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When two girls really love each other they have a baby
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Relevant outside reading:
2018 Chinese fatherless mouse study: https://www.sciencealert.com/genomic-imprinting-silenced-in-haploid-stem-cells-produces-fatherless-mice
Japanese in-vitro gametogenesis studies:
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This tall ginger dork seems to have been conceived by the Kaguya mouse method>>4246056 based on the admittedly limited information. Ericht Samaya was the donor of at least the eggs. The stem cell line to produce the sperm could have come from either Ericht or Elnora.
Most interesting
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OC stuff
Is the blonde girl the wife? Why is she lifting her shirt in the family photo?
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Oh damn, I forgot I even put that there, it was just the only other full color image I had of all three of them at the time.
Yeah, blonde gal is the wife, she is just really short. The family photo was a yearly redraw I do of the first pic of the tall one I ever drew. She was raising her shirt and showing off her abs, so I just drew both of them pulling up their shirts in the redraw.

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