.

Signalis has its own thread.
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Was honestly wondering when I was going to see Murder Drones in this thread

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Anyone familiar with this series? It's done by yaoi artist 7menzippo, who got her pretty sizable fangirl following in Japan to enjoy some very intense yuri (and indeed they are the primary audience for it on Pixiv & DLsite, some even getting confused as to why it was placed in the "maniax" section of DLSite and not the "for women" one). The sex might not be everyone's cup of tea as a result of that context, but I think the fujoshi vibe gives it an interesting flavor.

>Why dedicate an entire thread to this?
Because believe it or not, outside of the manga itself, there's a *lot* of art to imagedump; far too much to spam a different thread with.
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so...are we getting a translation or what?

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Hat World is an incredible freeware yuri themed doujin RPG where you choose one of six main characters and play through their unique campaigns. It has an exceptionally good turn-based battle system, some very challenging boss fights, sidescrolling platformer exploration, and great storytelling, visuals, and music all throughout.

Hat World got a high quality fan translation last year and you can download it here:

Rumors are this game is coming to Steam soon
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No, most routes require you to access the special area to recruit her, and in some routes you can't recruit her until certain story events. Everything carries over though, so once you beat a route you'll be able to recruit Prim as soon as you're able on subsequent routes.
I think I missed something during the plot of the final boss.
Is Maris Reis actually real or was she an ideal manifested through the super computer? Because if it's the former then it's retarded to introduce it as the final villain that late into the story and with barely any buildup prior.
Like I get it, it's a JRPG, you fight god at the end, but this feels so shoehorned in.
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There was some foreshadowing for it before that route (picrel) and technically in the game's title. It inevitably feels like a shoehorned trope since nobody in the party would know or is involved, so unless you're considering Yuno's potential motives to run hundreds of simulations that contribute to getting the girls out of Hat World while not sticking around, and also not being loyal to Rosenstock, it's completely out of left field.
For your actual question, I'm not really sure. I'd assumed she was merely in the coffin since there wouldn't be a reason for the opened coffin -> possessed descendant sequence if she could be directly encoded, and I assumed PEACH was no longer in use by the church after Yuno was saved, but the fact that Maris Reis! spends her first couple turns on calculations makes her seem more computer than deity.
I remember that note, and it was interesting to make what seemed like the underdog come out as the final villain.
But I refuse to acknowledge that the real world had a doomsday cult with an actual world ending literal God of creation inside a box,that they could unleash at any time, and no one aside a tech company cared enough to keep them in check.
I'd rather believe that Maris was created through the encoding thanks to them finalizing the super computer, and the whole possession thing happened because that's just what the computer assumed her behavior to be.
Still gotta play this one day. Bumping for the culture.

Girls can... fall in love, with other girls?
Isn't that gay?
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Idiot, Sanya and Eila invented yuri in 2008
Lain programmed it into reality when she ascended.
I thought Maria-sama invented yuri.
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My boss said it's all good.
It's pretty gay

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What's your favorite GL manga? Tell me about it!
>Shōjo Sect is about a popular high school girl who beds many women. But none of them can fill the hole left by the fleeting memory she has of a girl she met when she was a child. Will her memories become clear enough to discover the girl's identity? What effects will her loving manipulation have on her fellow classmates? Will Matsuri ever get Kirin's love? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z
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Someone is really intent on rescuing all dying threads on this board, I respect the commitment.
It's just the thread spammer bumpspamming the board so he can make more early threads. Were you not here on 2019?

1. I Went to a Lesbian Brothel and My Teacher Was There - the main characters choosing to be a couple seeing that there's more to each other than what they're usually familiar with.

2. It's a Detached Relationship - shows that it's not a wise idea to even go for a proper romantic relationship immediately.
as infuriating as it can be sometimes, probably yamada to kase-san
Girlfriends by Milk Morinaga
Whispered Words

I read both of these guys from start to finish at least once every other year and i want you to do the same

Welcome to the /u incest thread!
We're here for art, stories, discussions, anything you want to bring to the thread!

Previous thread:
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What kind of scenarios do you think about?

Reverse:1999, a mobile turn-based RPG with a female MC and numerous yuri pairings to enjoy. The age of the characters may vary and the older ones tend to be just as (if not more) gay.
Although the game's primary language is english/chinese, it also has full korean and japanese versions, with the latter featuring many known and skilled seiyuus.
>Version 1.9 Trailer
>Download (PC & Mobile):
>Community Resources:
>Kornblume (THE database)

>full res op image
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Flood of Kakania x Isolde art is imminent
I'm finishing up the event tonight. I just got to the part with Eternity. I really like J. He seems like a cool guy. I'm not a big fan of Mercuria though. Her voice and Eternity's voice aren't that good to me so I can barely stand to hear them talk.
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Isolde and Kakania will have their happily ever after.

