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Don't matter if it's a waltz or tango, offical or fan art, if it involves two girls hand holding, arms on the back or waist and them dancing the night away, post it!!
Post Yosakoi
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Night of Azure has a good scene for this.
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Have a gato.
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Where is the Simoun dance?
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Where are they from?
If my memory from 2009 serves me right, those are Hetalia characters. Only the left and rightmost are female (Belarus and Ukraine), the rest genderswapped(?).
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Dancing is hard
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the seiyuu called it 禁断の恋 in the Thank You book distributed to moviegoers...
only if you are a girl
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Source, please
Ah and Mm Are All She Says (chapter 12)
Thank you
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Everyone has probably already seen this video, but still leaving it here so it's easier to find https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9qTBUZtgQk
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I do not trust this fake ass Homura.
I would not be surprised if it's an Incubator in disguise.
This will keep us fed for a while.
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