>seems like a cool guy
Nobody cares.
I thought his siblings bond with Matilda was good so I agree that he's cool. The story wasn't the best though. I felt like the ending had a lot of asspulls.
EN? They both sound great in JP

When two girls really love each other they have a baby
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Seems like another alternative to IVF/IPS right?
That article I copied, because inside it, if you click on the blue colored citations in the text, they are hyperlinks that take you to other science direct articles on the topic. It had quite a few of them due to the nature of the base article.
Its a great treasure trove of links. And the base article is itself interesting (.pdf box at the top) someone actually did some basic market research in the form of questionnaires to focus groups, to see if the 'product' in question is as marketable to the public as the researchers and sci-fi fans THINK it should be. Will enough gay people be interested in having kids in this method to even go through the trouble and cost of fighting the legal battles against traditional religious groups to get this legalized.
Do they eventually have babies? I would like to watch her seethe as her daughter cucks her.
Is there any potential for this actually happening?

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What a pair. I can picture it.
Misato - Oh Maya got a girlfiend.
Ritsuko - Ehh?
Misato - Oh! Here they come now!
Ritsuko - EEHHHHHH?

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Discussions for Mahoik/u/. Previous thread >>2853792

>Official Yen Press Light Novel Releases

>Fantranslations Tumblr

>Official Twitter

Episodes Δ is set to release on December 14th, 2021 by Yen Press.
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Pfle - Nanjō Yoshino
Shadow Gale - Reina Kondō (yes THE reina)
AFAIK they haven't revealed any other character voices yet.
They're keeping Hiroyuki Hashimoto as the director, however, I have a little copium he'll have learned from his mistakes and taken the criticism to heart. That and the CEO of Carmina Slots, Keiichi Sato, is pretty much funding the entire thing (he also funded the stage plays and bought OddInformation, the company that produced the plays), and given he's a huge mahoiku fan, there's a good chance he'll keep an eye on the production. I saw him liking some tweets before Twitter hid likes of some Japanese fans' wishes for improvements against the original anime, specifically remember one fujkta tweet he liked where they mentioned the flashbacks killing the impact of character deaths. Who knows, but if I were a millionaire, I'd want my favorite series to have a nice adaptation.
Otherwise they've been recasting seiyuu to revise their roles from the anime for the stageplays. Seems like it'll be loyal to the cast so long as said cast wishes to keep working. The character designer and studio haven't been confirmed, but it looks like they have a different artist who's staying closer to maruino's old artstyle. On the mahoiku news Twitter blog, they recently mentioned they're in a period of production they can't talk about, so there's a good chance Restart is being animated at this very second!
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Did you get your copy? Thoughts?
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I finally finished red. What a ride. Pythie is such a great villain. I really loved her fight with ripple. Speaking of which, I like the Ripple x Lulu ship better than Ripple x Snow despite the ending.
Finished reading Red yesterday. It does have it's moments but it wasn't the same since Pfle died. I had hopes the color trilogy would introduce another ship to care about, oh well... Adelheid x Lightning were great while it lasted, would love to see more of it but no, half-dead. Mephis x Tetty? Not as good, but shared backstory would be a great start... No, Mephis even lost Kana who she had best chemistry with. I guess Bluebell x Deluge is still alive, if only I cared about them. It felt like it could be the end of series with Frederica dead and three Sages dismantled. But Endou opted for plot hooks for later books.

P.S. this new captcha is utter garbage

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LIly LYric cyCLE


thread died
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>A pale imitation of an ancient being
Which ancient being would that be?
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My fave pair.
Preview looks like a moustache.
So, I'm trying something for fun. I'll be gradually filling up the folder as I go, until I run out of space there.
I know translations of 1-2-3-summer-winter already exist, but this is a therapy of sorts for me, so I'm starting from the first one anyway.
Normally I wouldn't post it having only done the first file of the first CD, but this is the first time I'm muxing an .mka with subs and cover art so that it plays as if it were a subbed video (in mpv at least) and I want to know what I did wrong before I mux more.

Can we have a /usp/ thread?
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I hope this golf anime goes well
Sorairo Utility airs on January 2025
>male football players: beat you up when you look at them wrong
>female football players: go on a date in the locker room
Why are they different.
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New Sorairo Utility preview

Following the example of >>3665398 a thread for erotic lesbian fighting or wrestling.
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Love me some good old Tifa defeat.

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